Battle yì military service service, military service: from the reserve. Active duty. War: battle. Matter of labor services: labor. Lord. Handle: servitude. Slavery. People who are slaving: Yifu. Battle Acts. Servants. Fatigues. Stroke: 7; radicals: left foot; stroke ID: 3323554
Labor yì 【Activity】 (Classical for Yi. Knowing. Oracle shape, Elephant Man holding Shu (shū) hit people. Original meaning: military service, guarding border) 〗 〖Serveinthearmy with the original meaning Hall, frontiers also. Shu enforcement patrolling too. - "Said the text" If the labor from the wild. - "Zhou then people" Existing home than the governors hearings. - "Small kill Zhou" Battle lines matter. - "Master Zhou Tian" Gentleman in Battle, Ruzhi He do not think. - "Poetry Wang Feng." Xuan Jian: "line served more distress, I sincerely think of them." Abandoning political and labor, non-his term of office also. - "Mandarin" Another example: Yifu (service people); served the public (service people); Yizu (service people) Servitude, drive〗 〖useasaservant I made the heaven and served, I left the body in a large cast difficult. - "A new book Patent" Another example: Existing vehicles (vehicles used for labor); Battle Acts (service attendant who); labor is (to have the servitude of belonging); labor support (servitude; servitude rest); Service Act (the Act by servitude); served matter (servitude external things for my own use); Battle Orders (servitude, get rid of) Labor yì 【Name】 〗 〖Labor labor Soldiers stopped working a long time, people trapped in the reserve. - "Three Kingdoms" Another example: Hall D (labor of persons); Battle for the (attendant labor); Office (on the Working of the premises); Battle Yong (in lieu of labor service taxes) Labor of people〗 〖laborer Jishi to take the people into its Hall Yap had no symptoms. - "Zuo Zhuan." Kong Yingda sparse: that the total official labor service labor, commander of D is also present 〗 〖Servant servant Rubei young, poor family without reserve, wood water workers, when exempted? - "Appreciative" Although a few households left the poor people had to run Guanci, that free labor so employed. - "Beijing popular novel" Pupil, disciple follower〗 〖 Dong careless believers in Confucianism, wrapped around the Battle of Mohist son meet sermon. - "On balance" 〗 〖Affair thing The campaign is also to the child if given the Junming, it has. - "Zuo Zhuan." Du Yu Note: Hall, happened to 〗 〖Accident events Battle of the door hung, micro-Xiang Bo a few perilous. - Song Chenliang "the discretion of the ancient theory of a" His soldiers, military soldier who 〖〗 Guaren Shuai Wu does not shy Battle, Wen on compliance. - "Mandarin." Wei Zhao Note: "labor, soldiers also." Duties, ministry duty〗 〖 Have served all my life is what the camp. - Song Lu, "Xiao Fu" Fighting; war 〖fight; battle; war〗 Battle of cutting Qinmu Gong Zheng, examination of the "Zuo Zhuan", the full length of remonstrance, crying and those who send their son, Jian Shu it alone. - Jin Wang Ruoxu "Historical Records out confusing II" Another example: the Battle of Taierzhuang 〗 〖Runnerorbailiffinafeudalyamen runner Jae Wyatt, free into the reserve. - "Strange Cricket" Military age yìlíng 〗 〖Enlistmentage the age of military service Servitude yìshǐ 〖Work (ananimal)〗: Use〗 〖livestock Servitude animals 〗 〖Useasaservant: forcing human〗 〖; beck and call; driven Bondage slaves Draft animals yìxù 〖Draughtanimal; beastofburden〗 devoted to the land or the transportation of livestock, domestic animal, such as cattle, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, etc.
Hall (classical for Yi. Knowing. Oracle shape, Elephant Man holding Shu hit people. The original meaning of military service, guarding border) with the original meaning of labor, and frontiers are. Shu enforcement patrolling too. - "Said the text" If the labor from the wild. - "Zhou then people" than the living testimony served to the governor. - "Zhou small slaughter" line for the military service thing. - "Teacher Zhou Tian" gentlemen in the reserve, Ruzhi He do not think. - "Poetry Wang Feng." Xuan Jian-line labor and more distress, I sincerely think of them. "Abandoning political and labor, non-his term of office also. -" Mandarin "and if Yifu (service people); served the public (service people); Yizu (service people) servitude, drive to the Maker of heaven and reserve, leaving I found it difficult to cast large body. - "a new book Patent" Another example is the Battle Car (for labor with the car); Battle Acts (service attendant who); served yì ⒈ war war ~. ⒉ soldiers engaged in military affairs, ~. Preparatory ~. now ~ soldiers. ⒊ beck and call, driven ~ so. slaves ~. ⒋ labor, need the strength to do labor ~. ⒌ old man said to be bondage slave ~. difference ~. Ya ~. Battle yī 1. objector ; guarding the frontier. 2. objector soldiers. 3. thing. 4. battle. 5. by means of mass political movements. 6. servitude; sent. 7. servitude; on the Working of the thing. 8. servitude person. 9., employment status, position 10.. act; worked. 11. servant. 12. disciples, disciples. 13. to be involuntarily attracted 14.. Extension refers to the Qianchan, the restrictions there. 15. business health, and maintenance. See "Battle heart." 16. implementation. 17. ranks. also refers to line up the ranks. "poem. Daya. pepole" "EBARA Shu pennant pennant, Battle Sui Sui Wo. "Zheng Xuan Jian" Hall, the column also. "Brief Account Shu" Wo is so that the ranks of species, the seedlings are Suisui ran better. "Said one pass," Ying ", Wo stems.
役 yi
部首 彳 部首笔画 03 总笔画 07
役 battle; labour; servant; service; use as a servant;
役 yì
同本义 [serve in the army]
役使,驱使 [use as a servant]
役 yì
劳役 [labor]
服劳役的人 [laborer]
仆人 [servant]
门生,弟子 [follower]
事情 [affair]
事件 [accident]
士卒,服兵役的人 [soldier]
职责,职分 [duty]
战斗;战争 [fight;battle;war]
又如台儿庄之役 (12)
差役 [runner or bailiff in a feudal yamen]
[enlistment age] 服兵役的年龄
[work (an animal)]∶使用[牲畜]
[use as a servant]∶强迫使用[人力];使唤;驱使
[draught animal;beast of burden] 专门用来耕地或运输的家畜、力畜,如牛、马、骡子、驴、骆驼等
役 yì ㄧ╝
Battle yi Radical radical left foot 03 total strokes 07 strokes Labor battle; labour; servant; service; use as a servant; Labor yì (1) (Classical for Yi. Knowing. Oracle shape, Elephant Man holding Shu (shū) hit people. The original meaning of military service, guarding border) (2) With the original meaning of [serve in the army] Hall, frontiers also. Shu enforcement patrolling too. - "Said the text" If the labor from the wild. - "Zhou then people" Existing home than the governors hearings. - "Small kill Zhou" Battle lines matter. - "Master Zhou Tian" Gentleman in Battle, Ruzhi He do not think. - "Poetry Wang Feng." Xuan Jian-line labor and more distress, I sincerely think of them. " Abandoning political and labor, non-his term of office also. - "Mandarin" (3) Another example Yifu (service people); served the public (service people); Yizu (service people) (4) Servitude, driven by [use as a servant] I made the heaven and served, I left the body in a large cast difficult. - "A new book Patent" (5) Another example is the Battle Car (for labor with the car); Battle Acts (service attendant who); labor is (to have the servitude of belonging); labor support (servitude; servitude rest); Service Act (the Act by the servitude ); served matter (servitude external things for my own use); Battle Orders (servitude, get rid of) Labor yì (1) Labor [labor] Soldiers stopped working a long time, people trapped in the reserve. - "Three Kingdoms" (2) Another example is the Battle D (labor of persons); Battle for the (attendant labor); Office (on the Working of the premises); Battle Yong (in lieu of labor service taxes) (3) Labor of people [laborer] Jishi to take the people into its Hall Yap had no symptoms. - "Zuo Zhuan." Battle said that the official total sparse Kong Yingda labor service, the D is also handsome today (4) Servant [servant] Rubei young, poor family without reserve, wood water workers, when exempted? - "Appreciative" Although a few households left the poor people had to run Guanci, that free labor so employed. - "Beijing popular novel" (5) Pupil, a disciple of [follower] Dong careless believers in Confucianism, wrapped around the Battle of Mohist son meet sermon. - "On balance" (6) Things [affair] The campaign is also to the child if given the Junming, it has. - "Zuo Zhuan." Du Yu Note labor, things are (7) Incident [accident] Battle of the door hung, micro-Xiang Bo a few perilous. - Song Chenliang "the discretion of the ancient theory of a" (8) His soldiers, military people [soldier] Guaren Shuai Wu does not shy Battle, Wen on compliance. - "Mandarin." Wei Zhao Note labor, soldiers also. " (9) Duties, ministry [duty] Have served all my life is what the camp. - Song Lu, "Xiao Fu" (10) Fighting; war [fight; battle; war] Battle of cutting Qinmu Gong Zheng, examination of the "Zuo Zhuan", the full length of remonstrance, crying and those who send their son, Jian Shu it alone. - Jin Wang Ruoxu "Historical Records out confusing II" (11) Another example is the Battle of Taierzhuang (12) Runner [runner or bailiff in a feudal yamen] Jae Wyatt, free into the reserve. - "Strange Cricket" Military age yìlíng [Enlistment age] age of military service Servitude yìshǐ (1) [Work (an animal)]: use of [animal] Servitude animals (2) [Use as a servant]: forcing [human]; beck and call; driven Bondage slaves Draft animals yìxù [Draught animal; beast of burden] devoted to the land or the transportation of livestock, domestic animal, such as cattle, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, etc. Labor ㄧ ╝ yì (1) Military service business, the army from the ~. Is ~. (2) War war ~. (3) Matter of labor service workers ~. Compulsory service ~. (4) ~ To handle. Nu ~. (5) ~ Husband who has been slaving. ~ Acts. Servant ~. Miscellaneous ~. Zheng code oiqx, u5f79, gbkd2db 7 number of strokes, radical left foot, stroke number 3323554
寅集下 Yin _set_ under 〔古文〕????【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】????營隻切,音疫。【說文】戍邊也。【詩·小雅·采薇序】遣戍役,以守衞中國。 又【玉篇】使役也。【易·說卦】致役乎坤。【書·大誥】予造天役。【周禮·天官·大宰】田役以馭其衆。 又有所求而不止曰役役。【莊子·齊物論】終身役役而不見其成功。【註】得此不止,復逐於彼,疲役終身也。 又凡役使之人曰厮役。【前漢·張耳????餘傳贊】其賔客厮役,皆天下俊桀。 又列也。【詩·大雅】禾役穟穟。【傳】役,列也。【疏】種禾,則使有行列,其苗穟穟然美好也。 【韻會】或作伇。
Ancient 〔〕 【???? Ji Yun Tang Yun】 【】 【】 ???? camp rhyme would only cut, audio epidemic. Wen also said】 【frontiers. Plucking Order】 【poetry Xiaoya banish served to guard China. 】 【Jade articles and causative as well. Gua】 【easy to say that almost Kun induced labor. Patent】 【book to build big day labor. 【Big slaughtered】 day official Zhou Tian Yu served to the public. Have asked for not just saying labor reserve. Equality of Zhuangzi】 【Battle Battle for life and not reflected in its success. 【Note】 be more than this, complex by Consists, fatigue life is also served. And where the person said servant labor servitude. 【Former Han Zhang Er ???? Bin Yu Chuan Chan】 its customer servant labor, all the world Jun Jie. Also listed also. Poetry Taiga】 【Heyisuisui. 【Fax】 reserve, out also. Wo Shu】 【species, then so are the ranks of its beautiful natural seedlings Suisui also. 【】 Or for Yi Yun will.