Often cháng long, enduring: constant. Constant (also known as "constant"). Constant. Permanent. Year. Permanent. Resident. Changbeibuxie. From time to time, more than once: often. Regulars. From time to time. Often. Ordinary, common: common sense. Standing. General. Human. Ordinary people. Normal. Unusual. Name. Stroke: 11; radicals: towels; stroke order number: 24345251252
Often cháng 【Name】 (Phonetic. From the towel, still sound. Original meaning: flag) 〗 〖Flag with the original meaning Discipline in too often. - "The book Jun teeth." Biography: "Wang said too often flags painted sun and moon. _Set_ is dressed in uniforms. - "Poetry Xiaoya June" 〗 〖Skirt skirt Uncle Dan Qiti in the ordinary, sad is not right. - "Yizhoushu" Often, also under the skirt. - "Said Wen." Jun Zhu voice said: "Chang chang word, the mass completely separate and does not pass through." Rules, laws 〖routine; law〗 Chen often in the summer time. - "Poetry Zhousong Si Wen" Day trip there often do not exist for the Yao, Jie is not dead. - "Zi Tianlun" Another example: often old (the old law, and often law); often it (the old cases; common practice); routine (French) Feudal society to promote the so-called immutable guidelines for the relationship between people, that ethics; Tsunatsune〗 〖feudalorderofimportanceorseniorityinhumanrelationships. Such as: Chang-lun (ethics); three cardinal guides and the five permanent members Often cháng 【Content】 Ancient unit of length. Six feet to ten feet often〗 〖sixteenfeet Shu is also seeking two brachial, seek times that of normal. - "Little ELEGANCE breadth" Chang Po feast. - "Rites of public drinking ceremony." Note: The "six feet husband always said, always said, half to find." Emirates to often four feet. - "Kao Gong Ji" Ordinary people struggle to make the best. - "Zuo Cheng Kung years" However, among ordinary ink husband. - "Singer of the song" Unusual channel. - "Zi Geng Sangchu" Often cháng 【Form】 Permanent; over the long term 〖constant; fixed; invariable〗 Often, quality is also. - "Guang Ya" Changed too often. - "Easy as downstream." Yu Note: "Constant also." Lupin is a constant. - "Poem Song Bi Lu Gong" Fate often extravagant. - "Poetry Taiga King Wen" Sun and Moon that often. - "The more Mandarin language" Therefore, your government is uncertain, but people will not end cheap. - "Mo Respecting the Wise" Sage division of impermanence. - Han Yu Tang "Spirit" Another example: Changde (always the same character); often the heart (heart stubbornly unchanged); very safe (permanent peace) General; General; normal 〖ordinary; common; normal〗 That they have often. - "Poems of Tang style bustard feathers" The dimension of its normal. - "Poetry at the turn of October Xiaoya" Gu human nature, by the extravagance and easy, from extravagance to economy. - Sima Guang Song, "said Jian Xun Kang" For with the horse and often not available. - Han Yu Tang "miscellaneous said" Lotte Tour Great White Monastery poem: "the world do Fangfei April, the beginning of blooming peach Temple." Cap is also common sense. - Song Shen Kuo, "Meng Xi Bi Tan" Another example: often when the (usually; weekdays); saying (usually the case; common words) Must 〖fixed; established〗. Such as: regular sentence (some penalty); regular sequence (a certain sequence) Often cháng Vice】 【 Frequently, often 〖frequently; often〗 Students who often normalization, ever-present life, of all times. - "Lie Zi" HW urgent, pushed falling Xiaohui, Lu Yuan under the car; Tenggong often, the income _set_ out, in the case are three. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" Good because of differences are often learning of books of. - "Historical Records Liuhou family" Maxima is common, but horses do not often. - Han Yu Tang "miscellaneous said" Another example: common surface; often is (often, always); Always (always, often); often participate in the official (North Korea's official daily participation); Chang Xing Xing (Buddhist language. Refers to regular or long-term sober mind) ; often by the (regular); often lease (often employed person) Links "taste." 〗 〖Havealready have Various sub-beams are often language, saying: If the small things if large, is not the road to the right into the widowed. - "Zhuangzi Human World" The main parent often travel here. - "Said Han Fei left outside the reserve," Husband the day, month of a loss, wind and rain from time to time, the common strange stars, is often not the world without it. - "Zi Tianlun" Emperor as Ting Zhang, often owned by the field divisions. - "Records of emperor of the Millennium" Xiang Bo often murder, hiding from the good. - "Historical Records Liuhou family" Standing chángbèi 〗 〖Regular standing ready; conventional equipment Standing Drug Changbeibuxie chángbèi-bùxiè 〖Beeverprepared; bealwaysonthealert〗 a military thought. Means always ready and never let up. Describe a high degree of vigilance at all times maintain Standing army chángbèijūn 〖Standingarmy; permanentforce〗 keep the national army in peacetime Often chángcháng 〖Often; frequently; usually〗 that act, the action occurred more often, and the time interval near He often worked late into the night Negative multi-use "seldom", less "not often" He rarely came Chang Chuan chángchuān 〗 〖Constantly continuous, such as stream 常川 practice Ordinary Degree chángdù 〗 〖Normalmanner: the attitude of the daily Within normal degree 〗 〖Fixedlaw: some of the testimonies, the rules Days of constant degree, to have regular shape General chángguī 〖Routine; rule; convention〗 rules or regulations are often implemented As a general rule is to use local anesthesia Routine chángguīhuà 〗 〖Routinize make regulations or practices in accordance with general standards for Conventional weapons chángguīwǔqì 〖Conventionalarms (weapons)〗 devastating weapons of mass destruction do not belong to (such as nuclear weapons) within the various weapons. Conventional weapons, ammunition, high explosive filler is or incendiary agent. Including guns, artillery, rockets and other fire arms, bombs, weapons, mines weapons, arson, weapons, torpedoes, weapons and modern weapons are still used in some cold On track chángguǐ 〖Normalcourse (practice)〗 usual, normal ways or methods Things on track by Often chánghuì 〖Ordinarysession; regularmeeting regular〗 Common chángjiàn 〗 〖Usual: practice or in the normal development occurred Shaped by the common people than play the role of love 〗 〖Common: there is no difference or exception emphasizes the characteristics of Common things Natural〗 〖: normal character; non-exceptional Dictate dictation down under the common work of digression ... 〗 〖Vulgar: the types belonging to the general Cold is a common disease Can often chángkě 〗 〖Usualpractice effective with the usual approach, that is owned by patients, practices Ancient sages of repair, can often lawless, the matter of the world, because of the equipment. - "Han Feizi" Frequently see each other chánglái-chángwǎng 〖Payfrequentcalls; exchangefreqentvisits〗 or visit regularly to and from the actions, practices, or examples Chang Li chánglǐ 〗 〖Regularetiquette the usual etiquette of old China, such as Gong Yi and the like, do not bow down to such a gift in Evergreen chánglǜ 〗 〖Evergreen plant that never withers Perennial chángnián 〗 〖Throughouttheentireyear: year round 〖Long-term; yearinyearout〗: Long-term Perennial chángnián Averageyear〗 〖year general Annual per-mu yield of wheat for five pounds Only human chángqíng 〖Sense; reason〗 common sense; the general mood It stands to reason that he would raise this issue Permanent chángrèn 〖Standing; permanent long-term in office〗 Permanent members of the Security Council Permanent chángshè 〖Standing; pemanent〗 long-established (for temporary purposes) Permanent organ Common sense chángshí 〖Elementaryknowledge; commonsense〗 common knowledge; general knowledge Health Knowledge Commonplace chángshì 〗 〖Ordinarymatters: commonplace His life commonplace 〗 〖Commonplacehappening: uncommon Constant chángshù 〗 〖Constant: the value fixed 〗 〖Ordinarycourtesy: common courtesies Gracious hospitality, regression over a constant Normal chángtài 〗 〖Normalitybehaviour: Fixed Attitude 〗 〖Normalcondition: the usual, normal state Uncharacteristically Often talk about chángtán 〗 〖Platitude general, regular discussions Commonplace Family often talk about Chang cover chángtào 〗 〖Conventionalpattern common approach or format; same old Romances often _set_s out Room temperature chángwēn 〗 〖Normalatmospherictemperaturebetween15and25: generally refers to the 15 ° C to 25 ° C temperature 〗 〖Homoiothermy: the state of constant temperature Managing chángwù 〖Day-to-daybusiness; routine〗: the daily affairs 〗 〖Standing: the auspices of the daily work Standing Committee Standing Committee chángwùwěiyuánhuì 〗 〖Standingcommittee The implementation of inter-Congress daily work of the Committee on behalf of the General Assembly Consider a specific phase of the problem occurred in a period of time the committee. Refers specifically to a standing committee of the legislature Saying chángyán 〗 〖Commonsaying habits often said of Proverbs, Maxims of a class of words, such as: "Rome was not built in a day", "Three Stooges birds with one stone" Common chángyòng Often used〗 〖incommonuse He used the most popular name Common logarithm chángyòngduìshù 〗 〖Commonlogarithm base 10 logarithm Permanent chángzhù 〗 〖Resident: continuous period of time living in a place Ambassador, Permanent Representative office Permanent offices 〗 〖Permanent: long-term Permanent diplomatic missions Permanent envoys
Chang (phonetic. From towels, still sound. The banner of righteousness) with the original meaning of discipline in too often. - "The book Jun teeth." Chuan Yue Wang flags painted sun and the moon too often. _Set_ is dressed in uniforms. - "Poetry Xiaoya June" Uncle Dan Qiti in regular skirt, sorrow can not be right. - "Yizhoushu" regular, is also under the skirt. - "Said Wen." Jun Zhu Chang Sang, saying in words, the mass completely separate and does not pass through. "Rules, laws Chen often in the summer time. -" Poetry Zhousong Si Wen "day trip there often do not exist for the Yao, Jie is not dead. -" Zi Tianlun "and as usual the ancient (the old method, often Law); often it (the old cases; common practice); routine (French) to promote the so-called feudal society immutable norms between people, that ethics; classes often cháng ① general; General; usual ~ know, ~ state. ② unchanged; permanent ~ number. ③ often; often ~ to ~ to. ④ name. Changbeibuxie】 【time to be prepared, silk unrelenting. 【】 countries usually keep a standing army of regular troops. 【General Energy】 widely used, technically more mature energy. such as coal, oil, gas, water and so on. also known as traditional energy sources. 【】 conventional war with conventional weapons of war (as distinct from 'nuclear war'). 【】 on track normal, the usual methods or means.】 【constants remain unchanged during the study or the amount can only be called to take a constant value. If the speed of isokinetic movement. 【】 humid subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest vegetation types. tree layer mostly Lauraceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae, Magnoliaceae and other evergreen broad-leaved species. In our country located in East China, Central and Southwest regions. 【】 autosomal chromosomes other than sex chromosomes. 【】 fixed numerical constant such as pi π.】 【constant columns are equal for each data series, such as '1, 1,1, .... '】 【constant term in the polynomial, excluding the letters 4x-5, -5 is a constant items. 【】 see the constant matrix of linear equations】 【. 【】 ordinary differential equations of a mathematical branch of research method and ordinary differential properties of solutions. mainly qualitative theory, stability theory, the analytical theory and some other .】 【warm-blooded animal has a complete mechanism of temperature regulation, body temperature, less affected by the environment, the animals remained relatively stable. birds, mammals are warm-blooded animal. also known as warm-blooded animals, temperature animals. 【10】 common logarithm for the logarithm. 【】 mathematical logarithm tables with one table for the log to find common use, the column has a positive real number of common logarithm of the mantissa value. also called the common logarithm of the mantissa table. referred to the number of Table. often cháng ⒈ at any time, from time to time when ~. by ~. ~ ~ working together. ⒉ permanent, fixed ~ green. ~ in. Pine ~ Green. ⒊ rules, guidelines Sky with ~. ⒋ ordinary, generally through ~. Ping ~. anti ~. ~ know. ~ state. find ~. ⒌ <Ancient> length of the unit. bachi for the search, two search for the ~. ⒍ <Ancient> links "taste." once. ⒎
Chang chang Radical Radical towel total strokes 11 strokes 03 Often constant; frequent; ordinary; Often cháng (1) (Phonetic. From the towel, still sound. The banner of righteousness) (2) With the original meaning of [flag] Discipline in too often. - "The book Jun teeth." Chuan Yue Wang flags painted sun and the moon too often. _Set_ is dressed in uniforms. - "Poetry Xiaoya June" (3) Skirt [skirt] Uncle Dan Qiti in the ordinary, sad is not right. - "Yizhoushu" Often, also under the skirt. - "Said Wen." Jun Zhu Chang Sang, saying in words, the mass completely separate and does not pass through. " (4) Rules, laws [routine; law] Chen often in the summer time. - "Poetry Zhousong Si Wen" Day trip there often do not exist for the Yao, Jie is not dead. - "Zi Tianlun" (5) Also as usual the ancient (the old law, often law); often it (the old cases; common practice); routine (French) (6) Feudal society to promote the so-called immutable guidelines for the relationship between people, that ethics; Tsunatsune [feudal order of importance or seniority in human relationships]. Usual Lun (ethics); three cardinal guides and the five permanent members Often cháng Ancient unit of length. Six feet ten feet for the regular [sixteen feet] Shu is also seeking two brachial, seek times that of normal. - "Little ELEGANCE breadth" Chang Po feast. - "Rites of public drinking ceremony." Note husband often said six feet, said semi-regular search. " Emirates to often four feet. - "Kao Gong Ji" Ordinary people struggle to make the best. - "Zuo Cheng Kung years" However, among ordinary ink husband. - "Singer of the song" Unusual channel. - "Zi Geng Sangchu" Often cháng (1) Permanent; over the long term [constant; fixed; invariable] Often, quality is also. - "Guang Ya" Changed too often. - "Easy as downstream." Note also Yu Heng. " Lupin is a constant. - "Poem Song Bi Lu Gong" Fate often extravagant. - "Poetry Taiga King Wen" Sun and Moon that often. - "The more Mandarin language" Therefore, your government is uncertain, but people will not end cheap. - "Mo Respecting the Wise" Sage division of impermanence. - Han Yu Tang "Spirit" (2) Another example of Changde (always the same character); often the heart (heart stubbornly unchanged); very safe (permanent peace) (3) General; General; normal [ordinary; common; normal] That they have often. - "Poems of Tang style bustard feathers" The dimension of its normal. - "Poetry at the turn of October Xiaoya" Gu human nature, by the extravagance and easy, from extravagance to economy. - Sima Guang Song, "said Jian Xun Kang" For with the horse and often not available. - Han Yu Tang "miscellaneous said" Large white temple poem Lotte Tour earth do Fangfei April, the beginning of blooming peach Temple. "Common sense is also covered. - Song Shen Kuo," Meng Xi Bi Tan " (4) Also as usual (the usual; weekdays); saying (usually the case; common words) (5) Certain [fixed; established]. Usual punishment (some penalty); regular sequence (a certain sequence) Often cháng (1) Frequently, often [frequently; often] Students who often normalization, ever-present life, of all times. - "Lie Zi" HW urgent, pushed falling Xiaohui, Lu Yuan under the car; Tenggong often, the income _set_ out, in the case are three. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" Good because of differences are often learning of books of. - "Historical Records Liuhou family" Maxima is common, but horses do not often. - Han Yu Tang "miscellaneous said" (2) Another example is the common surface; often is (often, always); Always (always, often); often participate in the official (North Korea's official daily participation); Chang Xing Xing (Buddhist language. Refers to the head often or long stay awake); often by the (regular); often lease (often employed person) (3) Through taste. "Who [have already] Various sub-beams are also often said phrase, if small, if all things big, not the road to the right into the widowed. - "Zhuangzi Human World" The main parent often travel here. - "Said Han Fei left outside the reserve," Husband the day, month of a loss, wind and rain from time to time, the common strange stars, is often not the world without it. - "Zi Tianlun" Emperor as Ting Zhang, often owned by the field divisions. - "Records of emperor of the Millennium" Xiang Bo often murder, hiding from the good. - "Historical Records Liuhou family" Standing chángbèi [Standing] regular ready; conventional equipment Standing Drug Changbeibuxie chángbèi-bùxiè [Be ever prepared; be always on the alert] a military thought. Means always ready and never let up. Describe a high degree of vigilance at all times maintain Standing army chángbèijūn [Standing army; permanent force] national peace keeping troops Often chángcháng (1) [Often; frequently; usually] that act, the action occurred more often, and the time interval near He often worked late into the night (2) Multi-use not often negative, "not less often" He rarely came Chang Chuan chángchuān [Constantly] continuous, such as stream 常川 practice Ordinary Degree chángdù (1) [Normal manner]: the attitude of the daily Within normal degree (2) [Fixed law]: some of the testimonies, the rules Days of constant degree, to have regular shape General chángguī [Routine; rule; convention] the rules or regulations are often implemented As a general rule is to use local anesthesia Routine chángguīhuà [Routinize] so in accordance with the general provisions or general standards for Conventional weapons chángguī wǔqì [Conventional arms (weapons)] does not belong to devastating weapons of mass destruction (eg nuclear weapons) within the various weapons. Conventional weapons, ammunition, high explosive filler is or incendiary agent. Including guns, artillery, rockets and other fire arms, bombs, weapons, mines weapons, arson, weapons, torpedoes, weapons and modern weapons are still used in some cold On track chángguǐ [Normal course (practice)] the usual, normal ways or methods Things on track by Often chánghuì [Ordinary session; regular meeting] Regular Meeting Common chángjiàn (1) [Usual]: In normal practice, or developments that occur Shaped by the common people than play the role of love (2) [Common]: stressed there is no difference between the characteristics or exceptional Common things (3) [Natural]: the normal character; non-exceptional Dictate dictation down under the common work of digression ... (4) [Vulgar]: in the categories belonging to the general Cold is a common disease Can often chángkě [Usual practice] always an effective way to use that return patients, practices Ancient sages of repair, can often lawless, the matter of the world, because of the equipment. - "Han Feizi" Frequently see each other chánglái-chángwǎng [Pay frequent calls; exchange freqent visits] or visit regularly to and from the actions, practices, or examples Chang Li chánglǐ [Regular etiquette] the usual etiquette of old China, such as Gong Yi and the like, do not bow down to such a gift in Evergreen chánglǜ [Evergreen] refers to the plant never withers Perennial chángnián (1) [Throughout the entire year]: year-round (2) [Long-term; year in year out]: the long-term Perennial chángnián [Average year] the year of the general Annual per-mu yield of wheat for five pounds Only human chángqíng [Sense; reason] the ordinary sense; the general mood It stands to reason that he would raise this issue Permanent chángrèn [Standing; permanent] term in office Permanent members of the Security Council Permanent chángshè [Standing; pemanent] long-established (for temporary purposes) Permanent organ Common sense chángshí [Elementary knowledge; common sense] common knowledge; general knowledge Health Knowledge Commonplace chángshì (1) [Ordinary matters]: common for His life commonplace (2) [Commonplace happening]: uncommon Constant chángshù (1) [Constant]: fixed value (2) [Ordinary courtesy]: the usual courtesies Gracious hospitality, regression over a constant Normal chángtài (1) [Normality behaviour]: a fixed posture (2) [Normal condition]: the usual, normal state Uncharacteristically Often talk about chángtán [Platitude] In general, regular discussions Commonplace Family often talk about Chang cover chángtào [Conventional pattern] commonly used method or format; same old Romances often _set_s out Room temperature chángwēn (1) [Normal atmospheric temperature between 15 and 25]: generally refers to the paralysis of 15 to 25 the temperature of paralysis (2) [Homoiothermy]: the state of constant temperature Managing chángwù (1) [Day-to-day business; routine]: daily affairs (2) [Standing]: presided over the daily work Standing Committee Standing Committee chángwù wěiyuánhuì (1) [Standing committee] (2) The implementation of inter-Congress daily work of the Committee on behalf of the General Assembly (3) Consider a specific phase of the problem occurred in a period of time the committee. Refers specifically to a standing committee of the legislature Saying chángyán [Common saying] habits often said proverb, maxim of a class of words, such as Rome was not built in a day, "Three Stooges birds with one stone" Common chángyòng [In common use] are often used He used the most popular name Common logarithm chángyòng duìshù [Common logarithm] base 10 logarithm Permanent chángzhù (1) [Resident]: a continuous period of time living in a place Ambassador, Permanent Representative office Permanent offices (2) [Permanent]: long-term Permanent diplomatic missions Permanent envoys Often cháng ㄔ ㄤ (1) Long-term, enduring ~ number. ~ Volume (also known as constant "). ~ Items. ~ Office. ~ Years. ~ In. ~ Live. ~ Prepare your mind. (2) From time to time, more than once ~ ~. ~ Off. When ~. By ~. (3) Ordinary, common ~ knowledge. ~ Services. ~ Planning. ~ Love. ~ People. Ping ~. Anti ~. (4) Name. Zheng code kojl, u5e38, gbkb3a3 11 number of strokes, radical towels, stroke number 24345251252
City】 【Tang Yun Yun Yang cut 【_set_】 【】 Chen Yang Yun will be cut, ???? tone clothes. 【】 Jade articles are also constant. Rhymes】 【too long. Yi Kun】 【winner and a regular post. 】 【Copulative movement have often. 【Song】 ???? poems often in the week when the summer.笺】 【long the power that ???? long, so the song of the summer. Zhu Chuan】 【that the father-son of the regular road. And the five permanent members. Col Shun Hui Five Code Code of Shen Chuan】 Five Code, the five permanent members of the Teaching with, meaning the father, mother kindly, brother friend, brother Christine, Zixiao. Biography】 【five items and five items, that the five permanent members. This can often sparse】 【line is for the five permanent members of the ear. Also the name of God. Zi Yi】 【against nine for the regular, the god of the West also. And names. Lu Song】 【home poems are often associated with Hsu. 【Fax】 Chang Hsu, Lunan rustic western rustic also. And a state. Geography】 【Sui Ping ???? Piling County home Changzhou. And Yamana. Geography】 【Former Han Changshan County. 【Note】 Hengshan in the West, to avoid the Han Emperor taboo, so the change Changshan said. And water names. Records of the century】 【often Wei Xia Ji from. 【Note】 constant water on the Changshan Quyang. Yugong】 【book as constant. And flag names. Division officials】 【Zhou Chang Chun palm things were nine flags, sun and the moon is a constant. Also】 【Big Wang Chang. 【Name】 sun and the moon is often released. That the sun and the moon painted on its side, built by the emperor, made often ming. And uniforms. Xiaoya】 【poetry is contained in uniforms. 【Fax】 sun and the moon for the uniforms, Rong Fu also. Guangyun】 【times they look normal daily. Also car killer name. Release Name】 【Ji said cars often, ten feet six feet long, the car also held. Bachi said search, said often times find, Gu Yue Chang also. And wood name. Wood】 【Mailyard often Di. 【Note】 Kansai di tree, child, such as cherry, edible. Poetry Xiaoya】 【Bier Wei Ho, Victoria Chang of China. Another name. Guangyun】 【out of Hanoi. 【Fax】 Former Han Hui Hui Chang, Taiyuan people, manna for the right general. Also the same with skirts. 】 【Next Qun Wen also said. Xu Xuan said】 【BARS and down, like the towels, so from the towel. New Text for clothes. Research: 〔】 【Secretary Zhou Chang Chun charge of nine official flag of the things the name of a constant sun and the moon. 【】 Wang has too often. 〕 Would like to change the flag according to the original flag was too big to change.