Qu qū bend, and the "extension" relative: buckling (q?). Inflection. Knees. Flexion and extension (bending and extension, the idea was frustrated and proud). Second to none. Groveling. Bow, yield: the yield. Submission. Unbending. Wrong, we not happy: grievances. Grievance. Humiliation. Qucai. Give way (as a wronged and duties, often used to serve your kind words man.) Qu Jia. Quji others. Wrong: Qu heart (Kui Xin, Mei Xin). Liquciqiong. Name. Extended stroke: 8; radicals: body; stroke ID: 51352252
Bend qū 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the dead, out loud. Corpse, lying off the ancient text is the human form. Original meaning: Bend) 〗 〖Bend with the original meaning Qu, bend curve. - "Rhyme" Where the music rather than those Jieyue flexor stretch. - "Orthography Tong" Geometrid of flexion, in order to believe also. - "Easy copulative" Hystrix geometrid flexor contraction. - Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography" Not flexion and extension. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order" Security can be bent hero. - Pu-Ming Zhang, "five tombstones in mind" Kowtowed knees. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary" Qu inappropriate. - Qing Zhang Tingyu "Ming Dynasty" Another example: flexor exercise Operator (accounting for superstitious count with fingers); Qu law (like bending); Qu Herself (with curved glass handle); Qushen (flexion and extension. Flexion and extension); bend bend (twists and turns; bend) ; flexion (flexion); Qu Qu (winding); Qu looper (inchworm body music) Grievances; grievances 〖feelwronged; putsb.togreatinconvenience〗 To not be bent. - "Three Kingdoms" The Big Book of a bent characters. - Ming Gao Qi "_set_ of books algae mallard Bo chicken thing" Finding Quji. - Qing Liu Kai, "asked," Be termed a negative bent. - Qing Zhang Tingyu "Ming Dynasty" Another example: Qu case (wrong case); Wat To (random recruitment, people are wronged); Qu things (wrong things); Qu Chi (grievances); Qu gas (grievances); Qu Yang (Central Qu, Qu ailments . wronged); Qu Eritrea (grievance exhausted) Yield 〖subdue; yield〗 Subdue the enemy. - "Grandson seeking political" Subdue the enemy rather than fight. Wealth can not be obscene, and rank can not be moved, incorruptible. - "Under the Mencius Tengwen Gong" Another example: rather die than surrender; men were resilient; flex (subordination); Qufu (yield) Treatment, treated administer〗 〖 He Shun Cheung Road, Qu ugly this group. - "Poems of Lu Chung Pan Water" 〗 〖Force forced Numerous forces, are bent to children. - Liu, "Tong District sent Biography" Constrain〗 〖repression. Such as: Qu suppression (repression); flexor beam (repression constraints) 〗 〖Twine wound. Such as: Wat Pan (Pan Song); Qu Yu (twine, convolution) Wrong〗 〖beinthewrong Liquciqiong. - Qing Ji Yun "Book Notes" Bend Qū 【Name】 〗 〖Qutown koup name. Jin in the Spring and Autumn. Ji in this northern Shanxi Province, is rich in a good horse Name. Spring and Autumn Sansing family of one of the king. Such as: Qu suddenly pass (Tang Changli people. After living Chang'an. Tang Shiguan to Bingbushangshu. After the pacification Wang Shichong active, thanks to You Pushe, sealing Jiangguo Gong); Qu sudden (hyphenated); Qu and Song (Qu Yuan and Song Yu. II people are known to prose) Bend qū 【Form】 Under the guise of the "first wave." High, the highlight towering〗 〖 Bent in this position were obtained also. - "Han Chuan on Syria" Under the guise of the "dead." 〖Direct proud unyielding stubborn; unbending〗 Qucai qūcái 〗 〖Doworkunworthyofone'stalents people can not be fully Yield qūcóng 〖Bowdownto; surrenderto; submitto; yieldto〗 flexor intended resignation. Succumbed to the pressure, against their obedience Force me to submit Qudachengzhao qūdǎ-chéngzhāo 〖Confesstofalsechargesundertorture; obtainconfessionsundertortare〗 that torture and forced confession of innocent people Mention I have, actually Qudachengzhao Qu method qūfǎ 〗 〖Betreatedleniently song out its law, rule method lighter Well the main Shangqu Act apply. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book" Yield qūfú 〖Surrendor; yield; knuckleunder; atthefeetof〗: surrender; impressed Compromise yield 〗 〖Bendandundulate: bending fluctuations All of the interest of the larynx, yield, its Essentials for words if wow. - "Zi" Diopter qūguāngdù 〗 〖Diopter lens for the refraction of light intensity Quji qūjǐ 〗 〖Humbleoneself strict demands on themselves 屈己 wide people Qujia qūjià 〖Bekindenoughto; condescendtomakethejourney〗 wronged Please come - the person who invited King Speech Please visit Qujia Qu Festival qūjié 〗 〖Forfeitone'shonour: loss of dignity, moral integrity Qu section Ruming. - "Han Guang Su Jian Chuan" 〗 〖Stoopto: reducing identity, human humility Cringe Qu festival people Condescend qūjiù 〗 〖Courtesy condescendtotakeapostoff-ered to reduce capacity under Give way, such as Mongolia, very happy Placing him qūjū 〖Bereluctantlyputin (aplaceorposition)〗 bow down among the (sub); aggrieved resident (low) Placing him under the time being of people Qu Li qūlǐ 〗 〖Beinthewrong: loss of reason 〗 〖Unreasonable: unreasonable This things done Qu Li Buckling qūqǔ 〗 〖Bend bend; twists and turns Draw bar buckling Xu Qu children qūxur 〗 〖Ahinge copper or iron ring with two feet of small children, nailed doors and windows or the edge of box, cabinet front, used to hang or lock ruthenium Diao, or in pairs or boxes nailed to the drawer front side U-shaped ring used to secure child Humiliation qūrǔ 〖Humiliation; mortification; shame〗 Qu section 辱命 The number of the princes, perhaps a humiliation Grievance and humiliation Humiliation By humiliation See China suffered humiliation again and again Qu dead qūsǐ 〗 〖Dieofbeingwronged died unjustly Knees qūxī 〗 〖Kneel: knees or kneel On the blue canopy to knees. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book" Knees bowed down 〗 〖Godownonone'sknees: metaphor yield Knees Quietly to the bent edge sword, the knife stabbed four died. - "Water Margin" Qu Yuan QūYuán 〗 〖QuYuan (about BC 340 - before 278) the great patriotic poet in ancient China. Were flat, the word of the original. Chu noble birth, he was left only, also responsible for domestic and foreign affairs. He advocated internal lift elite, Xiuming testimonies, foreign advocated Qi Gang Qin. After exclusion because they were nobles, exiled the Yuan, Xiang River. In May 278 BC, Qin defeated Chu Ying in one fell swoop. With the grief of his subjugation, near Changsha, confused Luo Jianghuai in stone suicide. His life he wrote many touching, and historically glorious immortal poem, and has become the founder of the ancient romantic poetry. Chu Guomin songs he created on the basis of a new genre of poetry Chu. Main representative works are "Lament", "Nine", "Nine Songs," "Heaven" and so on. Hot in the poem expressing the thoughts and feelings of patriotism, expressed stupid royal family and nobility of the very hatred of corruption and deep sympathy for the suffering people of Chu, reflecting the ideals of his relentless pursuit of the good and refuses to repent for this dedication nine spirit. The language of his work beautiful, imaginative, emotional and imaginative. His work passed down through the ages, a great impact on future generations, and his poems of the Chinese nation's great contribution to the treasure house of human culture Flexor qūzhǐ 〗 〖Countonone'sfingers bent finger counting Wit, has fifteen years away from home Few qūzhǐ-kěshǔ 〗 〖Number: limited or restricted to certain figures The doctors told him that his days are numbered 〗 〖Canbecountedonone'sfingers-veryfew: sit there straight fingers can be calculated. Describe a small number of New Text Confucianism of-sheng, the books are numbered, those with no three or four people. - Song Ouyang Xiu, "the U.S. government Tangan Gong Song" Condescend qūzūn 〖Condescend; stoopto〗 courtesy, that reduce the capacity to do something 屈尊礼 disabilities
QU <action "(phonetic. From the dead, out loud. Corpse, lying off the ancient text is the human form. The original meaning of bending) with the original meaning of flexion, bend curve. - "Rhyme," where the song but not who Jieyue flexor stretch. - "Orthography links" looper of flexion, in order to believe also. - "Yi Xi Ci" Hystrix californica flexor contraction. - Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography" not flexion and extension. - Ming Lian "Dongyang ponies order to send" security can be bent hero. - Pu-Ming Zhang, "five tombstones in mind," kowtowed knees. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Notes" improper flexion. - Qing Zhang Tingyu "Ming Dynasty" Another example is the flexor exercise Operator (accounting for superstitious count with fingers); Qu law (like bending); Qu Herself (with curved glass handle); Qushen (flexion and extension. Flexion and extension); bend bend (twists and turns; bending); flexion (flexion); Qu Qu (winding); Qu californica (qū ⒈ bend bend bend with the knee extended relative ~. ~ refers to the number. ⒉ down, compromise, throwing in the towel, obedience ~ clothing. ~ from. do not ~ do not scratch. ⒊ wrong, people are not happy injustice ~. Committee ~. by ~. ⒋ the wrong reasons ~ stumped. ⒌ Qu jué 1. short. 2. do, exhausted. 3. See "Qu Qi." 4. through "dead." See "Yield." 5. pass "first wave." See "bent."
屈 qu
部首 尸 部首笔画 03 总笔画 08
屈 bend; bow; injustic; subdue; submit; wrong;
屈 qū
同本义 [bend]
委屈;冤屈 [feel wronged;put sb. to great inconvenience]
屈服 [subdue;yield]
治理,收治 [administer]
强迫 [force]
压抑 [constrain]。如屈抑(压抑);屈束(压抑约束)
缠绕 [twine]。如屈蟠(盘曲);屈郁(盘结、旋绕)
理亏 [be in the wrong]
屈 qū
古邑名 [qu town]。春秋晋地。在今山西省吉县北,盛产良马
屈 qū
假借为崛”。高起,突出 [towering]
假借为倔”。直傲不屈 [stubborn;unbending]
[do work unworthy of one's talents] 人的才能不能充分发挥
[bow down to;surrender to;submit to;yield to] 屈意顺从。屈服于压力,违心地顺从
[confess to false charges under torture;obtain confessions under tortare] 指严刑拷打,迫使无辜者招认
[be treated leniently] 曲行其法,治法从轻
[surrendor;yield;knuckle under;at the feet of]∶降服;折服
[bend and undulate]∶弯曲起伏
[diopter] 透镜对于光线的折射强度
[humble oneself] 严于要求自己
[be kind enough to;condescend to make the journey] 委屈大驾--邀请人的敬辞
[forfeit one's honour]∶失去尊严、节操
[stoop to]∶降低身分,对人谦卑
[condescend to take a post off-ered] 客套话,降低身分任职
[be reluctantly put in (a place or position)] 屈身位居(次级);委屈居于(低位)
[be in the wrong]∶亏理
[bend] 弯曲;曲折
[a hinge] 铜制或铁制的带两个脚的小环儿,钉在门窗边上或箱、柜正面,用来挂上钌铞或锁,或者成对地钉在抽屉正面或箱子侧面,用来固定u字形的环儿
[die of being wronged] 蒙冤而死
[go down on one's knees]∶比喻屈服
qū yuán
[qu yuan] (约公元前340╠前278) 我国古代伟大的爱国诗人。名平,字原。楚国贵族出身,任左徒,兼管内政外交大事。他主张对内举贤能,修明法度,对外力主联齐抗秦◇因遭贵族排挤,被流放沅、湘流域。公元前278年5月秦军一举攻破楚都郢。他怀着亡国的悲痛,在长沙附近汩罗江怀石自杀。他一生写下许多感人肺腑、彪炳千秋的不朽诗篇,成为我国古代浪漫主义诗歌的奠基者。他在楚国民歌的基础上创造了新的诗歌体裁楚辞。主要代表作品有《离骚》、《九章》、《九歌》、《天问》等。在诗中抒发了炽热的爱国主义思想感情,表达了对昏庸王室和腐败贵族的无比憎恨和对楚国人民苦难的深切同情,体现了他对美好理想的不懈追求和为此九死不悔的献身精神。他的作品语言优美,想象丰富,感情奔放。他的作品千古传诵,对后世影响极大,他的诗篇是中华民族对人类文化宝库的伟大贡献
[count on one's fingers] 弯着指头计数
[can be counted on one's fingers-very few]∶扳着手指头就可算出来。形容数量少
[condescend;stoop to] 客套话,指降低身分做某事
屈 qū ㄑㄩˉ
Qu qu Radical body 03 total strokes 08 strokes radicals Bend bend; bow; injustic; subdue; submit; wrong; Bend qū <Action> (1) (Phonetic. From the dead, out loud. Corpse, lying off the ancient text is the human form. The original meaning of bending) (2) With the original meaning of [bend] Qu, bend curve. - "Rhyme" Where the music rather than those Jieyue flexor stretch. - "Orthography Tong" Geometrid of flexion, in order to believe also. - "Easy copulative" Hystrix geometrid flexor contraction. - Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography" Not flexion and extension. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order" Security can be bent hero. - Pu-Ming Zhang, "five tombstones in mind" Kowtowed knees. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary" Qu inappropriate. - Qing Zhang Tingyu "Ming Dynasty" (3) Another example is the flexor exercise Operator (accounting for superstitious count with fingers); Qu law (like bending); Qu Herself (with curved glass handle); Qushen (flexion and extension. Flexion and extension); bend bend (twists and turns; bending); flexion (flexion); Qu Qu (winding); Qu looper (inchworm body music) (4) Grievances; grievances [feel wronged; put sb. To great inconvenience] To not be bent. - "Three Kingdoms" The Big Book of a bent characters. - Ming Gao Qi "_set_ of books algae mallard Bo chicken thing" Finding Quji. - Qing Liu Kai, "asked," Be termed a negative bent. - Qing Zhang Tingyu "Ming Dynasty" (5) Another example is the case Qu (wrong case); Wat To (random recruitment, people are wronged); Qu things (wrong things); Qu Chi (grievances); Qu gas (grievances); Qu Yang (Central Qu, Qu ailments. wrong); Qu Eritrea (grievance exhausted) (6) Yield [subdue; yield] Subdue the enemy. - "Grandson seeking political" Subdue the enemy rather than fight. Wealth can not be obscene, and rank can not be moved, incorruptible. - "Under the Mencius Tengwen Gong" (7) Another example rather die than surrender; men were resilient; flex (subordination); Qufu (yield) (8) Governance, admitted [administer] He Shun Cheung Road, Qu ugly this group. - "Poems of Lu Chung Pan Water" (9) Forced [force] Numerous forces, are bent to children. - Liu, "Tong District sent Biography" (10) Suppress [constrain]. Such as the flexor inhibition (repression); flexor beam (repression constraints) (11) Winding [twine]. Such as the flexor coil (coiled); Qu Yu (twine, convolution) (12) Wrong [be in the wrong] Liquciqiong. - Qing Ji Yun "Book Notes" Bend qū <Name> (1) Koup name [qu town]. Jin in the Spring and Autumn. Ji in this northern Shanxi Province, is rich in a good horse (2) Name. Spring and Autumn Sansing family of one of the king. Such as the sudden pass Qu (Tang Changli people ◇ Home Chang'an. Tangshi Guan Wang Shichong to put down Bingbushangshu ◇ active, thanks to You Pushe, sealing Jiangguo Gong); Qu sudden (hyphenated); Qu and Song (Qu Yuan and Song Yu. Two are to Fu known) Bend qū <Form> (1) Under the guise of the first wave. "Higher, the prominent [towering] Bent in this position were obtained also. - "Han Chuan on Syria" (2) Under the guise of the dead. "Proud and unyielding straight [stubborn; unbending] Qucai qūcái [Do work unworthy of one's talents] can not be fully human Yield qūcóng [Bow down to; surrender to; submit to; yield to] bend intended resignation. Succumbed to the pressure, against their obedience Force me to submit Qudachengzhao qūdǎ-chéngzhāo [Confess to false charges under torture; obtain confessions under tortare] refers to the torture and forced confession of innocent people Mention I have, actually Qudachengzhao Qu method qūfǎ [Be treated leniently] song out its law, rule method lighter Well the main Shangqu Act apply. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book" Yield qūfú (1) [Surrendor; yield; knuckle under; at the feet of]: yield; impressed Compromise yield (2) [Bend and undulate]: bending fluctuations All of the interest of the larynx, yield, its Essentials for words if wow. - "Zi" Diopter qūguāngdù [Diopter] lens for refraction of light intensity Quji qūjǐ [Humble oneself] strict demands on themselves 屈己 wide people Qujia qūjià [Be kind enough to; condescend to make the journey] wronged Please come - the person who invited King Speech Qu Festival qūjié (1) [Forfeit one's honour]: loss of dignity, moral integrity Qu section Ruming. - "Han Guang Su Jian Chuan" (2) [Stoop to]: reducing identity, human humility Cringe Qu festival people Condescend qūjiù [Condescend to take a post off-ered] courtesy, reduce the capacity under Give way, such as Mongolia, very happy Placing him qūjū [Be reluctantly put in (a place or position)] bow down among the (sub); aggrieved resident (low) Placing him under the time being of people Qu Li qūlǐ (1) [Be in the wrong]: loss management (2) [Unreasonable]: unreasonable This things done Qu Li Buckling qūqǔ [Bend] bent; twists and turns Draw bar buckling Xu Qu children qūxur [A hinge] copper or iron ring with two feet of small children, nailed doors and windows or the edge of box, cabinet front, used to hang or lock ruthenium Diao, or in pairs or boxes nailed to the drawer front side , u-shaped ring used to secure child Humiliation qūrǔ (1) [Humiliation; mortification; shame] (2) Qu section 辱命 The number of the princes, perhaps a humiliation (3) Grievance and humiliation Humiliation By humiliation See China suffered humiliation again and again Qu dead qūsǐ [Die of being wronged] died unjustly Knees qūxī (1) [Kneel]: knees or kneel On the blue canopy to knees. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book" Knees bowed down (2) [Go down on one's knees]: analogy yield Knees (3) [Knee]: knee Quietly to the bent edge sword, the knife stabbed four died. - "Water Margin" Qu Yuan qū yuán [Qu yuan] (before 278 BC 340 ╠) great patriotic poet in ancient China. Were flat, the word of the original. Chu noble birth, he was left only, also responsible for domestic and foreign affairs. He advocated internal lift elite, Xiuming testimonies, foreign advocated Qi Gang Qin ◇ excluded because they were nobles, exiled the Yuan, Xiang River. In May 278 BC, Qin defeated Chu Ying in one fell swoop. With the grief of his subjugation, near Changsha, confused Luo Jianghuai in stone suicide. His life he wrote many touching, and historically glorious immortal poem, and has become the founder of the ancient romantic poetry. Chu Guomin songs he created on the basis of a new genre of poetry Chu. Main representative works are "Lament", "Nine", "Nine Songs," "Heaven" and so on. Hot in the poem expressing the thoughts and feelings of patriotism, expressed stupid royal family and nobility of the very hatred of corruption and deep sympathy for the suffering people of Chu, reflecting the ideals of his relentless pursuit of the good and refuses to repent for this dedication nine spirit. The language of his work beautiful, imaginative, emotional and imaginative. His work passed down through the ages, a great impact on future generations, and his poems of the Chinese nation's great contribution to the treasure house of human culture Flexor qūzhǐ [Count on one's fingers] bent finger counting Wit, has fifteen years away from home Few qūzhǐ-kěshǔ (1) [Number]: limited or restricted to certain figures The doctors told him that his days are numbered (2) [Can be counted on one's fingers-very few]: sit there straight fingers can be calculated. Describe a small number of New Text Confucianism of-sheng, the books are numbered, those with no three or four people. - Song Ouyang Xiu, "the U.S. government Tangan Gong Song" Condescend qūzūn [Condescend; stoop to] courtesy, that reduce the capacity to do something 屈尊礼 disabilities Bend qū ㄑ ㄩ ˉ (1) Bend, with the extension "relative ~ Song (qū). ~ Fold. ~ Knee. ~ Extension (bending and extension, the idea was frustrated and proud). The first ~ one finger. ~ Bow the knee. (2) Bow, yield ~ clothing. ~ From. Force is not ~. (3) Wrong, we not happy injustice ~. Committee ~. ~ Shame. ~ Only. ~ To (as a wronged and duties, often used to serve your kind words man.) ~ Driving. ~ Have been others. (4) Wrong ~ Heart (Kui Xin, Mei Xin). Li ~ stumped. (5) Name. Zheng code xmzz, u5c48, gbkc7fc 8 number of strokes, radical body, stroke order number 51352252
〔〕 ???? ???? Classical】 【Rhyme Zone Do not cut 【_set_】 【rhyme rhyme rhyme will】 【】 song is not cut, ???? tone bend. 【】 No 㞑 also said Wen. From 㞑 sound. And music also, please also. Yu Yun】 【growth has also, rolling too. 【】 Any song without CNS extension through those Jie Yue Qu. Yi Xi Ci】 【looper of flexion, in order to believe also. Mencius】 【incorruptible. Also for the Deficit. Posts】 【Xunzi priority non-lean phase constraints. 【Note】 still flexion and extension as well. For the bend and pass. Yan Ying Chuan】 【Records bend in the know have, and believe in friends. Also 【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Drainage Rhymes Do not cut, dig sound. Exhaust also, do also. 【】 Food and Commodities Former Han Yi said: use of excessive, then the material must be bent. And bend constraints ???? pass. Also with the dead through. Stubborn, stems brutal appearance. 【Fax】 Naiyu Records Falluja in order to _set_ the new office is not more, yield here. 【Normal】 ancient saying is also not flexible service. Also 【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? nine Rhymes Do not cut, sound ????. Names. Jingong Zi Yi Wu of the home, a good horse. In this east county. Zuo Xi Qu years】 【middle of the ride. Another name. Chu Gong Zu Yuan, Doctor Chu Qu Yishen. And Qu Hou, hyphenated name. Big bend, bow name. 【】 Chu ling WANG Zuo Zhao enjoy the company seven years of the new units, good to great bend, Ji and regret, the public and vice versa. Also in September cut 【】 【Rhyme Rhyme】 【_set_】 mound articles on cutting class, ???? sound Que. 【Tomb of Ming Xiu Cheng ????】 he does not just have destroyed will fold. Yi Yi Cheng public, its just unyielding. And with constraints through. 【】 Jun Ming Li Qu Yu Di algae. 【Note】 Di Di too. After the service his wife, carved pheasant five mining, sub-male wife, was ordered by the queen who does not draw engraved Zeng, Gu Yue Di Qu. Zhai Zhou】 【for Que. Yi leaves home and cut, sound meter. Tomb of Cao Zhi like】 【active from the Han, and little and any gas. After the closure of high Lu, straight and unyielding.
编号:5402 ID: 5402 無尾也。从尾出聲。 九勿切
No tail also. From the end of a sound. Do not cut nine