Solitary gū dead father or parents died young: orphans. Orphans. Tuogu. Widows and Orphans widower alone (orphans, widows, no wife or widowed people, old people with no children). Alone: alone. Alone. Isolated. Withdrawn. Aloof. Solitary solitary (isolated, still.) Medium alone. Alone. Risk alone. Narcissistic. Wretched. Tango. Gu Yun Ye He (Xiao Yao Yu leisurely). Of the emperors of claims: lonely. Solitary king. Old with the "Ku", to live up to. alonefatherlessIisolatedorphanedsolitary stroke: 8; Radical: Son; Stroke Order Number: 52133544
Solitary gū 【Name】 (Phonetic. From the child, melon sound. Original meaning: childhood death of his father, the orphans) 〗 〖Orphan with the original meaning Alone, without Father. - "Said the text" Such as the soliton. - "Book of Rites dark clothing." Note: "No parent said the following solitary thirty." Secretary ADPL solitary end. - "Singer of the song" Ling forlorn and solitary little partial Xi. - Pan "widow Fu" Old Master said no single, solitary child care without the parent said. - "Under King Hui of Liang Mencius" Disaster risk, Yuri Widows and Orphans. - "Zuo Zhao Gong fourteen years" Prepared answer was: "Liu Jingzhou clinical death, Forex Capital Market LLC I orphans, breach of trust from the economy, Wu Suo is not dead, He Mianmu see Liu Jingzhou Down? - Hole Yan" Han Wei Chunqiu " Another example: solitary horse (without the mother's pony); solitary left (non-parent children); Orphans (loss of the mother bird chicks.) Another example: solitary disease (orphans and the disabled); six feet of the solitary (not the father of the minor child); solitary final (orphans and death); lonely widow (widows and orphans); isolated group of (orphans). Especially those for the affairs of state at the expense of future generations. Such as: orphans Claiming the ancient princely〗 〖I Jun names Widows and Orphans. - "Lu Jun Shou." Note: "The ruler said Qian." Mortals have this virtue is sufficient alone carry on the south, said. - "Pirates of the plantar Zhuangzi" Although certainly the cheap-oriented, although the high will be less as the base, is not Google Hau Wong said the widows and orphans. - "Let the Warring States policy" Morohito holding meetings, and even loss of hope alone. - "Mirror" Another example: act like an absolute monarch; lonely (ancient kings, Uncooperative the claim) Solitary gū 【Form】 Alone; alone 〖lonely; solitary; isolated; alone〗 Alone, alone as well. - "Ya-Guang Gu release three" Jun names Widows and Orphans. - "Lu Jun defend" Qin Yan and Zhao at the leather off and run out on the occasion, can be described as isolated intellectual crisis. - Song Su Xun, "On the six countries" Smoke in the desert straight down the long river yen. - Tang Wangwei "to the Frontier" To a mere hundred people, to join the enemy, fighting with them flutter, He Yi to lone wolves sheep vote? - "Class warfare clean barnyard class notes Another example: solitary cold (lonely lonely); solitary solitary troubled troubled (troubled loneliness anxiety); solitary troubled (disturbed alone); solitary pile (stand alone); solitary poor (lonely poor) MIND〗 〖arrogant Lone pregnant spit the moon, all destroyed Shuo gold. - Tangmeng Country "with the state Yin" Another example: solitary wind (aloof demeanor, character); solitary straight (MIND upright); solitary Special (MIND; outstanding); solitary stems (MIND upright); solitary Yi (MIND free and easy); solitary Qing (aloof and quiet) 〗 〖Unique unique Yun Qing words alone are songs sound, hit touch Zhong Qing Ming Wan Ke. - Tang yin "An Pinggong" Another example: solitary sound (a unique temperament; lonely voice); solitary Yan (referring to the flower show alone); solitary rhyme (a unique style; superb rhythm); isolated pregnant (MIND sentiment) Solitary gū 【Activity】 Negative, negative Well, back on End〗 〖letsb.down Solitary, negative as well. Mao said: Where as a solitary solitary solitary bears. Popular for Koo, non. - "Liang Hsi Dictionary" Although the solitary hills Well, the Han have a negative virtue. - Han Li Ling, "A Su Wu" District alone the meaning of negative Ling heart. Weight alone Well, Xianhen their lives. - "Han Kuang Wu Chuan Ten Kings" No pure solid of the final section, there must be the heart of ingratitude. - "Wei Yuan turned Biography" Another example: Grace alone (negative Well, back on End) 〗 〖Isolate Fox stand Lord alone is the minister at the next party. - "Murder robbery rape Han Fei Chen" Sad child alone gū'āizǐ 〗 〖Sonbereavedofhisparents soliton old father's funeral, said, the mother said the sad mourning son, both mourning parents said the child solitary grief Ji said the dutiful son Xiao Sun, said the sad child bereavement grief Sun. - "Book of Rites Miscellany" Such as solitons, clothing purely prime. - "Book of Rites dark clothing" Snob gū'ào 〗 〖Beproudandaloof withdrawn arrogant, aloof, refers to the feelings of others, opinions or interests of the indifference Aloof manner Guba gūbá 〗 〖Tallandstraight: describe the mountains stand protruding The Rose posture changing, from the Japanese concept of a Ruoyun, make into Danxia, Feng Ling palm off, nothing Jun potential; are sky Long Ying, delicate Guba, Qi Zai Zao who decorated and shaved! - Tanglv temperature "to send Xue Daxin return linjin order" 〗 〖Aloofandarrogant: it is the description alone, not gregarious; MIND He exudes a mood of lofty Guba Existing copies gūběn 〖Onlyexistingcopy; onlycopyextant〗: Now the only remaining, and no it's rare books, manuscripts, or rubbings 〗 〖Theonlyexistingcopy: spread or existence of a book known to the world of independence of the Guchenniezai gūchén-nièzǐ 〗 〖Asolitaryministerandaperverseson disgraced former refers to the courtiers and the humble Bastard. Analogy of people living in hardship Independence Guchenniezai, the worry about risk but also its deep concern also suffering, it is up to. - "Mencius on the" Alone gūdān 〖Alone; lonely〗: Single, no reliable, feel lonely Children working in the field, the elderly are lonely Chen Rang with their parents in death, alone without relatives, Ding adoption of, and long, for the business marriage to marry. - "Nan Qi Shu Han Lingmin Biography" 〖(Ofphysique) frail〗〗 〖Power: thin Lone gūdǎn 〗 〖Besolitarybutheroic heroic individual with many enemies; outstanding courage Lone hero Island gūdǎo 〗 〖Isolatedisland very far away from the mainland, there are no other islands around the island Lonely gūdú 〗 〖Lonelypeople old baby without a father and son who no The people are ignored (unreasonable) are as high as (the "cents") at the end, you will not increase although the lonely widowed Yan. - "Xunzi and hegemony" Lonely gūdú 〖Isolated; lonely〗: Isolated nothing attached Small station hidden in the woods alone. - "Road" 〗 〖Alone: alone; alone Old man leaning on a cane, carrying a straw basket, wander alone all day in the field. - "Premier Zhou's exhortations to ... ..." 〖Friendless; lonely〗: loner; do not like to travel with people His temperament alone, almost no friends Isolated calf gūdú 〗 〖Orphan or abandoned due to death the mother of the young animals, loss of Orphan gū'ér 〗 〖Orphan Young children fatherless Orphaned children Orphanage Narcissistic gūfāng-zìshǎng 〖Solitaryflowerinlovewithitsownfragrance; indulgeinself-admiration〗 analogy lofty character, temperament aloof, alone, enjoy the exquisite thinks that a superior Although there is no clear Yong Xu was, but hold narcissistic. - Joseph Yu Qing Zhaizhu people "Sea of Blood Flower" Writers write books not to idle, but to build spiritual civilization, influence readers MIND gūgāo Trinidad〗 〖proudloneliness tall MIND Teli Widows and Orphans gūguǎ 〗 〖Orphanandwidow: widows and orphans Elderly widows and orphans, the poor blame 〗 〖Lonely: lonely Old man left his home, a Widows and Orphans Solitary Shui gūguai [Dialect] 〗 〖Cheekbone: zygomatic 〗 〖Ballofthefoot: ankle. Short for the feet alone Shui Lonely gūjì 〖Lonely; isolated〗 lonely, lonely, bored From time to time the train stopped at the lonely station Yangshan Kuang Miao, South Point Ridges, facing west toward the Qixia, wind and rain twilight, custodial soul attached, when not lonely. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Mei Man Festival" Loner gūjiā-guǎrén 〗 〖Apersoninsolitarysplendour home alone with the ancient emperor Qian Gua Ren said that the shy person is widowed Germany. Now commonly used to refer to a lonely person, who sometimes refers to the masses, and sometimes refers to people who do not Qinjuan I did not worrying about the wife, loner, and fear Gesha? - Ai Wu "southbound mind" Emperor Yuan dream to do, which makes deserted, and truly become a "loner" the Alone gūjūn 〗 〖Isolatedforce no separate army reinforcements Depth alone Alone Lonely gūkǔ 〗 〖Aloneandhelpless helpless, living in poverty Lonely grandmother Wretched gūkǔ-língdīng 〗 〖Friendlessandwretched lonely and depressed, nothing Yiping Zensheng roots of life are born unlucky side, saw the lonely. - "Revival" Li old woman had no children, wretched, but fortunately her neighborhood care cadres Ailing mother to live in this house all alone for three years. - "Finally issued a letter" Lonely old gūlǎo 〗 〖Bereavedoldfolk: lonely old people a year Maintenance lonely old 〗 〖Whoremaster: commonly known as the Pin Fu; clients Isolated gūlì 〗 〖Alone: the sense of isolation He has no family in isolation, weak risk-free accessories Isolated 〖〗: independence, nothing to fall back on, and contact Statically and in isolation to study the abolition of Marxist-Leninist approach. - Mao Zedong's "Reform Our Study" Isolated buildings An isolated pier Isolated gūlì 〗 〖Isolate the sense of isolation, the lack of sympathy or assistance Solidarity comrades, isolate the enemy Isolated gūlì-wúyuán 〖Belefthighanddry; beisolatedandwithouthelp〗: Individual support situation, a lack of foreign aid "Hamlet" the play of Prince, the British theater in the Elizabethan stage, is understood as an isolated, full of Anger Avenger 〗 〖Marooned: isolated or can not be in a position to escape The cause of the war, so that they are isolated in Europe position At the last minute, this stubborn man but that in any case not bear to let the master into a helpless situation, he should stand up and say few words Alone gūlīnglīng 〖Belefthighanddry; beisolatedandwithouthelp〗 Jie Li alone He is a lonely stranger One person living alone in the countryside Alone, no foil I feel looking at the mountains lone family that people ... ... "the very top of Mount Tai" Gulou gūlòu 〗 〖Ignorant little knowledge, Xueshiqianbao Ignorant gūlòu-guǎwén 〗 〖Analogy Xueshiqianbo beignorantandill-informed, knowledge-poor Our comrades sit idle, ignorant, do not know too much. - "Good at building a new world" Orphan girl gūnǚ 〗 〖Orphangirl girls without parents Withdrawn gūpì 〗 〖Beunsociableandeccentric strange lonely nature, difficult to get along with ordinary people Walking side by side with me, then his eccentric nature of people, apparently also hast forsaken. - "Packed in _set_s of house people," Guqi gūqī 〗 〖Solitaryanddesolate sad lonely Guqi feelings Defenseless gūruò 〗 〖Weak: weak alone. Weak that Shigu Defenseless woman W 〗 〖Orphanchild: refers to the young people who lost their parents 〗 〖Lonelypeople: people who have no Alone gūshēn 〗 〖Lonely single person (especially non-relatives or relatives is not around) He alone wherever they went Only the shadow alone gūshēn-zhīyǐng 〗 〖Come only their lonely lonely figure, described by non-pro free Not only affect the poor Qinjuan I alone, the fall of the sufferance of Ren Qi Jie Yuan empty. - Yuan Guan Hanqing "Snow in Midsummer" Lonely widow gūshuāng 〗 〖Orphanandwidow widows and orphans Hanged asked illness, in order to keep solitary widow. - "Huainanzi repair service and training." Note: The "Young said no parent alone; widow, widows." Italy alone to his own, bent on their own views gūxíng-jǐyì, gūxíngjǐjiàn 〗 〖Followone'sownbigotedcourse blindly act according to their own opinion, not listen to different views Tango gūzhǎng-nánmíng 〖Asinglehandcannotdoclapping; Twocanplaythegame〗 one takes two to tango. Analogy helpless and can not be done. Extend this metaphor to relate to both parties Ruan Xiaoqi said: "If things had gone to my knowledge, the day is not amnesty, the brothers combined concentric lamps, break in Tokyo, it not fun! Brothers were dead today, the bulk of the loose, and takes two to tango, but also do something! - "Water Margin" Desperate gūzhù-yīzhì 〖Riskeverythinginasingleventure; putallone'seggsinonebasket〗 risk gamblers bet to make it all to the final decision outcome. Metaphor in an emergency situation, make every effort to make a final risky behavior Foreign countries to play a double role in the film who risk their routine, to maintain life, they resort to desperate lives of Soliton gūzǐ 〗 〖Orphan: orphans. Juvenile death of his father, or child without parents 〗 〖Sonbereavedofhisparents: see "solitary sad child"
Solitary <name "(phonetic. From the child, melon sound. The original meaning of childhood death of his father, the orphans) with the original meaning alone, without Father. - "Said the text" such as solitons. - "Book of Rites dark clothing." Note the following thirty alone without the father said. "Secretary ADPL solitary end. -" Singer of the song "Less Xi Ling forlorn and solitary side. - Pan" widow Fu "Old Master said no single, solitary child care without the parent said. -" Mengzi Liang Hui Kings "relief suffering, forgive the Widows and Orphans. -" Zuo Zhao Gong fourteen years, "The answer was prepared by the provisional death Jingzhou Liu, Forex Capital Market LLC I orphans, breach of trust from the economy, Wu Suo is not dead, He Mianmu see Liu Jingzhou Down? - Hole Yan "Han Wei Chunqiu" Another example is the lone horse (without the mother's pony); solitary left (non-parent children); Orphans (loss of the mother bird chicks). Another example is the solitary disease (orphans and the disabled ); six feet of the solitary (not his father's childhood death of his father is not alone gū ⒈ ~ children widowed mother or parents are dead. ~ bitter Lingding. ⒉ alone ~ alone. ~ single. ~ palm hard to Ming. ~ Army fighting. ⒊ <ancient > ~ the king himself king. ⒋ pass "gud Koo ⒉" ~ negative.
孤 gu
部首 子 部首筆畫 03 總筆畫 08
孤 alone; fatherless; i; isolated; orphaned; solitary;
孤 gū
同本義 [orphan]
又如孤駒(無母的小馬);孤遺(無父母的子女);孤雛(失去母鳥的幼鳥)。又如孤疾(孤兒和殘疾人);六尺之孤(沒有父親的未成年的孩子);孤終(孤兒和死亡者);孤嫠(孤兒寡婦);孤撮(孤兒)。特指為國事而犧牲者的後代。如遺孤 (4)
古代王侯的自稱 [i]
孤 gū
單獨;孤獨 [lonely;solitary; isolated; alone]
孤高 [arrogant]
獨特 [unique]
孤 gū
負,負恩,背棄恩德 [let sb. down]
狐立於 [isolate]
gū āizǐ
[son bereaved of his parents] 舊時父喪稱孤子,母喪稱哀子,父母俱喪稱孤哀子
gū ào
[be proud and aloof] 孤僻高傲,超然,指對他人的情感、意見或利益的冷漠
[tall and straight]∶形容山勢挺立凸出
[aloof and arrogant]∶形容獨行其是,不合群;孤高
[only existing copy; only copy extant]∶現在僅存而別無它本的善本書籍、手稿或碑帖
[the only existing copy]∶某書流傳或存在於世的獨本
[a solitary minister and a perverse son] 原指失勢的臣子和微賤的庶子。比喻生存於憂患中的人
[(of physique) frail] [力量]∶單薄
[be solitary but heroic] 單獨跟許多敵人英勇作戰;出衆的膽量
[isolated island] 離大陸很遠,周圍沒有其他島嶼的島
[lonely people] 幼而無父和老而無子的人
[orphan] 由於死亡或遺棄失去母親的幼小動物
gū ér
[solitary flower in love with its own fragrance;indulge in self-admiration] 比喻人品清高,性情孤傲,獨自欣賞自認為出衆絶倫的那一套
[proud loneliness] 特立高聳
[orphan and widow]∶孤兒寡母
[ball of the foot]∶踝骨。為腳孤拐的簡稱
[lonely;isolated] 孤獨無依,寂寞無聊
[a person in solitary splendour] 孤傢與寡人是古代帝王的謙稱,即自謙為寡德之人。現在常用來指孤獨的人,有時候指脫離群衆的人,有時候是指沒有親眷的人
[isolated force] 單獨的沒有援兵的軍隊
[alone and helpless] 無依無靠,生活貧苦
[friendless and wretched] 孤獨而苦悶,無所依憑
[bereaved old folk]∶孤獨無依的年老人
[isolate] 使孤獨無助,使得不到同情或援助
[be left high and dry;be isolated and without help]∶單獨支撐局面,缺乏應有外援
[be left high and dry;be isolated and without help]
[ignorant] 見聞少,學識淺薄
[be ignorant and ill-informed] 比喻學識淺薄、見聞貧乏
[orphan girl] 沒有了父母的女孩
[be unsociable and eccentric] 性情孤獨怪異,難與常人相處
[solitary and desolate] 孤獨凄涼
[orphan child]∶指幼年失去父母的人
[lonely people]∶孤苦無依的人
[lonely] 獨身一人(多指無親屬或親屬不在身邊)
[lonely] 來去衹有自己孤獨的身影,形容無親無靠
[orphan and widow] 孤兒寡婦
[follow one's own bigoted course] 一味按照自己的意見行事,聽不進不同意見
[a single hand cannot do clapping;two can play the game] 一個巴掌拍不響。比喻孤立無助,不能成事。引伸比喻事情關係到甲乙雙方
[risk everything in a single venture;put all one's eggs in one basket] 賭徒冒險盡其所有做賭註,以决最後勝負。比喻在情況危急時,竭盡全力作最後一次冒險的行為
[son bereaved of his parents]∶見孤哀子”
孤 gū ㄍㄨˉ
Isolated gu Radical Son Radical total strokes 08 strokes 03 Solitary alone; fatherless; i; isolated; orphaned; solitary; Solitary gū <Name> (1) (Phonetic. From the child, melon sound. The original meaning of childhood death of his father, the orphans) (2) With the original meaning of [orphan] Alone, without Father. - "Said the text" Such as the soliton. - "Book of Rites dark clothing." Note the following thirty alone without the father said. " Secretary ADPL solitary end. - "Singer of the song" Ling forlorn and solitary little partial Xi. - Pan "widow Fu" Old Master said no single, solitary child care without the parent said. - "Under King Hui of Liang Mencius" Disaster risk, Yuri Widows and Orphans. - "Zuo Zhao Gong fourteen years" The answer prepared Liu Jingzhou clinical death, Forex Capital Market LLC I orphans, breach of trust from the economy, Wu Suo is not dead, He Mianmu see Liu Jingzhou Down? - Hole Yan "Han Wei Chunqiu" (3) Another example is the lone horse (without the mother's pony); solitary left (non-parent children); Orphans (loss of the mother bird chicks.) Another example is the solitary disease (orphans and the disabled); six feet of the solitary (not the father of the minor child); solitary final (orphans and death); lonely widow (widows and orphans); isolated group of (orphans). Especially those for the affairs of state at the expense of future generations. Such as orphans (4) The claims of ancient nobility [i] Jun names Widows and Orphans. - "Lu Jun Shou." Note The ruler Qian said. " Mortals have this virtue is sufficient alone carry on the south, said. - "Pirates of the plantar Zhuangzi" Although certainly the cheap-oriented, although the high will be less as the base, is not Rang Hau Wong said the widows and orphans. - "Let the Warring States policy" Morohito holding meetings, and even loss of hope alone. - "Mirror" (5) Another example is act like an absolute monarch; lonely (ancient kings, Uncooperative the claim) Solitary gū (1) Alone; alone [lonely; solitary; isolated; alone] Alone, alone as well. - "Ya-Guang Gu release three" Jun names Widows and Orphans. - "Lu Jun defend" Qin Yan and Zhao at the leather off and run out on the occasion, can be described as isolated intellectual crisis. - Song Su Xun, "On the six countries" Smoke in the desert straight down the long river yen. - Tang Wangwei "to the Frontier" To a mere hundred people, to join the enemy, fighting with them flutter, He Yi to lone wolves sheep vote? - "Class warfare clean barnyard class notes (2) Another example is the solitary cold (lonely lonely); solitary solitary troubled troubled (troubled loneliness anxiety); solitary troubled (disturbed alone); solitary pile (stand alone); solitary poor (lonely poor) (3) MIND [arrogant] Lone pregnant spit the moon, all destroyed Shuo gold. - Tangmeng Country "with the state Yin" (4) Another example is the solitary wind (aloof demeanor, character); solitary straight (MIND upright); solitary Special (MIND; outstanding); solitary stems (MIND upright); solitary Yi (MIND free and easy); solitary Qing (aloof and quiet) (5) Unique [unique] Yun Qing words alone are songs sound, hit touch Zhong Qing Ming Wan Ke. - Tang yin "An Pinggong" (6) Another example is the solitary sound (a unique temperament; lonely voice); solitary Yan (referring to the flower show alone); solitary rhyme (a unique style; superb rhythm); isolated pregnant (MIND sentiment) Solitary gū <Action> (1) Negative, negative Well, back on End [let sb. Down] Solitary, negative as well. Where Mao said, as a solitary solitary solitary bears. Popular for Koo, non. - "Liang Hsi Dictionary" Although the solitary hills Well, the Han have a negative virtue. - Han Li Ling, "A Su Wu" District alone the meaning of negative Ling heart. Weight alone Well, Xianhen their lives. - "Han Kuang Wu Chuan Ten Kings" No pure solid of the final section, there must be the heart of ingratitude. - "Wei Yuan turned Biography" (2) Another example is the solitary grace (negative Well, back on End) (3) Fox stand [isolate] Lord alone is the minister at the next party. - "Murder robbery rape Han Fei Chen" Sad child alone gū āizǐ [Son bereaved of his parents] said soliton old father's funeral, funeral home said the sad child, both parents said the solitary grief mourning son Ji said the dutiful son Xiao Sun, said the sad child bereavement grief Sun. - "Book of Rites Miscellany" Such as solitons, clothing purely prime. - "Book of Rites dark clothing" Snob gū ào [Be proud and aloof] withdrawn arrogant, aloof, refers to the feelings of others, opinions or interests of the indifference Aloof manner Guba gūbá (1) [Tall and straight]: describe the mountains stand protruding The Rose posture changing, from the Japanese concept of a Ruoyun, make into Danxia, Feng Ling palm off, nothing Jun potential; are sky Long Ying, delicate Guba, Qi Zai Zao who decorated and shaved! - Tanglv temperature "to send Xue Daxin return linjin order" (2) [Aloof and arrogant]: it is the description alone, not gregarious; MIND He exudes a mood of lofty Guba Existing copies gūběn (1) [Only existing copy; only copy extant]: Now the only remaining, and no it's rare books, manuscripts, or rubbings (2) [The only existing copy]: a book spread or existence or the independence of the Guchenniezai gūchén-nièzǐ [A solitary minister and a perverse son] originally referred to the downfall of the courtiers and the humble Bastard. Analogy of people living in hardship Independence Guchenniezai, the worry about risk but also its deep concern also suffering, it is up to. - "Mencius on the" Alone gūdān (1) [Alone; lonely]: Single, no reliable, feel lonely Children working in the field, the elderly are lonely Chen Rang with their parents in death, alone without relatives, Ding adoption of, and long, for the business marriage to marry. - "Nan Qi Shu Han Lingmin Biography" (2) [(Of physique) frail] [power]: thin Lone gūdǎn [Be solitary but heroic] heroic individual with many enemies; outstanding courage Lone hero Island gūdǎo [Isolated island] is far away from the mainland, there are no other islands around the island Lonely gūdú [Lonely people] baby without the father and the old people without children The people are ignored (unreasonable) are as high as (with cents ") at the end, you will not increase although the lonely widowed Yan. -" Xunzi and hegemony " Lonely gūdú (1) [Isolated; lonely]: isolated dependence nothing Small station hidden in the woods alone. - "Road" (2) [Alone]: alone; alone Old man leaning on a cane, carrying a straw basket, wander alone all day in the field. - "Premier Zhou's exhortations to ... ..." (3) [Friendless; lonely]: not gregarious; do not like to travel with people His temperament alone, almost no friends Isolated calf gūdú [Orphan] lost my mother due to death or abandonment of the young animals Orphan gū ér (1) [Orphan] (2) Young children fatherless (3) Orphaned children Orphanage Narcissistic gūfāng-zìshǎng [Solitary flower in love with its own fragrance; indulge in self-admiration] metaphor lofty character, temperament aloof, alone, enjoy the exquisite thinks that a superior Although there is no clear Yong Xu was, but hold narcissistic. - Joseph Yu Qing Zhaizhu people "Sea of Blood Flower" Writers write books not to idle, but to build spiritual civilization, influence readers MIND gūgāo [Proud loneliness] Trinidad tall MIND Teli Widows and Orphans gūguǎ (1) [Orphan and widow]: widows and orphans Elderly widows and orphans, the poor blame (2) [Lonely]: lonely Old man left his home, a Widows and Orphans Solitary Shui gūguɑi (1) [Side] (2) [Cheekbone]: zygomatic (3) [Ball of the foot]: ankle. Short for the feet alone Shui Lonely gūjì [Lonely; isolated], lonely, lonely, bored From time to time the train stopped at the lonely station Yangshan Kuang Miao, South Point Ridges, facing west toward the Qixia, wind and rain twilight, custodial soul attached, when not lonely. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Mei Man Festival" Loner gūjiā-guǎrén [A person in solitary splendour] lonely and the ancient emperor Qian Gua Ren said that the shy person is widowed Germany. Now commonly used to refer to a lonely person, who sometimes refers to the masses, and sometimes refers to people who do not Qinjuan I did not worrying about the wife, loner, and fear Gesha? - Ai Wu "southbound mind" Emperor Yuan dream to do, which makes deserted, really became a loner, "the Alone gūjūn [Isolated force] is not a separate army reinforcements Depth alone Alone Lonely gūkǔ [Alone and helpless] dispossessed, living in poverty Lonely grandmother Wretched gūkǔ-língdīng [Friendless and wretched] lonely and depressed, nothing Yiping Zensheng roots of life are born unlucky side, saw the lonely. - "Revival" Li old woman had no children, wretched, but fortunately her neighborhood care cadres Ailing mother to live in this house all alone for three years. - "Finally issued a letter" Lonely old gūlǎo (1) [Bereaved old folk]: lonely old people a year Maintenance lonely old (2) [Whoremaster]: commonly known as the Pin Fu; clients Isolated gūlì (1) [Alone]: the sense of isolation He has no family in isolation, weak risk-free accessories (2) [Isolated]: independence, nothing to fall back on, and contact Statically and in isolation to study the abolition of Marxist-Leninist approach. - Mao Zedong's "Reform Our Study" Isolated buildings An isolated pier Isolated gūlì [Isolate] the sense of isolation, the lack of sympathy or assistance Solidarity comrades, isolate the enemy Isolated gūlì-wúyuán (1) [Be left high and dry; be isolated and without help]: individual support situation, a lack of foreign aid "Hamlet" the play of Prince, the British theater in the Elizabethan stage, is understood as an isolated, full of Anger Avenger (2) [Marooned]: being in a helpless situation or can not escape The cause of the war, so that they are isolated in Europe position At the last minute, this stubborn man but that in any case not bear to let the master into a helpless situation, he should stand up and say few words Alone gūlīnglīng (1) [Be left high and dry; be isolated and without help] (2) Jie Li alone He is a lonely stranger One person living alone in the countryside (3) Alone, no foil I feel looking at the mountains lone family that people ... ... "the very top of Mount Tai" Gulou gūlòu [Ignorant] seen and heard less, Xueshiqianbo Ignorant gūlòu-guǎwén [Be ignorant and ill-informed] metaphor Xueshiqianbao, knowledge-poor Our comrades sit idle, ignorant, do not know too much. - "Good at building a new world" Orphan girl gūnǚ [Orphan girl] girl without her parents Withdrawn gūpì [Be unsociable and eccentric] solitary disposition strange, hard to get along with ordinary people Walking side by side with me, then his eccentric nature of people, apparently also hast forsaken. - "Packed in _set_s of house people," Guqi gūqī [Solitary and desolate] lonely desolate Guqi feelings Defenseless gūruò (1) [Weak]: lonely weak. Weak that Shigu Defenseless woman w (2) [Orphan child]: refers to the young people who lost their parents (3) [Lonely people]: the people who have no Alone gūshēn [Lonely] single person (especially non-relatives or relatives is not around) He alone wherever they went Only the shadow alone gūshēn-zhīyǐng [Lonely] come and go only their lone figure, described by non-pro free Not only affect the poor Qinjuan I alone, the fall of the sufferance of Ren Qi Jie Yuan empty. - Yuan Guan Hanqing "Snow in Midsummer" Lonely widow gūshuāng [Orphan and widow] widows and orphans Hanged asked illness, in order to keep solitary widow. - "Huainanzi repair service and training." Note solitary child without the father said; widow, widows. " Italy alone to his own, bent on their own views gūxíng-jǐyì, gūxíngjǐjiàn [Follow one's own bigoted course] blindly act according to their own opinion, not listen to different views Tango gūzhǎng-nánmíng [A single hand cannot do clapping; two can play the game] a tango. Analogy helpless and can not be done. Extend this metaphor to relate to both parties Ruan Xiaoqi Road Zoe my experience, the day is not amnesty, the brothers combined concentric lamps, break in Tokyo, it not fun! Brothers were dead today, the bulk of the loose, and takes two to tango, but also do something! - "Water Margin" Desperate gūzhù-yīzhì [Risk everything in a single venture; put all one's eggs in one basket] make the best adventure of all gamblers bet to the final decision outcome. Metaphor in an emergency situation, make every effort to make a final risky behavior Foreign countries to play a double role in the film who risk their routine, to maintain life, they resort to desperate lives of Soliton gūzǐ (1) [Orphan]: orphans. Juvenile death of his father, or child without parents (2) [Son bereaved of his parents]: see solitary sad child " Solitary gū ㄍ ㄨ ˉ (1) Father or parents died young to die ~ children. Left ~. Care ~. ~ Widowed widower alone (orphans, widows, no wife or widowed people, old people with no children). (2) ~ Single individual. ~ Alone. ~ Li. ~ Secluded. ~ Proud. ~ Solitary (isolated, still.) ~ Introduction. ~ Body. ~ Crisis. ~ Fang from the tour. ~ Bitter Lingding. ~ Palm hard to Ming. ~ Yun Ye He (Xiao Yao Yu leisurely). (3) ~ Home of the emperors of claims. ~ King. (4) Gu Gu with "live up to. Zheng code yaps, u5b64, gbkb9c2 8 number of strokes, radical son, stroke order number 52133544
Ancient Tang Yun】 【almost cut 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 attack was almost cut, ???? sound regardless. 【】 No Man Father said. Release Name】 【solitary, Gu also, see also Gu Zhan Wang nothing. Li Song Li】 【gentleman has not changed its name alone. One said, poor people alone. 【Order】 raising ceremony on a small child, all alone save. And princely Qian said. Li Yu algae】 【small country Junyue who claim alone. Qu Li】 rulers and the people made, claiming Gua Ren said. Services in fierce, said proper child alone. And Guan Ming, Excellencies of the times also. Li Zhou Guan】 【small book division, Shaofu, less security, said the three orphans, II Public Honghua. 【Note】 three solitary, although Excellencies the Vice II, beyond its Guanzhu, Gu Yue alone. And where the larvae at the Yiyue alone. Li Xue Ji】 【independent school without friends, the Gu Lou and few heard. 】 【Jade articles and special too. Yang Yu Gong yi book】 【Tong alone. 【Note】 Special Seng Tong also. 】 【Ji Yun and negative too. 】 【Li Ling Ling Su Wu A, although solitary Well, Han has a negative virtue. 【Mao said, All those who bear the lonely alone, as isolated. Popular for Koo, non. Also Tokgo, hyphenated name. 】 【Xu Xuan said in the text for the isolated sub-melon, melon sound too. Child but not parent, then weep quack too. Agree.
編號:9726 ID: 9726 無父也。從子瓜聲。 古乎切
No Father. The sound from the sub-melon. Ancient almost cut