(Phonetic. From the big, the sound. Original meaning: luxury)
〗 〖Luxurious with the original meaning
Boast, extravagance too. - "Said the text"
Not to boast of your. - "Xunzi Zhong Nigeria." Note: The "luxury also."
Another example: Kwame Li (virtual beauty vanity); boast luxury (luxury, vanity); praise pleases (luxury indulgence)
Links "boast." Arrogant; show off self-important〗 〖
Said China made no real glory. - "Zhou Shu Shi Law"
The rich world is not employed boast. - "Lu under the Yin." Note: "surprised and arrogant people."
Shichong to extravagant praise of people. - Sima Guang Song, "said Jian Xun Kang"
Another example: Kwame extravagant (arrogant)
Great great〗 〖
Boast, big too. - "Ya-Guang Gu release a"
Kwame right to die. - "Shi Ji Yuan Jia Sheng Biography." Annotations: "Thai people."
Concubine boast cloth clothing, coarse food. - Ban "Han"
Pirates of the son of a dog together and cut off the feet play the critical sub-phase boast. - "Said Han Fei left outside the reserve,"
Another example: Kwame Festival (Great Festival, lofty moral integrity); boast about (big words, rhetoric)
Under the guise of "boast." Empty, empty empty〗 〖
So Gu Zhiren have refused to carry on your rich, it is also the rebirth of non-praise to the name also, as in fact. - "Lu." Note: The "virtual people."
Weak. Links "Kua" weak〗 〖
Good bone-shaped glory. - Liu "Huainanzi"
Another example: Kwame cloth (large cloth, coarse cloth)
Links "fascinating." OK fine〗 〖
Man cheek white teeth, good bone-shaped glory. - "Huainanzi fascinating Services"
Quarry tolerance is reasonable. - Jin Fu Yi "Dancing FU"
Another example: type Quarry (good shape); boast capacity (beautiful face)
(Phonetic. From the words, boast sound. Original meaning: to say or do something more than the original level, not practical)
With the original meaning 〖flaunt; glory; showoff; exaggerate; overstate; boat〗
Zijin said Quarry. - "Popular Culture"
Quarry, a large expressed. - "Word Forest"
Things are not only boast all carry on. - "Pipe white heart." Note: The "big people."
Will be big boast. - "_Select_ed Works of Yang Xiong Yang Fu sequence." Note: The "exaggerated, big words too."
Cutting failed. - "Kung-yang Zhuang nine years." Note: "Since its cutting exaggerated."
Although the potential of the United States respect the clothes, not to boast cheap bully poor. - "Han Fei old solution"
Another example: Quarry fraud (boast fraud); exaggeration (say absurd); boast about _set_ting the mouth (boast; boast); boast brag (proud boast, show off); all praise him labor of love; boast (pride pride ; show off); boast capacity (pride, showing off, boasting a proud color)
Expanded, dilating 〖aggrave; magnify〗
"Spring and Autumn" careful and precise, "Zuo" exaggerated. - Han Yu "into learning solutions"
Through "cross" (kuà). Both〗 〖haveboth
The large fan in the country who boast the state and county, Citylink dozens. - "Han vassal king of the table order"
〖Exaggerate; overestimate; overstate〗 things right than the actual level; exaggerated
Exaggerate their difficulties
〖Puffsth.up; makeanoverstatement〗: said first word
〗 〖Overwrite: wrote the first words
Often exaggerated
Quarry E's
〗 〖Kua'eshi-Titan in myths and legends of Hercules
KuaFu〗 〖Chinese mythology. Yandi descendants. See "Kuafuzhuiri": Biography braggadocio was chasing the sun_set_, the way thirsty, drank yellow, the Weihe River water did not stop. For Daze North to drink water, halfway thirst. Death stick into "Deng Lin." Braggadocio braggadocio descendants multiply as the country
〖Baythemoon; KuaFu'sracewiththesun〗 ancient braggadocio to chase the sun, the metaphor of view, to do things from reality
〖Bragabout; talkbig boast aimlessly〗
Last General Assembly, he boasted, and now the fruits of their words
〖Praise; commend; compliment〗 praise; praise
Teacher praised his rapid progress
Boast boast
〖Flaunt; glory; trumpet〗 boast
Potential energy of the wing center boasts boast. - "Historical Records"
〖Boast; bragabout; talkbig〗 boast; boast
His boastful
〖Indulgeinexaggeration; talkbig〗 flashy, talk forever
About ten minutes of their words, all rhetoric
〗 〖Makeadisplayof their own strengths, such as to show off something to show
〗 〖Describeexaggeratively modification over exaggerated
〗 〖Praise: praise
Village elders said the boy filial Doukua
〗 〖Bragabout: boast
She loved to boast of her past everywhere
Quarry HUI
〖Praise; commend praise praise〗
〖Flaunt; bragabout; showoff; makeadisplayof〗 to show off their strengths, advantages, credit, etc.
〖Praise; commend〗 praise; praise
〖Exaggerate; overstate〗 exaggerated; exaggerated
You would be too exaggerated to say
〗 〖Hyperbole hyperbole. A rhetorical device, refers to inspire the listener or reader's imagination and enhance the power of words, using exaggerated words to describe things
Quarry mouth
〖Boast; bragabout; talkbig〗〗 〖mouth: boast
Quarry (phonetic. From the big, the sound. The original meaning of luxury) with the original meaning of praise, extravagance too. - "Wen said," you not to boast. - "Xunzi Zhong Nigeria." Note luxury too. "Another example is the boast Korea (virtual beauty vanity); boast luxury (luxury, vanity); praise pleases (luxury indulgence) Pass said." Arrogant; show off said China made no real glory. - "Law Week posthumous book," boast the rich world is not employed. - "Lu under the Yin." Note also surprised and arrogant. "Shichong to extravagant praise of people. - Song Sima Guang," said Jian Xun Kang, "Another example is the exaggerated Dan (arrogant) big boast, big too. -" Ya-Guang Gu release a "right to die boast. - - "Shi Ji Yuan Jia Sheng Biography." Annals Thai people. "concubine boast cloth clothing, coarse food. - Ban "Han boast (that) kuā ⒈ boast ~ big the word. ~ Under the sea. Too ~ Zhang. ~ Yao himself. ~ ~ The talks. ⒉ appreciation, praise ~ Award: good people ~ people. Quarry kuà 1. Across. 2. The idea was over. See "boast step."
Quarry kua
Most of the first radical total strokes 06 strokes 03
boast; exaggerate; overstate;
(Phonetic. From the big, the sound. The original meaning of luxury)
With the original meaning of [luxurious]
Boast, extravagance too. - "Said the text"
Not to boast of your. - "Xunzi Zhong Nigeria." Note luxury too. "
Another example is the Quarry Li (virtual beauty vanity); boast luxury (luxury, vanity); praise pleases (luxury indulgence)
Tong said. "Arrogant; display [self-important]
Said China made no real glory. - "Zhou Shu Shi Law"
The rich world is not employed boast. - "Lu under the Yin." Note also surprised and arrogant. "
Shichong to extravagant praise of people. - Sima Guang Song, "said Jian Xun Kang"
Another example is the Quarry Dan (arrogant)
Big [great]
Boast, big too. - "Ya-Guang Gu release a"
Kwame right to die. - "Shi Ji Yuan Jia Sheng Biography." Annals Thailand also. "
Concubine boast cloth clothing, coarse food. - Ban "Han"
Pirates of the son of a dog together and cut off the feet play the critical sub-phase boast. - "Said Han Fei left outside the reserve,"
Another example is the Quarry section (large section, Section noble exercise); boast about (big words, rhetoric)
Under the guise of the said. "Virtual, empty [empty]
So Gu Zhiren have refused to carry on your rich, it is also the rebirth of non-praise to the name also, as in fact. - "Lu." Note virtual too. "
Weak. Tong Kua "[weak]
Good bone-shaped glory. - Liu "Huainanzi"
Another example is the Quarry cloth (large cloth, coarse cloth)
Through fascinating. "Bright [fine]
Man cheek white teeth, good bone-shaped glory. - "Huainanzi fascinating Services"
Quarry tolerance is reasonable. - Jin Fu Yi "Dancing FU"
Another example is the form of praise (good shape); boast capacity (beautiful face)
(Phonetic. From the words, boast sound. The original meaning of things right or doing more than the original level, not practical)
With the original meaning [flaunt; glory; show off; exaggerate; overstate; boat]
Zijin said said. - "Popular Culture"
Said big words too. - "Word Forest"
Are all things that carry both. - "Pipe white heart." Note large also. "
Will be big say. - "_Select_ed Works of Yang Xiong Yang Fu sequence." Note that the big words too. "
Cutting failed. - "Kung-yang Zhuang nine years." Note that large since the cutting. "
Although the potential of the United States respect the clothes, not to boast cheap bully poor. - "Han Fei old solution"
Another example is fraud boast (brag about cheating); exaggeration (say absurd); boast about _set_ting the mouth (boast; boast); boast brag (proud boast, show off); all praise him labor of love; boast (pride of boasting; display); boast capacity (pride, showing off, boasting a proud color)
Expanded, dilating [aggrave; magnify]
"Spring and Autumn" careful and precise, "Zuo" exaggerated. - Han Yu "into learning solutions"
Through cross "(kuà). Both [have both]
The large fan in the country who boast the state and county, Citylink dozens. - "Han vassal king of the table order"
[Exaggerate; overestimate; overstate] to get things right than the actual level; exaggerated
Exaggerate their difficulties
[Puff sth.up; make an overstatement]: first words said
[Over write]: first words written
Often exaggerated
Quarry E's
kuā éshì
[Kua'eshi-titan] myths and legends of Hercules
[Kua fu] Chinese mythology. Yandi descendants. See Kuafuzhuiri "Biography braggadocio was chasing the sun_set_, the way thirsty, drank yellow, the Weihe River water did not stop. For Daze North to drink water, the middle of thirst. After the death of a cane into Deng Lin." Braggadocio braggadocio descendants multiply as the country
[Bay the moon; kua fu's race with the sun] the ancient braggadocio to chase the sun, the metaphor of view, to do things from reality
kuā hǎikǒu
[Brag about; talk big] boast aimlessly
Last General Assembly, he boasted, and now the fruits of their words
[Praise; commend; compliment] praise; praise
Teacher praised his rapid progress
Boast boast
[Flaunt; glory; trumpet] boast
Potential energy of the wing center boasts boast. - "Historical Records"
[Boast; brag about; talk big] boast; boast
His boastful
[Indulge in exaggeration; talk big] flashy, talk forever
About ten minutes of their words, all rhetoric
[Make a display of] their own strengths, such as to show off something to show
[Describe exaggeratively] over-exaggerated modification
[Praise]: praise
Village elders said the boy filial Doukua
[Brag about]: boast
She loved to boast of her past everywhere
Quarry HUI
[Praise; commend] praise praise
[Flaunt; brag about; show off; make a display of] to show off their strengths, advantages, credit, etc.
[Praise; commend] praise; praise
[Exaggerate; overstate] exaggerated; exaggerated
You would be too exaggerated to say
[Hyperbole] hyperbole. A rhetorical device, refers to inspire the listener or reader's imagination and enhance the power of words, using exaggerated words to describe things
Quarry mouth
[Boast; brag about; talk big] [port]: boast
Quarry 1
kuā ㄎ ˉ ㄨ ㄚ
Brag, boast ~ mouth. ~ Zhang. ~ Yao. ~ Mouth (boasting). Floating ~. ~ ~ The talks.
With her words, awards, praised ~ like. ~ Xu.
Not for the luxury of your ~. "
Zheng code gdbz, u5938, gbkbfe4
6 number of strokes, radical large, strokes No. 134115
boast; exaggerate; overstate;
Quarry 2
kuà ㄎ ㄨ ㄚ ╝
Ancient Cross with "both.
Zheng code gdbz, u5938, gbkbfe4
6 number of strokes, radical large, strokes No. 134115
丑集下 Under the ugly _set_ 【廣韻】苦瓜切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】枯瓜切,????音誇。大也。【爾雅·釋言】夸毗,體柔也。【詩·大雅】無爲夸毗。 又【諡法】華言無實曰夸。 又苦瓦切,音恗。夸奓,自大也。【前漢·諸侯王表】夸州兼郡。【楊僕傳】懷銀黃夸鄕里。 又姓。 又【集韻】虧亏切,音區。奢也。 又【集韻】匈于切,音吁。美貌。 又【集韻】區遇切,音姁。巍也。【左思·吳都賦】橫塘查下,邑屋隆夸。長干延屬,飛甍舛互。 又苦禾切,音科。【陸機·感舊賦】或趨時以風發兮,或遺榮而媻娑。或沖虛以後已兮,或招世而自夸。 【說文】从大亏聲。亦作????????。
Guangyun】 【cut bitter gourd】 【【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 dry melon is cut, ???? sound exaggerated. Great too. 【Introduction】 boast Mailyard border, body soft too. Poetry Taiga】 【boast adjacent inaction. 【Method】 another posthumous said China made no real glory. Bitter Waqie, audio and Hu. Boast extravagant, arrogant also. 【Form】 Former Han Princes boast state and county. 【Fax】 Huai Yang servant Quarry Xiang in silver yellow. Another name. Yun】 【_set_ loss and loss tangent of the pitch. Extravagance too. 】 【Ji Yun and Hungary in the cut, sound appealed. Beauty. Yun】 【area and the event cut _set_s, sound cheery. Wei also. Wang Tong Zuo Wu Dufu】 【investigation, the town and houses Long boast. An extension of a long dry, Meng Fei contradictory each other. Wo bitter cut, sound families. 【】 Lu sense of the old Fu Xi or trendy to high spirit, or the left wing and the Pan suo. Chong Xu Xi or later have, or move the world and boast. Wen】 【said the sound from the burned. Also for ???? ????.
编号:6566 ID: 6566 奢也。从大于聲。 苦瓜切
Extravagance too. From more than sound. Cut bitter gourd