Equipment (equipment) bèi completely, should have the: with. Complete. Demanding perfection (which requires a comprehensive and perfect). Arranged in advance: preparation. Preparedness. Preparation. Preparation. Record (a written report to the competent authorities to do in order to reference test). Remarks. Memorandum. Facilities: equipment. Equipment. Armaments. Stroke: 8; radicals: Fan; stroke ID: 35425121
(Phonetic. From the people, equipment (bèi) sound. Original meaning: caution, warning)
〗 〖Cautious with the original meaning
Ring said do not worry about preparation to know. - "Small identified the Rites"
Prepared by the State of the weight also. - "Seven patients Mozi"
Jufu designed with not suggest it. - "Singer of the song"
Maoruo unexpectedly swing is not prepared, yet even like to close. - "Han Stan Biography"
Another example: unexpectedly finishes are not prepared (unrestrained behavior, careless)
Complete; complete complete〗 〖
Equipment, with also. - "Ya-Guang Gu release three"
The book is easy to have, the majority noted that equipment. - "Easy copulative"
Predecessors of the above prepared. - Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower"
Completion of all the wonderful equipment. - "Yu Chu preface poem Autumn Sound"
Preparation of the Sacred Heart Yan. - "Zi Encouraging Learning"
Please prepare the above. - Ming Li Yu, "Xian Qing Ou Ji planting Ministry"
Another example: both ability and integrity; complete (complete)
Links "exhausted." Fatigue; exhausted 〖dog-tired; verytired〗
Repair capacity and the words, shame to pay more than food, in order to avoid the farmer, diplomacy to prepare, country risk also. - "Book of Lord Shang Jin order"
Chen Cai Confucius among the poor, seven did not taste the food, do not mix quinoa soup, Zai Yu prepared. - "Lu Shen person"
Preparation; prepare prepare〗 〖
Last reports were prepared animals were held. - "Ritual offerings fed special food gift"
Preparation of material to be shaped. - "Zi Geng Sangchu"
I still have to prepare breakfast yet. - Tandoori just "stone trench Officials"
We must be sober well prepared, prepared. - "Zuo Xianggong ten year"
There were odd grapheme unprepared, the spin moment. - Song Shen Kuo, "Meng Xi Bi Tan trap"
And materials prepared by the use of wrap. - Ming Li Yu, "Xian Qing Ou Ji planting Ministry"
Another example: horse equipment; prepare him eat; prepared to do; lesson planning
Preparedness; alert〗 〖guardagainst
Nothing is prepared, no do not widowed. - "Grandson actual situation"
Prepared by far the main, is not almost free. - "Thirty-three years of public Zuo Xi"
Pirates of the out and prepared him very well. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu of the mind"
Another example: garrison (defensive guard); prepared water (prepare for flooding); preparedness; prepared patients (preparedness scourge)
Reserve〗 〖store
While trying to prepare storage of ammunition. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography"
Another example: preparation; prepared possession (Collection)
〖Useful or equipment to provide essential facilities or〗〗 〖beequippedwith
Preparation of different things are changing. - "Han Feizi"
Another example: are all prepared for all kinds of agricultural machinery; equipment list (posting; Chubang)
Make up the numbers; filled up 〖simplyfillthepost; makeupthenumber〗
I will try the standby phase. - "Han Xiao Wang Chuan"
Another example: the standby (anchoret the modesty of the word); prepared by staff (make up the numbers, charge numbers)
〗 〖Performgarrisonduty garrison. Such as: preparation Wu; prepared defensive (fielding the Used); equipment side; prepare health
Equipment; facilities 〖equipment; facilities〗
Preparation for the story but because of something known to the world. - "Han Feizi"
On the matter of the world, because of the equipment.
Another example: military; equipment
Vice】 【
All; completely; do 〖completely; entirely〗
Preparation of farm income. - "The Book of Rites order"
Princes prepare heard remark. - "Ten years into the public Zuo Zhuan"
Do very Huan contact. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind"
Do very care love. - "Strange Cricket"
〗 〖Saddle fitted to a horse saddle
〗 〖Putonrecord report subject to the competent authorities, the registration for future reference
Office equipment
Prepare〗 〖make arrangements; repairing
Banqi prepared a New Year
Equipment could not
〗 〖Uncertain [dialect]: maybe
Preparation could not sleep at home
Perhaps〗 〖[dialect]: Perhaps
He could not come prepared
For future reference
〗 〖Forfuturereference for traced
Archived for future reference
Blazing hard
〗 〖Sufferuntoldhardships prepared: to do, all. Taste: experience. Suffered the hardships
Blazing the hard work of poor children
〗 〖Makeupthenumber [dialect]: fake to charge the number of ...
〗 〖Reserved: the share of alternative
Backup files
Make preparations for plowing and sowing
〗 〖Makepreparationsforploughingandsowing prepare for the cultivation, including the repair of farm tools, trenching, manure, etc.
Prepare against natural disasters
〖Prepareagainstnaturaldisasters; provideagainstfamine〗 make anti-famine when no disaster preparation
Spare parts
Spare parts〗 〖spareparts
Prepared with
〖Prepared; geteverythingready〗 available
With civil and military equipment were twenty-kai. - "Historical Pingyuan Yuqing Biography"
〗 〖Forreference: keep it for reference. General form, more than a pro forma column, reserved for use in record chores
〗 〖Readytoexamine: preparing for the exam
Lesson planning
〖Preparelessons; prepareteachingplan〗 teacher lectures in lecture preparation
Lesson planning
〗 〖Preparation for a class teacher or student preparation for
Get the materials ready
〗 〖Getthematerialsready: ready supply of materials for production
〗 〖Preparefeed: to prepare feed for livestock
Spare parts
〖Machinetoolskeptinreserve; spareparts〗 spare parts, tools, etc.
Waiting list
〗 〖Candidateonthewaitinglistforadmission apply for places outside of the formal over-enrolled candidate, the replacement is not an official report admitted students. This is called waiting list of candidates admitted
〖Aide-memoire; memo; memoire; memorandum〗
Informal diplomatic letters; especially government departments, Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the embassy or legation cause a written statement, especially for routine communication or inquiry, need not sign the
Memo, or retained for future use of the informal memoir; help or evoke memories of the record; diary recorded in the notes
〖Reserve; spare; standby ready for use〗
Reserve funds
Spare bedroom
Reserve base
Backup system
〗 〖Store: for future use and storage or keep things
For ten days of supplies used
〗 〖Standby: standby retain something
Preparation of staff
〖Gathertogetherenoughpeople; getaquorum〗 gather the number of staff, sufficient numbers
May Jun that is prepared by members of the line then carry on. - "Historical Pingyuan Yuqing Biography"
〗 〖Prepareforwar material for war, preparation of personnel
In every possible way
〖Fully; ineverypossibleway〗: a comprehensive and detailed; comprehensive
Treat his son to take care of him in every possible way
〗 〖Totheutmost: Very
Modesty in every possible way
〗 〖Remarks: fill in the notes section for reference lists
〗 〖Notes: refers to the increase in the remarks column of the comments that
Equipment (type sound. From the people, equipment (Qu??)) Sound. The original meaning of caution, warning) ring with the original meaning of something said to know no fears of preparation. - "Small identified the Rites," prepared by the State of the weight also. - "Seven patients Mozi" Jufu designed with not suggest it. - "Singer of the song" swing unexpectedly Maoruo not prepared, yet even like to close. - "Han Stan Biography" and if not prepared to swing unexpectedly (act freely, careless) complete; available equipment, with also. - "Ya-Guang Gu release three" easy of the book also, the majority noted that equipment. - "Yi Xi Ci" the consequence of the above prepared. - Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower" completed all the wonderful equipment. - "Yu Chu Autumn Sound Poetry preface," Preparation of the Sacred Heart Yan. - "Zi Quan Xue," Please prepare the above. - Ming Li Yu "has a moral and Xian Qing Ou Ji and prepared bèi ① ~. ② ready ~ lesson. # ~ War preparedness. ③ equipment (including human and material) fitted ~. ④ ~ to fully care. Memorandum】 【① Foreign instruments. Declare their position in terms of a question, or to notify the other party an overview of certain matters. ② records at any time to help the memory notebook.
Preparation bei
Radical Radical Fan total strokes 08 strokes 03
have; prepare;
(Phonetic. From the people, equipment (bèi) sound. The original meaning of caution, warning)
With the original meaning of [cautious]
Ring said do not worry about preparation to know. - "Small identified the Rites"
Prepared by the State of the weight also. - "Mo seven suffering from"
Jufu designed with not suggest it. - "Singer of the song"
Maoruo unexpectedly swing is not prepared, yet even like to close. - "Han Stan Biography"
Another example is not prepared to swing unexpectedly (act freely, careless)
Complete; complete [complete]
Equipment, with also. - "Ya-Guang Gu release three"
The book is easy to have, the majority noted that equipment. - "Easy copulative"
Predecessors of the above prepared. - Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower"
Completion of all the wonderful equipment. - "Yu Chu preface poem Autumn Sound"
Preparation of the Sacred Heart Yan. - "Zi Encouraging Learning"
Please prepare the above. - Ming Li Yu, "Xian Qing Ou Ji planting Ministry"
Another example is the ability and political integrity; complete (complete)
Link exhausted. "Fatigue; hardship [dog-tired; very tired]
Repair capacity and the words, shame to pay more than food, in order to avoid the farmer, diplomacy to prepare, country risk also. - "Book of Lord Shang Jin order"
Chen Cai Confucius among the poor, seven did not taste the food, do not mix quinoa soup, Zai Yu prepared. - "Lu Shen person"
Preparation; prepare [prepare]
Last reports were prepared animals were held. - "Ritual offerings fed special food gift"
Preparation of material to be shaped. - "Zi Geng Sangchu"
I still have to prepare breakfast yet. - Tandoori just "stone trench Officials"
We must be sober well prepared, prepared. - "Zuo Xianggong ten year"
There were odd grapheme unprepared, the spin moment. - Song Shen Kuo, "Meng Xi Bi Tan trap"
And materials prepared by the use of wrap. - Ming Li Yu, "Xian Qing Ou Ji planting Ministry"
Another example is the preparation horse; prepare him eat; prepared to do; lesson planning
Preparedness; alert [guard against]
Nothing is prepared, no do not widowed. - "Grandson actual situation"
Prepared by far the main, is not almost free. - "Thirty-three years of public Zuo Xi"
Pirates of the out and prepared him very well. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu of the mind"
Another example is the garrison (defensive guard); prepared water (prepare for flooding); preparedness; prepared patients (preparedness scourge)
Reserve [store]
While trying to prepare storage of ammunition. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography"
Another example is the preparation; prepared possession (Collection)
To supply or equip [useful or necessary facilities] [be equipped with]
Preparation of different things are changing. - "Han Feizi"
Another example are all prepared for all kinds of agricultural machinery; equipment list (posting; Chubang)
Make up the numbers; filled up [simply fill the post; make up the number]
I will try the standby phase. - "Han Xiao Wang Chuan"
Another example is the preparation bit (anchoret the modesty of the word); prepared by staff (make up the numbers, charge numbers)
Garrison [perform garrison duty]. If prepared Wu; prepared defensive (fielding the Used); prepared side; prepare health
Equipment; facilities [equipment; facilities]
Preparation for the story but because of something known to the world. - "Han Feizi"
On the matter of the world, because of the equipment.
Another example is the arms; equipment
All; completely; make [completely; entirely]
Preparation of farm income. - "The Book of Rites order"
Princes prepare heard remark. - "Ten years into the public Zuo Zhuan"
Do very Huan contact. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind"
Do very care love. - "Strange Cricket"
bèi ān
[Saddle] fitted to the horse saddle
bèi àn
[Put on record] subject to the competent authority report, the registration for future reference
Office equipment
[Prepare] make arrangements; repairing
Banqi prepared a New Year
Equipment could not
[Uncertain] [side]: maybe
Preparation could not sleep at home
[Perhaps] [side]: Perhaps
He could not come prepared
For future reference
[For future reference] for the traced
Archived for future reference
Blazing hard
[Suffer untold hardships] prepared to do, all. Taste experience. Suffered the hardships
Blazing the hard work of poor children
[Make up the number] [side]: fake to charge the number of ...
[Reserved]: the share of alternative
Backup files
Make preparations for plowing and sowing
[Make preparations for ploughing and sowing] in preparation for the cultivation, including the repair of farm tools, trenching, manure, etc.
Prepare against natural disasters
[Prepare against natural disasters; provide against famine] make no disaster during the preparation of anti-famine
Spare parts
[Spare parts] spare parts
Prepared with
[Prepared; get everything ready] available
With civil and military equipment were twenty-kai. - "Historical Pingyuan Yuqing Biography"
[For reference]: keep it for reference. General form, more than a pro forma column, reserved for use in record chores
[Ready to examine]: preparing for the exam
Lesson planning
[Prepare lessons; prepare teaching plan] teacher lectures in lecture preparation
Lesson planning
[Preparation] for a class teacher or student preparation for
Get the materials ready
[Get the materials ready]: ready supply of materials for production
[Prepare feed]: to prepare feed for livestock
Spare parts
[Machine tools kept in reserve; spare parts] spare parts, tools, etc.
Waiting list
[Candidate on the waiting list for admission] apply for places outside of the formal over-enrolled candidate, the replacement is not an official report admitted students. This is called waiting list of candidates admitted
[Aide-memoire; memo; memoire; memorandum]
Informal diplomatic letters; especially government departments, Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the embassy or legation cause a written statement, especially for routine communication or inquiry, need not sign the
Memo, or retained for future use of the informal memoir; help or evoke memories of the record; diary recorded in the notes
[Reserve; spare; standby] ready for use
Reserve funds
Spare bedroom
Reserve base
Backup system
[Store]: for future use and storage or keep things
For ten days of supplies used
[Standby]: something retained backup
Preparation of staff
[Gather together enough people; get a quorum] number of persons gather, filled up
May Jun that is prepared by members of the line then carry on. - "Historical Pingyuan Yuqing Biography"
[Prepare for war] for war material, preparation of personnel
In every possible way
[Fully; in every possible way]: a comprehensive and detailed; comprehensive
Treat his son to take care of him in every possible way
[To the utmost]: great
Modesty in every possible way
[Remarks]: fill in the notes section for reference lists
[Notes]: refers to the increase in the remarks column of the comments that
bèi ㄅ ㄟ ╝
Complete, should have had a ~. End ~. Perfectionist responsible for ~ (requires full and perfect.)
Pre-arranged pre-~. Anti ~. Quasi-~. Chips ~. ~ Case (make a written report to the competent authorities in order to test for future reference.) ~ Note. ~ Memorandum.
Facilities are located ~. Installed ~. Army ~.
Zheng code rski, u5907, gbkb1b8
8 number of strokes, radical Fan, stroke order number 35425121
Ancient 〔〕 【???? Ji Yun Tang Yun】 【】 【】 ???? level secret rhyme would cut, to avoid sound. Can be completed. 【】 Zhou Chun official musicians into the report where the music equipment. Too salty, vice also. Zhou Guan】 【book is not essential although its official people. And also the first with the stand. 】 【Book but everything that lives, is that they have prepared, prepared. Zuo Xi】 【five minutes to open and close any, will be the book of Clouds, as it is also prepared. And foot also. 【】 And Yi Yi Xi Ci also for the book, prepared by the general noted. 】 【Ceremony and blessing by offering integration, maintenance also. Prepared by Baishun name also. Nothing of that ring true are prepared. They do also. 【Order】 JI Qiu Li month of January, Naiming Chief Minister, farming equipment revenue. Preparation and long military said. Twenty-year】 【Zuo Zhao Qi death with little nurturing, nurturing Qi death to prepare. And scratch too. Adam】 【Ming Zhou's if obtaining the animals, the offer shall keep their leather gear. 【Note】 must be under direct that aging, is also prepared to scratch that. Claws scratching sound. Another name. Po will be cut and leaves, sound Bute. Xiaoya】 【poetry etiquette Ji equipment, bells and drums Ji ring. Ring tone guitar. Research: Rites of Spring 〔【Music】 Oceanian Affairs Officer will report any music equipment. 〕 Like music according to the Secretary to change the original Great musicians. Where the music into the next by word. 【Order】 〔JI Qiu Li month of January, ordered Chief Minister, farming equipment revenue. 〕 Would like to increase according to the original word is the word life.
備 Preparation 愼也。從人????聲。????,古文備。平祕切
Shen also. From human ???? sound. ????, classical equipment. Secretary-cut level