Pot (pot) kǔn ancient palace of the road, by means of intrauterine: pot affairs. Classical and "cyberspace", within the room. Canton: "The class dimension that? Shijia the pot." Stroke: 11; Radicals: Shi; stroke order number: 12145122431
Pot Pot kǔn 【Name】 〗 〖Alleyinsidethepalace ancient palace road That the pot palace alley. - "ELEGANCE" Another example: pot procedure (the palace of the roadway) Extension refers to the Palace. Also refers to women living within the chamber 〖court; women'squarters〗 Unleashed a torrent of other things to the pot do not ask. - Ming Wang Siren "high women in chastity Biography" Another example: pot Services (intrauterine affairs; Home Economics); pot Austria (indoor inside. Too deep for common sense analogy where slightly hidden Austria. Also pot examination hall within the palace); pot Pavilion (Pavilion of Women; bedroom); pot http (Gong Wei; Inner Quarters) Women〗 〖woman. Such as: pot Quarters (for the wives lived in this room, also refers to women living in the inner room); pot is (the criteria for women, role models); pot training (for the wife's words and deeds meter range)
Pot that ancient palace of the pot lane road palace. - "Ya," and if pot procedure (the palace of the roadway) that extended inside the palace. Also refers to women living outside of the chamber to the pot do not ask do stop talking. - Ming Wang Siren "high-pass women in chastity," and if pot Services (intrauterine affairs; Home Economics); pot Austria (indoor inside. Too deep for common sense analogy where slightly hidden Austria. Also pot examination hall within the palace ); pot Pavilion (Pavilion of Women; bedroom); pot Quarters (Gong Wei; Inner Quarters) Women's pot (pot) kǔn palace road.
Pot kun Radical total 03 persons radical strokes 11 strokes Pot (1) Pot kǔn (2) Ancient palace road [alley inside the palace] That the pot palace alley. - "ELEGANCE" (3) Another example is the pot technique (the palace of the roadway) (4) Extension refers to the Palace. Also refers to women living within the chamber [court; women's quarters] Unleashed a torrent of other things to the pot do not ask. - Ming Wang Siren "high women in chastity Biography" (5) Another example is the political pot (intrauterine affairs; Home Economics); pot Austria (indoor inside. Too deep for common sense analogy where slightly hidden Austria. Also pot examination hall within the palace); pot Pavilion (Pavilion of Women; bedroom); pot Quarters (Gong Wei; Inner Quarters) (6) Women [woman]. If pot http (for the wives lived in this room, also refers to women living in the inner room); pot is (the criteria for women, role models); pot training (for the wife's words and deeds meter range) Pot (Pot) kǔn ㄎ ㄨ ㄣ (1) The ancient palace of the road, by means of intrauterine ~ government. (2) Classical and cyberspace, "the room. (3) How wide dimension of its kind? Shijia of ~. " Zheng code bwak, u58f8, gbk89d7 11 number of strokes, radical disabilities, stroke number 12145122431