Lump tuó 【Name】 Heap; group. Shapes and sizes of the solid mass〗 〖lump. Such as: Tuo Tuo (round way); salt lump; mud lump 〗 〖Barinsea sandbank in the sea Sandbank in the sea, commonly called for the lump, some weeks to hundred miles wide, or waste, or species, is not endowed by. - Qing Wu Jiabin "territorial waters after-Shu" 〗 〖Wordusedforplace'sname names with the word. Such as: Wang Tuo (in Hebei); Huangshatuo (in Liaoning Province) Lump tuó 【Activity】 Cooked pasta into a cohesive lump〗 〖. Such as: a lump of noodles; dumplings lump the
Tuo <name> heap; group. Shapes and sizes of the solid mass of sea sandbank sandbank in the sea, commonly called for the lump, some weeks to hundred miles wide, or waste, or species, is not endowed by. - Qing Wu Jiabin "territorial waters after-Shu" names with the word lump <action> cooked pasta into a lump tuó ⒈ adhesive into blocks, piles of earth ~ children. ⒉ open salt ~ salt reactor.
Tuo tuo Radical Radical soil total strokes 08 strokes 03 Lump tuó <Name> (1) Heap; group. Shapes and sizes of the solid mass [lump]. If Tuo Tuo (round way); salt lump; mud lump (2) Sandbank in the sea [bar in sea] Sandbank in the sea, commonly called for the lump, some weeks to hundred miles wide, or waste, or species, is not endowed by. - Qing Wu Jiabin "territorial waters after-Shu" (3) Names with the word [word used for place's name]. Like Wang Tuo (in Hebei); Huangshatuo (in Liaoning Province) Lump tuó <Action> Cooked pasta into a bond [lump]. If a lump of noodles; dumplings lump the Lump tuó ㄊ ㄨ ㄛ (1) Into blocks or piles of mud ~ son. Cakes ~ children. (2) Open Salt Reactor ~ salt. Zheng code bwrr, u5768, gbkdbe7 8 number of strokes, radical land, stroke order number 12144535
丑集中 Ugly focus 【集韻】余支切,音移。地名。 【正字通】陀字之譌。汎云地名,無稽。
【_Set_】 I support cutting rhyme, tone shift. Names. CNS through】 【Tuozizhie. Pan cloud names, ridiculous.