
pīnyīn: , wa, guī, huá, wábùshǒu: zǒngbǐhuà: 9
bùwàibǐhuà: 6UTF-8: E5 93 87UTF-16: 54C7
UTF-32: 000054C7GB 2312: 4559GB 12345: 4559
Big 5: AB7Acāngjié: RGGsìjiǎomǎ: 6401.4
yīzìquánmǎ: wa1kouguiyīzìshuāngmǎ: wakoguyīzìdānmǎ: wkg
hànzìjiégòu: zuǒ(zhōng)yòuhànzìcéngcì: 5bǐhuà: 丨????一一丨一一丨一
bǐshùnbiānhào: 251121121bǐshùndúxiě: shù, zhé, héng, héng, shù, héng, héng, shù, héngtārénbǐshùn: 251121121
bùjiànzǔgòu: 口(冂(丨????)一)圭(土(十(一丨)一)土(十(一丨)一))
   xiàng shēng xíng róng shēngǒu shēng liǎo
   zhǐ mǐmǐzhīyīnyín
   zhù zhì xiāng dāng ā qián miàn jǐn 'āi zhe de yīn dìng shì 、ou děng jié wěi deduō hǎo kuài zǒu
   huà shù: 9;
   shùn biān hào: 251121121

  Wow wā onomatopoeia to describe the crying, vomiting sound: wow to spit over the floor. Refers to the decadent music: prostitution wow. Wow wɑ particles, roughly the equivalent of "ah" (the front next to the sound must be u, ao, ou, etc. extension) so nice! Fast wow! Stroke: 9; radicals: port; Stroke Number: 251121121
  【 míng
  ( xíng shēngcóng kǒu , guī (guī) shēngběn : mǐmàn de shēng )
   tóng běn obscenesongsormusic
   , chǎn shēng héng héngshuō wén》。 àn , tāo yín zhī shēng
   hán qíng ér yín yǒnghéng héng zhāng héng
   yòu : yín ( yín ); li ( ); yǎo ( de yīnyuè ; mín )
   tài guó cháng dān wèi , tài zhàng , tuǒ , yuē děng 2 〖 va〗
  【 dòng
   ǒu , shǐ wèi nèi róng tōng guò kǒu qiāng chū〖 vomit〗
   chū 'ér zhīhéng héngmèng · téng wén gōng xià
   háo huò jiào hǎn ( yóu tòng shēng huò yào qiú yuán zhù huò lián mǐn )〖 cry〗
   āi dòng liáng 'āi , shāng dàng yōu héng héng nán cháo sòng · xiè líng yùn wèi tài zhōng shī
  [ fāng yán ] shuō〖 speak〗。 : yòu shénme kùn nán jìn guǎn gēn
  【 xiàng
   xíng róng shēng huò jiào hǎn shēng〖 descriptiveofsb.'scries〗。 : xiǎo hái shēng liǎo chū lái ; xiào ( ér xiàozhǐ xiǎo 'ér xiào ); ,
   yòng zài gǎn tàn , biǎo shì jīng huò gǎn tàn 〖 wow〗。 : yào zǎo zhè yàng , duō hǎo !
   lìng jiàn wa
  〖 hullabalboo(soundofcrying);din;prate;gabbleaway;uproar〗 xíng róng chǎo nào de rén shēng
  〖 Dearme〗 gǎn tàn , xiāng dāng tiān , liǎo
   'ā duì kàn shǒuxiàngxuán xué děng děng hěn yòu tào sài ! hěn líng
  〖 wawa(soundofcrying)〗∶ lǎo jiào shēngxiǎo hái 'ér shēngjiào hǎn shēng děng
  〖 sweetwords〗∶ xíng róng huā yán qiǎo
  【 zhù
  “ āshòu dào qián shōu yīn u huò ao yǐng xiǎng 'ér shēng de yīn biàn
   yòng zài , biǎo shì kěn dìngbiàn míng shǐ : shì qīng zhòng de rén !
   yòng zài zhōng , biǎo shì huàn : lǎo , men lái tán tán
   lìng jiàn

  (Phonetic. From the mouth, Guyana (guī) sound. Original meaning: extravagant Man's music)
  〗 〖Obscenesongsormusic with the original meaning
  Wow, flatter sound too. - "Said Wen." Press, Tao is also the voice of prostitution.
  Feelings wow the chant. - Zhang Heng "Dancing FU"
  Another example: wow prostitution (vulgar Yinmi); Wali (vulgar); wow bite (vulgar music; folk song)
  Unit of length, Thailand, the Thai husband, Tuo, equivalent to about 2 m va〗 〖
  Vomiting, the stomach contents through the mouth and spit out the vomit〗 〖
  Out and wow it. - "Under the Mencius Tengwen Gong"
  Crying or shouting (eg due to pain, anger, or to request assistance or compassion)〗 〖cry
  Wow moving beam Egypt sad, anxious feast swing humor. - Southern Song Xie, "Poems _Set_ to be Weitai Zi Ye"
  [Dialect]: that〗 〖speak. Such as: What is difficult though to me wow
  As】 【
  Described as crying or shouting 〖descriptiveofsb. 'Scries〗. Such as: child Wadiyisheng cried; wow laugh (wah-wah and laughed. Refers to the children laughing); Walawala, wow wow La La
  Exclamation used in the end, that tone of surprise or exclamation〗 〖wow. Such as: you have to back way, so nice!
  See wa
  Uproar, wow La
  wālā, wālā
  〖Hullabalboo (soundofcrying); din; prate; gabbleaway; uproar〗 describe the loud voices
  〗 〖Dearme exclamation, equivalent to God, was not
  My aunt for palmistry, metaphysics, and so is very _set_. Wow! Very spiritual
  〖Wawa (soundofcrying)〗: If crows cry, a child crying, shouting, etc.
  〗 〖Sweetwords: describe the rhetoric
  Tongues of wah-wah
  "Ah" before the word by radio or ao of u sound changes that occur
  By the end of the sentence, the affirmative, identify, imperative. Such as: He was a pivotal figure wow!
  Used in the sentence, said the call. Such as: Old Wu wow, we talk about
  See wā
  ( xíng shēngcóng kǒu , guī shēngběn mǐmàn de shēng )
   tóng běn
   , chǎn shēng 。 --《 shuō wén》。 àn , tāo yín zhī shēng
   hán qíng ér yín yǒng。 -- zhāng héng
   yòu yín ( yín ); li ( ); yǎo ( de yīnyuè ; mín )
   tài guó cháng dān wèi , tài zhàng , tuǒ , yuē děng 2
   ǒu , shǐ wèi nèi róng tōng guò kǒu qiāng chū
   chū 'ér zhī。 --《 mèng · téng wén gōng xià
   háo huò jiào hǎn ( yóu tòng shēng huò yào qiú yuán zhù huò lián mǐn )
   āi dòng liáng 'āi , shāng dàng yōu 。 -- nán cháo sòng · xiè líng yùn wèi tài zhōng shī
   xíng róng shēng huò jiào hǎn shēng
   wa zhù hǎo men zǒu~。
   xiàng shēng ~~~ shēng zhēn ~~ liǎo
   wá1. xiǎo hái
   huá1. gěng sài

  Wow (phonetic. From the mouth of Guyana sound. The original meaning of extravagant Mann's music) with the original meaning wow, flatter sound too. - "Said Wen." Press, Tao is also the voice of prostitution. Feelings wow the chant. - Zhang Heng "Dancing FU" and if wow prostitution (vulgar Yinmi); Wali (vulgar); wow bite (vulgar music; folk) unit of length of Thailand, Thai husband, Tuo, equivalent to about two meters wow vomiting, the stomach contents through the mouth and spit out and wow it. - "Mencius Tengwen Gong under the" crying or shouting (eg due to pain, anger, or to request assistance or compassion) wow moving beam Egypt sad, anxious feast swing humor. - Southern Song Xie, "Poems _Set_ to be Weitai Zi Ye," described as crying or shouting wow wow good modal particle wa ~. We go ~. Wow wā sound like the cry of the word ~ ~ ~ really big. He ~ ~ to spit. Wow wá 1. Baby. Children. Wow huá 1. Choking.
   shǒu kǒu shǒu huà 03 zǒng huà 09
  ( xíng shēngcóng kǒu , guī (guī) shēngběn mǐmàn de shēng )
   tóng běn [obscenesongsormusic]
   , chǎn shēng 。 --《 shuō wén》。 àn , tāo yín zhī shēng
   hán qíng ér yín yǒng。 -- zhāng héng
   yòu yín ( yín ); li ( ); yǎo ( de yīnyuè ; mín )
   tài guó cháng dān wèi , tài zhàng , tuǒ , yuē děng 2 [va]
   ǒu , shǐ wèi nèi róng tōng guò kǒu qiāng chū [vomit]
   chū 'ér zhī。 --《 mèng · téng wén gōng xià
   háo huò jiào hǎn ( yóu tòng shēng huò yào qiú yuán zhù huò lián mǐn )[cry]
   āi dòng liáng 'āi , shāng dàng yōu 。 -- nán cháo sòng · xiè líng yùn wèi tài zhōng shī
  [ fāng ]∶ shuō [speak]。 yòu shénme kùn nán jìn guǎn gēn
   xíng róng shēng huò jiào hǎn shēng [descriptiveofsb.'scries]。 xiǎo hái shēng liǎo chū lái ; xiào ( ér xiàozhǐ xiǎo 'ér xiào ); ,
   yòng zài gǎn tàn , biǎo shì jīng huò gǎn tàn [wow]。 yào zǎo zhè yàng , duō hǎo !
   lìng jiàn
  wālā, wālā
  [hullabalboo(soundofcrying);din;prate;gabbleaway;uproar] xíng róng chǎo nào de rén shēng
  [dearme] gǎn tàn , xiāng dāng tiān , liǎo
   'ā duì kàn shǒuxiàngxuán xué děng děng hěn yòu tào sài ! hěn líng
  [wawa(soundofcrying)]∶ lǎo jiào shēngxiǎo hái 'ér shēngjiào hǎn shēng děng
  [sweetwords]∶ xíng róng huā yán qiǎo
   āshòu dào qián shōu yīn u huò ɑo yǐng xiǎng 'ér shēng de yīn biàn
   yòng zài , biǎo shì kěn dìngbiàn míng shǐ shì qīng zhòng de rén !
   yòng zài zhōng , biǎo shì huàn lǎo , men lái tán tán
   lìng jiàn
  wā  wu ˉ
   xiàng shēng xíng róng shēngǒu shēng liǎo
   zhǐ mǐmǐzhīyīn yín~。
   zhèng jbb, u54c7, gbkcddb
   huà shù 9, shǒu kǒu shùn biān hào 251121121
  wɑ  wu
   zhù zhì xiāng dāng 'ā”( qián miàn jǐn 'āi zhe de yīn dìng shìu、ao、ou děng jié wěi deduō hǎo~! kuài zǒu~!
   zhèng jbb, u54c7, gbkcddb
   huà shù 9, shǒu kǒu shùn biān hào 251121121

  Wow wa
  Radical mouth radical strokes 03 strokes 09 total
  Wow 1
  (Phonetic. From the mouth, Guyana (guī) sound. The original meaning extravagant Mann's music)
  With the original meaning of [obscene songs or music]
  Wow, flatter sound too. - "Said Wen." Press, Tao is also the voice of prostitution.
  Feelings wow the chant. - Zhang Heng "Dancing FU"
  Again wow kinky (vulgar Yinmi); Wali (vulgar); wow bite (vulgar music; folk)
  Unit of length, Thailand, the Thai husband, Tuo, equivalent to about 2 m [va]
  Vomiting, the stomach contents through the mouth and spit it out [vomit]
  Out and wow it. - "Under the Mencius Tengwen Gong"
  Crying or shouting (eg due to pain, anger, or to request assistance or compassion) [cry]
  Wow moving beam Egypt sad, anxious feast swing humor. - Southern Song Xie, "Poems _Set_ to be Weitai Zi Ye"
  [Side]: that [speak]. If you have any problems though with my wow
  Described as crying or shouting [descriptive of sb. 'S cries]. Such as children crying out Wadiyisheng; wow laugh (wah-wah and laughed. Refers to the children laughing); Walawala, wow wow La La
  Exclamation used in the end, said the tone of surprise or exclamation [wow]. If you want to back this way, so nice!
  See wɑ
  Uproar, wow La
  wālā, wālā
  [Hullabalboo (sound of crying); din; prate; gabble away; uproar] who described the sound of loud
  [Dear me] interjection, the equivalent of God, was not
  My aunt for palmistry, metaphysics, and so is very _set_. Wow! Very spiritual
  [Wawa (sound of crying)]: If crows cry, a child crying, shouting, etc.
  [Sweet words]: describe the rhetoric
  Tongues of wah-wah
  Wow 2
  Ah "before the word by radio or ɑo of u sound changes that occur
  By the end of the sentence, the affirmative, identify, imperative. If he was a pivotal figure wow!
  Used in the sentence, said the call. Such as Old Wu wow, we talk about
  See wā
  Wow 1
  wā ˉ ㄨ ㄚ
  Onomatopoeia to describe the crying, vomiting sound ~ to spit over the floor.
  Refers to the decadent kinky ~.
  Zheng code jbb, u54c7, gbkcddb
  9 number of strokes, radical population, Stroke No. 251121121
  Wow 2
  wɑ ㄨ ㄚ
  Particles, roughly equivalent to ah "(the front next to the sound must be u, ao, ou, etc. at the end of) how good ~! Come on ~!
  Zheng code jbb, u54c7, gbkcddb
  9 number of strokes, radical population, Stroke No. 251121121
chǒu shàng Ugly sets  【 táng yùn】【 yùn jiā qiēyùn huìyāo jiā qiē, ???? yīn 。【 shuō wénchǎn shēng 。  yòuguǎng yùnyín shēng。【 yáng · yánhuò huò zhèng yuēzhōng zhèng duō zhèng。  yòu 。【 mèng chū 'ér zhī。【 zhùchū mén 'ér zhī。  yòu yùnhuò zuò 。【 qián hàn · wáng mǎng chuán zàn shēng。【 zhùshī yuē zhě zhī yín shēng 。  yòu yùnjuān qiēyīn guīōu 。  yòu piānchǎn shēng 。  yòu yùn】【 lèi piān】 ???? jiā qiēyīn 'ǎi tóng。  yòu yùnhóu yān jié sài mào。  yòu yùn】【 lèi piān】 ???? huò qiēyīn huái hóu jié sài 。【 zhuāng · zōng shī zhě 'ài yán ruò 。【 zhù píng chàng 。  yòu yùn qiēyīn yín shēng。  yòuguǎng yùn】【 yùn】【 yùn huì】【 zhèng yùn】 ???? guā qiēyīn tóng。  yòuyùn huìxiǎo 'ér shēng。  yòu 。  yòu yùn guà qiēyīn huà hóu jié sài

  Tang Yun 【】 【】 Ji Yun Yun will be in good】 【unitary cut good cut, ???? sound baby. 【】 Flatter sound of that article. Also Guangyun】 【Yin Sheng. 【】 Or elegant Yangtze law or Zheng Yan, Ho also. Said: Chiang Kai-shek is elegant, multi-wow is Zheng. And spit too. 【】 Out and wow the Mencius. 【Note】 spit out and wow it. Also】 【_set_ rhyme or for 䵷. Former Han Wang Mang Chuan Chan 【】 Purple 䵷 sound. 【Note】 Old Master said: 䵷 who Yinsheng fun also. Also 【】 Juan furrow cut _set_ of rhyme, sound Guyana. Acura also. And cajole】 【sound of jade articles. Also 【_set_】 【Class articles Yun Xi】 ???? good cut, sound 㗨. Meaning the same. 】 【Ji Yun and hypopharyngeal junction plug appearance. Also 【_set_】 【Class articles rhyme】 ???? be cut Wa, sound pregnant. Cyprus also has Adam's apple. Grandmaster Chuang】 【yield, its Essentials for words if wow. 【Note】 gas Chang is also uneven. Also】 【Ji Yun Wu Wa cut, sound frog. Also Yinsheng. Also 【】 【Ji Yun Guang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Wu Yun melon is cut, audio and lowland swamp. Meaning the same. 】 【Rhyme and children will be sound. And spit too. 】 【Ji Yun and Hu Gua cut, Pictures. Cyprus also has Adam's apple.
biān hào :893 Number: 893  chǎn shēng cóng kǒu guī shēng ruò jiā qiē

  Flatter the sound too. The sound from the mouth of Guyana. If the doctors read. The best cut

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