Coax hōng lot of people also voice: Hong Chuan (chu Fei). Stir. Coax hǒng telling lies lie: to coax people. Coax get. Trick. Funny language or actions like: coax funny. Hong Quan. Coaxing children. Coax hòng noisy, disturb: booing (deliberately noisy disruption, also refers to the joke). Coax field (referring to the audience booed). Looting. Herd. Stroke: 9; radical: the mouth; stroke order number: 251 122 134
(Shaped sound from the mouth of the sound. The original meaning: Many people also voice)
〗 〖Roar with the original meaning
Haiku excellent view of visitors laughter. - Song Kong Pingzhong 'Lantern for "
Another example: laughter; coax drink (alcohol mob); coax partners (describe lively, grand); boisterous; Hong Hong Xi Xi (Lao Lao hastily; rush)
Hechi〗 〖berate
Hong, Oh well. Or for coax. - "_Set_ rhyme."
Zou coax, Oh Sheng. - "Class articles article Sea"
Describe many of the NPC Sheng Xiao or noisy sound〗 〖roarsoflaughter. Such as: coax throat (onomatopoeia); Donghonghong (noisy chaos)
See hǒng; hòng
Hong Chuan
〖(Ofrumours) circulatewidely〗 have legend
The news soon spread to coax
〖Causeasensation; makeastir]: also alarmed many people
Stir temporarily
〗 〖Gathertogethertocreateadisturbane: booing
Re-back, children who stir. - "Water Margin"
〖Provoke; stirup]: provoke; incite
World only Qianpo mouth, stir more or less people. - Ming Feng Meng, "Yu Shiming made"
〖〗 Crowd while noisy bustle
〗 〖Noisilyandpaniclypurchase: booing buy
〗 〖Noisilyplunder: snatch〗 〖property
Looting state material
〗 〖Roar: noisy shouts
Burst into laughter
〗 〖Boisterous: a sudden attack, smoke
Burst into laughter
〗 〖Thewholeroomburstingintolaughter describe a room full of people laughing at the same time
Lu Guo with two channels: "man of the flood shelter care, even when the brother called the show miles." We roared with laughter. - Ching Lee Green Park "Qiludeng"
〖(Ofmanypeople) laughtogether〗 booing and laughing
His actions make us more than laughter
Cheat 〖bamboozle; humbug; cheat〗. Such as: coax off (fool); coax making (fraud); Hong Hong Xi Xi (coax said; fraud); coax Board (scam)
Tease 〖lull; coax〗. Such as: to coax the baby smile; coax a child medication; she was very amusing children play; stir (stir, tease)
Mixed 〖passfor; palmoffas〗
Four fire mixed team in the community, take the road to coax into Fengqiu door. - "Water Margin"
See hōng; hòng
〖Cheat; humbug; deceive with a lie lie〗
He coaxed me to buy those worthless stock
Hong Quan
〗 〖Soothe persuade with words, people are willing to accept
I Hong Quan her: "This does not look good, then pick a"
Coax, coax
Noisy; noisy uproar〗 〖
Coax, fighting also. From the door of the sound. - "Said Wen."
Lu Zou and coax. - "Mencius"
Another example: Hong Tang (grand show of laughter, filled the whole Church); boisterous (loud sound grand); laughter (laugh all together)
See hōng; hǒng
Coax field
〖Catcall; raiseabighulabaloo〗 audience booing, catcalls
Drive up
〖Driveup (prices)〗 〖speculators raise the price booing〗
Coax (shape the sound from the mouth of the sound. The original meaning of many people at the same time sound) with the original meaning of the concept of advancing the excellent visitors laughter. - Song Kong Pingzhong "Spring as" another example of laughter; coax drink (alcohol mob); coax partners (describe lively, grand); boisterous; Hong Hong Xi Xi (Lao Lao hastily; rush) Hechi Hong, Oh well. Or for coax. - "_Set_ rhyme" Zou coax, Oh Sheng. - "Sea Class articles article" coax many of the NPC Sheng Xiao describe the sound or noise coax cheat tease coax hǒng ⒈ ~ lie with lie lie. You - me? ⒉ cited, funny - children. Many people also coax hōng voice ~ ~ stir. ~ Hall laughed. Coax (coax) hòng noisy, disturbing, starting at the other. Large ~ row. Coax xiàng 1. Lane, alley. Coax gòng 1. See "Hong Hong."
Coax hong
Radical mouth radical total strokes 09 strokes 03
roars of laughter; hubbub; fool;
Coax 1
(Shaped sound from the mouth of the sound. The original meaning of many people at the same time sound)
With the original meaning [roar]
Haiku excellent view of visitors laughter. - Song Kong Pingzhong 'Lantern for "
Another example of laughter; coax drink (alcohol mob); coax partners (describe lively, grand); boisterous; Hong Hong Xi Xi (Lao Lao hastily; rush)
Hechi [berate]
Hong, Oh well. Or for coax. - "_Set_ rhyme."
Zou coax, Oh Sheng. - "Class articles article Sea"
Describe many of the NPC Sheng Xiao or noisy sound [roars of laughter]. Such as coax throat (onomatopoeia); Donghonghong (noisy chaos)
See hǒng; hòng
Hong Chuan
[(Of rumours) circulate widely] have legend
The news soon spread to coax
[Cause a sensation; make a stir]: also alarmed many people
Stir temporarily
[Gather together to create a disturbane]: booing
Re-back, children who stir. - "Water Margin"
[Provoke; stir up]: provoke; incite
World only Qianpo mouth, stir more or less people. - Ming Feng Meng, "Yu Shiming made"
[Bustle] crowd noise while
[Noisily and panicly purchase]: booing buy
[Noisily plunder]: rob [property]
Looting state material
[Roar]: noisy shouts
Burst into laughter
[Boisterous]: sudden on_set_, emerge
Burst into laughter
[The whole room bursting into laughter] to describe a room full of people laughing at the same time
Lu Guo-channel two with the man of the flood shelter care, even when the brother called the play mile. "Everyone burst into laughter - Qing Li Luyuan" Qiludeng "
[(Of many people) laugh together] booing and laughing
His actions make us more than laughter
Coax 2
Deceive [bamboozle; humbug; cheat]. Such as coax off (fool); coax making (fraud); Hong Hong Xi Xi (coax said; fraud); coax Board (scam)
Tease [lull; coax]. Such as coax the baby smile; coax a child medication; she was very amusing children play; stir (stir, tease)
Mixed [pass for; palm off as]
Four fire mixed team in the community, take the road to coax into Fengqiu door. - "Water Margin"
See hōng; hòng
[Cheat; humbug; deceive] lie with lie
He coaxed me to buy those worthless stock
Hong Quan
[Soothe] to persuade with words, people are willing to accept
I Hong Quan her this look good, and then pick one. "
Coax 3
Coax, coax
Noise; noise [uproar]
Coax, fighting also. From the door of the sound. - "Said Wen."
Lu Zou and coax. - "Mencius"
Another example is the Hong Tang (grand show of laughter, filled the whole Church); boisterous (loud sound grand); laughter (laugh all together)
See hōng; hǒng
Coax field
[Catcall; raise a big hulabaloo] audience booing, catcalls
Drive up
[Drive up (prices)] booing speculators raise [prices]
Coax 1
hōng ㄏ ㄨ ㄥ ˉ
A lot of people - while voice transmission (chuán). ~ Move.
Zheng code jeo, u54c4, gbkbae5
9 number of strokes, radical population, stroke order number 251 122 134
roars of laughter; hubbub; fool;
Coax 2
hǒng ㄏ ㄨ ㄥ
Lie - people telling lies. ~ Get. ~ Lie.
Language or actions like cute ~ funny. ~ Advise. ~ A child.
Zheng code jeo, u54c4, gbkbae5
9 number of strokes, radical population, stroke order number 251 122 134
roars of laughter; hubbub; fool;
Coax 3
hòng ㄏ ㄨ ㄥ ╝
Noisy, disturb from ~ (deliberately noisy disruption, also refers to the joke). ~ Field (referring to the audience booed). ~ Grab. A ~ into the sky.
Zheng code jeo, u54c4, gbkbae5
9 number of strokes, radical population, stroke order number 251 122 134
[Rhyme] [_set_] ???? Hu Gongqie rhyme, sound coax. [Rhyme] singing voice. [_Set_] the rhyme for ????, Voices. Another _set_ of rhyme [] [articles] ???? call public class cut, audio Hong. [_Set_] the rhyme for Hong. Note details of Hong words. [Home] has _set_ rhyme cut capacity, sound Christine. Sound also. Or for ????.