简异体:  ()繁异体:  ( ???? ???? ????)拼音: wú, tūn
部首: 总笔画: 7部外笔画: 4
UTF-8: E5 90 B4UTF-16: 5434UTF-32: 00005434
GB 2312: 4666GB 12345: 4666仓颉: RMK
四角码: 6080一字全码: wu2koutian一字双码: wukoti
一字单码: wkt汉字结构: 上(中)下汉字层次: 5
笔画: 丨????一一一丿㇏笔顺编号: 2511134笔顺读写: 竖折横横横撇捺
他人笔顺: 2511134
部件组构: 口(冂(丨????)一)天(一大(一人(丿㇏)))

  Zhou vassal state of China Wu wú name, in this northern part of southern Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province, later extended to the Huaihe River area: Miss Hook (Ancient Wu produced a machete, then refers to a sharp sword.) Wu Yue same boat (the last enemy of the metaphor consistent with the current interests and become friends.) One of the Chinese Eastern Han Dynasty Three Kingdoms: Wu under the Ammon (superficial knowledge of who the original metaphor). Refers to China's Jiangsu Province along the southern and northern Zhejiang Province: Wu. NIU Chuan-Yue Wu (Yu see similar things to timid afraid). Name. Stroke: 7; radicals: port; stroke ID: 2511134

  (Knowing. From the mouth, from the vector. Vector (zè), as head of the movement. Shakes his head together, that speak loudly. Original Meaning: loud, noisy) with the original meaning〗 〖peal
  Is not no Ao Wu, Hu examination of the break. - "Poetry Zhou Song silk clothing." Biography: "Miss, wow people."
  [Dialect]: Great〗 〖big. Such as: Wu Kui (large, flat shield); Wu List (large Zhao, boating tools. Also a ship)
  Wu〗 〖Wustate. 222-280 AD, built by Sun Quan in the country. Such as: Wu Yue (ancient two hostile countries. By means the enemy); Wu Yu (Wu song); Wu bovine see month (cattle span Wu, and saw that the moon is the sun, break up); Wu Yue Qimai ( higher level of metaphor and standards); the head of Wu Chu Mei (referring to the area between Wu and Chu)
  Wu Cheng-en
  〗 〖WuChengen (about 1500 - about 1582). Ming Dynasty writer. Word Ru Zhong, No. Sheyang Hermit. Sanyo (now Huai'an) people. Poor families. Wild made his childhood favorite book of anecdotes. Read books. According to the folklore of the monk he learn the story and related words, drama, written in the famous novel "Journey to the West"
  Wu Music
  〗 〖DialectofWudistrict refers to Wu, Wu dialect
  Wu Mei Zuili phase sound good. - Song ji "Qingping Le Murai"
  (会意。从口,从矢。矢,象头的动作∠起来表示晃着头大声说话。本义大声说话,喧哗) 同本义
  yú 1.地名用字。参见"坂"﹑"泉"。

  Wu (knowing. From the mouth, from the vector. Vector, like the first movement ∠ tossing his head up and said loud. The original meaning of loud, noisy) with the original meaning is not no Miss Ao, Hu examination of the break. - "Poetry Zhou Song silk clothing." Chuan Wu, wow also. "Wu Wu Wuguo state]. AD 222 ╠ 280 countries, built on Sun Quan. If Yue (ancient two hostile countries. By means the enemy); Wu years (Wu song); Wu bovine see month (Wu cattle span, saw the moon that the sun, break up); Wu Yue Qimai (the higher the level of metaphor and standards); the head of Wu Chu Mei (referring to the area between Wu and Chu) Wu Cheng-en Wu (Wu) wú ⒈    loud no ~ no Ao (Ao wailing, shouting). ⒉ Zhou vassal state name, in this southern part of Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, Anhui Province, parts of northern and geographical. ⒊ Three Kingdoms (Wei, Shu, ~) one. AD 222-280 years . The first generation of monarch is Sun Quan. Yangtze River in this area and the southeast coastal area. Wu yú 1. names with the word. see "Miss Sakamoto", "Miss Spring."
  部首 口 部首笔画 03 总笔画 07
  (会意。从口,从矢。矢(zè),象头的动作∠起来表示晃着头大声说话。本义大声说话,喧哗) 同本义 [peal]
  [方]∶大 [big]。如魁(大而平的盾);榜(大棹,划船工具。亦指船)
  国 [wu state]。公元222╠280年孙权所建的国家。如越(古代的两个敌对国家。借指仇人);歲(地的歌声);牛见月(地的牛怕热,看见月亮以为是太阳,喘息起来);越气脉(比喻较高的水平和标准);头楚尾(指楚之间的地区)
  wú chéng ēn
  [wu chengen] (约1500╠约1582)。明朝文学家。字汝忠,号射阳山人。山阳(今江苏淮安)人。家庭贫寒。自幼喜爱野言稗史。博览群书。他根据民间流传的唐僧取经故事和有关话本、杂剧,写成著名长篇小说《西游记》
  [dialect of wu district] 指语,方言
  wú ㄨˊ

  Wu wu
  Radical mouth radical strokes 03 strokes 07 total
  (Knowing. From the mouth, from the vector. Vector (zè), as head of the movement ∠ tossing his head up and said loud. The original meaning of loud, noisy) with the original meaning of [peal]
  Is not no Ao Wu, Hu examination of the break. - "Poetry Zhou Song silk clothing." Chuan Wu, wow also. "
  [Party]: Large [big]. Such as Wu Kui (large, flat shield); Wu List (large Zhao, boating tools. Also a ship)
  Wu [wu state]. 222 ╠ 280 AD Sun Quan, built in the country. Such as the Wu and Yue (ancient two hostile countries. By means the enemy); Wu years (Wu song); Wu bovine see month (cattle span Wu, and saw that the moon is the sun, break up); Wu Yue Qimai (analogy higher level and standards); the head of Wu Chu Mei (referring to the area between Wu and Chu)
  Wu Cheng-en
  wú chéng ēn
  [Wu chengen] (about 1500 ╠ about 1582.) Ming Dynasty writer. Word Ru Zhong, No. Sheyang Hermit. Sanyo (now Huai'an) people. Poor families. Wild made his childhood favorite book of anecdotes. Read books. According to the folklore of the monk he learn the story and related words, drama, written in the famous novel "Journey to the West"
  Wu Music
  [Dialect of wu district] refers to the Wu, Wu dialect
  Wu Mei Zuili phase sound good. - Song ji "Qingping Le Murai"
  wú ㄨ
  Zhou vassal state of China name, in this northern part of southern Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province, later extended to the Huaihe River area ~ Hook (Ancient Wu produced a machete, then refers to a sharp sword.) ~ The more the same boat (Yu enemy because of the current interest in the past agreed to become friends.)
  One of the Eastern Han Dynasty China ~ under three Ammon (Yu superficial knowledge who originally).
  Refers to China's Jiangsu Province along the southern and northern Zhejiang Province, ~ language. ~ NIU Chuan-Yue (Yu see similar things to timid frightened.)
  Zheng code jagd, u5434, gbkcee2
  7 number of strokes, radical population, Stroke No. 2511134
丑集上 Ugly sets  俗吳字。【吳志·薛綜傳】無口爲天,有口爲。【正字通】此借字形爲諧語,非字本義。【正韻】吳字註亦作,非。(吳)〔古文〕????????【唐韻】午胡切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】訛胡切,????音吾。國名。【史記·吳太伯世家】太伯之奔荆蠻,自號句吳。【註】宋衷曰:句吳,太伯始所居地名。【前漢·地理志】會稽郡秦置,高帝六年爲荆國,十二年,更名吳。 亦縣名。【前漢·地理志】會稽郡吳縣。 又【說文】郡也。【後漢·郡國志】吳郡,順帝分會稽置。【韻會】吳郡、吳興、丹陽爲三吳。【正字通】水經以吳興、吳郡、會稽爲三吳。指掌圖以蘇、常、湖爲三吳,其說不同。又【齊語】西服㳅沙西吳。【註】雍州之地。 又天吳,水神也。【郭璞·山海經贊】八頭十尾,人面虎身。龍據兩川,威無不震。 又【說文】姓也。【廣韻】太伯之後,因以命氏。 又【方言】大也。【說文】大言也。【詩·周頌】不吳不敖。【傳】吳,譁也。又【魯頌】不吳不揚。【說文註】大言故夨大口以出聲。今寫詩者,攺吳作㕦,又音乎化切,其謬甚矣。【釋文】吳,舊如字。何承天云:从口下大,故魚之大口者名㕦,胡化反,此音恐驚俗也。按《說文》《釋文》俱云吳作㕦讀,非。而《玉篇》《廣韻》《集韻》《類篇》《韻會》諸書,吳字亦皆無去聲一音,惟正韻收吳入禡韻,詩朱註亦作去聲讀。未知孰是,存以備考。 又【集韻】元俱切,音愚。虞古作吳。註詳虍部七畫。【釋名】吳,虞也。太伯讓位而不就,歸封于此,虞其志也。 又與娛通。【詩·周頌】不吳不敖。【疏】正義曰:人自娛樂,必讙譁爲聲。故以娛爲譁也。定本娛作吳。

  Wu vulgar word. Integrated Communication】 【Wu Xue no mouth for days, and a mouth for the Wu. This, by the CNS through】 【shape for the harmonic language, non-WU Original Meaning. Rhymes】 【Note also the word for Wu Wu, non. (Wu) 〔〕 ???? ???? classical】 【Kenneth Tang Yun Yun Hu cut 【_set_】 【】 【rhyme will Rhymes】 false Hu cut, ???? my sound. Country names. Records family】 【Wu district of Tai Bo Ben Jing Man, since the number sentence Wu. 【Note】 Song Zhong said: sentence Wu, Tai Bo names beginning of the home. Geography】 【Former Han Qin Huiji County home, Jing States Gotti six years, twelve years, changed its name to Wu. Also the county name. Geography】 【Former Han Huiji County Wuxian. 】 【Said County and also the text. 【Notes】 gun after Han Wu Jun, Shun, who favored points Hueiji _set_. Will】 【Yun Wu Jun, Wu, Wu Danyang three. 【】 Water pass through the CNS to Wu, Wu Jun, Wu Kuaiji three. His hand to see the Soviet Union, often, the lake is three Miss, they said different. Also 【Language】 suit 㳅 Chassi Qi Wu. 【Note】 Yongzhou land. Wu and days, the water God. Shan Hai Jing Guo Pu like】 【eight ten, but faces tiger body. According to the two Long Chuan, Wei Zhen all. 】 【That name and also the text. After Tai Bo Guangyun】 【due to life's. And dialects】 【big also. 】 【Great words of that text. 【】 Not Miss Zhou Song Poetry is not Ao. 【Fax】 Wu, wow also. Lu Song】 【they do not not Miss Yang. 【Note】 big statement that the text so 夨 big mouth to say anything. This poetry are, Yi Wu for 㕦, and sound almost of the cut, the wrong Shen Yi. 【Explanation】 Wu, old as words. Ho Cheng Tianyun: From the mouth of great, so the fish who were 㕦 big mouth, of anti-Hu, also the sound vulgar fear of panic. Click "said the text" "Explanation" Ju Yun Wu for 㕦 read, non. The "jade articles," "Rhyme," "_set_ rhyme" "Class Chapter", "Yun will" Zhu Shu, Wu Yi Jie without falling tone of a sound character, but Wu was received into the sacrifice to god of war Yun Yun, Zhu Notes have also been falling tone poem read . Unknown what is kept to for information. Also】 【Ji Yun Yuan Ju cut, sound stupid. As Wu Yu Gu. Note details of the Ministry of seven painted stripe of a tiger. 】 【Shiming Wu, Yu also. Tai Bo not to give way, in the final closure of this, Yu-chi also. And entertainment and communication. 【】 Not Miss Zhou Song Poetry is not Ao. Shu】 【just said: people from the entertainment, will Huan Wow is sound. Wow it is to entertain as well. Entertainment for the final version of Wu.
吳 Wu  姓也。亦郡也。一曰吳,大言也。从夨口。????,古文如此。五乎切〖注〗徐鍇曰:“大言,故夨口以出聲。《詩》曰:不吳不揚。今寫《詩》者改吳作㕦。又音乎化切。其謬甚矣。” 〖注〗????,亦古文吳。
  文四 重一

  Name also. Also the county also. Wu said a large expressed. From 夨 mouth. ????, classical case. Note〗 〖cut almost five Xu Kai said: "Big words, it 夨 mouth to speak out." Poetic, "said: do not Miss not Young. This writing" poems "were changed to make 㕦 Wu. They sound almost of everything. The absurd Shen Yi. "〖〗 ???? Note also Ancient Wu. Four of a text

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