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Traditional Chinese:  ( )Pinyin: jiàoHeader: 
Total Strokes: 5Extra Strokes: 2UTF-8: E5 8F AB
UTF-16: 53EBUTF-32: 000053EBGB 2312: 2948
GB 12345: 2948Big 5: A573Cangjie: RVL
Four Corner Code: 6400.0One word full code: jiao4koujiuOne word double code: jikoji
One word single code: jkjCharacter structure: Left-(middle)-rightLevel of decomposition: 4
Strokes: 丨????一????丨Stroke sequence: 25152Stroke Description: vertical, turning, horizontal, turning, vertical
Others' sequence: 25152
Structure of components: 口(冂(丨????)一)丩(????丨)
Simple Explanation
  Called jiào cry: cry. Clamor (shouting, loudly). Jiaozhen. Box office (opera or performers can attract audiences to see more people.) Complain incessantly. Inexplicable. Call number of strokes: 5; radicals: port; stroke order number: 25152
Detailed Explanation
  (Phonetic. Original meaning: call, call)
  With the original meaning 〖cry; shout〗
  Name, Hu also. - "Said the text"
  I do not know name or number. - "Poetry Xiaoya Kitayama"
  Come with me Friends of the coupling. - "Songs of the South illness the world." Note: The "agony also."
  Fei Di http call to the provision of Xi. - Zhang Heng "Si Xuan Fu"
  Shuzu call, Hangu move. - Du Mu "Fanggong Fu"
  Another example: call life (curse words. Deathbed cries); called the Mighty (noisy sound harsh); called the number (cry); called the head (theatrical language. One of the characters in the story sad, desperate anger the time, shouting to each other, as called head); called song (duet without the charm and refined, and emotional)
  Summon, call 〖call; greet〗
  Or call the Temple in the Song. - "Zuo Xianggong three years." Note: "call too."
  Cried aloud: ... - "Luti jurisdiction over the town of Kansai punch"
  Another example: call hi (congratulations); Soul
  Call and sing〗 〖
  Give the clear call waiting fans. - Pan "shoot pheasant Fu." Note: "Ming also."
  Per call without a break. - Wu Jun "and Zhu Yuansi book"
  Both owned by sting Yan, one by one group of apes called. - Han Yu Tang "late-Park Eguchi"
  Another example: Call howl (still yelling. Refers to the wolves and other wild animals shouting)
  〗 〖Complain complain. Such as: complain incessantly (continuous crying); called http (Limin old grievances and other reasons for appeal to the court, said, "is called http")
  Name is; called 〖call; name〗. Such as: name name (the name is called; called)
  Employment; to the store to place an order sent〗 〖hire. Such as: name of a sedan chair; called a bowl
  When, as〗 〖takeas. Such as: name is really
  So, so〗 〖order. Such as: call mountains bow, called the river give way; told him to carry water
  Allow, let〗 〖tolerate. Such as: how not Jiaoniang remarry; told him to come in?
  [Dialect]: male〗 〖males. Such as: call chicken; Jiaolv
  Let; is by〗 〖. Such as: you call the rain yet?; Call you guessed it
  [Dialect]: call sub (post children)〗 〖whistle
  Qingming to do "Michael called" a blow, a laugh.
  〗 〖Torhythmizetheendofaspokenpartinanopera opera to the rhythm of the last sentence of a character asks for the introduction to the following singing up. Action aria with the provisions of the following words against the rhythm, also known as
  Dish called
  〗 〖Order a la carte, buy the recipe to the waiter that the food
  〗 〖Exclaim loudly that
  "Ah, young people's troubles it!" Cried her mother
  〖Shout; yell loudly shouting〗
  〖Shout "Bravo!"〗 Call "good" to show appreciation
  Call number
  〗 〖Callthenameindueorder: Call of the order of the number that
  Doctor who sat outside the door waiting for a doctor called No.
  〗 〖Yell: cry
  Jump throw called. - Qing Ji Yun "Book Notes"
  〗 〖Challenge [dialect]: A challenge or provocation to the other words
  Do not you called the number, which I have done the job
  Called cross-
  〗 〖Challenge [dialect]: say rude words; playing outrageous
  You do not have to throw in the towel ability, do not cross with my name
  Called the roar
  〗 〖Roar roar
  〗 〖Beggar, also known as "Beggar," "Beggar head." Beggar
  Call out
  Shouted〗 〖cryout
  Disorder called upon
  Soul, called the wits
  jiàohún, jiàohúnr
  〗 〖Callbackthespirit superstitious people believe that people suffering from certain diseases are caused by the soul from the body to use some form of calling the patient's name, the soul back, called the Soul
  Jiao Jin
  〗 〖Haveacontest rivalry; a test
  〗 〖Applaud the extreme praise good things
  Complain of hardship
  〗 〖Complainofhardshiporsuffering complain too hard because of
  Suffer badly
  〗 〖One'scryforbitternessisheavenlyhigh again and again because of too hard and complaining about the sound issue
  〗 〖Maledonkey jackass
  Shout curses
  〗 〖Shoutcurses scolding loudly
  〗 〖Peddle goods sold side edge crying
  〗 〖Callatthedoortobeletin call someone to open the door
  Called names, called the name of children
  jiàomíng, jiàomíngr
  〗 〖Name: name; name for child
  〗 〖Inthename: nominal, not real
  〗 〖Bid under certain conditions (for example, determine the trump card and the bridge in the number of tricks to win) claimed to obtain any results
  〗 〖Askingbid bid in bridge contracts were requested to provide certain conditions Dadang an artificial bid
  Protest against an injustice
  〗 〖Singtheblues tell grievances
  〗 〖Shout: shout loudly issued
  〗 〖Bellow: the attitude of yelling words
  Cried the captain issued an order
  Called the Son of Heaven
  〗 〖Skylark [dialect]: the Lark
  〗 〖Squawk loud noise is called noise
  Almost shouting something. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "snake say"
  Called the noise
  〖Shout; bicker; din; hubbub〗 scream loud, bluff.
  Drum is called noise. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
  Called true, is called real children
  jiàozhēn, jiàozhēnr
  〗 〖Serious [dialect]: serious; true; contests
  Called the real work
  〗 〖Challenge sounding the call in the army, and promote each other play; challenges
  Yamaha Hengdao, approached Jiaozhen
  Called sub-
  〗 〖Whistle [dialect]: whistle
  Draw a large audience
  〗 〖Drawalargeaudience the audience is very attractive, high attendance
  He starred in the film is box office
  〗 〖Term called the ... to ... named
  He was one called the collector
More Simple Explanation
  Called the <action "(phonetic. The original meaning of call, call) is called with the original meaning, evil too. - "Said the text" or do not know called. - "Poetry Xiaoya Kitayama," Come with me Friends of the coupling. - "Songs of the South illness the world." Note agony also. "Asked God to make provision Fei Xi http. - Zhang Heng" Si Xuan Fu "Shuzu called, Hangu move. - Du Mu" Metrical Fu "Another example is called life (curse words. Deathbed cries); called the Mighty (noisy sound harsh); called the number (cry); called the head (theatrical language. One of the characters in the story sad, desperate anger, the shouting to each other, as called head); called Qu ( Implication of Songs without charm, and emotional) summon, call, or call the Temple Song. - "Zuo Xianggong three years." Note also call. "loudly shouted ... -" call (Jiao) jiào ⒈ shouting Call ~ ~. Loud ~. ⒉ animal sound dogs ~. Bird ~. ⒊ summon him you ~ Come. ⒋ called, call it ~ TV. ~ What is your name? ⒌ to make ~ river diversion. ~ People to understand. ⒍ preposition. Be, so we have captured several enemy ~. ~ We do not joke.
More Detailed Explanation
Called jiao Radical mouth radical strokes 03 strokes 05 total Call call; cry; ask; blat; bray; greet; name; order; shout; Shouting; Call jiào (1) (Phonetic. The original meaning of call, call) (2) With the original meaning [cry; shout] Name, evil too. - "Said the text" I do not know name or number. - "Poetry Xiaoya Kitayama" Come with me Friends of the coupling. - "Songs of the South illness the world." Note agony also. " Fei Di http call to the provision of Xi. - Zhang Heng "Si Xuan Fu" Shuzu call, Hangu move. - Du Mu "Fanggong Fu" (3) Another example is called life (curse words. Deathbed cries); called the Mighty (noisy sound harsh); called the number (cry); called the head (theatrical language. One of the characters in the story sad, desperate anger When shouting to each other, as called head); called song (duet without the charm and refined, and emotional) (4) Summon, call [call; greet] Or call the Temple in the Song. - "Zuo Xianggong three years." Note call also. " Cried loudly ... - "Luti jurisdiction over the town of Kansai punch" (5) Another example is called hi (congratulations); Soul (6) Call and [sing] Give the clear call waiting fans. - Pan "shoot pheasant Fu." Note Ming too. " Per call without a break. - Wu Jun "and Zhu Yuansi book" Both owned by sting Yan, one by one group of apes called. - Han Yu Tang "late-Park Eguchi" (7) Another example is called howl (still yelling. Refers to the wolves and other wild animals shouting) (8) Tell [complain]. If complain incessantly (continuous crying); called http (Limin old grievances and other reasons due to the court complaint said the call http ") (9) Name is; as [call; name]. Such as the call name (the name is called; called) (10) Employment; to the store to place an order sent to [hire]. If called a sedan chair; called a bowl (11) When, as a [take as]. If called true (12) To make [order]. If called Alpine bow, called the river give way; told him to carry water (13) Allow, let [tolerate]. If not how Jiaoniang remarry; told him to come in? Call jiào
[Party]: male [male]. If called chicken; Jiaolv Call jiào Let; be [by]. If you call the rain yet?; Call you guessed it Call jiào [Party] is called child (post children) [whistle] Qingming that make wheat called "a blow, a laugh. Destabilize jiàobǎn [To rhythmize the end of a spoken part in an opera] opera character asks in the rhythm of the last sentence, in order to introduce to the following singing up. Action aria with the provisions of the following words against the rhythm, also known as Dish called jiàocài [Order] order, to buy the recipe to the waiter that the food Cried jiàodào [Exclaim] said loudly Ah, young people's troubles it! "Cried her mother Shouting jiàohǎn [Shout; yell] shouted, Yelled Cheer jiàohǎo [Shoutbravo! "] Han Hao" to express appreciation Call number jiàohào (1) [Call the name in due order]: Call of the order of the number that Doctor who sat outside the door waiting for a doctor called No. (2) [Yell]: cry Jump throw called. - Qing Ji Yun "Book Notes" (3) [Challenge] [side]: A challenge or provocation to the other words Do not you called the number, which I have done the job Called cross- jiàohèng [Challenge] [side]: say rude words; playing outrageous You do not have to throw in the towel ability, do not cross with my name Called the roar jiàohǒu [Roar] yells Beggar jiàohuāzi [Beggar] also known as the Beggar, "Beggar head." Beggar Call out jiàohuɑn [Cry out] shouting Disorder called upon Soul, called the wits jiàohún, jiàohúnr [Call back the spirit] superstitious people suffering from certain diseases are caused by the soul from the body to use some form of calling the patient's name, the soul back, called the Soul Jiao Jin jiàojìn [Have a contest] rivalry; a test Wow jiàojué [Applaud] praised the good things in the extreme Lovely Complain of hardship jiàokǔ [Complain of hardship or suffering] complain too hard because of Suffer badly jiàokǔ-liántiān [One's cry for bitterness is heavenly high] because of too hard and repeatedly complained about the sound issue Jiaolv jiàolǘ [Male donkey] jackass Shout curses jiàomà [Shout curses] loud scolding Hawk jiàomài [Peddle] edge yell to sell the goods side Mengen jiàomén [Call at the door to be let in] call someone to open the door Called names, called the name of children jiàomíng, jiàomíngr (1) [Side] (2) [Name]: name; name for child (3) [In the name]: nominal, not real Bid jiàopái [Bid] in certain circumstances (for example, determine the trump card and the bridge in the number of tricks to win) claimed to obtain any results Bid jiàopái [Asking bid] contract bridge bidding were requested in a certain situation Dadang provide an artificial bid Protest against an injustice jiàoqū [Sing the blues] tell grievances Hanyuanjiaoqu Clamor jiàorǎng (1) [Shout]: sent shouted, (2) [Bellow]: speak to the attitude of yelling Cried the captain issued an order Called the Son of Heaven jiàotiānzǐ [Skylark] [square]: the Lark Clamor jiàoxiāo [Squawk] loud noise is called noise Almost shouting something. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "snake say" Called the noise jiàozào [Shout; bicker; din; hubbub] scream loud, bluff. Drum is called noise. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft" Called true, is called real children jiàozhēn, jiàozhēnr [Serious] [side]: serious; true; contests Called the real work Jiaozhen jiàozhèn [Challenge] sounding the call in the army, and promote each other play; challenges Yamaha Hengdao, approached Jiaozhen Called sub- jiàozi [Whistle] [side]: whistle Draw a large audience jiàozuò [Draw a large audience] the audience is very attractive, high attendance He starred in the film is box office Called jiàozuò [Term] to ... as to the name ... He was one called the collector Call jiào ㄐ ㄧ ㄠ ╝ Cry ~ cry. ~ Xiao (cries loudly). ~ Array. ~ Block (opera or performers can attract audiences to see more people.) ~ Hard not cope. Idealists ~ Qu. Zheng code jzi, u53eb, gbkbdd0 5 number of strokes, radical population, stroke order number 25152
Kangxi Dictionary
Ugly sets  【】 【Is Yun Tang Yun Ji hanging cut 【】】 【Ji Yun Yun An old crane will be cut, ???? sound Jiao. 【】 Hu also said the text. Xiaoya】 【poem called the number, or I do not know. 【Explanation】 called this also for the loud. Known name, well the sound too. Problem-solving】 【big words Jiao Jiao Yang Xiong. Also known as Ao, hold high the appearance. Sima Fu 【】 correction phase, such as Polygonum adults called Ao. And color name. Wang Shi】 【stag called up the two with the House, the Museum staff who have dry recommended. Lord said: A Taketo, vegetarian does not read books, if the color is called Feng Jian carry. Common sense is not quite as modern people to color is called, the this. 【_Set_】 【rhyme and rhyme will】 ???? old baby cut, sound save. 【_Set_】 sound of rhyme. Equality of Zhuangzi】 【who called those Hao, Guo Xiang read. 【Fax】 Former Han Wang Changyi then called natural Xiao Yue. 【】 Jade articles with Chi. 【_Set_】 or for Dao ???? rhyme. Popular for Jiao, non. Research: 〔【】 Sima correction phase, such as adult Fu Liao called Ao. 〕 Would like to correct according to the original Liaogaijiuliao.
Explain Word
Number: 923  Hu also. Jiu sound from the mouth. Old hanging cut

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