Pàn rebel against his own interests to put into the hostile areas: betrayal. Treason. Defection. Traitor. Treason. Mutiny. Stroke: 9; radicals: and; Stroke Number: 431133354
Rebel pàn 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the anti-, semi-acoustic. Original meaning: betrayal) with the original meaning 〖rebelagainst; betray〗 Rebellion, revolt. - "Guang Ya" James and the rebels of the letter. - "Songs of the South every Fun" Panzhe, anti-back of speech also. - "Zuo an Example" Hou do not move, it is that the rebel. - "Five Elements Chi Han" Panzhe five. - "Given the public eight years Gongyangzhuan" Are rebels of the world. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" Another example: deserted; rebellion (rebellion); rebel Road (betrayal of the right path); rebels defeated (insurgence and Failure); rebel town (betrayal of the Military court); rebel with (rebel after another attachment); rebel service (mutiny or obedience); rebels drop (rebel collaborators) pàn 【Form】 Disorderly〗 〖messy About the meaning alone, Bo is speech rebel. - "Wen Xin Diao Long" Renegade pànbiàn 〗 〖Turntraitor betray their own class or group to take hostile action or put into a party hostile to Rebel collaborators Rebels pàndǎng 〗 〖BetraytheParty betrayed his own party Renegade rebels Rebel enemy pàndí Examples of collaborators〗 〖treachery; sell or collaborationist behavior Rebels pànfěi 〗 〖Rebelbandit rebel bandits Treason pànguó Betraying the motherland〗 〖betrayone'scountry Crime of treason Rebels pànjūn 〖Rebelarmy; rebelforces; insurgenttroops〗 troops armed rebellion Renegade pànlí Back〗 〖betray change; betrayal He finally had his family renegade Rebellion pànluàn 〗 〖Armedrebellion betrayal for chaos. Multiple means of armed rebellion Counterinsurgency Betray pànmài 〗 〖Betray betrayal and betrayal (the motherland, the revolution) Rebel pànnì 〖Rebelagainst; revoltagainst〗: betrayal Openly rebellious 〗 〖Rebel: a betrayal of the people Rebellious feudal ethical code pànnìzhě 〗 〖Rebel With recognized customs or traditions of the people to break People involved in rebellion Defection pàntáo 〗 〖Defect escape betrayal He went into exile Traitor pàntú 〖Traitor; renegade〗 Refers to a betrayal of the people Especially a betrayal of this country or the people who betrayed the revolution Shameless traitor Rebel death pànwáng 〗 〖Defect escape betrayal
Rebel <action "(phonetic. From the anti-, semi-acoustic. The original meaning of betrayal) with the original meaning of rebellion, revolt. - "Guang Ya" James and the betrayal of the letter. - "Songs of the South every Fun" Panzhe, anti-back of speech also. - "Zuo an Example," Hou do not move, it is that the rebel. - "Five Elements Chi Han," Panzhe five. - "Given the public eight years Gongyangzhuan" are rebels of the world. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" Another example is deserted; rebellion (rebellion); rebel Road (betrayal of the right path); rebels defeated (insurgence and Failure); rebel town (betrayal of the Military court); rebel with (rebel otherwise dependent upon ); rebel service (rebellion or obedience); rebels drop (rebel collaborators) rebel <form> messy about the meaning of solitary, Bo is speech rebel. - "Wen Xin Diao Long" rebels pàn away from his side, put into hostile areas to ~ change. ~ Sell. ~ Acts. Back ~.
Rebel pan Radicals and radicals of total strokes 09 strokes 02 Rebel betray; rebel; Rebel pàn <Action> (1) (Phonetic. From the anti-, semi-acoustic. The original meaning of betrayal) with the original meaning of [rebel against; betray] Rebellion, revolt. - "Guang Ya" James and the rebels of the letter. - "Songs of the South every Fun" Panzhe, anti-back of speech also. - "Zuo an Example" Hou do not move, it is that the rebel. - "Five Elements Chi Han" Panzhe five. - "Given the public eight years Gongyangzhuan" Are rebels of the world. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" (2) Another example is deserted; rebellion (rebellion); rebel Road (betrayal of the right path); rebels defeated (insurgence and Failure); rebel town (betrayal of the Military court); rebel with (rebel after another attachment); rebel service (mutiny or obedience ); rebels drop (rebel collaborators) Rebel pàn <Form> Messy [disorderly] About the meaning alone, Bo is speech rebel. - "Wen Xin Diao Long" Renegade pànbiàn [Turn traitor] betray their own class or group to take hostile action or put into a party hostile to Rebel collaborators Rebels pàndǎng [Betray the party] betrayed his own party Renegade rebels Rebel enemy pàndí [Treachery] Examples of collaborators; sell or collaborationist behavior Rebels pànfěi [Rebel bandit] rebel bandits Treason pànguó [Betray one's country] betrayed the motherland Crime of treason Rebels pànjūn [Rebel army; rebel forces; insurgent troops] armed forces mutiny Renegade pànlí [Betray] back change; betrayal He finally had his family renegade Rebellion pànluàn [Armed rebellion] betrayal for chaos. Multiple means of armed rebellion pànmài [Betray] betrayal and betrayal (the motherland, the revolution) Rebel pànnì (1) [Rebel against; revolt against]: betrayal Openly rebellious (2) [Rebel]: a betrayal of the people Rebellious feudal ethical code Traitor pànnìzhě (1) [Rebel] (2) With recognized customs or traditions of the people to break (3) People involved in rebellion Defection pàntáo [Defect] betrayal escape He went into exile Traitor pàntú (1) [Traitor; renegade] (2) Refers to a betrayal of the people (3) Especially a betrayal of this country or the people who betrayed the revolution Shameless traitor Rebel death pànwáng [Defect] betrayal to flee Rebel pàn ㄆ ㄢ ╝ Contrary to the interests of their own put into hostile areas to the back ~. ~ Country. ~ Escape. ~ Acts. ~ Reverse. ~ Change. Zheng code ubpx, u53db, gbkc5d1 9 number of strokes, radical and, Stroke No. 431133354
子集下 Sub_set_ of the next 【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????薄半切,音畔。【說文】半也。从半,反聲。【徐曰】離叛也。【廣韻】奔他國也。又【韻會】通作畔。【前漢·高帝紀】漢王幷關中,而齊梁畔之。又【集韻】【韻會】????普半切,音判。煥也。【張衡·西京賦】譬衆星之環北極,叛赫戲以煇煌。【註】言宮觀臺榭周于正殿,猶衆星環拱,光耀布散也。又【集韻】或从火作炍。
【】 【Ji Yun Tang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Rhymes thin half cut, sound banks. 【】 Half, said Wen. From the semi, anti-sound. 【】 Disaffection Xu also said. Ben Guangyun】 【other countries also. 】 【They will pass as the banks of rhyme. 】 【Former Han Ji Han Wang Bing Guan Gotti, while the banks of the Qi and Liang. Also 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Pu will】 ???? half cut, sound contracting. Huan also. Xijing Zhang Heng Fu】 【analogy stars of the Central Arctic, the rebel He plays to glory. 【Note】 Taixie weeks in the main hall made temples, Utah arch ring stars, shine and spread as well. Also】 【_set_ rhyme or from the fire as Pan.
编号:726 Number: 726 半也。从半反聲。 薄半切
Half also. From the semi-anti-sound. Half-cut thin