Medical (medical) yī treatment: medical treatment. Medicine. Medical. Hospital Road. Treatment of people: healers. Doctor. Medical ethics. Treatment of science: Western medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine. Stroke: 7; radicals: Fang; stroke ID: 1311345
Doctors, medical
(Knowing the sound and shape. From the Fang (fāng), from the vector, vector are sound. "Said the text": "device also Shing crossbow arrow." "Medicine", knowing, from the "Yi" (yī), from the unitary (yǒu ). "Yi", when the percussion sound of treatment. "unitary" for medical care of the wine. the original meaning of each word, this use of "medical" is simplified. the original meaning: healing people)
〗 〖Doctor with the original meaning
Medicine, treatment works also. Yi, bad posture too. The nature of doctors leaving the wine too. - "Said the text"
Who will be free to sue, so doctors keep the public. - "The more Mandarin language"
Can not be witches. - "The Analects"
If the analogy of the good doctor. - "Lu police today"
Chi called medicine. - "Han Guang Su Jian Chuan"
Nor medicine. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary"
Another example: heal the nation (referring to the Good Doctor); doctors have cut the heart of shares (Yu doctors save lives of the pious wish); underserved; physicians (doctors, physicians); physicians (Guan Ming. For the public health of the long ); Medical po (female physicians); healing people (doctors); Biomedical Engineering (formerly Guan Ming, referring to the medical officer. After refers to the general practitioners); Medical stream (doctors, physicians); Medical Operator (doctors and Pu person) ; Medical Wu (treatment of people. The doctor is often used along with the ancient magic cure, it is called)
Medicine; Medical〗 〖medicine
The original medical knowledge to understand your wife, please look after reading tomorrow. - "Twenty years Strange"
Another example: doctors hand (highly skilled persons); practice; to study medicine; Medical Wang (medicine very fine people. More compared to the Buddhas or Buddhist monk, etc.); Medical Department (Medical Books); medical knowledge (medical reason or theory); Hospital Road (medicine)
Add song tiller porridge liqueur lead〗 〖sweetwine. Such as: cold medicine (cold liqueur)
Treat, cure, cure〗 〖
A total of medical poly poison. - "Zhou Li"
Another example: Medical Board (_set_ of prevention, treatment, medicine as one of the Division of medical institutions); Medical margin (superstitious people believe that diseases are bad and the destiny of the relationship between medicine, called Medicine edge); health economic (treatment)
〗 〖Treatandcure treatment
Medical doctors on the country, followed by persons with disabilities. - "Mandarin"
Another example: heal the nation (compared treatment of countries)
Medical Records
Medicalcase〗 〖Chinese medicine treatment on the time of symptoms, prescription drugs and other records, and more used as the title, such as the Qing Ye Tianshi's "Guide to Clinical Practice case" neighbor Qinbo not a "famous doctor in Qing Dynasty Medical Case", etc.
Medical Road
〖Artofhealing; medicalknowledge; physician'sskill〗 healing ability (especially Chinese)
Hospital Road smart
Medical Ethics
〖Moralintegrityinmedicine; medicalethics〗 medical staff should have the character, style
Noble medical ethics
Health care
〗 〖Cureandnurse: Health Care
Promised her back to the original old business, health care work for life
〗 〖Doctorandnurse: short of doctors and nurses
Participation of all health care
〗 〖Medicalcoursesingeneral teaching and research on the medical, medicine, public health, the subjects referred to
Medical knowledge
〖Principlesofmedicalscience; medicalknowledge〗 truth about medical or theoretical knowledge
〗 〖Medicaltreatment diseases
〖Doctor; physician; surgeon; medicalman; medicineman〗 Tang _set_ up schools is studying medicine, a medical student who called a doctor. This is for the industry to treat the patient with known
Medical St
〗 〖Medicalsage ancient achievements of the medical people have a high reputation
〗 〖Medicalofficial: Ancient official in charge of medical
Doctors, doctors of the decree palm. - "Zhou Tian Guan"
〗 〖Qualifieddoctor: highly engaged in higher medical education or medical and health work, by the state health department's senior medical review of qualified health personnel
〗 〖Doctor: Doctors
〗 〖Prectitionerwithsecondarymadicalschooleducation: a secondary medical education or equivalent capacity, by the state health department review of the medical responsibility of qualified medical workers held
Medical Books
〗 〖Medicalbook books on medicine
〗 〖Leechcraft: medical knowledge and technology
〗 〖Medicalskill: Medical Technology
〗 〖Medicalmatters Medical Services
Medical Service
〖Medicine; medicalscience〗 to protect and promote human health, disease prevention and treatment of the scientific research
〗 〖Medicine for the treatment of diseases, substance or preparation
〗 〖Hospital patients injured by medical care institutions or places
〗 〖Cure: the medical process of human disease
〗 〖Treat: a patient or body part within the surgical treatment
〗 〖Heal: treatment of disease and restore health
Doctor's advice
〗 〖Doctor'sadvice medical needs of patients the condition of patients in the diet, medication, laboratory instructions and requirements, etc.
Medical (knowing the sound and shape. From Fang from the vector, vector is also the sound. "Said the text" device also Shing crossbow arrow. "Medicine", knowing, from the Yi ", from the unitary. Yi", when the percussion sound treatment . unitary "for medical care of the wine. the original meaning of each word, this with the doctor" for the simplified characters. the original meaning of treatment of people) with the original meaning of health, healing work also. Yi, bad posture too. The nature of doctors leaving the wine too. - "Said Wen," who will be free to sue, the public health so keep it. - "The more Mandarin language" not as a witch doctor. - "The Analects" give an example of if the good doctor. - "Lu observed this" relaxation response medicine. - "Han Guang Su Jian Biography" nor medicine. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Notes" and if heal the nation (referring to the Good Doctor); doctors have cut the heart of shares (Yu doctors save lives of the pious wish); underserved; health (medical and medical) yī ⒈ ~ Spa treatment. ~ Rule. ⒉ treatment of people ~ division. Good ~. Beast ~. ⒊ health promotion, disease prevention science ~ science. Science ~. Studies in the ~. Medical yì 1. Ancient apparatus Sheng crossbow arrow.
Medical yi
Radical Radical Fang 02 total strokes 07 strokes
cure; doctor; medicine;
Doctors, medical
(Knowing the sound and shape. From the Fang (fāng), from the vector, vector are sound. "Said the text" device also Shing crossbow arrow. "Medicine", knowing, from the Yi "(yī), from the unitary (yǒu). Yi" , when the percussion sound of treatment. unitary "for medical care of the wine. the original meaning of each word, this with the doctor" for the simplified characters. the original meaning of treatment of people)
With the original meaning of [doctor]
Medicine, treatment works also. Yi, bad posture too. The nature of doctors leaving the wine too. - "Said the text"
Who will be free to sue, so doctors keep the public. - "The more Mandarin language"
Can not be witches. - "The Analects"
If the analogy of the good doctor. - "Lu police today"
Chi called medicine. - "Han Guang Su Jian Chuan"
Nor medicine. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary"
Another example is the health state (referring to the Good Doctor); doctors have cut the heart of shares (Yu doctors save lives of the pious wish); underserved; physicians (doctors, physicians); physicians (Guan Ming. For the public health long) ; Medical po (female physicians); healing people (doctors); Biomedical Engineering (formerly Guan Ming, that refers to the general medical officer Dr ◇); Medical stream (doctors, physicians); Medical Operator (doctors and divination people); Medical Wu (treatment of people. The doctor is often used along with the ancient magic cure, it said)
Medicine; Medicine [medicine]
The original medical knowledge to understand your wife, please look after reading tomorrow. - "Twenty years Strange"
Another example is the Medical hand (highly skilled persons); practice; to study medicine; Medical Wang (medicine very fine people. More compared to the Buddhas or Buddhist monk, etc.); Medical Department (Medical Books); medical knowledge (medical reason or theory); Hospital Road (medicine)
Add song tiller lead porridge liqueur [sweet wine]. Such as cold medicine (cold liqueur)
Treat, cure [cure]
A total of medical poly poison. - "Zhou Li"
Another example is the Medical Board (_set_ of prevention, treatment, medicine as one of the Division of medical institutions); Medical margin (superstitious people believe that diseases are bad and the destiny of the relationship between medicine, called Medicine edge); health economic (treatment)
Treatment [treat and cure]
Medical doctors on the country, followed by persons with disabilities. - "Mandarin"
Another example is the health state (analogy where countries)
Medical Records
yī àn
[Medical case] the time of TCM treatment on symptoms, prescription drugs and other records, and more used as the title, such as the Qing Ye Tianshi's "Guide to Clinical Practice case" neighbor Qinbo not a "famous doctor in Qing Dynasty Medical Case" etc.
Medical Road
[Art of healing; medical knowledge; physician's skill] healing ability (especially Chinese)
Hospital Road smart
Medical Ethics
[Moral integrity in medicine; medical ethics] medical staff should have the character, style
Noble medical ethics
Health care
[Cure and nurse]: medical care
Promised her back to the original old business, health care work for life
[Doctor and nurse]: short of doctors and nurses
Participation of all health care
[Medical courses in general] teaching and research on the medical, medicine, public health, the subjects referred to
Medical knowledge
[Principles of medical science; medical knowledge] on the logic or theory of medical knowledge
[Medical treatment] treatment of the disease
[Doctor; physician; surgeon; medical man; medicine man] Tang _set_ up schools is studying medicine, a medical student who called a doctor. This is for the industry to treat the patient with known
Medical St
[Medical sage] Ancient achievements of the medical people have a high reputation
[Medical official]: the ancient medical official in charge of
Doctors, doctors of the decree palm. - "Zhou Tian Guan"
[Qualified doctor]: highly engaged in higher medical education or medical and health work, by the state health department's senior medical review of qualified health personnel
[Doctor]: doctors
[Prectitioner with secondary madical school education]: a secondary medical education or equivalent capacity, by the state health department review of the medical responsibility of qualified medical workers held
Medical Books
[Medical book] work on the medical
[Leechcraft]: medical knowledge and technology
[Medical skill]: Medical Technology
[Medical matters] Medical Services
Medical Service
[Medicine; medical science] to protect and promote human health, disease prevention and treatment of the scientific research
[Medicine] for the treatment of diseases, substance or preparation
[Hospital] patients injured by medical care institutions or places
[Cure]: the process of human ill health
[Treat]: to the patient or within the surgical treatment of body parts
[Heal]: treatment of disease and restore health
Doctor's advice
[Doctor's advice] doctor according to the needs of the patient condition in the diet, medication, laboratory instructions and requirements, etc.
yī ㄧ ˉ
~ Spa treatment. ~ Surgery. ~ Services. ~ Road.
Treatment of people ~ who. ~ Health. ~ Germany.
West ~ Science healing. In ~.
Zheng code hma, u533b, gbkd2bd
7 number of strokes, radical Fang, Stroke No. 1311345
子集下 Sub_set_ of the next 【唐韻】【正韻】于計切【集韻】【韻會】壹計切,????音翳。【說文】盛弓弩矢器。从匸,从矢亦聲。【齊語】兵不解医。又【玉篇】所以蔽矢也。或作翳。(醫)【唐韻】【韻會】於其切【正韻】於宜切,????音翳。【說文】治病工也。【禮·曲禮】醫不三世,不服其藥。【史記·扁鵲傳】爲醫或在齊,或在趙。 又官名。【周禮·天官】醫師掌醫之政令,聚毒藥以供醫事。註醫師,衆醫之長也。【後漢·百官志】太醫令一人六百石。【註】掌諸醫。 又蟲名。【崔豹·古今注】蝘蜓,一名蛇醫。 又【集韻】或作毉。【後漢·郭玉傳】毉之爲言意也。 又【集韻】【正韻】????隱綺切,音倚。【韻會】飮也。【五音集韻】梅漿也。【周禮·天官·酒正】辨四飮之物,二曰醫。【註】醴濁釀酏爲之則少淸矣。 又【集韻】或作醷,亦作臆。【周禮·天官·酒正註】鄭司農說,《內則》漿水臆,醫與臆音亦相似,文字不同,記之者各異耳。此皆一物。【釋文】醷,本又作臆。 又【集韻】壹計切,音医。【周禮·六飮】一曰醫。徐仙民讀。(醫)考證:〔【周禮·天官】醫師。【註】醫師,衆醫之長。【疏】掌醫之政令,聚毒藥以供醫事。〕 謹照原文改醫師掌醫之政令,聚毒藥以供醫事。註醫師,衆醫之長也。
【】 【Is Yun Tang Yun】 【cut in the total _set_ of rhyme rhyme will】 【Next】 total cut, ???? tone shade. 】 【Said Wen Sheng crossbow arrow device. From the Xi, from the vector is also sound. 【Language】 Bing Qi puzzled doctors. 】 【Jade articles and shelter vector so also. Or for shade. (Medical) 【】 【Yun Tang Yun will】 Rhymes】 【its cut should be cut in, ???? tone shade. 【Culture】 treatment that works well. Li Song Li】 【Medicine is not III, against the drug. 【Fax】 for the Medical Records Bian Que, or Qi, or Zhao. And Guan Ming. Dr Zhou-day official】 【charge of health of the decree, together poison for the medical. Note physicians, public health long also. Shangguan】 【Later Han imperial doctor make a hundred people six stone. 【Note】 charge of all doctors. And insect names. 【Note】 Cui Chamaeleon ancient leopard, a snake medicine. Also】 【_set_ rhyme or for medicine. 【Fax】 health after the Han Guo Yu also intended as a statement. Also 【】 【Ji Yun Yun】 ???? implicit Yee is cut, lean sound. 【】 Yin Yun will also. Mei Yun】 【pentameter pulp is also _set_. 【Zhou Tian Guan Yin wine is】 identified four things, second is health. 【Note】 sweet wine brewed elixir worth is less cloud Qing carry on. Also】 【_set_ rhyme or for Yi, but also for the chest. Zhou days is the official wine 【Note】 Cheng Secretary for Agriculture, said, "in the" Whey chest, the medical and chest sounds are similar, the text is different from those who remember the different ears. Euphemistically a thing. 【Explanation】 Ai, this also for the chest. Next】 【_set_ rhyme and meter cut, sound health. A six-Yin Zhou】 【doctors said. Xu Xianmin read. (Medical) research: official 〔】 【Dr Zhou days. 【Note】 physicians, public health long. Medical sparse】 【palm of a decree for the medical poisons together. 〕 Would like to change according to the original charge of health of the decree, MD, for medical poisons together. Note physicians, public health long also.
编号:8378 ID: 8378 盛弓弩矢器也。从匸从矢。《國語》曰:“兵不解医。” 於計切
Device also Shing crossbow arrow. From the Xi from the vector. "Mandarin" said: "Soldiers puzzled doctors." In the total cut