To persuade (persuade) quàn persuade, made it clear that sensible people listen: to persuade. Persuasion (ji?). Persuasion. To advice (ji View my Bookbag Help). Remonstrate. Comfort. Exhortation. Persuaded into the (feudal society has in fact persuaded to do the emperor to power and who intends to make the emperor.) Encouragement: exhortation. Encouraging learning. Kangyo. Charitable. Stroke: 4; radicals: force; stroke order number: 5453
Advise Advise quàn 【Activity】 (Phonetic. Congli, Guan (guàn) sound. Type_set_ in "and" just a symbol. Original meaning: encouraged) 〗 〖Encourage with the original meaning of Advice, Mian also. - "Said the text" Anti-advised things. - "Funeral Rites wish." Secretary for Agriculture Note: The "anti-lead coffin is also advised." Also be of the Chu, will advise. - "Qin Warring States policy." Note: "into it." Sub-text or after, why the exhortation? - "Zuo Xuan public four-year" I kill the ominous, to persuade Shijun of those who pardon. - "Zuo into the public two years" Xi Yao rule the world, do not reward the people to persuade. - "Zhuangzi Heaven and Earth" All to persuade them to industry. - "Historical Records" Female great-grandfather to persuade them to work. So advise it. - Han Yu Tang, "Mr. Zhu Wenchang school Changli _Set_" Another example: to persuade into (advising, making progress); advised silkworm (encouraged sericulture); admonish (advising alert); persuade phase (persuade to help, advising); advised tuck (advising support); persuade Governor (exhortation urging) ; advised Award (exhortation encouraged); persuade workers (to console; reward); advised farmers (incentives farming); advised Mu (for alumni vary Qimu Mian, yearning, that focused more good deeds); Admonishment (incentive) Persuade 〖advise; urge; trytopersuade〗 Advise you to do one more glass of wine. - Tang Wangwei "send Yuan Er" Poetry Su Yu also urged the right call. - "Mirror" Advised East tour. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography" Advise you East tour. Another example: Ju persuade (dissuade); persuaded pay (urging people to drink); advised Cup (advising people to drink with a small glass); advised disk (put the plates used to persuade Cup); advised Satire (politely advised); to persuade (persuade enlighten ); admonition (to persuade Admonition) Diligence; efforts〗 〖tryhard Jing Wang said to him, promised to save even advised. - "Song Warring States policy" Another example: to persuade like (to introductions); persuade the heart (the hard work of the heart); advised work (that efforts to make contributions); persuaded Services (diligent efforts); advised farming (to farming); Kangyo (work in his career) Through "concept." Look, look 〖lookat; view; watch〗 Said the German degree of success, to persuade them best. - "Pipe under the monarch and his subjects" Links "Huan." Joy 〖please; joy〗 To persuade them to commit their hearts to the Lord. - "Han Fei eight rape" Advise Advise quàn 【Name】 Name Advise quàndǎo 〖Trytopersuade; advise〗 encourage and guide; advice enlighten Patience and persuasion quàngào 〖Advise; urge; exhort〗 persuade people to take reasonable After repeated advice Advise and quànhé 〖Mediate; trytomakepeace; talksb.round〗 persuade others to reconciliation Persuaded quànhuà 〗 〖Persuade: Buddhism refers to persuade people is good; Probation 〗 〖Collectalms: collect alms Advise driving quànjià 〖Helppersuadesb.toacceptinritationorpost; urgesb.toholdthepostof〗 urges people to serve or do something Quan Jia quànjià 〖Trytoreconcilepartiestoaquarrel; trytostoppeoplefromfightingeachother〗 advising people to stop arguing or fighting To advice quànjiào 〗 〖Admolishandinstruct exhortation enlightenment To advice nephew Make peace quànjiě 〖Mediate; makepeace〗: mediation, dispute resolution 〗 〖Helpsb.togetoverhisworries: persuasion Kuanjie We persuasion for a long time, she disappeared on gas Admonish quànjiè 〖Admonish; expostulate〗 urged caution Advised the friends that do not make serious mistakes Drinks upon quànjiǔ 〖Urgesb.todrink (atabanquet)〗 〖〗 advising people to drink at the banquet Exhortation quànmiǎn 〗 〖Adviseandencourage encouraged to persuade Exhort each other Persuade quànshuō 〖Persuade; advise〗 impressed with the speech Console quànwèi 〖Conciliate; console; soothe comfort persuade〗 Capitulate quànxiáng 〗 〖Inducetocapitulate persuade the enemy to surrender Encouraging learning quànxué 〖Encouragelearning; urgesb.toattendschool〗 encourage people to learn; encourage people to study hard Quangyechang quànyèchǎng 〗 〖Amarketsellingarticlesofdailyuse a sales department of the store. Also called "advised workshop" Induce quànyòu 〖Induce; prevailupon〗 exhortations induced Discouraged quànzhǐ 〗 〖Dissuadesb.from discourage Not persuade stop Dissuade quànzǔ 〗 〖Encourageandinhibit: to encourage and prohibit 〖Dissuadesb.from; advisesbnotto〗: advising people not to do certain activities or You'd better not do and to discourage him
Advised (phonetic. Congli, Guan sound. Type_set_ in and "just a symbol. The original meaning of encouragement) with the original meaning advice, Mian also. -" Said the text "to persuade anti-matter. -" Good mourning Zhou " . Secretary for Agriculture Note also advised against lead coffin. "of the Chu Ying also, will be advised. - "Qin Warring States policy." Injected into it. "Sub-text or after, why the exhortation? -" Zuo Venerable four years, "I kill the ominous, to persuade Shijun of those who pardon. -" Zuo into the public two years, "Xi Yao rule the world, do not reward the people to persuade. - "Ch." all to persuade them to industry. - "Historical Records" grandfather to persuade them to female power. so advised it. - Tang and Han Yu, "Zhu Wenchang school Changli Mr. collection "and if persuaded into (advising, making progress); advised silkworm (encouraged sericulture); admonish (exhortation alert to persuade (persuade) quàn ⒈ made it clear that common sense, people listen ~ said. ~ solution. ~ report. ~ resistance. ⒉ encourage, reward ~ Mian.
勸 quan
部首 力 部首筆畫 02 總筆畫 04
勸 advise;persuade;
勸 (1)
勸 quàn
同本義 [encourage]
勸說 [advise;urge;try to persuade]
勤勉;努力 [try hard]
通觀”。細看,看 [look at;view;watch]
通歡”。喜樂 [please;joy]
勸 (1)
勸 quàn
[try to persuade;advise] 鼓勵引導;規勸開導
[advise;urge;exhort] 拿道理勸人
[mediate;try to make peace;talk sb.round] 勸說別人,使其和解
[collect alms]∶募化
[help persuade accept inritation or post;urge sb. to hold the post of] 勸人任職或做某事
[try to reconcile parties to a quarrel;try to stop people from fighting each other] 勸人停止爭吵或打架
[admolish and instruct] 勸勉教化
[mediate;make peace]∶調停、排解糾紛
[help sb. to get over his worries]∶勸導寬解
[admonish;expostulate] 勉勵告誡
[urge sb. to drink(at a banquet)] [在酒席上] 勸人喝酒
[advise and encourage] 勸導勉勵
[persuade; advise] 用言語打動
[conciliate;console;soothe] 勸說安慰
[induce to capitulate] 規勸敵方投降
[encourage learning;urge sb. to attend school] 勉勵人學習;鼓勵人努力學習
[a market selling articles of daily use] 一種銷售百貨的商場。也叫勸工場”
[induce;prevail upon] 規勸誘導
[dissuade sb.from] 勸阻
[encourage and inhibit]∶鼓勵和禁止
[dissuade sb.from;advise sb not to]∶勸人不要做某事或進行某種活動
勸 (勸)
quàn ㄑㄩㄢ╝
Advised quan Radical Radical Force 02 total strokes 04 strokes Advise advise; persuade; Advise Advise quàn (2) (Phonetic. Congli, Guan (guàn) sound. Type_set_ in and "just a symbol. The original meaning of encouragement) (3) With the original meaning of [encourage] Advice, Mian also. - "Said the text" Anti-advised things. - "Funeral Rites wish." Secretary for Agriculture Note also advised against cited bier. " Also be of the Chu, will advise. - "Qin Warring States policy." Injected into it. " Sub-text or after, why the exhortation? - "Zuo Xuan public four-year" I kill the ominous, to persuade Shijun of those who pardon. - "Zuo into the public two years" Xi Yao rule the world, do not reward the people to persuade. - "Zhuangzi Heaven and Earth" All to persuade them to industry. - "Historical Records" Female great-grandfather to persuade them to work. So advise it. - Han Yu Tang, "Mr. Zhu Wenchang school Changli _Set_" (4) Another example is urged into the (advising, making progress); advised silkworm (encouraged sericulture); admonish (advising alert); persuade phase (persuade to help, advising); advised tuck (advising support); persuade Governor (exhortation urging); advised Award (exhortation encouraged); persuade workers (to console; reward); advised farmers (incentives farming); advised Mu (for alumni vary Qimu Mian, yearning, that focused more good deeds); Admonishment (incentive) (5) Persuade [advise; urge; try to persuade] Advise you to do one more glass of wine. - Tang Wangwei "send Yuan Er" Poetry Su Yu also urged the right call. - "Mirror" Advised East tour. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography" Advise you East tour. (6) Another example is advised ju (discouraged); persuaded pay (urging people to drink); advised Cup (advising people to drink with a small glass); advised disk (put the plates used to persuade Cup); advised Satire (politely advised); to persuade (persuade enlighten) ; admonition (to persuade Admonition) (7) Jing Wang said to him, promised to save even advised. - "Song Warring States policy" (8) Another example is advised like (to introductions); persuade the heart (the hard work of the heart); advised work (that efforts to make contributions); persuaded Services (diligent efforts); advised farming (to farming); Kangyo (work in his career) (9) General Concept. "Take a closer look and see [look at; view; watch] Said the German degree of success, to persuade them best. - "Pipe under the monarch and his subjects" (10) Tung Huan. "Joy [please; joy] To persuade them to commit their hearts to the Lord. - "Han Fei eight rape" Advise (1) Advise quàn (2) Name Advise quàndǎo [Try to persuade; advise] to encourage and guide; advice enlighten Patience and persuasion Advice quàngào [Advise; urge; exhort] persuade people to take reasonable After repeated advice Advise and quànhé [Mediate; try to make peace; talk sb.round] to persuade others to reconciliation Persuaded quànhuà (1) [Persuade]: Buddhism refers to persuade people is good; Probation (2) [Collect alms]: collect alms Advise driving quànjià [Help persuade accept inritation or post; urge sb. To hold the post of] advising people to serve or do something Quan Jia quànjià [Try to reconcile parties to a quarrel; try to stop people from fighting each other] advising people to stop arguing or fighting To advice quànjiào [Admolish and instruct] exhortation enlightenment To advice nephew Make peace quànjiě (1) [Mediate; make peace]: mediation, dispute resolution (2) [Help sb. To get over his worries]: persuasive Kuanjie We persuasion for a long time, she disappeared on gas Admonish quànjiè [Admonish; expostulate] urged caution Advised the friends that do not make serious mistakes Drinks upon quànjiǔ [Urge sb. To drink (at a banquet)] [the banquet] advising people to drink Exhortation quànmiǎn [Advise and encourage] persuasion encouraged Exhort each other Persuade quànshuō [Persuade; advise] with the words struck Console quànwèi [Conciliate; console; soothe] to persuade the comfort Capitulate quànxiáng [Induce to capitulate] to persuade the enemy to surrender Encouraging learning quànxué [Encourage learning; urge sb. To attend school] encourage people to learn; encourage people to study hard Quangyechang quànyèchǎng [A market selling articles of daily use] of a sales department of the store. Also known as advised workshop " Induce quànyòu [Induce; prevail upon] exhortations induced Discouraged quànzhǐ [Dissuade sb.from] discourage Not persuade stop Dissuade quànzǔ (1) [Encourage and inhibit]: to encourage and prohibit Nothing to discourage good and evil (2) [Dissuade sb.from; advise sb not to]: advising people not to do certain activities or You'd better not do and to discourage him Advise (Advise) quàn ㄑ ㄩ ㄢ ╝ (1) Persuasion, made it clear that sensible people listen ~ said. ~ Solutions (jiě). ~ Lead. ~ Teach (jiào). ~ Remonstrance. ~ Comfort. ~ Ring. ~ Jin (feudal society has in fact persuaded to do the emperor to power and who intends to make the emperor.) (2) Encouraged ~ Mian. ~ School. ~ Industry. ~ Good. Zheng code xsym, u529d, gbkc8b0 Stroke number 4, radical force, stroke order number 5453
子集下 Sub_set_ of the next 【唐韻】去願切【集韻】【韻會】區願切,????音券。【說文】勉也。從力,雚聲。【廣韻】獎勉也,助也,敎也。【書·禹謨】勸之以九歌,俾勿壞。又悅從也。【論語】舉善而敎,不能則勸。又【戰國策】荊王大悅,許救甚勸。【註】勸猶力也。【集韻】或作勌。
【】 To wish to cut Tang Yun Ji Yun】 【【】 area will be willing to cut rhyme, ???? tone coupons. 【】 Mian Wen also said. Congli, Guan sound. Award Mian Guangyun】 【also help too, teaching also. Yu Mo】 【book to persuade the Nine, to serve not to bad. And desirable from the well. 【】 Give good and Teaching with The Analects of Confucius, is not advised. And Jing Wang Taiyue】 【war policy, even promised help to persuade. 【Note】 force is still advised. Yun】 【_set_ or for Juan.