Assassination là contrary sense, common sense: good assassination. Assassination absurd. Brutal assassination. With the assassination lá "pull 2" ①. Stroke: 9; radical: Dao; stroke order number: 125 123 422
Assassination lá [Move] Cut; gash 〖slit; cut〗. Such as: hand pierced the See là Assassination là [Form] (Knowing from the beam, from the knife. Original meaning: surly; violation) With the original meaning 〖perverse; disagreeable; eccentricandunreasonable〗 Bihensuiguo said the assassination. - "Zhou Shu Shi Act" Naughty assassination. - "Book of Rites, Li Yun," Note Are taught to push at least Qing Yin Chin, no servant is selfish with the assassination of almost absurd! - Sima Qian, "Letter to Ren." Another example: the assassination of brutal (wrong side); assassination absurd (contrary; paradox) Dirty 〖slovenly; sloppy〗. Such as: the assassination of the tower (take the assassination, assassination of, the assassination of A. Slovenly tower); assassination collapsed drunk (drunk; drunk); stab Caesar (shit pee; also as a "stab stab blow off." Stretch, loose) Show tonight. Describe hot hot 〖〗. Such as: assassination assassination (also as "spicy." Onomatopoeia. Sound bite) See lá
Assassination cut; gash pierced <form> (knowing from the beam, from the knife. The original meaning of cynicism; contrary) then with the original meaning of obstinate Hen had said the assassination. - "Law Week posthumous book," naughty assassination. - "Book of Rites, Li Yun," Notes are taught to push at least Qing Yin Chin, no servant is selfish with the assassination of almost absurd! - Sima Qian, "Letter to Ren" brutal assassination of another example (wrong side); assassination absurd (contrary; paradox ) dirty show tonight. Describe the hot hitting là ⒈ eccentric, contrary to common sense, common sense - absurd. ~ Good heart. Assassination lá 1. Dialects. Cut; cut.
剌 la
部首 刂 部首笔画 02 总笔画 09
割开;划开 [slit;cut]。如手剌破了
同本义 [perverse;disagreeable;eccentric and unreasonable]
至少卿乃教以 推贤进士,无乃与仆私心剌谬乎!--司马迁《报任安书》
邋遢 [slovenly;sloppy]。如剌塔(剌搭,剌达,剌答。邋塔);剌塌醉(大醉;烂醉);剌撒(拉屎撒尿;也作剌剌撒撒”。舒展,宽松)
辣辣。形容燥热 [hot]。如剌剌(也作辣辣”。象声词。咬牙声)
là ㄌㄚ╝
lá ㄌㄚˊ
Assassination la Radical Radical Dao total strokes 09 strokes 02 Puncture 1 lá Cut; gash [slit; cut]. Such as hand pierced the See là Puncture 2 là <Form> (1) (Knowing from the beam, from the knife. The original meaning of cynicism; violation) (2) With the original meaning [perverse; disagreeable; eccentric and unreasonable] Bihensuiguo said the assassination. - "Zhou Shu Shi Act" Naughty assassination. - "Book of Rites, Li Yun," Note Are taught to push at least Qing Yin Chin, no servant is selfish with the assassination of almost absurd! - Sima Qian, "Letter to Ren." (3) Another example is the brutal assassination (wrong side); assassination absurd (contrary; paradox) (4) Dirty [slovenly; sloppy]. Such as the assassination of the tower (take the assassination, assassination of, the assassination of A. Slovenly tower); assassination collapsed drunk (drunk; drunk); the assassination of Caesar (shit pee; also for the assassination of the assassination of blow off. "Stretch, loose) (5) Show tonight. Describe hot [hot]. Such as the assassination assassination (also for the show tonight. "Onomatopoeia. Sound bite) See lá Puncture 1 là someone now ㄚ ╝ Contrary to common sense, good common sense ~. ~ Absurd. ~ Brutal. Zheng code fjkd, u524c, gbkd8dd 9 number of strokes, radical Dao, stroke order number 125 123 422 Puncture 2 lá someone now ㄚ With pull 2 "①. Zheng code fjkd, u524c, gbkd8dd 9 number of strokes, radical Dao, stroke order number 125 123 422
子集下 Sub_set_ of the next 【唐韻】盧達切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】郞達切,????音辢。【說文】戾也。从束从刀。刀者,剌之也。【徐曰】剌,乖違者莫若刀也。【前漢·杜欽傳】無乖剌之心。又【武五子傳】李姬生燕剌王旦。【註】師古曰:諡法,暴戾無親曰剌。又【張衡·思玄賦】彎威弦之撥剌。【註】張弓聲。又【李白詩】雙腮呀呷髫鬣張,跋剌銀盤欲飛去。【註】魚躍聲。又【韻補】叶力蘖切,音列。【白居易·桐花詩】風????一參差,榮枯遂乖剌。况吾北人情,不耐南方熱。【韻會】从約束之束,从刀。與刺字不同。
Tang Yun Lu Daqie
[_set_ rhyme rhyme rhyme will] [is] Lang Dace, ???? sound hot. [Text] that is also brutal. From the beam from the knife. Knife who pierced also. [] Xu said the assassination, is also well-behaved offenders Morrow knife. [Pass] no good before the Han Duqin assassination of the heart. And [pass] Lee JI Sheng Wu Wuzi assassination Yan Wang Dan. [Note] old teacher said: posthumous law, non-violent pro said the assassination. And [Zhang Heng] bend Wei Fu Xuan think the dial string assassination. [Note] bow sound. And [Li Bai's poem] Shuangsai mane ah sip Tiao Chang, Postscript want to fly to the assassination of silver. [Note] diving sound. [Rhyme] but leaves power tillers cut up, sound out. [Poem] Bai Tung Blossom wind ???? a mixed, then good fortunes assassination. Human condition I North, South intolerance heat. [Rhyme] from the constraints of the beam will, from the knife. And tattooing are different.
编号:3882 Code: 3882 戾也。从束从刀。刀者,剌之也。 盧達切
Brutal also. From the beam from the knife. Knife who pierced also. Lu Daqie