Dào from elsewhere to come: to arrive. Station. Come. The scene. Arrival. Reported for duty. Questioning. Sign. Just right. To: to the masses. Comprehensive, all care was a: good. Everything. Success: be. To do so. Name. Stroke: 8; radicals: Dao; stroke ID: 15412122
To dào 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From to, knife sound. Original meaning: to reach, up to, go to) 〗 〖Arrive with the original meaning To, to also. - "Said the text" Extravagant than the country. - "Poetry Taiga Han Yi" Although the City of Long Sit to the day. - "Let the Warring States policy" North Korea sent Bai Di, twilight to Jiangling. - "Waterways River" Ye go to Leopard, Presbyterian, and asked the people are suffering. - "Historical Biography funny" Power applied to the present. - Li Si "Remonstrance Zhuke book" To the Jiu Jia Fu. - Song Wang, "Chung Yong hurt" Another example: when the time (arrival time); flight to Beijing at midnight; officials, the Council began; end of the day (results; later) Reversed. Pass "down" 〖putupsidedown; reverse〗 Vegetation of the (inverted) plant by more than half. - "Zhuangzi foreign objects." Note: "Instead Rehabilitation Zheyue hoe to pull out plants. This word for the fall." Son learn to respect, this King of Qi and Wang, How to have? - "Lu Love Class" Another example: to plant (inverted); to three vain two (acting without guidelines, topsy-turvy) To 〖goto; leavefor〗 Sea east to the sea. - "Folk Song and Ballad Long Song" Another example: go to Beijing To dào 【Help】 - Used as a verb complement, and that actions to achieve the purpose or with the results. Such as: to do so; says it will do; thought To dào 【Introduction】 Adverbial can be used to introduce the movement in time, that action to the situation at this time Then so I just sit and look at thy death. - Qing Lin Chueh people "with his wife and the book" To dào 【Form】 Thoughtful; well 〖thoughtful; considerate〗. Such as: to the ground (also known as authentic. Chou Hsiang); very thoughtful Appearing in court dào'àn 〗 〖Appearincourt refers the case to law enforcement officers involved and their activities related to the trial of cases To poor dàochāi 〗 〖Arriveatpost old that reported for duty Be present dàochǎng 〖Bepresent; arrive; turnup〗 organized an activity to the premises or place to crash Officials arrived at the scene, the people quiet the Everywhere dàochù 〖Atallplaces; everywhere; about〗 throughout; everywhere To accompany the guests to visit around Looking for him So far dàocǐwéizhǐ 〖Callitaday; stophere to here as the boundary〗 Reach dàodá 〖Arrive; getto; reach〗 refers to a certain location or stage Ten aircraft arrived late In the end dàodǐ 〗 〖Onearth: used in questions to be investigated further; whether You in the end going?! 〗 〖Atlast: After a long process, said the results of the last occurrence of a After some twists and turns, things in the end successful 〗 〖Afterall: emphasis on the reasons or characteristics; after all South〗 〖in the end the South, April, planting of the 〗 〖Child is a child in the end, the reason he was not big to understand Why do not you in the end went into the room 〖Through; totheend〗: all the way to completion, termination or completion Implement in the end 〗 〖Afterall: the tone of that exclamation In the end or a woman but cautious Point dàodiǎn 〖Turn; theappointedtimehascome to a specified time〗 We should point out, leave quickly Reach the peak dàodǐng 〖Reachthesummit, cannotbeimproved〗 came to a head, can not develop To get rid of the thought reach the peak increase Home dàojiā 〗 〖Complete: complete; detailed 〖Reachaveryhighlevel; beperfect〗: The knowledge and considerable work accomplished His performance is not home 〖Gohome; comehome〗: home Arrival dàolái 〗 〖Arrival time close to or approaching Working hours has finally arrived ; To Due dàoqī 〖Becomedue; terminate; expire〗 to a certain period of time or limit the Agreement with the company over the past, are due Arrival dàorèn 〖Takeoffice, assumeapost; arriveatone'spost officials reported for duty that took〗 Hand dàoshǒu 〖Inone'shands; possession〗 get our hands on She was about to hand the food to the flood washed away in vain To appear in court dàotíng 〗 〖Appearincourt parties to attend court with their activities related to the trial of cases Coming to an end dàotóu 〗 〖Totheend to an end Go head down this road is his home ; The end of Your days are coming to an end End dàotóulái 〖Finally; intheend〗 the end, the results A hi end air Place dàowèi To reach the desired location〗 〖reachthedesignatedposition Pass is not in place Reported for duty dàozhí 〗 〖Takeoffice appointment or appointed to work He reported for duty in mid-March
To (phonetic. From to, knife sound. The original meaning of arrival, up to, go to) with the original meaning to, to also. - "Said the text" not extravagant country. - "Poetry Taiga Han Yi," Xue Long, although the city to the days. - "Let the Warring States policy" toward the hair Bai Di, dusk to Jiangling. - "Waterways River" go to the Ye Leopard, Presbyterian, and asked the people are suffering. - "Biographies of Historical funny" credit facilities to this day. - Li Si "Remonstrance Zhuke book" Complex to Jiujia. - Song Wang, "Chung Yong injury," and if that time (arrival time); flight to Beijing at midnight; officials, the Council began; end of the day (results; later) reversed. Pass back "to the vegetation of the (inverted) by more than half of plant. -" Zhuangzi foreign objects. "Rehabilitation Zheyue Note hoe to pull the contrary dào ① arrived; to ~ school ~ period. ② to the ~ south. ③ not good ~ Please excuse the Department. ④ says that the effect of movement ~ do ~. ⑤ name.】 【go behind enemy lines to Chinese songs. a masterpiece of anti-Japanese patriotic songs salvation. Zhaoqi Hai words, hai song, was completed in September 1938. upright vigorous melody melody, rhythm resonate powerfully. lyrics magnificent heroic, full of appeal, was popular Japanese songs. 【home】 reached a very high level or standard of work to do ~ out.
The dao Radical Radical Dao total strokes 08 strokes 02 To adsum; to; unto; up; To dào (1) (Phonetic. From to, knife sound. The original meaning of arrival, up to, go to) (2) With the original meaning of [arrive] To, to also. - "Said the text" Extravagant than the country. - "Poetry Taiga Han Yi" Although the City of Long Sit to the day. - "Let the Warring States policy" North Korea sent Bai Di, twilight to Jiangling. - "Waterways River" Ye go to Leopard, Presbyterian, and asked the people are suffering. - "Historical Biography funny" Power applied to the present. - Li Si "Remonstrance Zhuke book" To the Jiu Jia Fu. - Song Wang, "Chung Yong hurt" (3) Another example is when the time (arrival time); flight to Beijing at midnight; officials, the Council began; end of the day (results; later) (4) Reversed. Pass down "[put upside down; reverse] Vegetation of the (inverted) plant by more than half. - "Zhuangzi foreign objects." Note hoe pulling plants contrary to the rehabilitative Zheyue. Word for this fall. " Son learn to respect, this King of Qi and Wang, How to have? - "Lu Love Class" (5) Another example is to sik (inverted); to three vain two (acting without guidelines, topsy-turvy) (6) To [go to; leave for] Sea east to the sea. - "Folk Song and Ballad Long Song" (7) Again go to Beijing To dào - Used as a verb complement, and that actions to achieve the purpose or with the results. As to do so; says it will do; thought To dào Adverbial can be used to introduce the movement in time, that action to the situation at this time Then so I just sit and look at thy death. - Qing Lin Chueh people "with his wife and the book" To dào Thoughtful; well [thoughtful; considerate]. If the ground (also known as authentic. Chou Hsiang); very thoughtful Appearing in court dào àn [Appear in court] refers the case to law enforcement officers involved and their activities related to the trial of cases To poor dàochāi [Arrive at post] old that reported for duty Be present dàochǎng [Be present; arrive; turn up] to organize an activity or to the premises where the accident Officials arrived at the scene, the people quiet the Everywhere dàochù [At all places; everywhere; about] throughout; everywhere To accompany the guests to visit around Looking for him So far dàocǐwéizhǐ [Call it a day; stop here] to where the boundaries Reach dàodá [Arrive; get to; reach] refers to a certain location or stage Ten aircraft arrived late In the end dàodǐ (1) [On earth]: used in questions to be investigated further; whether You in the end going?! (2) [At last]: After a long process, said the results of the last occurrence of a After some twists and turns, things in the end successful (3) [After all]: emphasis on the reasons or characteristics; after all [Southern] in the end the South, April, planting of the [Children] in the end was a child, the reason he was not big to understand Why do not you in the end went into the room (4) [Through; to the end]: all the way to completion, termination or completion Implement in the end (5) [After all]: that the tone of lament In the end or a woman but cautious Point dàodiǎn [Turn; the appointed time has come] to the time required We should point out, leave quickly Reach the peak dàodǐng [Reach the summit, cannot be improved] came to a head, can not develop To get rid of the thought reach the peak increase Home dàojiā (1) [Complete]: Complete; detailed (2) [Reach a very high level; be perfect]: the knowledge and considerable work accomplished His performance is not home (3) [Go home; come home]: home Arrival dàolái (1) [Arrival] time close to or approaching Working hours has finally arrived (2) ; To Due dàoqī [Become due; terminate; expire] to a certain period or limits on Agreement with the company over the past, are due Arrival dàorèn [Take office, assume a post; arrive at one's post] that officials took office reporting for duty Hand dàoshǒu [In one's hands; possession] can get our hands She was about to hand the food to the flood washed away in vain To appear in court dàotíng [Appear in court] with their own parties to attend court hearings in cases related activities Coming to an end dàotóu (1) [To the end] to an end Go head down this road is his home (2) ; The end of Your days are coming to an end End dàotóulái [Finally; in the end] to the end, A hi end air Place dàowèi [Reach the designated position] to reach the desired location Pass is not in place Reported for duty dàozhí [Take office] shall be appointed or assigned, to work He reported for duty in mid-March To dào ㄉ ㄠ ╝ (1) To ~ up elsewhere. ~ Station. ~ To. ~ Field. ~ Ren. ~ Post. ~ Case. Sign ~. Just ~ benefits. (2) To ~ the masses. (3) Comprehensive, all have a week to care. All things to all ~. (4) It may take ~. Do ~. (5) Name. Zheng code hbkd, u5230, gbkb5bd 8 number of strokes, radical Dao, stroke order number 15412122
【】 【Is Yun Tang Yun are guided cutting 【】】 【Ji Yun Yun number will】 knife cut, ???? tone down. 【】 To Tongxun to have. 【】 To those sparse, but from far away to have. National Poetry Taiga】 【less than extravagant. Another name. Will】 【Yun Peng Cheng Chu Yoshitada house out to the after.