Au āo around the high, middle low, and the "convex" relative: uneven. Concave lens. Gravure printing (printing, one of the "Toppan Printing," opposite). concavefovea, sunken punch wā with "depression" (for names): walnut concave (in Shanxi Province, China.) concavefovea, sunken convex strokes: 5; Radicals: Qian; stroke order number: 25251
Concave āo 【Form】 Around the high, middle low 〖concave; hollow; sunken; dented〗 The lake was no bump, Pinghu not compete with. - "Mystic shortage by Northern Classic" Another example: the concave bank; concave; concave depression (depression); hollow; recesses Gravure āobǎn 〗 〖Intaglio carved in stone or other hard materials, text or images on the layout of the print line indentation Concavity āodù 〗 〖Concave curvature of the concavity Concave ornaments āohúshì 〗 〖Cavetto with about a quarter of the circumference of the concave arc of the decorative lines Concave mirror āomiànjìng 〗 〖Concavemirror concave spherical mirror, the parallel light thereon, through its reflection in the mirror in front of the focus together on Concave lens āotòujìng 〗 〖Concavelens concave (thinner than the edge center) of the lens, a divergent effect of light Bump āotū 〗 〖Unsmooth not smooth Hollow āoxiàn 〖Dented; depressed; hollow around the high middle low〗
Au <form> around the high, middle low, with "convex" On the contrary ~ surface. The lake was no bump, Pinghu not compete with. - "Mystic shortage by the North by" Another example is the concave bank; concave; concave depression (depression); hollow; recessed concave wā 1. Is also used in names. Shanxi has walnut concave.
Au ao Radical Radical Kan total strokes 05 strokes 02 Concave concave; fovea, sunken; Convex; Concave āo <Form> (1) Around the high, middle low [concave; hollow; sunken; dented] The lake was no bump, Pinghu not compete with. - "Mystic shortage by Northern Classic" (2) Another example is the concave bank; concave; concave depression (depression); hollow; recesses Gravure āobǎn [Intaglio] carved in stone or other hard materials, text or images on the layout of the print line indentation Concavity āodù [Concavity] concave curvature Concave ornaments āohúshì [Cavetto] with about a quarter of the circumference of the concave arc of the decorative lines Concave mirror āomiànjìng [Concave mirror] concave spherical mirror, the parallel light thereon, through its reflection in the mirror in front of the focus together on Concave lens āotòujìng [Concave lens] concave (center than the edge thin) lens, a divergent effect of light Bump āotū [Unsmooth] is not smooth Hollow āoxiàn [Dented; depressed; hollow] around the middle low high Au 1 āo ㄠ ˉ Around the high, middle low, and the convex "relative ~ convex inequality. ~ Lens. ~ Printing (printing one, with Toppan Printing," opposite). Zheng code iyxa, u51f9, gbkb0bc 5 number of strokes, radical Kan, stroke order number 25251 concave; fovea, sunken; Convex; Au 2 wā ˉ ㄨ ㄚ With depression "(for names) Walnut ~ (in Shanxi Province, China.) 5 number of strokes, radical Kan, stroke order number 25251
子集下 Sub_set_ of the next 【唐韻】烏洽切【集韻】【韻會】乙洽切,????音浥。低下也。【東方朔·神異經】大荒石湖,千里無凸凹,平滿無高下。【江淹·靑苔賦】悲凹險兮,惟流水而馳騖。【楊愼·丹鉛錄】土窪曰凹,土高曰凸。古象形字。又【集韻】於交切,音㕭。窊也。
】 【Tang Yun Yun Wu _set_ of consistent cut】 【【】 B rhyme will contact cut, ???? tone slip down. Low also. Wild Mystic by】 【Shek Wu Dongfang Shuo, thousands of miles without convex and concave, flat Full, compete. Yan Fu】 【Celadon moss insurance Xi Au sad, but water and Chi greedy. 【Catalog】 Lead Yang Shen Dan said concave depression of soil, soil with high said convex. Ancient pictographs. And Yun】 【_set_ in the cross-cutting, sound 㕭. Lowland swamp too.