Cold lěng temperature is low, and "hot" relative: cold. Refrigerate. Frozen. Lengse. Chilly. Quiet, not crowded: in the cold. Coolness. Cool. Deserted. Uncommon, rare: rare. Cold words. No passion, no moderate: cold. Cool. Solemn. Indifference. Cynicism. Ice. Ruthless. Unpopular, no one to ask such questions: the cold goods. Popular children. Suddenly, beyond the expected: Lengran. Suddenly. Sniper. Cold War. Name. Hot and stroke: 7; radicals: Bing; stroke ID: 4134454
Cold lěng 【Form】 (Phonetic. From 仌 (bīng), ice, making the sound. Original meaning: cool) 〗 〖Cool with the original meaning Cold, cold too. - "Said the text" Church painting parrot birds, warm and cold do not know each other. - Bai "Wu Yeti" Another example: Lengxiang (elegant aroma); Cold Spring (cool springs); cold Tsui (gives a cool feeling of the emerald green) 〗 〖Cold cold Cold like iron quilt fabric for many years. - Du Fu's "The autumn winds have broken hut song" Another example: the cold (cold); dry and cold (dry and cold); cold Tintin (also known as "cold of the technology." To describe the cold weather. But also described the body cold; look cool and serious look); cold silent (cold cut. Cold War; chills); cold Shop (beggars live. also refers to the Station Pavilion); cold section of left-fang (cold season blooms) Deserted; cold 〖coldandcheerless; desolate; lonely〗 Pommel horse in front of thin cold, boss married women for the business. - Bai "Pipa" Gentlemen Gungun stage Province, Guangzhou, Mr. Officer Man alone cold. - Du Fu's "Song of a gift when drunk Guangwenguan Bachelor Zheng Qian" Another example: Lengxiang (quiet lanes); cold stuffy (cold; cold); cold Cao (crisp government offices); cold Bureau (left out of the Yamen); Coolness (cold lonely) Cold; on human cold 〖cool; becoldinmanner〗. Such as: cold nose concave (apathy face); cold shoulder (cold expressionless face); cold Erlang (Liu Xianglian nickname); cold intestine (not interested in things); cold heart cold (apathy, human no feelings) Rare; rare; rare 〖rare; strange〗. Such as: cold words (uncommon uncommon word); cold with (cold move, unexpected moves, another way); cold industry (rare in the business); cold (others can not see the time) Suddenly, people do not take the sudden〗 〖prepared. Such as: Cold Arrow 〗 〖Notreadilymarketable does not sell The "thousands of poems" is still half of the cold cargo a year, but one hundred department. - "Travels" Another example: the book of cold (not popular book) Cold lěng 【Activity】 Cooling; temperature to low 〖〗 cool. Such as: frozen; refrigeration (using artificial methods to obtain low temperature); too hot, cold you eat; frozen Spurned 〖treatcoldly; coldshouder〗. Such as: cold, as the (lightly; the cold); Lengyu (cold case, cold sentences. Sneer sarcastic remarks); cold face (cold face child) Back seat lěngbǎndèng 〖Cheerless, lonelyjob; indifferentpost〗: Customs on Cunshu teachers ridicule. Leisure neglected analogy is nothing to office or position for the 〖Coldreception; waitinglongforanassignment〗: getting the cold shoulder by others Bench Icy lěngbīngbīng 〖Icecold; icy; frosty〗 not describe the warm, cold They remembered the cold handshake and his eyes lowered Cold steel lěngbīngqì 〗 〖Coldsteel means for stabbed, hit, kill weapons, knives, swords, spears, hammers, sticks, bayonets, daggers, etc. (as opposed to firearms) Suddenly lěngbùfáng 〖Suddenly; unawares; beoffguard; bysurprise〗 unexpectedly Hit him suddenly Cold dish lěngcài 〗 〖Colddish dish Buffet lěngcān 〗 〖Buffet meals only dish Buffet Refrigeration lěngcáng 〖Refrigeration; coldstorage〗 To prevent rot and be food stored at low temperature device Cold market lěngchǎng 〗 〖Stagewait: stage performances, appeared in performance significant pause, and often awkward pause 〗 〖Awkwardsilenceatameeting: No one spoke during the meeting scene Cynical lěngcháo-rèfěng 〖Ridicule; burningscorchingsatireandfreezingirony; givesb.adig; mockrantandrave〗 biting ridicule, biting satire He was subjected to the cynical thought, my heart was very satisfied with The cold lěngdài 〖Treatcoldly; givesb.thecold-shoulder; slight〗 cold treatment; cold treatment People to be the excessively cold Cold lěngdàn 〖Cold; indifferent〗: No enthusiasm He was a very cold reception 〖Cheerless; desolate〗: not busy In the chapel, he seems the most cool, but has been deeply moved Cool lěngdiào 〖Cooltone; coolcolor-tone color〗〗 〖that cause a sense of cool, especially from blue to green between a light purple Frozen lěngdòng 〗 〖Freeze lower the temperature, so that objects solidification, freezing Cold Storage Plant lěngdòngchǎng 〖Frigorifico; coldstorageplant〗 preparation system, storage and sale of frozen food factory Cold Forging lěngduàn 〖Cold-forging; cold-hammering〗 see "Cold Extrusion" Cold lěngfēng 〖Icybreeze; negativecomments (spreadbehindsb. 'sback)〗 cold air flow to form the wind. Sarcastic analogy inappropriate Am cold everywhere Cold lěngfū 〗 〖Coldcompress treatment methods. With ice packs or cold wet towel spreads forehead, neck or lesions in order to achieve cooling, discomfort and swelling and pain to improve the effectiveness of Marginized lěnggōng 〗 〖Coldpalacewheredisfavoredqueensandconcubineswerebanished: Empress of the Home Office out of favor Marginized years 〗 〖Limbo: overlooked or forgotten the place or state Cold lěngguāng 〗 〖Coldlight mean fluorescence and phosphorescence. This little light of heat Cold sweat lěnghàn 〗 〖Coldsweat due to tension, terror or disease as a result of a cold sweat and a sense of self Scared into a cold sweat APPETIZER lěnghūn 〖Coldmeat; coldbuffet Hunxing〗 cool dishes with food Coolness lěngjì 〖Quietandlonely; becoldandlonely〗 cool loneliness Palace Coolness Cold lěngjiāgōng 〗 〖Coldworking carried out at room temperature metal processing Cold Arrow lěngjiàn 〖Arrowshotfromhidding; sniper'sshot; sneakattack〗 anti-people do not secretly shot by an arrow, the design metaphor secretly evil Fan wind, Fang Lengjian Cool lěngjìng 〖Sober; calm; sound〗: calm, unbiased analysis of reason rather than emotion Cool-headed 〗 〖Lonely: fewer people and quiet; not busy Cold silent lěngjìn 〖Shiver (withcoldorfear)〗 the Cold War; shiver Cold sensation lěngjué 〖Sensationofcold; senseofcold〗 stimulate the skin feeling cold Cold Storage lěngkù 〖Coldstorage; warehouse; freezer; walkinrefrigerator〗 cold storage Grim lěngkù 〖Callous; grim; harsh; unfeeling; merciless; stern harsh cold〗 A ruthless villain Ruthless lěngkù-wúqíng 〖Ascoldascharity; ashardasnails; haveaheartofstone; becold-bloodedandruthless; belackinginhumanwarmth〗 disregard the feelings or interests of others, indifferent to the suffering of others This ruthless, even laughed at her plight Cold light lěnglěng-dàndàn 〗 〖Perfunctory indifference does not care about people or Muji like a cold light on human Jiaoshu Jiang Desolate lěnglěng-qīngqīng 〖Abscenceoflivelyatmosphere; becheerlessandlonely; bepoorlyattended; inadesolatestate; inquietisolation〗 dead; cold, desolate, lonely The meeting was very desolate Cold lěngliè 〖Piercinglycold; bitinglycold〗 cold The cold spring water Cold lěngliú 〗 〖Coldflow Solid at room temperature, the viscous flow Solids under pressure distortion, especially when the pressure was also unable to restore the removed solid size distortion Unfrequented lěngluò 〖Deserted; desolate; unfrequented〗: deserted; not busy Narrow alley cold Rare cold front pommel horse. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)" More nakan cold clear autumn festival. - Song Liuyong "Yue Ling Ling" 〖Leaveoutinthecold; snub; cold-shoulder〗: the cold Cold expression lěngméi-lěngyǎn 〗 〖Lookatcoolly indifference or contempt of the expression to describe His cold expression to stare at me Popular lěngmén 〗 〖Professionorbranchoflearningthatreceiveslittleattention: very few people pay attention to things or unexpected Geology is less popular in the past 〗 〖Unexpectedwinner: race to unforeseen circumstances Unknown teenager broke a big up_set_ Cold lěngmiàn 〖Stern; harsh describe the attitude of tough〗 Gui Qi Zhen fear, head for the cold cold iron. - "History of the Ming Zhou New Biography" Indifferent lěngmò 〖Becoldanddetached; unconcerned〗: 〖people, to do〗 cool, is not concerned His prominent position made him a lonely and cold person 〖Indifferent; irresponsive; tepid〗: cold, blankly, not angry Careful and precise and stable manner, on the people polite, but seemed indifferent Condensation lěngníng 〗 〖Condensation condensation in cold gas or liquid Well-being lěngnuǎn 〖〗 Changesintemperature-well-being refers to daily living Concerned about the well-being of farmers Lengnuanzizhi lěngnuǎn-zìzhī 〖Haveaprofoundknowledgeofsth.〗 Warm and cold water, drink themselves to know. Individuals have personal experience metaphor Today Mongolia instructions, such as human drinking water, Lengnuanzizhi. - Hui Tang to "master of magic Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra" Cold meats, cold cuts children lěngpán, lěngpánr 〗 〖Colddish equipment appetizer plate Rare lěngpì 〖Deserted; out-of-the-way〗: cold eccentric 〖Rarely; unfamiliar〗: not common Unfamiliar words Air conditioning lěngqì 〗 〖Coldair: cold air 〗 〖Airconditioning: the cooling air cooling device 〗 〖Airconditioner: equipment cooling air Deserted lěngqīng 〗 〖Coldandcheerless: cold and quiet More deserted after the Hill 〗 〖Letharic: fewer customers Market than what they said also deserted 〗 〖Lonely: people less off between Lonely people Cooling lěngquè 〗 〖Cool to lower the temperature of objects Irradiated material was _set_ aside for a long time to cool fixed Hot and cold diseases lěngrèbìng 〗 〖Malaria: Malaria 〖Capriciouschangesinmood; suddenwaxingandwantingofenthusiasm〗: metaphor mood of the fluctuation Degree of hot and cold lěngrèdùshù 〗 〖Patienttemperature mean body temperature Frosty lěngruò-bīngshuāng 〖Becoldinmanner; befrostyinmanner; aloofness〗 others describe very cold, there is no enthusiasm. Also described the attitude of tough and difficult to close A pair of suitors are scared to shy away from the frosty look Lengse lěngsè 〖Cold; chilly〗: It was described as cold and stagnant (water, air) Spring 冷涩 〗 〖Coldanddull: cold and sluggish Lengse eyes 〗 〖Lonelyanddeserted: rare obscure Lengse the old words Cold dense lěngsēnsēn 〖Dreadfullycold; beratherchilly described as chilly〗 Dense cold cave Cold lěngshí 〗 〖Colddrinksandsnacks cold food. Such as: ice cream, ice cream Cold water lěngshuǐ 〗 〖Coldwater: unheated water. Except for metaphor or plans being frustrated; the opposite effect This news is like a floating water Doutou He not only does not encourage you, also poured cold water 〗 〖Unboiledwater: not boil water Do not drink cold water Cold Cecil lěngsīsī 〗 〖Abitchilly describe a bit cold. Also said that "cold Siersier's" Chilly lěngsōusōu 〗 〖Chilling cold even strong Quilt did not press well, back chilly Cold-winded winded lěngsuōsuō 〖Chilling; chilly〗 describe the cold The whole body shook with cold winded winded Cold lěngtiān 〖Coldweather; coldday; coldseason〗 cold weather Sneer lěngxiào 〖Sneer; grinwithdissatisfaction, bitterness, helplessness, etc; laughgrimly〗 with contempt, ridicule, helpless, angry and so mean to laugh Cold Sleeve lěngxiù 〗 〖Thedancinggirl'ssleeves sleeve: the sleeve of dancers. Sad wrote dancers Dance Hall of the cold sleeves, wind and rain desolately. - Du Mu "Fanggong Fu" Cold-blooded lěngxuèdòngwù 〖Poikilotherm; cold-bloodedanimal〗: animals, body temperature below the atmospheric temperature 〖Unfeelingperson; cold-heartedperson〗: metaphor difficult emotional person Sarcastic comments lěngyán-lěngyǔ 〖Sarcasticcomment; coldwords; shaftsofridicule; talkbehindsb'sback〗 contain the words the cold irony Nine public and two women to be more sarcastic, just press, anxious sounded green and red, my resentment at the seams can be drilled. - Qing Li Ruzhen "Flowers in the Mirror" Coldly lěngyǎn 〗 〖Cooldetachment: calm, rational perspective Cold to see the world ocean 〖Coldshoulder; coldtreatment〗: indifferent Cold treatment Sit on the sidelines lěngyǎn-pángguān 〖Lookoncoldlyasabystander; lookcoldlyfromtheside-lines; takeadetachedpointofview outsider observing〗 Deceptive emotional total embarrassment, but also unwilling to sit on the sidelines. - "Water Margin" Ice lěngyàn 〗 〖Quietelegantandmagnificent describe cold and gorgeous flowers. Also refers to the brightly colored cold or cold, and arrogant and glamorous characters Glamorous girl Cold drink lěngyǐn 〗 〖Colddrinks soft drinks Leng Yu lěngyǔ 〗 〖Coolandsarcasticremark mock sarcastic remarks Lengyu Iceman (to treat people with harsh words) Cold reception lěngyù 〖Coldshoulder; coldreception cold courtesy〗 Zaodaolengyu Cold War lěngzhàn 〗 〖Coldwar: the two countries or between two groups of countries with power politics, economic pressures, espionage or hostile propaganda and other means of struggle, often against their destruction and exclusion of countries, but not the use of force Port〗 〖〗 〖shiver: shivering because of cold or fear Whole body started going cold winter swimming water Cold words lěngzì 〖Rarelyusedword; unfamiliarword〗 uncommon words; unfamiliar words
Cold <form "(shape sound. From 仌, ice, making the sound. The original meaning cool) with the original meaning of the cold, cold too. - "Said the text" Painting Hall parrot birds, well-being of not knowing each other. - Bai "Wu Yeti" Again Lengxiang (elegant aroma); Cold Spring (cool springs); cold Tsui (gives a cool feeling of the emerald green), like cold iron cold cloth quilt for many years. - Du Fu's "The autumn winds have broken hut song" Another example is the cold (cold); dry and cold (dry and cold); cold Tintin (also known as the cold of of. "To describe the cold weather. But also described the body cold; look cool, serious like); cold silent (cold cut. Cold War; chills); cold Shop (beggars live. also refers to the Station Pavilion); cold section of left-fang (cold season opening of the flowers) deserted; cold front of the cold thin horse, married boss for business Cold lěng ⒈ low temperature, with the "hot" relative ~ days. ~ drink '~. ⒉ quiet, not crowded ~ field. ~ ~ the clear. ⒊ rare ~ Pi. ⒋ no passion, no moderate ~ light. ~ cool. ~ Introduction ~ language. ⒌ people do not take the equipment, other than the expected release ~ gun. ~ do not prevent. ⒍ ⒎ ⒏ ① silence. ② failing to calm, not emotional mind ~ static. ⒐ cold líng 1. links, "Ling." See "cold." 2. with "Ling."
冷 leng
部首 冫 部首筆畫 02 總筆畫 07
冷 cold;cold in manner;shot from hiding;
冷 lěng
同本義 [cool]
寒冷 [cold]
冷清;冷落 [cold and cheerless;desolate;lonely]
冷遇;對人冷淡 [cool;be cold in manner]。如冷鼻凹(冷淡無情的面孔);冷臉(冷淡無表情的面孔);冷二郎(柳湘蓮的綽號);冷腸(不熱心於世事);冷心冷面(態度冷淡,對人沒有感情)
生僻;冷僻;少見 [rare;strange]。如冷字(生僻 不常見的字);冷着(冷招,意想不到的招數、法子);冷業(冷僻的行當);冷眼(別人看不見的時機)
突然,乘人不備 [sudden]。如冷箭
不暢銷 [not readily marketable]
冷 lěng
冷卻;溫度變低 [cool]。如冷凍;製冷(用人工方法取得低溫);太燙了,冷一下再吃;冷藏
遭到冷落 [treat coldly;cold shouder]。如冷視(輕視;冷待);冷語(冷話、冷句。譏笑諷刺的話);冷面孔(冷臉子)
[cheerless,lonely job;indifferent post]∶俗對村塾教師的譏諷。比喻清閑冷落的職務或處於無事可為的境地
[cold reception;waiting long for an assignment]∶受人冷遇
[ice cold;icy;frosty] 形容不熱情,冷淡
[cold steel] 指用於砍殺、撞擊、刺殺的武器,如刀、劍、矛、錘、棍、刺刀、匕首等(區別於火器)
[suddenly;unawares; be off guard; by surprise] 出乎意料地
[cold dish] 涼菜
[buffet] 衹有涼菜的飯食
[refrigeration;cold storage] 為防食物腐爛變質而將其貯藏於低溫設備中
[stage wait]∶舞臺演出時,在表演中出現的顯著的停頓,而且常是尷尬的停頓
[awkward silence at a meeting]∶開會沒有人發言時的場面
[ridicule;burning scorching satire and freezing irony; give sb. a dig; mock rant and rave] 尖刻的嘲笑,辛辣的諷刺
[treat coldly;give sb.the cold-shoulder;slight] 冷淡的對待;冷淡的待遇
[cool tone;cool color-tone] [指顔色]引起涼爽之感,特指從藍色到緑色之間的一種淺紫色
[freeze] 降低溫度,使物體凝固、凍結
[frigorifico; cold storage plant] 備製、貯藏和銷售冷凍食品的工廠
[cold-forging;cold-hammering] 見冷擠壓”
[icy breeze;negative comments (spread behind sb.'s back)] 冷空氣流通形成的風。比喻不合時宜的風涼話
[cold compress] 治療方法之一。用冰袋或冷濕毛巾敷於頭額、頸後或病變部位,以達降溫、改善不適感和消腫止痛之功效
[cold palace where disfavored queens and concubines were banished]∶失寵後妃的居處
[cold light] 指熒光和磷光。這種光的熱量極少
[cold sweat] 因緊張、驚懼或疾病等導致汗出而自覺有冷感
[cold meat;cold buffet] 涼着吃的葷腥菜餚
[quiet and lonely; be cold and lonely] 冷靜寂寞
[cold working] 在常溫下進行的金屬加工處理
[arrow shot from hidding;sniper's shot;sneak attack] 乘人不防暗地射出的箭,比喻暗地設計害人
[sober;calm; sound]∶平心靜氣、毫無偏見地分析道理而不感情用事
[shiver (with cold or fear)] 冷戰;寒噤
[sensation of cold;sense of cold] 低溫刺激皮膚産生的感覺
[cold storage;warehouse;freezer; walkin refrigerator] 冷藏倉庫
[callous;grim;harsh;unfeeling; merciless; stern] 冷淡苛刻
[as cold as charity;as hardas nails;have a heart of stone; be cold-blooded and ruthless; be lacking in human warmth] 不顧他人的感情或利益的,對他人的痛苦無動於衷
[perfunctory] 不關註人或冷漠無情
[abscence of lively atmosphere;be cheerless and lonely; be poorly attended; in a desolate state; in quiet isolation] 死氣沉沉;冷落、凄涼、寂寞
[piercingly cold;bitingly cold] 寒冷 冷冽的泉水
[cold flow]
[leave out in the cold; snub; cold-shoulder]∶冷待
[look at coolly] 形容冷淡或鄙視的神情
[profession or branch of learning that receives little attention]∶很少有人註意的或意料不到的事物
[unexpected winner]∶比賽中出現未預料到的情況
[stern;harsh] 形容態度嚴峻
[be cold and detached; unconcerned]∶[對人、對事] 冷淡,不關註
[condensation] 氣體或液體遇冷凝結
[changes in temperature╠well-being] 泛指日常生活起居
[have a profound knowledge of sth.] 水的冷暖,喝水的人自己知道。比喻個人有切身的體會
[cold dish] 盤裝涼菜
[deserted; out-of-the-way]∶冷落怪僻
[cold air]∶寒冷的氣流
[air conditioning]∶降溫設備中的冷卻空氣
[air conditioner]∶冷卻空氣的設備
[cold and cheerless]∶陰冷清靜
[cool] 使物體的溫度降低
[capricious changes in mood; sudden waxing and wanting of enthusiasm]∶比喻情緒高低不定
lěngrè dùshù
[patient temperature] 指病人體溫
[be cold in manner;be frosty in manner; aloofness] 形容待人極為冷漠,毫無熱情。也形容態度嚴峻,不易接近
[cold and dull]∶冷漠而呆滯
[lonely and deserted]∶冷僻晦澀
[dreadfully cold;be rather chilly] 形容寒氣逼人
[cold drinks and snacks] 涼的食品。如冰激凌、雪糕等
[cold water]∶未經加熱的水。比喻遭受不測或計劃落空;相反作用
[unboiled water]∶未燒開的水
[a bit chilly] 形容有點兒冷。也說冷絲兒絲兒的”
[chilling] 寒意甚濃
[chilling; chilly] 形容寒冷 渾身冷嗦嗦的直抖
[cold weather;cold day; cold season] 寒冷的天氣
[sneer; grin with dissatisfaction, bitterness,helplessness,etc; laugh grimly] 含有輕衊、譏諷、無可奈何、慍怒等意味的笑
[the dancing girl's sleeves] 袖舞女的袖子。寫舞者的凄涼
lěngxuè dòngwù
[poikilotherm;cold-blooded animal]∶體溫低於大氣溫度的動物
[unfeeling person; cold-hearted person]∶比喻不易動感情的人
[sarcastic comment; cold words; shafts of ridicule; talk behind sb's back] 含有譏諷意味的冰冷的話
[cool detachment]∶冷靜理智的眼光
[cold shoulder; cold treatment]∶冷淡的態度
[look on coldly as a bystander; look coldly from the side-lines; take a detached point of view] 局外人的靜觀
[quiet elegant and magnificent] 形容花耐寒而豔麗。也指耐寒而豔麗的花或人物冷傲而美豔
[cold drinks] 清涼飲料
[cool and sarcastic remark] 譏笑諷刺的話
[cold shoulder; cold reception] 冷漠的禮遇
[cold war]∶兩國或兩個國傢集團之間采用強權政治、經濟壓力、間諜活動或敵對性宣傳等手段而進行鬥爭,常常進行破壞和排斥反對其國傢,但不使用武力
[rarely used word;unfamiliar word] 生僻字;冷僻字
冷 lěng ㄌㄥˇ
Cold leng Radical Radical Bing total strokes 07 strokes 02 Cold cold; cold in manner; shot from hiding; Heat; warm; Cold lěng <Form> (1) (Phonetic. From 仌 (bīng), ice, making the sound. The original meaning cool) (2) With the original meaning of [cool] Cold, cold too. - "Said the text" Church painting parrot birds, warm and cold do not know each other. - Bai "Wu Yeti" (3) Another example Lengxiang (elegant aroma); Cold Spring (cool springs); cold Tsui (gives a cool feeling of the emerald green) (4) Cold [cold] Cold like iron quilt fabric for many years. - Du Fu's "The autumn winds have broken hut song" (5) Another example is the cold (cold); dry and cold (dry and cold); cold Tintin (also known as the cold of of. "To describe the cold weather. But also described the body cold; look cool and serious look); cold silent (cold cut. Cold War; chills); cold Shop (beggars live. also refers to the Station Pavilion); cold section of left-fang (cold season blooms) (6) Deserted; cold [cold and cheerless; desolate; lonely] Pommel horse in front of thin cold, boss married women for the business. - Bai "Pipa" Gentlemen Gungun stage Province, Guangzhou, Mr. Officer Man alone cold. - Du Fu's "Song of a gift when drunk Guangwenguan Bachelor Zheng Qian" (7) Another example Lengxiang (quiet lanes); cold stuffy (cold; cold); cold Cao (crisp government offices); cold Bureau (neglected Yamen); Coolness (cold lonely) (8) Cold; on human cold [cool; be cold in manner]. Such as cold nose concave (apathy face); cold shoulder (cold expressionless face); cold Erlang (Liu Xianglian nickname); cold intestine (not interested in things); cold heart cold (apathy of people do not feelings) (9) Rare; rare; rare [rare; strange]. Such as cold words (uncommon uncommon word); cold with (cold move, unexpected moves, another way); cold industry (rare in the business); cold (others can not see the time) (10) Suddenly, people are not prepared by [sudden]. Such as the Cold Arrow (11) Does not sell [not readily marketable] The "thousands of poems" is still half of the cold cargo a year, but one hundred department. - "Travels" (12) Another example is the book of cold (not popular book) Cold lěng <Action> (1) Cooling; temperature becomes low [cool]. Such as frozen; refrigeration (using artificial methods to obtain low temperature); too hot, cold you eat; frozen (2) Spurned [treat coldly; cold shouder]. Such as cold as the (lightly; the cold); Lengyu (cold case, cold sentences. Sneer sarcastic remarks); cold face (cold face child) Back seat lěngbǎndèng (1) [Cheerless, lonely job; indifferent post]: ridiculed by Customs on Cunshu teachers. Leisure neglected analogy is nothing to office or position for the (2) [Cold reception; waiting long for an assignment]: getting the cold shoulder by others Bench Icy lěngbīngbīng [Ice cold; icy; frosty] does not describe the warm, cold They remembered the cold handshake and his eyes lowered Cold steel lěngbīngqì [Cold steel] means for stabbed, hit, kill weapons, knives, swords, spears, hammers, sticks, bayonets, daggers, etc. (as opposed to firearms) Suddenly lěngbùfáng [Suddenly; unawares; be off guard; by surprise] unexpectedly Hit him suddenly Cold dish lěngcài [Cold dish] dish Buffet lěngcān [Buffet] only dish meals Buffet Refrigeration lěngcáng [Refrigeration; cold storage] in order to prevent rot and be food stored at low temperature device Cold market lěngchǎng (1) [Stage wait]: stage performances, appeared in performance significant pause, and often awkward pause (2) [Awkward silence at a meeting]: meeting the scenes when no one spoke Cynical lěngcháo-rèfěng [Ridicule; burning scorching satire and freezing irony; give sb. A dig; mock rant and rave] biting ridicule, biting satire He was subjected to the cynical thought, my heart was very satisfied with The cold lěngdài [Treat coldly; give sb.the cold-shoulder; slight] cold treatment; cold treatment People to be the excessively cold Cold lěngdàn (1) [Cold; indifferent]: do not warm He was a very cold reception (2) [Cheerless; desolate]: not busy In the chapel, he seems the most cool, but has been deeply moved Cool lěngdiào [Cool tone; cool color-tone] [of color] caused by a sense of cool, especially from blue to green between a light purple Frozen lěngdòng [Freeze] lower the temperature, so that objects solidification, freezing Cold Storage Plant lěngdòngchǎng [Frigorifico; cold storage plant] equipment manufacturing, storage and sale of frozen food factory Cold Forging lěngduàn [Cold-forging; cold-hammering] See cold extrusion " Cold lěngfēng [Icy breeze; negative comments (spread behind sb. 'S back)] the formation of cold air flow of the wind. Sarcastic analogy inappropriate Am cold everywhere Cold lěngfū [Cold compress] treatment methods. With ice packs or cold wet towel spreads forehead, neck or lesions in order to achieve cooling, discomfort and swelling and pain to improve the effectiveness of Marginized lěnggōng (1) [Cold palace where disfavored queens and concubines were banished]: Empress of the Home Office out of favor Marginized years (2) [Limbo]: being ignored or forgotten the place or state Cold lěngguāng [Cold light] refers to the fluorescence and phosphorescence. This little light of heat Cold sweat lěnghàn [Cold sweat] due to tension, terror or disease as a result of a cold sweat and a sense of self Scared into a cold sweat APPETIZER lěnghūn [Cold meat; cold buffet] Hunxing cool dishes with food Coolness lěngjì [Quiet and lonely; be cold and lonely] cool loneliness Palace Coolness Cold lěngjiāgōng [Cold working] at room temperature for metal processing Cold Arrow lěngjiàn [Arrow shot from hidding; sniper's shot; sneak attack] does not prevent people secretly shot by an arrow, the design metaphor secretly evil Fan wind, Fang Lengjian Cool lěngjìng (1) [Sober; calm; sound]: calm, unbiased analysis of reason rather than emotion Cool-headed (2) [Lonely]: a small and quiet person; not busy Cold silent lěngjìn [Shiver (with cold or fear)] Cold War; shiver Cold sensation lěngjué [Sensation of cold; sense of cold] cold feeling of skin stimulation Cold Storage lěngkù [Cold storage; warehouse; freezer; walkin refrigerator] Cold Storage Grim lěngkù [Callous; grim; harsh; unfeeling; merciless; stern] cold harsh A ruthless villain Ruthless lěngkù-wúqíng [As cold as charity; as hardas nails; have a heart of stone; be cold-blooded and ruthless; be lacking in human warmth] disregard the feelings or interests of others, indifferent to the suffering of others This ruthless, even laughed at her plight Cold light lěnglěng-dàndàn [Perfunctory] does not concern or indifference Muji like a cold light on human Jiaoshu Jiang Desolate lěnglěng-qīngqīng [Abscence of lively atmosphere; be cheerless and lonely; be poorly attended; in a desolate state; in quiet isolation] dead; cold, desolate, lonely The meeting was very desolate Cold lěngliè [Piercingly cold; bitingly cold] cold The cold spring water Cold lěngliú (1) [Cold flow] (2) Solid at room temperature, the viscous flow (3) Solids under pressure distortion, especially when the pressure was also unable to restore the removed solid size distortion Unfrequented lěngluò (1) [Deserted; desolate; unfrequented]: deserted; not busy Narrow alley cold Rare cold front pommel horse. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)" More nakan cold clear autumn festival. - Song Liuyong "Yue Ling Ling" (2) [Leave out in the cold; snub; cold-shoulder]: the cold Cold expression lěngméi-lěngyǎn [Look at coolly] described the look of indifference or contempt His cold expression to stare at me Popular lěngmén (1) [Profession or branch of learning that receives little attention]: Very few people pay attention to things or unexpected Geology is less popular in the past (2) [Unexpected winner]: the race to unforeseen circumstances Unknown teenager broke a big up_set_ Cold lěngmiàn [Stern; harsh] described the attitude of tough Gui Qi Zhen fear, head for the cold cold iron. - "History of the Ming Zhou New Biography" Indifferent lěngmò (1) [Be cold and detached; unconcerned]: [on the person, on the matter] cool, is not concerned His prominent position made him a lonely and cold person (2) [Indifferent; irresponsive; tepid]: cold, blankly, not angry Careful and precise and stable manner, on the people polite, but seemed indifferent Condensation lěngníng [Condensation] of gas or liquid condensation in cold Well-being lěngnuǎn [Changes in temperature ╠ well-being] refers to daily living Concerned about the well-being of farmers Lengnuanzizhi lěngnuǎn-zìzhī [Have a profound knowledge of sth.] Cold and warm water, drink themselves to know. Individuals have personal experience metaphor Today Mongolia instructions, such as human drinking water, Lengnuanzizhi. - Hui Tang to "master of magic Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra" Cold meats, cold cuts children lěngpán, lěngpánr [Cold dish] dish pans Rare lěngpì (1) [Deserted; out-of-the-way]: cold eccentric (2) [Rarely; unfamiliar]: not common Unfamiliar words Air conditioning lěngqì (1) [Cold air]: cold air (2) [Air conditioning]: cooling device for cooling air (3) [Air conditioner]: air cooling equipment Deserted lěngqīng (1) [Cold and cheerless]: cold and quiet More deserted after the Hill (2) [Letharic]: Customers less Market than what they said also deserted (3) [Lonely]: between one-off small Lonely people Cooling lěngquè [Cool] to lower the temperature of objects Irradiated material was _set_ aside for a long time to cool fixed Hot and cold diseases lěngrèbìng (1) [Malaria]: Malaria (2) [Capricious changes in mood; sudden waxing and wanting of enthusiasm]: metaphor mood of the fluctuation Degree of hot and cold lěngrè dùshù [Patient temperature] refers to the body temperature Frosty lěngruò-bīngshuāng [Be cold in manner; be frosty in manner; aloofness] described the others is extremely cold, there is no enthusiasm. Also described the attitude of tough and difficult to close A pair of suitors are scared to shy away from the frosty look Lengse lěngsè (1) [Cold; chilly]: It was described as cold and stagnant (water, air) Spring 冷涩 (2) [Cold and dull]: cold and sluggish Lengse eyes (3) [Lonely and deserted]: rare obscure Lengse the old words Cold dense lěngsēnsēn [Dreadfully cold; be rather chilly] described the chilly Dense cold cave Cold lěngshí [Cold drinks and snacks] cold food. Such as ice cream, ice cream Cold water lěngshuǐ (1) [Cold water]: without heating the water. Except for metaphor or plans being frustrated; the opposite effect This news is like a floating water Doutou He not only does not encourage you, also poured cold water (2) [Unboiled water]: the water does not boil Do not drink cold water Cold Cecil lěngsīsī [A bit chilly] describe a bit cold. Cold Siersier also said the " Chilly lěngsōusōu [Chilling] chill even the concentration Quilt did not press well, back chilly Cold-winded winded lěngsuōsuō [Chilling; chilly] to describe the cold The whole body shook with cold winded winded Cold lěngtiān [Cold weather; cold day; cold season] cold weather Sneer lěngxiào [Sneer; grin with dissatisfaction, bitterness, helplessness, etc; laugh grimly] with scorn, ridicule, helpless, angry and so mean to laugh Cold Sleeve lěngxiù [The dancing girl's sleeves] dancers sleeve cuff. Sad wrote dancers Dance Hall of the cold sleeves, wind and rain desolately. - Du Mu "Fanggong Fu" Cold-blooded lěngxuè dòngwù (1) [Poikilotherm; cold-blooded animal]: the animal body temperature lower than the atmospheric temperature (2) [Unfeeling person; cold-hearted person]: analogy difficult emotional person Sarcastic comments lěngyán-lěngyǔ [Sarcastic comment; cold words; shafts of ridicule; talk behind sb's back] with the words of the cold irony Nine public and two women to be more sarcastic, just press, anxious sounded green and red, my resentment at the seams can be drilled. - Qing Li Ruzhen "Flowers in the Mirror" Coldly lěngyǎn (1) [Cool detachment]: calm, rational perspective Cold to see the world ocean (2) [Cold shoulder; cold treatment]: indifferent Cold treatment Sit on the sidelines lěngyǎn-pángguān [Look on coldly as a bystander; look coldly from the side-lines; take a detached point of view] outsider's wait and see Deceptive emotional total embarrassment, but also unwilling to sit on the sidelines. - "Water Margin" Ice lěngyàn [Quiet elegant and magnificent] described the cold and gorgeous flowers. Also refers to the brightly colored cold or cold, and arrogant and glamorous characters Glamorous girl Cold drink lěngyǐn [Cold drinks] Soft Drinks Leng Yu lěngyǔ [Cool and sarcastic remark] mock sarcastic remarks Lengyu Iceman (to treat people with harsh words) Cold reception lěngyù [Cold shoulder; cold reception] cold courtesy Zaodaolengyu Cold War lěngzhàn (1) [Cold war]: the two countries or between two groups of countries with power politics, economic pressures, espionage or hostile propaganda and other means of struggle, often against their destruction and exclusion of countries, but not the use of force (2) [Shiver] [port]: shivering because of cold or fear Whole body started going cold winter swimming water Cold words lěngzì [Rarely used word; unfamiliar word] uncommon words; unfamiliar words Cold lěng ㄌ ㄥ (1) Low temperature, and hot "relative to ~ day. ~ Possession. ~ Frozen. ~ Astringent. ~ Whiz. (2) Quiet, not crowded ~ down. ~ Silence. ~ Quiet. ~ Clear. (3) Uncommon, rare ~ secluded. ~ Words. (4) Not warm, gentle ~ no event. ~ Light. ~ Jun. ~ Desert. ~ Hot satirical ridicule. ~ If the frost. ~ Cool ruthlessness. (5) Unpopular, no one say in ~ goods. ~ Door children. (6) Suddenly, the unexpected ~ ran outside. ~ No defense. ~ Gun. ~ War. (7) Name. Zheng code tdow, u51b7, gbkc0e4 7 number of strokes, radical Bing, Stroke No. 4134454
子集下 Sub_set_ of the next 【唐韻】【集韻】魯朾切【韻會】【正韻】魯杏切,????令上聲。【說文】寒也。從仌,令聲。【六書正譌】別作泠,非。泠乃水名。【南史·齊樂預傳】人笑褚公,至今齒冷。【增韻】淸甚也。 又姓。【廣韻】前趙錄南徐州刺史令道,字安義。 又【唐韻】力鼎切【集韻】朗鼎切,????靈上聲。㓑冷,寒也。又【集韻】【韻會】????郞丁切,音靈。冷凙。吳人謂冰曰冷凙。令道當作冷道。
Tang Yun 【】 【】 Lu Zhen Ji Yun Yun will cut 【】 【】 Lu Yun Xing is cut, ???? make Shangsheng. Wen also said】 【cold. From 仌, so sound. E】 【Six is not for Ling, non. Ling is the water name. 【Fax】 Appreciative Qile people laugh Chu pre-public, now despise. Qing Yun】 【even have increased. Another name. Zhao Guang Yun】 【recorded before the provincial governor that Road South Xu, word Anyi. Tang Yun and 【】 【_set_ of cutting edge Ding Ding Yun】 Long cut, ???? Ling Shangsheng.㓑 cold, cold too. 【_Set_】 【rhyme and rhyme will】 ???? Lang Dingqie, sound spirit. Cold Duo. Who said that the ice cold Wu Duo. Order Road as cold Road.