Party (party) dǎng together for political purposes, the groups: political parties. Caucus. Party. Members. Constitution. Party valve. Style. Party. Consistency of advice or formed by private interest groups: adherents. Lovers. Buddy. Refers to the kin: Father of the party. Mother party. Wife of the party. Ancient local organizations to five hundred for a party. Name. Stroke: 10; radical: children; stroke order code: 2434525135
Party Party dǎng 【Form】 (Phonetic. From the black, still sound. "Party", "Party" is a word in ancient times, and now the "party" is a "party" of the simplified characters. A. "Party", from the child (who is still sound) the original meaning : obscure. "party" refers to the group, in the ancient times normally only used derogatory, and Modern Chinese different) 〗 〖Notbright not clear The party, not fresh too. - "Said the text" Jiaxing scale that is not fresh clothing and spacious smoke of the party said. - Jiang Li Hong, "meaning the government continued inspectors" United States, good, and honest. Made after "outspoken" good〗 〖 Party, the good also; United States also. - "Guang Ya" Yuan Erzhi fact, Bo and party is now, who is also the Debate of Gentlemen. - "Zi" Party Party dǎng 【Activity】 Awareness, comprehension〗 〖understand Law kings, Shun righteousness, party scholars. - "Zi" Favoritism, partiality〗 〖bepartialto Sub-division of the party in person. - "Han Fei outside the reserve" Group rather than the party. - "The Analects of Confucius." Hole Note: "to help people." And I have heard that a gentleman is not the party. Hole Note: "help solve the problem hiding the party said." 〗 〖Ganginvolvement gang Of greedy and ruthless, the party jackals for the child. - Ming Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography" Party Party dǎng 【Name】 The preparation of the local unit of the ancient household. Five hundred five-hundredfamilies party〗 〖 Five races for the party. - "Zhou Tai Situ." Note: The "hundred, the party is, the decree of the palm to teach their party rule." Yan Jun possession of real rural state. - "Hill tube weight." Note: The "three thousand five hundred for the party, the non-week system." When speaking to Su also pay Xiangdang. - "Mirror" Another example: partisan (the same village people); the party is (local organizations established by the Zhou Dynasty Executive) Peers. Refers to a kindred spirit 〖kinsfolk; relative〗 Debate put their party. - "Book of Rites Zhong Ni Oscillation." Note: "category also." Harmony in the parents of the party. - "Book of Rites Square in mind." Note: "as relatives are." Sigh Kazuya my party two or three children, Andhra return to the old no more. - Han Yu "rocks" Another example: the Liberal Party (of Chi Road, close to people with similar positions); party assistance (means given assistance with their fellow people) Cliques; formed by a small group of private interest〗 〖cliquefaction Unbiased no party. - "Book Hong Fan." Note: "cronies." Each of its party. - "The Analects of Confucius Liren" However, the stolen music Xi partisan. - "Chu Li Sao" Property into the cable to the party. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary" Another example: his best buddies; remnants (do not destroy the gang); party evil (evil gangs) 〗 〖Politicalparty parties. Such as: the Communist Party; Republican; KMT; Workers Party Party stereotype dǎngbāgǔ 〖Partygoobbledygook; stereotypedpartywriting〗 team that produced the modern revolution in a stereotyped style of the rigid hollow style Party newspaper dǎngbào 〗 〖Partynewspaper party organ, the program is to promote political parties, routes and policy tool. Especially in the Chinese Communist Party organizations at all levels of the organ Party dǎngdàibiǎo 〗 〖Partyrepresentative of the First Revolutionary War and the Second Revolutionary Civil War, on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party sent army personnel working party as the leader Party valves dǎngfá 〗 〖Partytyrant refers to political party hold on to power, autocratic leader Party membership dues dǎngfèi 〗 〖Membershipdues members in accordance with the Party Constitution, to pay the costs to the party Party's work style dǎngfēng 〗 〖Styleofpartywork style of political parties Party program dǎnggāng 〗 〖Partyprogramme Constitution of the master, is a political party's basic political program and organizational program Party Forbiddance dǎnggù 〖Autocraticrule; one-partydictatorship〗 ancient prohibition of certain political clique phenomenon in politics Party boss dǎnggùn 〗 〖AnevilKMTchieftainofalocaldistrictorunit refers to a place within the Kuomintang, or a domineering leader units dictated Party-state dǎngguó 〖Nation; country〗 the KMT has "failure for" slogan, which the country as "party-state" Journals dǎngkān 〗 〖Partymagazine organ of political parties Gave lectures dǎngkè Partylecture〗 〖Chinese Communist Party members to carry out the general party platform, constitution education courses offered, and sometimes required to join the party activists absorption of lectures attended Party membership dǎngjí 〗 〖Partymembership the provisions under the Constitution, after the formalities to join the party made party membership Party discipline dǎngjì 〗 〖Partydiscipline a political party, all party members must comply with the provisions of the disciplinary Leader dǎngkuí 〗 〖Partyboss leaders of political parties Party standing dǎnglíng 〗 〖Partystanding members to join the party after a number of years after, the time for party members Partisan dǎngpài 〖Party; politicalpartiesandgroups〗 various political parties or factions within parties collectively Partisan politics Party affiliation Party vote dǎngpiào 〗 〖Partymembership popular name of the party is not serious Flag dǎngqí 〗 〖Partflag flag as a symbol of political parties Codonopsis dǎngshēn 〗 〖RootofCodonopsisPilosula perennial herb, the root can be used as medicine. Shangdang past prolific areas in Shanxi History dǎngshǐ 〗 〖Historyofapoliticalparty history of political parties Partisan dǎngtóng-fáyì 〖Defendthosewhobeingtoone'sownfactionandattakthosewhodon't; uniteonlywiththoseofthesameideasandattacktheothers〗 cliques, favoritism party to attack opponents Originally referred to the academic struggle between factions, the latter refers to the struggle between all groups Partisan, this http He ugly. - Zhou Bangyan "Bian Du Fu" Henchman dǎngtú 〖Memberofacliqueorareactionarypoliticalparty; adherent; followers〗 belong to a group or faction of people (including derogatory) Party committee dǎngwěi 〗 〖Partycommitee some political parties referred to the Committee at all levels, especially the Chinese Communist Party committees at all levels SS dǎngwèiduì 〗 〖Schutzstaffel agents of the German fascist organization, also known as SS Party affairs dǎngwù 〖Partyaffairs; partyactivities〗 internal political affairs of other relevant organizations Party dǎngxiào Partyschool〗 〖Chinese Communist Party culture, the party's cadres training schools Party spirit dǎngxìng 〖Partyspirit; partycharacter〗 Class nature of the performance of the highest concentration Especially by Party Members, the highest concentration of the proletariat's class performance The performance of impurity in Party spirit Henchman dǎngyǔ 〗 〖Adherents in the head of the Group other than the evil people, those that follow a leader or a political party's supporters (including derogatory) Party member dǎngyuán 〗 〖Partymember members of political parties. Especially the Chinese Communist Party in China Party constitution dǎngzhāng 〗 〖Partyconstitution constitution of a political party, the general provisions of the master party, organization, organizational structures, qualifications for membership, rights, duties and discipline of other items Party card dǎngzhèng 〖Partycard; membershipcard〗 political party shall issue its members to prove the identity of the certificate of party members
Party (phonetic. From the black, still sound. Party, "Party" is a word in ancient times, and now the party "is the party," the simplified characters. Simplified Party ", from the child (who is still sound) obscure the original meaning. Party "refers to the group, in the ancient times normally only used derogatory sense, different from modern Chinese) do not clear the party, not fresh too. - "Said the text" Jiaxing scale that is not fresh clothing spacious smoke of the party said. - Jiang Li Hong, "meaning the government continued inspectors", kind, honest ◇ for Dang, "the party, good also; United States also. -" Guang Ya "meta Erzhi fact, Bo and party is now, who is also the Debate of Gentlemen. - - "Zi" party known, comprehension Law kings, cis-righteousness, the party scholars. - "Zi" favoritism, bias sub-division of the party in person. - "Han Fei dǎng ① political party, on behalf of a class, class interests political organization. especially the Chinese Communist Party in China. ② form of personal interests of the Group Results ~ seek private gain. ③ differences favoring ~ with the cutting. ④ old father ~ that relatives, the mother ~. ⑤ name. Valve】 【party hold on to power within political parties , imperious and despotic, pull the hills, engage in sectarian leaders. 【Party Ethos】 late Eastern Han Dynasty by eunuch while the aristocratic families were hit. The first party Ethos in constant Timor, the Li Ying and other attacks eunuch group, had been framed to slander slander the court, more than 200 'partisan' arrest, not allowed to become officials for life after release. The second time the party took place in Lingdi Ethos, the Douwu only use 'partisan' to seek to punish the eunuch, something to vent killed. Li Ying, and a hundred others were also killed, imprisoned six or seven hundred people were displaced. dismissed from office who was being detained, hurt the 'revolutionaries' five races. 【】 leader of political party leaders (including derogatory.)】 【partisan and biased party, attack opponents. 】 【partisans or factions to participate in a group of people (including derogatory.)】 【SS, the Nazi Party during World War II fascist Germany's secret service and military organizations. was established in 1925. originally Hitler's personal guard. Hitler After the ruling a spy agency. Zengyi means of persecution and the bloody massacre of the progressive forces in Germany, the occupied territories and Jewish residents, and direct participation of fascist aggression. at the Nuremberg trials in 1946 was designated as a criminal organization. 【party people An old family name items . Qiang one. originally distributed in Qinghai, Sichuan area, mainly engaged in animal husbandry. Tang by the Tibetan oppression, moved to Gansu, Ningxia, northern Shaanxi area. Northern Song Dynasty had established the Western Xia regime.】 【henchmen and the reactionary group chieftains with all kinds of evil accomplice. 【】 The party division of the leadership of party organizations and the administration division of labor. Party tǎng 1. or; accidental ◇ as "unexpectedly", "if." 2. the majority. See "Party reckless." party zhǎng 1. name.
党 dang
部首 儿 部首笔画 02 总笔画 10
党 party;
党 (1)
不鲜明 [not bright]
美,善,正直◇作谠” [good]
党 (1)
知晓,解悟 [understand]
偏私,偏袒 [be partial to]
结伙 [gang involvement]
党 (1)
古代地方户籍编制单位。五百家为党 [five-hundred families]
朋辈。指意气相投的人 [kinsfolk;relative]
朋党;由私人利害关系结成的小集团 [clique faction]
政党 [political party]。如共产党;共和党;国民党;工人党 党八股
[party goobbledygook;stereotyped party writing] 指现代革命队伍中产生的一种八股文式的空洞死板的文风
[party newspaper] 政党的机关报,是宣传政党的纲领、路线和政策的工具。在我国特指中国共产党各级组织的机关报
[party representative] 我国第一次国内革命战争和第二次国内革命战争时期,中国共产党派到军队里代表党组织做领导工作的人员
[party tyrant] 指政党内把持大权、独断专行的头目
[membership dues] 党员依照党的章程,向党组织交纳的费用
[style of party work] 政党的作风
[party programme] 党章的总纲,是一个政党的最基本的政治纲领和组织纲领
[autocratic rule;one-party dictatorship] 古代禁止某些政治上的朋党参政的现象
[an evil kmt chieftain of a local districtor unit] 指国民党内在某一地方或某一单位依仗权势作威作福的头目
[nation;country] 国民党有以党治国”的口号,因而把国说成党国”
[party magazine] 政党的机关刊物
[party lecture] 中国共产党组织为了对一般党员进行党纲、党章教育而开设的课,有时也吸收要求入党的积极分子参加听课
[party membership] 根据党章的规定,经过入党手续而取得了党员资格
[party discipline] 一个政党规定全体党员必须遵守的纪律
[party boss] 政党的首领
[party standing] 党员入党后所经过的年数,作党员的时间
[party;political parties and groups] 各个政党或政党内各个派别的统称
[party membership] 对党籍的不严肃叫法
[part flag] 作为政党象征的旗帜
[root of co donopsis pilosula] 多年生草本植物,根可入药。过去多产于山西上党地区
[history of a political party] 政党的历史
[defend those who being to one's own faction and attak those who don't;unite only with those of the same ideas and attack the others] 拉帮结派,偏袒同党,攻击异己
[member of a clique or a reactionary political party;adherent;followers] 属于某一集团或派别的人(含贬义)
[party commitee] 某些政党的各级委员会的简称,特指中国共产党的各级委员会
[schutzstaffel] 德国法西斯的特务组织,又叫党卫军
[party affairs;party activities] 政党内部有关组织建设等的事务
[party school] 中国共产党培养、训练党的干部的学校
[party spirit;party character]
[adherents] 恶势力集团里首领以外的人,指那些追随一个领袖或一个政党的拥护者(含贬义)
[party member] 政党的成员。在中国特指中国共产党党员
[party constitution] 一个政党的章程,一般规定该党的总纲,组织机构,组织制度,党员的条件、权利、义务和纪律等项
[party card;membership card] 政党组织部门发给其党员证明党员身分的凭证
党 (黨)
dǎng ㄉㄤˇ
Party dang Radical Radical children 02 total strokes 10 strokes Party party; Party (1) Party dǎng (2) (Phonetic. From the black, still sound. Party, "Party" is a word in ancient times, and now the party "is the party," the simplified characters. Simplified Party ", from the child (who is still sound) obscure the original meaning. Party" refers to the group, in the ancient times normally only used derogatory, and Modern Chinese different) (3) Not clear [not bright] The party, not fresh too. - "Said the text" Jiaxing scale that is not fresh clothing and spacious smoke of the party said. - Jiang Li Hong, "meaning the government continued inspectors" (4) United States, the good, honest ◇ for Dang "[good] Party, the good also; United States also. - "Guang Ya" Yuan Erzhi fact, Bo and party is now, who is also the Debate of Gentlemen. - "Zi" Party (1) Party dǎng (2) Awareness, comprehension [understand] Law kings, Shun righteousness, party scholars. - "Zi" (3) Favoritism, partiality [be partial to] Sub-division of the party in person. - "Han Fei outside the reserve" Group rather than the party. - "The Analects of Confucius." Hole injection to help also. " (4) And I have heard that a gentleman is not the party. Notes help solve the hiding holes party said. " (5) Gang [gang involvement] Of greedy and ruthless, the party jackals for the child. - Ming Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography" Party (1) Party dǎng (2) The preparation of the local unit of the ancient household. Five hundred for the party [five-hundred families] Five races for the party. - "Zhou Tai Situ." Note hundreds, the party is, party of the decree of the palm of their education governance. " Yan Jun possession of real rural state. - "Hill tube weight." Note three thousand five hundred for the party, the non-week system. " When speaking to Su also pay Xiangdang. - "Mirror" (3) Another example is the party member (of the same village people); the party is (local organizations established by the Zhou Dynasty Executive) (4) Peers. Refers to a kindred spirit [kinsfolk; relative] Debate put their party. - "Book of Rites Zhong Ni Oscillation." Note class also. " Harmony in the parents of the party. - "Book of Rites Square in mind." Note as relatives also. " Sigh Kazuya my party two or three children, Andhra return to the old no more. - Han Yu "rocks" (5) Another example of the Liberal Party (of Chi Road, close to people with similar positions); party assistance (means given assistance with their fellow people) (6) Cliques; formed by a small group of private interest [clique faction] Unbiased no party. - "Book Hong Fan." Note lovers. " Each of its party. - "The Analects of Confucius Liren" However, the stolen music Xi partisan. - "Chu Li Sao" Property into the cable to the party. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary" (7) Another example is his best buddies; remnants (do not destroy the gang); party evil (evil gangs) (8) Party [political party]. If the Communist Party; Republican; KMT; Workers Party Party stereotype dǎngbāgǔ [Party goobbledygook; stereotyped party writing] team that produced the modern revolution in a stereotyped style of the rigid hollow style Party newspaper dǎngbào [Party newspaper] party organ, the program is to promote political parties, routes and policy tool. Especially in the Chinese Communist Party organizations at all levels of the organ Party dǎngdàibiǎo [Party representative] of the First Revolutionary War and the Second Revolutionary War, on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party sent army officers to do the leadership work Party valves dǎngfá [Party tyrant] refers to the political party hold on to power, autocratic leader Party membership dues dǎngfèi [Membership dues] according to the Party Constitution Party members, fees paid to the party Party's work style dǎngfēng [Style of party work] style of political parties Party program dǎnggāng [Party programme] Constitution of the master, is a political party's basic political program and organizational program Party Forbiddance dǎnggù [Autocratic rule; one-party dictatorship] of ancient prohibition of certain political clique phenomenon in politics Party boss dǎnggùn [An evil kmt chieftain of a local districtor unit] refers to the KMT's internal unit of a place or a domineering leader dictated Party-state dǎngguó [Nation; country] KMT has failure for "slogan, which said the country into a party-state" Journals dǎngkān [Party magazine] organ of political parties Gave lectures dǎngkè [Party lecture] Chinese Communist Party members to carry out the general party platform, constitution education courses offered, and sometimes required to join the party activists absorption of lectures attended Party membership dǎngjí [Party membership] According to the provisions of the Party Constitution, made through the formalities to join the party party membership Party discipline dǎngjì [Party discipline] members of a political party must comply with all provisions of the disciplinary Leader dǎngkuí [Party boss] political party leaders Party standing dǎnglíng [Party standing] to join the party after party after a number of years, the time for party members Partisan dǎngpài [Party; political parties and groups] within the various political parties or party factions collectively Partisan politics Party affiliation Party vote dǎngpiào [Party membership] is not serious and it is called on the party Flag dǎngqí [Part flag] the flag as a symbol of political parties Codonopsis dǎngshēn [Root of co donopsis pilosula] perennial herb, the root can be used as medicine. Shangdang past prolific areas in Shanxi History dǎngshǐ [History of a political party] Political parties Partisan dǎngtóng-fáyì [Defend those who being to one's own faction and attak those who don't; unite only with those of the same ideas and attack the others] cliques, favoritism party to attack opponents Originally referred to the academic struggle between factions, the latter refers to the struggle between all groups Partisan, this http He ugly. - Zhou Bangyan "Bian Du Fu" Henchman dǎngtú [Member of a clique or a reactionary political party; adherent; followers] belong to a group or faction of people (including derogatory) Party committee dǎngwěi [Party commitee] some of the political parties referred to the Committee at all levels, especially the Chinese Communist Party committees at all levels SS dǎngwèiduì [Schutzstaffel] Nazi Germany's secret service, known as SS Party affairs dǎngwù [Party affairs; party activities] within political parties and other matters related organizations Party dǎngxiào [Party school] training the Chinese Communist Party, the party's cadres training schools Party spirit dǎngxìng (1) [Party spirit; party character] (2) Class nature of the performance of the highest concentration (3) Especially by Party Members, the highest concentration of the proletariat's class performance The performance of impurity in Party spirit Henchman dǎngyǔ [Adherents] evil leader of the Group other than in person, those that follow a leader or a political party's supporters (including derogatory) Party member dǎngyuán [Party member] members of political parties. Especially the Chinese Communist Party in China Party constitution dǎngzhāng [Party constitution] the constitution of a political party, the general provisions of the master party, organization, organizational structures, qualifications for membership, rights, duties and discipline of other items Party card dǎngzhèng [Party card; membership card] political party shall issue its members to prove the identity of the certificate of party members Party (Party) dǎng ㄉ ㄤ (1) Together for political purposes, the groups ~ pie. ~ Group. ~ Committee. ~ Members. ~ Chapter. ~ Valve. ~ Wind. ~ Ji. (2) Consistency of advice or formed by private interest groups ~ Yu. Friends ~. Death ~. (3) Refers to the kinship parent ~. Mother ~. Wife ~. (4) Ancient local organizations to five hundred for a party. (5) Name. Zheng code kojr, u515a, gbkb5b3 Stroke number 10, small children radicals, stroke order No. 2434525135
子集下 Sub_set_ of the next 【集韻】【韻會】????底朗切,音黨。【韻府羣玉】夏后氏之後。秦有將軍党耐虎。唐有党芬,党進。(黨)【唐韻】多朗切【集韻】底朗切【正韻】多曩切,????音讜。【說文】不鮮也。 又【周禮·地官·大司徒】五家爲比,五比爲閭,四爲族,五族爲黨。【釋名】五百家爲黨。黨,長也。一聚之所尊長也。 又朋也,輩也。【荀子·强國篇】不比周,不朋黨。 又助也。相助匿非曰黨。【論語】君子不黨。 又偏也。【書·洪範】無偏無黨,王道蕩蕩。 又比也。【荀子·非相篇】順禮義,黨學者。【註】黨,親比也。 又頻也。【荀子·天論篇】怪星之黨見。 又知也。【揚子·方言】黨,皢,哲,知也。楚謂之黨,或曰皢,齊宋之閒謂之哲。【郭註】黨,朗也。解悟貌。 又【廣韻】美也。【廣雅】黨,善也。 又所也,時也。【公羊傳·文十三年】往黨。【註】黨,所也。所猶時,齊人語也。【左傳·哀五年】萊人之歌曰:師乎,師乎,何黨之乎。【註】黨,所也。 又【玉篇】接也。 又【廣韻】累也。 又地名。【前漢·地理志】秦置上黨郡,屬幷州,古上黨關。 又【集韻】止兩切,音掌。姓也。【左傳·莊三十二年】公築臺,臨黨氏。【註】黨氏,魯大夫。【釋文】黨,音掌。又【哀十一年】季孫使從於朝,俟於黨氏之溝。【註】黨氏溝,朝中地名。 又【集韻】坦朗切【正韻】他曩切。????與儻同。兾也。【前漢·董仲舒傳】黨可得見乎。又【五被傳】黨可以徼幸。【師古註】黨,讀曰儻。 又與讜同。【荀子·非相篇】博而黨正。【註】謂直言也。 亦作䣣䣊。(黨)考證:〔【周禮·地官·閭胥疏】五家爲比,五比爲閭,五閭爲族〕 謹按閭胥疏無此語,查係大司徒文。謹照原文閭胥疏改大司徒。五閭爲族改四爲族。〔【荀子·非相篇】实博而黨正。〕謹按原文文而致實,博而黨正,????以四字爲句不得連引實字。謹省實字。
【】 【Ji Yun Yun will】 ???? end Langqie, music party. 【】 Xiahou Shi Yun Yu government after the group. Qin party of a general resistance to the tiger. Tang have party fun, party into. (Party) 【】 Duo Langqie Tang Yun Yun】 【_set_ the end of Langqie Rhymes】 【cut more than in former times, ???? sound Dang. Wen】 【that are not fresh. Local officials and Zhou Tai Situ 【】 five for the ratio, the ratio of Lu five, four for the race, five races for the party. 【Name】 five hundred for the release party. Party, are long. One of the elders together also. And friends also, generation also. Posts】 【Xunzi Jiang better than weeks of country, not lovers. They help also. Help solve the problem of non-anonymous said party. The Analects of Confucius】 【gentleman is not the party. Another side also. Hongfan】 【book free unbiased party, kingly sway. Off than also. Posts】 【Xunzi non-phase along righteousness, party scholars. 【Note】 party, the pro-ratio is. And the frequency also. Posts】 【Xunzi Tianlun see strange Star Party. And knowledge. Yangtze dialect】 【Party, Xiao, philosophy, knowledge. Chu said that the party, or said Xiao, Qi Song busy that of Jer. 【Note】 party Guo, Lang also. Comprehension appearance. Also】 【Guangyun United States also. Guang Ya】 【party, good also. They are also, when. 【】 Gongyangzhuan article thirteen years to the party. 【Note】 Party, which also. The still, the Qi language also. Lai Zuo】 【five people sad song, saying: Master peace, division almost, of almost any party. 【Note】 Party, which also. 】 【Jade articles and access as well. Also Guangyun】 【tired also. And names. Geography】 【Former Han Qin Shangdang home county, the state is Bing, the ancient Shangdang off. 】 【Ji Yun and the two ended cutting, sound palm. Name also. Chuang Zuo】 【public building units three years, the party's temporary. 【Note】 party's, Luda Fu. 【Explanation】 Party, the sound hand. And eleven】 【Sorrow Ji Sun makes from the DPRK, the party's once the ditch. 【Note】 party's trenches, the DPRK names. Also】 【Ji Yun Yun Tan Langqie】 【being cut he snapped. ???? and unexpectedly the same. Ji also. Former Han Dong Chuan】 【party may have to see almost. And five transferred】 【Party can Jiaoxing. 【Note】 ancient division of the party, reading said unexpectedly. Also the same with the outspoken. Posts】 【Zi Bo and non-phase of the party is. 【Note】 that respect also. Also for 䣣 䣊. (Party) research: 〔【Zhou Xu Lu Shu】 local officials to more than five, five ratio of Lu, Lu for the family of five〕 like no such language by Lu Shu Xu, Department of Large Situ Wen investigation. Lu Xu Shu would like to change according to the original Tai Situ. Lu for the family of five to four for the family. 〔】 【Xunzi articles of non-phase real Bo and party is now. 〕 Like the original text by Erzhi fact, Bo and party is now, ???? to four characters may not even cited as a real word sentence. Would like to provincial real word.
黨 Party 不鮮也。从黑尚聲。多朗切
Not fresh too. From the black is still sound. Duo Langqie