fányìtǐ: ér (ér ér)pīnyīn: ér, er, rénbùshǒu: 
zǒngbǐhuà: 2UTF-8: E5 84 BFUTF-16: 513F
UTF-32: 0000513FGB 2312: 2289Big 5: A449
cāngjié: LUsìjiǎomǎ: 2201.0yīzìquánmǎ: er2pieyin
yīzìshuāngmǎ: erpiyiyīzìdānmǎ: epyhànzìjiégòu: zuǒ(zhōng)yòu
hànzìcéngcì: 2bǐhuà: 丿乚bǐshùnbiānhào: 35
bǐshùndúxiě: piě, zhétārénbǐshùn: 35
bùjiànzǔgòu: 丿乚
  ( ér
   xiǎo hái ér
   nián qīng de rénduō zhǐ qīng nián nán ): nán ér ér qíng
   nán hái ér shēng ér
   xióng xìng de ér
  ( ér
   zuò zhù tóng qián lián chéng juàn shé yīn): xiǎo hái ér
   huà shù: 2;
   shǒu ér
   shùn biān hào: 35

  Children (children) ér children: child's play. Young people (especially young men): Hero. Love on. Boys: son. Children. Male horse: children horse. Daughter (child) for the particle (the same word even as a former retroflex): small children. Female stroke count: 2; radical: children; stroke order number: 35
  【 míng
  ( xiàng xíngjiá wén xíng , xià miàn shì rén , shàng miàn xiàng xiǎo ér zhāng kǒu xiào。“ érshì hàn shǒu zhī , cóng érde rényòu guānběn : yòu ér shí nán chēng ér , chēng yīng , hòu lái hái tóng chēng ér )
   tóng běn child,pl.children
   ér , héng héngshuō wén
   zhuān zhì róu , néng yīng ér ? héng hénglǎo jiǔ zhāng
   lǎo rén ér héng héngshǐ · xún lièzhuàn
   nán yuē ér , yuē yīnghéng héngcāng jié piān
   jiàn liǎng xiǎo ér biàn dǒuhéng héngliè · tānɡ wèn
   yòu : ér ( hái tóng ); ér ( yóu ér ); ér huà ( hái huà ); ér qiào ( guǎi gùn ér ); ér bài ( hái tóng duì rén suǒ xíng de bài ); ér ( xiǎo hái ); ér hái ( hái tóng )
   ér , suǒ shēng de , dài hòu 〖 child〗。 : ér sūn mǎn táng ; xiǎo ér ; ér ( jiéfà , cóng xiǎo de ); ér zhī qíng ( zhǐ qīng nián nán zhī jiān xiāng 'ài de qíng gǎn )
   zhǎngbèi duì yòu bèi de chēng yòng zuò qīng miè zhī chēng〖 child〗。 : ér láng ( jiàngshuài duì shì bīng de chēng )
   duì ér de chēng 〖 son〗
   ér , héng héngguǎng · shì qīn
   tānɡ wéi ér shǒu shèhéng hénghàn shū · zhāng tānɡ chuán
   wài huáng lìng shè rén ér nián shí sānhéng hénghàn shū · xiàng jiè chuán
   ér chú dòu dōng , zhōng ér zhèng zhì lónghéng héng sòng · xīn qīng píng · cūn
   ā érhéng héngyuèfǔ shī · lán shī
   yòu : ér ( ér ); ér huā ( ér de yǐng ); ér cáo ( ér bèi ); ér ( )
   nán qīng nián〖 youngman〗。 : ér hái ér ( nán hái ); ér nán ( nán hái , nán )
   nián qīng rén ; qīng nián〖 youngster〗。 : jiàn ér
   〖 I〗
   duì de chēng
   lán zhī cán 'ā :“ ér shí zuì guò。” héng héng tái xīn yǒng · shī wéi jiāo zhòng qīng zuò
   dài nián qīng de chēng
   sòng ér hái xiānghéng héngyuèfǔ shī · lán shī
   yòu : ér jiā ( dài nián qīng de chēng ; , chēng )
   duì xiōng de chēng
  〖 nǎi yán zōng wéixiàng guóbìng zhōu shǐ , zǒng shān bīng shìwèi yuē bìng zhōu 'ā xiōng , ér jīn 。” héng héngběi shǐ · 'ān wáng yán zōng chuán
  【 xíng
   xióng xìng héng héng duō zhǐ shēng chù〖 male〗。 : ér māo ( gōng māo )
   de〖 my〗 yòng dài chēng zhàng
   xuān zhōng shì guān dēng zhě jiǔyòu bìng yóu , huò tóng jìn , méng , zhé huái jiǔ bēi , xiè yuē :“ guī lái kǒng bèi ér guài , yuàn jīn bēi zuò zhèng méng。” shàng zhīhéng héngyuè lìng guǎng
  【 hòu zhuì
   ér huàhàn hòu zhuì de ér chéng yīn jié , ér qián miàn yīn jié zài gòu chéng dài juàn shé yùn r de yīn jié
   duō yòng zuò míng hòu zhuì (1)∶ biǎo shì xiǎo : pén ér ; gùn ér ; xiǎo māo ér ; xiǎo chē ér (2)∶ biǎo shì xìng biàn huàdòng míng huà , : chàng ér ; dòu xiào érxíng róng míng huà , : liàng ér ; líng suì ér (3)∶ biǎo shì shì chōu xiàng huà : kǒu ér ; mén ér ; gēn ér (4)∶ biǎo shì biàn huà : bái miàn ér ( hǎi luò yīn ); lǎo jiā ér ( duì rén chēng huò bié rén de )
   dòng de hòu zhuì : wán ér ; huǒ ér
   xíng róng hòu zhuì shào yōngshǒu wěi yín》 :“ tiān tīng suī gāo zhǐ xiē , rén qíng xiǎng méi duō ér 。”
   ér bèi
  〖 children〗 hái men ; hòu bèi
   ér cáo
  〖 children〗 fàn zhǐ wǎn bèi de hái men
   ér chǐ
  〖 newteethgrownamongsomeoldpeople〗 lǎo rén chǐ tuō luò hòu chóngxīn cháng chū de chǐ
  〖 daughter-in-law〗 ér de ;
  〖 children'ssong;nuseryrhymes〗 ér tóng gēqǔ ; ér tóng yáo
   ér huà
  〖 suffixationofanonsyllabicrtonounsandsometimesverbs,causingaretroflexionoftheprecedingvowel,typicalofthepronunciationofstandardChineseandofsomedialects〗 tōng huà mǒu xiē fāng yán zhōng de zhǒng yīn xiàn xiànghòu zhuì ér chéng yīn jié , ér qián tóu de yīn jié zài , shǐ qián yīn jié de yùn chéng wéi juàn shé yùn
   ér huáng
  〖 boyemperor〗 dài shí , shí jìng táng gòu jié dān jiàn hòu jìn , duì dān zhù chēng ér huáng hòu lái fàn zhǐ tóu kào wài guó , jiàn kuǐ léi zhèng quán de tǒng zhì zhě
   ér , ér xué
  〖 pediatrics;paediatrics〗 xué de fēn zhī , yán jiū ér tóng de bìng
   ér láng
  〖 youth〗∶ qīng nián , xiǎo huǒ
  〖 son〗∶ ér
   mài ér láng
  〖 soldier〗∶ duì shì bīng de chēng
   chéng nèi bīng yào diǎn yàn , shǒu chéng de ér láng tīng yánhéng héng 'ōu yáng qiàn lán cóng jūn
  〖 stallion〗 xiāng duì de gōng
   ér nán
  〖 man〗∶ nán ér ; zhàng
   hǎo ér nán zhì zài fāng
  〖 boy〗∶ yòu nián nán xìng
  〖 children〗∶ ér ér ,
   ér chéng qún
  〖 youngmanandwoman〗∶ qīng nián nán
   wéi zài , ér gòng zhān jīnhéng héng táng · wáng shàofǔ zhī rèn shǔ zhōu
   ér lèi , jūn xiū
   ér qíng
  〖 sexualloveorwarmfeelingsamongfamilymembers〗 zhǐ nán huò jiā rén zhī jiān de 'ēn 'ài gǎn qíng
   ér qíng cháng
  〖 beimmersedinlove〗 nán liàn qíng mián mián duàncháng zhǐ guò duō de qīng nián nán zhī qíng
   ér qíng cháng , yīng xióng duǎn
   ér zhài
  〖 theburdenofraisingchildrentomaturity〗 duì suǒ chéng dān de jiào yǎng hūn jià de
   ér shí
  〖 childhood〗 tóng nián
   tán ér shí xiāng de jǐng , zài yǎn qián
   ér sūn
  〖 childrenandgrandchildren〗∶ ér sūn
  〖 descendants〗∶ fàn zhǐ hòu dài
   ér tóng
  〖 children〗 nián xiǎo shàonián de yòu hái
   ér tóng xiāng jiàn xiāng shíhéng héng táng · zhī zhānghuí xiāng 'ǒu shū
   ér tóng jié
  〖 Children sDay〗
   liù yuè
   quán shì jiè xīn jiào jiào huì zūn shǒu de bié ( tōng cháng zài 6 yuè de 'èr xīng ), bàn yòu wéi ér tóng dǎo huó dòng
   ér tóng yuán
  〖 children'sElysium〗 gōng ér tóng yóu wán de chǎng suǒ
   ér tóng wén huà gōng
  〖 children'sculturalpalace〗 shàonián gōng
   ér tóng wén xué
  〖 children'sliterature〗 shì yìng shàonián ér tóng de nián língzhì xīng děng diǎn , wéi shàonián ér tóng chuàng zuò de wén xué zuò pǐn
   ér tóng piàn
  〖 filmforchildren〗
   zhǒng wéi shàonián ér tóng pāi shè de shì guān kàn de yǐngpiān diànshìpiān
   zhǐ ér tóng shēng huó wéi cái de yǐngpiān huò diànshìpiān
   ér tóng xīn xué
  〖 childpsychology〗 yán jiū ér tóng xīn xíng wéi de zhǎn guī de mén xué
  〖 daughter-in-law〗 ér de pèi 'ǒu
  〖 trifflingmatter〗 yuán wéi ér tóng yóu chù shì qīng shuài , yán
   hěn yán zhòng de wèn dāng ér
  〖 childrenese〗 rén xiǎo hái jiāo tán shí cǎi yòng de xiǎo hái huà
  〖 son〗∶ mǒu rén zhí xuè tǒng de xià dài nán xìng
   yòu liǎng ér de jiā
  〖 child〗∶ xià dài nán xìng hòu ; suǒ shēng de nán xìng hái

  (Pictograms. Oracle shape, here is the "human" character, above mouth laughing and crying like children. "Child" is one of Chinese radicals, from the "child" the words most of the "people" related. Original meaning: young children. Ancient man said the child, said the baby girl, later children are called children)
  With the original meaning 〖child, pl.children〗
  Children, Ruzi also. - "Said the text"
  To post air soft, the baby can be almost as? - "I" Chapter IX
  Old children sing. - "Records of upright officials Biography"
  M said, children, infants and women said. - "Cang Jie articles"
  See debate two children fighting. - "Lie Zi Tang asked"
  Another example: child woman (child); children play (still child's play); children, then (if the child); children pry (stick and children); children worship (children of the acts of worship for adults); children cry (baby crying); children child (children)
  Children, parents, children born to first-generation descendants of〗 〖child. Such as: children and grandchildren; children; children, husband and wife (Results sent husband and wife, young couples); children feelings (of love between young men and women's emotions)
  Older generation of baby names. Also known contempt for〗 〖child. Such as: Kenjiro (generals of the soldiers called)
  Parents call son son〗 〖
  Child, the child also. - "Release pro-Guang Ya"
  Tang Shou homes for the children. - "Han Zhang Tang Biography"
  Are yellow so Scheeren thirteen children. - "Han items by Biography"
  Great children hoeing beans East River, the children are woven cages. - Song ji "Qingping Le Murai"
  Great grandfather no children. - "Folk Song and Ballad Mulan"
  Another example: daughter (the daughter); son flower (the son of the shadow); children Cao (child generation); child bearing (Zaixi)
  〗 〖Youngman young men. Such as: child baby (boy); male children (boys, men)
  Young people; youth〗 〖youngster. Such as: athletes
  I〗 〖I
  Children of parents claimed
  Lange ashamed Mama: "actual innocence of children had 。"--" New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
  Young woman's claim to the ancient
  Children also sent home. - "Folk Song and Ballad Mulan"
  Another example: children at home (a young woman claiming to be ancient; you call a woman)
  Brother of the brother's claim
  Royal〗 〖are based on extension of the country were compared, and provincial governor, the total Shanxi Bingshi. That said: "and the state Axiong take, children today to have 。"--" North Shiqiande Wang Yanzong Biography"
  Male - male〗 〖multi-fingered beast. Such as: child cat (male cat)
  〗 〖My own for her husband, said women in ancient
  Publicity and lanterns were given wine in the Portrait. And travel with his wife, has not been with the progress, the women kept, thanks to Noir pregnant glasses, thanks, saying: "Coming back is fear of strange children husband is willing to give testimony League Gold Cup." The gift of. - "The Lunar Order Generalized"
  】 【Suffix
  Children of. Chinese suffix "child" is not a syllable alone, but together and in front of a syllable form r with retroflex vowel syllables
  More as a noun suffix (1): that small. Such as: Bowls; sticks; small cat; car children (2): that part of speech change. Verbs, such as: singing children; laugh children. Adjectives nouns, such as: Lianger; fragmented children (3): the specific things that abstraction. Such as: child population; door child; stalk (4): that meaning changes. Such as: flour children (heroin); home children (on the person himself or someone else's parents)
  Verb suffix. Such as: play; fire children
  Adjective suffix. Shao Yong as "inclusive Yin": "Though the days of listening to only those children, human children want to go no more."
  Child generation
  〗 〖Children children; younger
  Cao children
  〗 〖Children refers to children younger
  Child tooth
  〗 〖Newteethgrownamongsomeoldpeople old teeth fall off and re-grow teeth
  Child women
  〖〗 Daughter-in-law son's wife; wife
  〖Children'ssong; nuseryrhymes〗 children songs; Child Ballads
  Children of
  〖Suffixationofanonsyllabicrtonounsandsometimesverbs, causingaretroflexionoftheprecedingvowel, typicalofthepronunciationofstandardChineseandofsomedialects〗 Mandarin and some dialects of a speech phenomenon. Suffix "child" is not the word into syllables from, and ahead of the syllables together and make the finals the previous syllable to become retroflex finals
  Er Huangdi
  〗 〖Boyemperor Five Dynasties, Later Jin Dynasty established the Khitan collusion Shi Jingtang, the main claim of the Khitan Er Huangdi. Later refers to seek refuge abroad, the ruler of the puppet regime established
  Pediatrics, Pediatrics
  érkē, érkēxué
  〖Pediatrics; paediatrics〗 a branch of medical study the child's development, care and disease
  〗 〖Youth: youth, young man
  〗 〖Son: son
  Sell Kenjiro
  〗 〖Soldier: the soldier's call
  Inspection of troops and horses to the city, guarding the city's Kenjiro Listen to me. - Ouyang Yuqian "Mulancongjun"
  MA children
  〗 〖Stallion stallion and mare relative
  Male children
  〗 〖Man: Hero; real man
  Good child Male Faces
  〗 〖Boy: young men
  Sons and daughters
  〗 〖Children: sons and daughters, children
  Children in groups
  〗 〖Youngmanandwoman: young men and women
  Inaction in the Crossroads, children were stained towel. - Tang and Wang Bo "Du Shu House of any state"
  Children tears, Jun drop off
  Love on the
  〗 〖Sexualloveorwarmfeelingsamongfamilymembers means between men and women or family members loving feelings
  Their love
  〗 〖Beimmersedinlove men and women love and continual. Too many young people often refer to Nannvzhiqing
  Their love, Yingxiongqiduan
  Children, debt
  〗 〖Theburdenofraisingchildrentomaturity parents rearing their children assumed the obligations of marriage
  〗 〖Childhood childhood
  Talk about childhood hometown scene, such as in front of
  Children and grandchildren
  〗 〖Childrenandgrandchildren: son and grandson
  〗 〖Descendants: refers to future generations
  〗 〖Children in young children younger than adolescents
  Children meet strangers. - Zhang Zhi-Tang, "Returning Home"
  Children's Day
  〗 〖Children'sDay
  June 1
  Protestant churches around the world observe a special day (usually the second Sunday of June), accompanied by prayers for children
  Children's Paradise
  〗 〖Children'sElysium for children's entertainment, a place to play
  Children's Palace of Culture
  〗 〖Children'sculturalpalace Children's Palace
  Children's Literature
  〗 〖Children'sliterature to meet the children's age, intelligence and interests and other characteristics of literary works created for the children
  Children's films
  〗 〖Filmforchildren
  For a shot of children watching the films and TV series of its
  Refers to the theme of children live video or television
  Child Psychology
  〗 〖Childpsychology study the development of child psychology and behavior of the law of a discipline
  〖〗 Daughter-in-law spouse, son,
  Importance of Being Earnest
  〗 〖Trifflingmatter the original meaning of the game for children. Analogy of doing things lightly, not serious
  Take a very serious problem when the child's play
  Child language
  〗 〖Childrenese talk to adults and children if the children used
  〗 〖Son: a person the next generation of direct male descent
  Two sons home
  〗 〖Child: the next generation of male descendants; parents of male children born to
  ( xiàng xíngjiá wén xíng , xià miàn shì rén , shàng miàn xiàng xiǎo ér zhāng kǒu xiào érshì hàn shǒu zhī , cóng érde rényòu guānběn yòu ér shí nán chēng ér , chēng yīng , hòu lái hái tóng chēng ér )
   tóng běn
   ér , 。 --《 shuō wén
   zhuān zhì róu , néng yīng ér ?--《 lǎo jiǔ zhāng
   lǎo rén ér 。 --《 shǐ · xún lièzhuàn
   nán yuē ér , yuē yīng。 --《 cāng jié piān
   jiàn liǎng xiǎo ér biàn dǒu。 --《 liè · tānɡ wèn
   yòu ér ( hái tóng ); ér ( yóu ér ); ér huà ( hái huà ); ér qiào ( guǎi gùn ér ); ér bài ( hái tóng duì rén suǒ xíng de bài ); ér ( xiǎo hái ); ér hái ( hái tóng )
   ér , suǒ shēng de , dài hòu
   ér ér
   xiǎo hái yīng
   nián qīng rénduō zhǐ qīng nián nán nán~。
   wěitóng qián lián chéng juàn shé yīn xiǎo hái~。
  【 ér ér tóng wén xué de zhǒng bān tóng yáo chēng wéi ér tóng yáo ér shì zhǐ fǎn yìng ér tóng de shēng huó xiǎng gǎn qíng de shī xíng shì duǎn xiǎo huó yòng jiǎn míngjié zòu míng kuàiyùn xiǎng liàngshì ér tóng jiē shòu chuán chàng
   tóng yáo zhǐ liú chuán ér tóng zhōng jiān de yáo
  【 ér huà hàn tōng huà mǒu xiē fāng yán zhōng de zhǒng yīn xiàn xiàng hòu zhuì ' ér ' chéng yīn jiéér qián tóu de yīn jié zài shǐ qián yīn jié de yùn chéng wéi juàn shé yùn yòu jiào ér huà yùn
  【 ér huà yùnjiàn ér huà】。
  【 ér tóng jiéjiànliù ér tóng jié】。
  【 ér tóng wén xuéshì shàonián ér tóng yuè de zhǒng cái de wén xué zuò pǐnbāo kuò tóng huàshī xiǎo shuō shì děng xíng shìyào qiú tōng dǒngshēng dòng huó shì yìng tóng nián líng de shàonián ér tóng de zhì 'àihào
  【 ér tóng xīn xuéxīn xué fēn zhī zhī yán jiū ér tóng xīn shēng zhǎn de bān guī nián líng jiē duàn de xīn zhēng
  【 ér xiàng xiǎo hái me nào zhe wán duì zhòng yào de gōng zuò huò shì qíng rèn zhēn shì tóng~。
   ér rén1. jiànshuō wén ér 》。
   ér ní1." " de cān jiàn " chǐ "。 2. xìng yòu ér kuānjiànhàn shūběn chuán

  Children (pictograms. Oracle shape, here is the people "and the words above the mouth as the children laughing and crying. Child" is one of Chinese radicals, from the child "with the word most people" related. The original meaning of young children. Ancient men, said children and women said the baby, then children are called children) with the original meaning child, Ruzi also. - "Said the text" special gas induced soft, the baby can be almost as? - "I" Chapter IX old children sing. - "Biographies of Historical Records upright officials," said male children and female infants said. - "Cang Jie chapter" debate see two children fighting. - "Lie Zi Tang asked," and if children woman (child); children play (still child's play); children, then (if the child); children pry (stick and children); children worship (children of the acts of worship for adults); children cry (baby crying); children child (children) children, parents, children born to first-generation descendants of infants and children children ér ① ~. ② young men (especially young men) M ~. ③ son ~ women. ④ ending with the word even before the child into a retroflex ~. 】 【Songs a children's literature. General Children's songs and nursery rhymes collectively. Songs is reflected in children's lives and thoughts and feelings in poetry. The form of short and lively, with a speech concise, fast-paced, loud rhythm, suitable for children and sung. Nursery rhyme refers to the middle of popular songs for children. Children of the】 【   Chinese Mandarin and some dialects of a speech phenomenon, that the suffix 'children' word is not self into syllables, and syllables, and the head together, so that the previous vowel syllables as retroflex finals . Also known as children of the rhyme. 【Children of children of rhyme】 【】 see. See Children】 【【】 Children's Day. 】 【Children's literature for children to read literary works of various genres. Including fairy tales, poetry, novels, stories, drama, etc., requires user-friendly, lively and adapt to the intelligence of children of different ages and interests. Pediatric Psychology The branch of psychology. Occurrence of child psychology and development phase of the general law of the psychological characteristics and age. Importance of Being Earnest】 【joke like a child then. Analogy to the important work or something is not responsible for, do not seriously regarded as ~. Children rén 1. See, "said Wen. Department of children. " Children ní 1. "Ni," the ancient word. See "Ni teeth." 2. Surname with children wide. See "Han" the pass.
   ér er
   shǒu ér shǒu huà 02 zǒng huà 02
  son; child; children;
  ( xiàng xíngjiá wén xíng , xià miàn shì rén , shàng miàn xiàng xiǎo ér zhāng kǒu xiào érshì hàn shǒu zhī , cóng érde rényòu guānběn yòu ér shí nán chēng ér , chēng yīng , hòu lái hái tóng chēng ér )
   tóng běn [child,pl.children]
   ér , 。 --《 shuō wén
   zhuān zhì róu , néng yīng ér ?--《 lǎo jiǔ zhāng
   lǎo rén ér 。 --《 shǐ · xún lièzhuàn
   nán yuē ér , yuē yīng。 --《 cāng jié piān
   jiàn liǎng xiǎo ér biàn dǒu。 --《 liè · tānɡ wèn
   yòu ér ( hái tóng ); ér ( yóu ér ); ér huà ( hái huà ); ér qiào ( guǎi gùn ér ); ér bài ( hái tóng duì rén suǒ xíng de bài ); ér ( xiǎo hái ); ér hái ( hái tóng )
   ér , suǒ shēng de , dài hòu [child]。 ér sūn mǎn táng ; xiǎo ér ; ér ( jiéfà , cóng xiǎo de ); ér zhī qíng ( zhǐ qīng nián nán zhī jiān xiāng 'ài de qíng gǎn )
   zhǎngbèi duì yòu bèi de chēng yòng zuò qīng miè zhī chēng [child]。 ér láng ( jiàngshuài duì shì bīng de chēng )
   duì ér de chēng [son]
   ér , 。 --《 guǎng · shì qīn
   tānɡ wéi ér shǒu shè。 --《 hàn shū · zhāng tānɡ chuán
   wài huáng lìng shè rén ér nián shí sān。 --《 hàn shū · xiàng jiè chuán
   ér chú dòu dōng , zhōng ér zhèng zhì lóng。 -- sòng · xīn qīng píng · cūn
   ā ér 。 --《 yuèfǔ shī · lán shī
   yòu ér ( ér ); ér huā ( ér de yǐng ); ér cáo ( ér bèi ); ér ( )
   nán qīng nián [youngman]。 ér hái ér ( nán hái ); ér nán ( nán hái , nán )
   nián qīng rén ; qīng nián [youngster]。 jiàn ér
   duì de chēng
   lán zhī cán 'ā ér shí zuì guò。” --《 tái xīn yǒng · shī wéi jiāo zhòng qīng zuò
   dài nián qīng de chēng
   sòng ér hái xiāng。 --《 yuèfǔ shī · lán shī
   yòu ér jiā ( dài nián qīng de chēng ; , chēng )
   duì xiōng de chēng
  [ ] nǎi yán zōng wéixiàng guóbìng zhōu shǐ , zǒng shān bīng shìwèi yuēbìng zhōu 'ā xiōng , ér jīn 。” --《 běi shǐ · 'ān wáng yán zōng chuán
   xióng xìng -- duō zhǐ shēng chù [male]。 ér māo ( gōng māo )
   de [my] yòng dài chēng zhàng
   xuān zhōng shì guān dēng zhě jiǔyòu bìng yóu , huò tóng jìn , méng , zhé huái jiǔ bēi , xiè yuē guī lái kǒng bèi ér guài , yuàn jīn bēi zuò zhèng méng。” shàng zhī。 --《 yuè lìng guǎng
   ér huà hòu zhuì de ér chéng yīn jié , ér qián miàn yīn jié zài gòu chéng dài juàn shé yùn r de yīn jié
   duō yòng zuò míng hòu zhuì (1)∶ biǎo shì xiǎo pén ér ; gùn ér ; xiǎo māo ér ; xiǎo chē ér (2)∶ biǎo shì xìng biàn huàdòng míng huà , chàng ér ; dòu xiào érxíng róng míng huà , liàng ér ; líng suì ér (3)∶ biǎo shì shì chōu xiàng huà kǒu ér ; mén ér ; gēn ér (4)∶ biǎo shì biàn huà bái miàn ér ( hǎi luò yīn ); lǎo jiā ér ( duì rén chēng huò bié rén de )
   dòng de hòu zhuì wán ér ; huǒ ér
   xíng róng hòu zhuì shào yōngshǒu wěi yíntiān tīng suī gāo zhǐ xiē , rén qíng xiǎng méi duō ér 。”
   ér bèi
  [children] hái men ; hòu bèi
   ér cáo
  [children] fàn zhǐ wǎn bèi de hái men
   ér chǐ
  [newteethgrownamongsomeoldpeople] lǎo rén chǐ tuō luò hòu chóngxīn cháng chū de chǐ
  [daughter-in-law] ér de ;
  [children'ssong;nuseryrhymes] ér tóng gēqǔ ; ér tóng yáo
   ér huà
  [suffixationofanonsyllabicrtonounsandsometimesverbs,causingaretroflexionoftheprecedingvowel,typicalofthepronunciationofstandardchineseandofsomedialects] tōng huà mǒu xiē fāng yán zhōng de zhǒng yīn xiàn xiàng zhuì ér chéng yīn jié , ér qián tóu de yīn jié zài , shǐ qián yīn jié de yùn chéng wéi juàn shé yùn
   ér huáng
  [boyemperor] dài shí , shí jìng táng gòu jié dān jiàn hòu jìn , duì dān zhù chēng ér huáng lái fàn zhǐ tóu kào wài guó , jiàn kuǐ léi zhèng quán de tǒng zhì zhě
   ér , ér xué
  érkē, érkēxué
  [pediatrics;paediatrics] xué de fēn zhī , yán jiū ér tóng de bìng
   ér láng
  [youth]∶ qīng nián , xiǎo huǒ
  [son]∶ ér
   mài ér láng
  [soldier]∶ duì shì bīng de chēng
   chéng nèi bīng yào diǎn yàn , shǒu chéng de ér láng tīng yán。 -- ōu yáng qiàn lán cóng jūn
  [stallion] xiāng duì de gōng
   ér nán
  [man]∶ nán ér ; zhàng
   hǎo ér nán zhì zài fāng
  [boy]∶ yòu nián nán xìng
  [children]∶ ér ér ,
   ér chéng qún
  [youngmanandwoman]∶ qīng nián nán
   wéi zài , ér gòng zhān jīn。 -- táng · wáng shàofǔ zhī rèn shǔ zhōu
   ér lèi , jūn xiū
   ér qíng
  [sexualloveorwarmfeelingsamongfamilymembers] zhǐ nán huò jiā rén zhī jiān de 'ēn 'ài gǎn qíng
   ér qíng cháng
  [beimmersedinlove] nán liàn qíng mián mián duàncháng zhǐ guò duō de qīng nián nán zhī qíng
   ér qíng cháng , yīng xióng duǎn
   ér zhài
  [theburdenofraisingchildrentomaturity] duì suǒ chéng dān de jiào yǎng hūn jià de
   ér shí
  [childhood] tóng nián
   tán ér shí xiāng de jǐng , zài yǎn qián
   ér sūn
  [childrenandgrandchildren]∶ ér sūn
  [descendants]∶ fàn zhǐ hòu dài
   ér tóng
  [children] nián xiǎo shàonián de yòu hái
   ér tóng xiāng jiàn xiāng shí。 -- táng · zhī zhānghuí xiāng 'ǒu shū
   ér tóng jié
   liù yuè
   quán shì jiè xīn jiào jiào huì zūn shǒu de bié ( tōng cháng zài 6 yuè de 'èr xīng ), bàn yòu wéi ér tóng dǎo huó dòng
   ér tóng yuán
  [children'selysium] gōng ér tóng yóu wán de chǎng suǒ
   ér tóng wén huà gōng
  [children'sculturalpalace] shàonián gōng
   ér tóng wén xué
  [children'sliterature] shì yìng shàonián ér tóng de nián língzhì xīng děng diǎn , wéi shàonián ér tóng chuàng zuò de wén xué zuò pǐn
   ér tóng piàn
   zhǒng wéi shàonián ér tóng pāi shè de shì guān kàn de yǐngpiān diànshìpiān
   zhǐ ér tóng shēng huó wéi cái de yǐngpiān huò diànshìpiān
   ér tóng xīn xué
  [childpsychology] yán jiū ér tóng xīn xíng wéi de zhǎn guī de mén xué
  [daughter-in-law] ér de pèi 'ǒu
  [trifflingmatter] yuán wéi ér tóng yóu chù shì qīng shuài , yán
   hěn yán zhòng de wèn dāng ér
  [childrenese] rén xiǎo hái jiāo tán shí cǎi yòng de xiǎo hái huà
  [son]∶ mǒu rén zhí xuè tǒng de xià dài nán xìng
   yòu liǎng ér de jiā
  [child]∶ xià dài nán xìng hòu ; suǒ shēng de nán xìng hái
   ér 1
  ( ér
  ér  ˊ
   xiǎo hái
   nián qīng de rénduō zhǐ qīng nián nán nán~。~ qíng
   nán hái shēng
   xióng xìng de
   zhèng rd, u513f, gbkb6f9
   huà shù 2, shǒu ér shùn biān hào 35
  son; child; children;
   ér 2
  ( ér
   zuò zhù tóng qián lián chéng juàn shé yīnxiǎo hái~。
   zhèng rd, u513f, gbkb6f9
   huà shù 2, shǒu ér shùn biān hào 35

  Er children
  Radical Radical children 02 total strokes 02 strokes
  son; child; children;
  (Pictograms. Oracle shape, here is the people "and the words above the mouth as the children laughing and crying. Child" is one of Chinese radicals, from the child "with the word most people" related. The original meaning of young children. Ancient man said children, women said infants, then children are called children)
  With the original meaning of [child, pl. Children]
  Children, Ruzi also. - "Said the text"
  To post air soft, the baby can be almost as? - "I" Chapter IX
  Old children sing. - "Records of upright officials Biography"
  M said, children, infants and women said. - "Cang Jie articles"
  See debate two children fighting. - "Lie Zi Tang asked"
  Another example is women's children (children); children play (still child's play); children, then (if the child); children pry (stick and children); children worship (children of the acts of worship for adults); children cry (baby crying); children children (Children)
  Children, parents, children born to first-generation descendant of [child]. Such as children and grandchildren; children; children, husband and wife (Results sent husband and wife, young couples); children feelings (of love between young men and women's emotions)
  Older generation of baby names. Also known contempt for [child]. If Kenjiro (generals of the soldiers called)
  Parents call son [son]
  Child, the child also. - "Release pro-Guang Ya"
  Tang Shou homes for the children. - "Han Zhang Tang Biography"
  Are yellow so Scheeren thirteen children. - "Han items by Biography"
  Great children hoeing beans East River, the children are woven cages. - Song ji "Qingping Le Murai"
  Great grandfather no children. - "Folk Song and Ballad Mulan"
  Another example is the daughter (the daughter); son flower (the son of the shadow); children Cao (child generation); child bearing (Zaixi)
  Young men [young man]. If children baby (boy); male children (boys, men)
  Young people; youth [youngster]. If athletes
  I [i]
  Children of parents claimed
  Lange ashamed Mama innocent children too real. "-" New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife "
  Young woman's claim to the ancient
  Children also sent home. - "Folk Song and Ballad Mulan"
  Another example is the child at home (a young woman claiming to be ancient; you call a woman)
  Brother of the brother's claim
  [God] is based on extension of the country were compared, and provincial governor, the total Shanxi Bingshi. That said: and the state Axiong take, children today to the water. "-" North Shiqiande Wang Yanzong Biography "
  Male - more than that of livestock [male]. If children cat (male cat)
  His [my] husband used to call themselves women in ancient
  Publicity and lanterns were given wine in the Portrait. And travel with his wife, has not been with the progress, the women kept, thanks to Noir pregnant glasses, thanks husband said, children returning strange fear of being willing to give testimony League Gold Cup. "The gift of. -" The Lunar Order Generalized "
  『Language suffix children of children" is not a syllable alone, but together and in front of a syllable form r with retroflex vowel syllables
  More as a noun suffix (1): that small. Such as the Bowls; sticks; small cat; car children (2): that part of speech change. Verbs, such as singing children; laugh children. Terms of adjectives, such as Lianger; fragmented children (3): the specific things that abstraction. Such as the mouth of children; door child; stalk (4): that meaning changes. Children, such as wheat flour (heroin); home children (on the person himself or someone else's parents)
  Verb suffix. Such as play; fire children
  Adjective suffix. Shao Yong as "inclusive Yin" Though the days of listening to only those children, did not want to go more than human children. "
  Child generation
  [Children] children; younger
  Cao children
  [Children] refers to younger children
  Child tooth
  [New teeth grown among some old people] off the elderly re-grow teeth tooth
  Child women
  [Daughter-in-law] son's wife; wife
  [Children's song; nusery rhymes] Children's songs; Children's Songs
  Children of
  [Suffixation of a nonsyllabic r to nouns and sometimes verbs, causing a retroflexion of the preceding vowel, typical of the pronunciation of standard chinese and of some dialects] in some dialects of Mandarin and a voice phenomenon ◇ augmented child "character is not self- into syllables, and syllables, and the head together, so that one syllable before the finals to become retroflex finals
  Er Huangdi
  [Boy emperor] and Five Dynasties, Later Jin Dynasty established the Khitan Shi Jingtang collusion, and Script to refer to the main claim to seek refuge abroad ◇ Er Huangdi, ruler of the puppet regime established
  Pediatrics, Pediatrics
  érkē, érkēxué
  [Pediatrics; paediatrics] a branch of medical study the child's development, care and disease
  [Youth]: A young
  [Son]: son
  Sell Kenjiro
  [Soldier]: call for soldiers
  Inspection of troops and horses to the city, guarding the city's Kenjiro Listen to me. - Ouyang Yuqian "Mulancongjun"
  MA children
  [Stallion] male horse and mare relative
  Male children
  [Man]: Hero; real man
  Good child Male Faces
  [Boy]: young men
  Sons and daughters
  [Children]: sons and daughters, children
  Children in groups
  [Young man and woman]: young men and women
  Inaction in the Crossroads, children were stained towel. - Tang and Wang Bo "Du Shu House of any state"
  Children tears, Jun drop off
  Love on the
  [Sexual love or warm feelings among family members] that men and women or family members loving feelings
  Their love
  [Be immersed in love] sex love and continual. Too many young people often refer to Nannvzhiqing
  Their love, Yingxiongqiduan
  Children, debt
  [The burden of raising children to maturity] parents rearing their children bear the obligations of marriage
  [Childhood] Childhood
  Talk about childhood hometown scene, such as in front of
  Children and grandchildren
  [Children and grandchildren]: son and grandson
  [Descendants]: refers to future generations
  [Children] in young children younger than adolescents
  Children meet strangers. - Zhang Zhi-Tang, "Returning Home"
  Children's Day
  [Children's day]
  June 1
  Protestant churches around the world observe a special day (usually the second Sunday of June), accompanied by prayers for children
  Children's Paradise
  értóng lèyuán
  [Children's elysium] for children's entertainment, a place to play
  Children's Palace of Culture
  értóng wénhuàgōng
  [Children's cultural palace] Children's Palace
  Children's Literature
  értóng wénxué
  [Children's literature] to meet the children's age, intelligence and interests and other characteristics of literary works created for the children
  Children's films
  [Film for children]
  For a shot of children watching the films and TV series of its
  Refers to the theme of children live video or television
  Child Psychology
  értóng xīnlǐxué
  [Child psychology] of the development of child psychology and behavior of the law of a discipline
  [Daughter-in-law] the spouse of the son
  Importance of Being Earnest
  [Triffling matter] of the original meaning of the game for children. Analogy of doing things lightly, not serious
  Take a very serious problem when the child's play
  Child language
  [Childrenese] when talking to adults and children if used by children
  [Son]: a person the next generation of direct male descent
  Two sons home
  [Child]: the next generation of male descendants; parents of male children born to
  1 child
  ér ㄦ
  Kids ~ play.
  Young people (especially young men) Male ~. ~ Female Affection.
  Boys ~ son. Health ~ rearing.
  Male horse ~ horse.
  Zheng yards rd, u513f, gbkb6f9
  Number 2 strokes, radical children, stroke number 35
  son; child; children;
  2 children
  er ㄦ
  For the particle (the same word even as a former retroflex) children ~.
  Zheng yards rd, u513f, gbkb6f9
  Number 2 strokes, radical children, stroke number 35
xià Sub_set_ of the next  【 yùn】【 yùn huì】 ???? ér lín qiēyīn rén。【 shuō wénrén 。【 piānrén rén kǒng yuērén zài xià jié 。【 dài dòng · liù shū rén ér fēi 'èr yīn suǒ 'ér biàn shì zuǒ zhěruò ruò zhòng xià zhěruò 'ér ruò jiàn。【 zhèng qiáo · liù shū lüèrén xiàng rén ér xiàng xíng rényòu yùn bài qiēyīn jièrén rén 。( ér wén ????【 táng yùn qiē yùn】【 yùn huì】【 zhèng yùn zhī qiē, ???? ěr píng shēng。【 shuō wén xiàng xíngxiǎo 'ér tóu xìn wèi yòuyùn huìnán yuē 'ér yuē yīngyòuyùn huìér rén zhī shǐ yòu duān yòucāng jié piānér wèi yīng 'ér rányòu ruò zhī xíng yòuyùn huìxìng hàn yòu 'ér kuānyòutáng yùn qiē yùn】【 yùn huìyán qiēzhèng yùn qiē, ???? yīn xìng 。【 qián hàn · wén zhìér liáng piān。【 zhùshī yuēliù guó shí rén 。【 ér kuān chuánér kuānqiānshèng rén yòuyùn huìruò xiǎo tōng zuò 。【 mèng fǎn máo 。( érkǎo zhèng:〔【 shuō wénhái xiàng xíngxiǎo 'ér tóu cōng wèi 。〕  jǐn zhào yuán wén hái gǎi tóu cōng gǎi tóu xìn。〔【 mèng fǎn mào 。〕  jǐn zhào yuán wén mào gǎi máo

  【】 【Ji Yun Yun】 ???? the neighborhood will cut, audio and benevolence. 【Culture】 people said. CISC also】 【jade articles. Confucius said: who in the next, it's long. Dai Dong Liu Shu 【】 people children of non-word, especially because of the combined and change its potential. Hop on the left, if they Boruo Zhong. Together in the next, if they see if children. Six Books】 【Qiao people as human, children as pedestrians. Home】 【Ji Yun and worship cut, ring tones. CISC also. (Children) 〔〕 ???? classical】 【Tang Yun Yun Yu shift cut 【】 【_set_】 【rhyme will Rhymes】 such as branch cut, ???? Seoul level tone. 【】 Ruzi Wen also said. Pictographic. Children do not meet the first skull. They will】 【Yun said male children and female infants said. And rhyme will】 【children, Ni also. The beginning of man, such as wood are clues. Also articles】 【Cangjie children, 嬬 also. That the baby 嬬 嬬 However, the shapes too young and weak. And rhyme will】 【name also. Han had children wide. Tang Yun and 【】 【five protracted cut】 【Ji Yun Yun Xi Research will cut 【】】 five Liqie Rhymes, ???? tone Ni. Name also. Former Han Dynasty History】 【children good one. 【Note】 Old Master said: When six people. 【Fax】 children wide width children, Qian Cheng people. And rhyme will】 【small also. Pass for Ni. Mencius】 【Ni against the yak. (Children) research: that the text】 【〔children. Pictographic. Hang in children do not meet the first. 〕 Would like to change according to the original child Ruzi. Head Conggaitouxin. Mencius】 【〔against the Mao Ni. 〕 Like the original Maonigaimao according to Ni.
biān hào :5428 ID: 5428  rén rén wén rén xiàng xíngkǒng yuē:“ zài rén xià jié 。” fán ér zhī shǔ jiē cóng ér lín qiē

  CISC also. Classical odd word people. Pictographic. Confucius said: "In the next person, it's long." Where are all the children from the children. If o-cut

pínglún (0)