fányìtǐ: yīngpīnyīn: yīngbùshǒu: 
zǒngbǐhuà: 18bùwàibǐhuà: 13UTF-8: E9B9B0
UTF-16: 9E70UTF-32: 00009E70yīzìquánmǎ: ying1yingniao
yīzìshuāngmǎ: yiyiniyīzìdānmǎ: yynhànzìjiégòu: wéihéjiégòu
hànzìcéngcì: 8bǐhuà: 丶一丿丿丨丿丨丶一一一丨一丿????丶????一bǐshùnbiānhào: 413323241112135451
bǐshùndúxiě: nà, héng, piě, piě, shù, piě, shù, nà, héng, héng, héng, shù, héng, piě, zhé, nà, zhé, héngtārénbǐshùn: 413323241112135451
bùjiànzǔgòu: 䧹(广(丶厂(一丿))倠(亻(丿丨)隹(亻(丿丨)(丶三(一二(一一))丄(丨一)))))鸟((勺(勹(丿????)丶)????)一)
  ( yīng
   niǎo lèi de měng qín lèizuǐ gōu zhǐ yòu gōu zhǎoshí fēn ruì shí xiǎo shòu niǎo lèiliè rén xùn yǎng bāng zhù liè yīng quǎn yīng sǔn yīng sǔn xiōng měng huò xiōng měng de rén)。 yīng shì láng rén zhǐ xiōng hěn)。
   huà shù: 18;
   shùn biān hào: 413323241112135451

  Eagle (Eagle) yīng a subject of birds, birds of prey, the mouth hook song toe with claw hooks, very sharp, small mammals and other predatory birds, hunters can be domesticated to help hunt: lackey. Eagle (eagles and hawks, Yu ferocious or violent person). Eagle, as the wolf-step (Figurative behavior vicious). a bird of Joveeaglehawkking of birds stroke count: 18; radicals: birds; stroke order number: 413323241112135451
  【 míng
  ( xíng shēngcóng niǎoběn : yīng shǔ de zhǒng niǎo ) tóng běn hawk duō bái tiān huó dòng de sǔn xíng (Falconiformes) sǔn (Falcones) měng qín , shì yīng (Accipitridae) fēn zhǒng lèi niǎo de tōng chēng , bān zhǐ yīng shǔ zhǒng niǎo
   yīng chì fēng , yīng zhǎo zhuīhéng héng táng · bái fàng yīng
   yòu : yīng zhì ( měng qín ); yīng rén ( xùn yīng de rén ); yīng shī ( xùn liàn lǎo yīng de rén ); yīng jià ( yòng zhú zhì chéngyòng lái zhòng de zhī jià ; zhǐ lǎo yīng de jià ); yīng yàn què ( róng jué zhuō ); yīng wàng ( xíng róng yǎn guāng yīng bān ruì )
   zhǎo 〖 cat spaw〗。 : yīng ér zhǎo ( zhǎo ; bāng xiōng ); yīng quǎn ( wèihǔ zuò chāng gōng rén zhǐ shǐ xíng 'è de zhǎo )
   xíng róng yǒng měng , jìn〖 ofvalour;intrepid〗。 : yīng shèng ( zhǐ yǒng shì ); yīng pài ( guó míng hàozhàn pài )
   xíng róng xiōng hěn , tān 〖 ferocious;violent〗。 : yīng shì láng ( xíng róng kuī shì 'ér yòu suǒ jué ); yīng yáng ( chěng yín wēi ); yīng shì ( fēi yīng jué shí shí , chū xiōng hěn de guāng tān zhī rén , zhān shì yīng ); yīng shì láng ( shì yīng , xíng lángxíng róng wài mào xiōng hěn ); yīng lín 'ě shì ( shì yīng ěxíng róng wēi měng xiōng hàn , liè de yàng )
   wēi , xióng jiàn〖 powerful;mighty〗。 : yīng ( wēi zhǎn xióng cái ); yīng yáng ( wēi , chěng wēi , yīng zhī fēi yáng )
   yīng yào yǎn
  〖 hawk-nosedandvulture-eyed;besinisterandfierce-looking〗 xíng róng rén tān lán xiōng hěn de xiàngmào
   zhè rén yīng yào yǎn , kàn jiù zhī dào shì hǎo dōng
   yīng pài rén
  〖 hawk〗 cǎi hàozhàn tài ( zài zhēng lùn zhōng ) bìng qiě yōng zhí jiē qiáng yìng xíng dòng de rén chǎng qiáng yìng , xíng dòng zhí jiē , qiě hàozhànyǒng měng
   yīng quǎn
  〖 hiredthugslikefalconsandhounds;lackeys〗 tián liè zhú liè de yīng quǎn , gōng shǐ bēn zǒu de rén , duō zhǐ quán guì háo mén de zhǎo
   guān yīng quǎn zhī shì , pán yóu zhī huānghéng hénghòu hàn shū · yáng chuán
   kāng nǎi gān xīn yīng quǎnhéng héng qīng · zhāng tíng míng shǐ
   yīng sǔn
  〖 brutepeoplelikehawksandfalcons〗 liǎng zhǒng měng qín ; fàn zhǐ xiōng měng de niǎo。〖 〗 : tiān xìng xiōng hěn 'ér lìng rén wèi de rén huò yǒng měng de rén
   yīng sǔn shì héng héng qīng · liáng chāotán tóng chuán
   yīng yáng
  〖 Mexicansilverdollars〗 jiù shí céng zài guó shì miàn shàng liú tōng guò de yín , zhèng miàn yòu de yīng xíng

  (Shape sound. From the birds. Meaning: Eagle is a variety of bird) hawk〗 〖with the original meaning of many of the daytime activities, Falconiformes (Falconiformes) Falcon sub-orders (Falcones) birds of prey, is the Eagle Division (Accipitridae) some types of birds commonly known, generally refers to various types of birds eagle
  Eagle-winged lightning-fast wind, eagle benefits such as cone. - Tang Bai, "hawk"
  Another example: eagle bird of prey (raptors); Falconer (Falconer people); Eagle Division (Training eagle people); scaffold (made with bamboo, used to extract the weight of the scaffold; also means eagle habitat established shelf); take a sparrow hawk (metaphor easy to grab capture); Eagle spy falcon Hope (described vision as sharp as eagle falcon)
  〗 〖Cat'spaw metaphor henchmen. Such as: Eagle Claw children (pawn; accomplice); lackey (for comparison Weihuzuochang instructed evil minions)
  Described as brave, radical 〖ofvalour; intrepid〗. Such as: Eagle wins (Yu means the Warriors); hawks (international terms. Bellicose faction)
  Described as cruel, corrupt and brutal 〖ferocious; violent〗. Such as: Eagle, as the Wolf Advisory Board (described spy and wish to be seized); Ying Yeung (Yu Tai succeed despotic power); Eagle as (Eagle want to grab food, showing ferocious stare. Metaphor corrupt and brutal person, looking treat eagle ); eagle, as the wolf-step (depending on material, such as eagles, OK steps such as the wolf. describe the appearance of cruel); Ying Lin E, as (depending on material, such as eagles osprey. describe the mighty aggressive, opportunistic hunting the way)
  Powerful, vigorous 〖powerful; mighty〗. Such as: Ying Wu (martial. Metaphor Exhibition HC); Ying Yeung (powerful, Cheng Wei, such as Flying Eagle)
  〖Hawk-nosedandvulture-eyed; besinisterandfierce-looking〗 described the fierce looks of greed
  Harrier hawk nose and eyes of this man, to see that this is not a good thing
  〗 〖Hawk bellicose attitude (as in the argument) and those who support strong action directly. Analogy hardline, direct action, and warlike, brave
  〖Hiredthugslikefalconsandhounds; lackeys〗 hunting prey by eagles and dogs running metaphor for the people who drive more pawns that elite giants
  View bird dog trend, very Pan tour of the drought. - "Later Han Yang Chi Chuan"
  Kang is willing lackey. - Qing Zhang Tingyu "Ming Dynasty"
  〗 〖Brutepeoplelikehawksandfalcons two birds of prey; refers to fierce bird. Ancient〗 〖: metaphor fierce and formidable nature or brave person
  Falcon test wing. - Qing Liang "Tan Chuan"
  Ying Yang
  〗 〖Mexicansilverdollars old stream in our country through the Mexican market, silver, eagle-shaped face with raised
  ( xíng shēngcóng niǎoběn yīng shǔ de zhǒng niǎo ) tóng běn
   zhǒng niǎo
   yīng chì fēng , yīng zhǎo zhuī。 -- táng · bái fàng yīng
   yòu yīng zhì ( měng qín ); yīng rén ( xùn yīng de rén ); yīng shī ( xùn liàn lǎo yīng de rén ); yīng jià ( yòng zhú zhì chéngyòng lái zhòng de zhī jià ; zhǐ lǎo yīng de jià ); yīng yàn què ( róng jué zhuō ); yīng wàng ( xíng róng yǎn guāng
   yīng bān ruì )
   xíng róng yǒng měng , jìn
   yīng yīng niǎo míngzhǒng lèi hěn duōcháng jiàn de yòu cāng què~、 yuānděngjūn shǎo jiànyào bǎo jìn zhǐ liè shā yīng shàng zuǐ wān jiān ruìzhǐ yòu ruì de gōu zhǎoxìng xiōng měng shí shǔ lèi niǎo lèi děng

  Eagle (shape sound. From the birds. The original meaning of the various species of birds eagle) the original meaning of species of birds with the eagle-winged lightning-fast wind, eagle benefits such as cone. - Tang Bai, "hawk" and if eagle bird of prey (raptors); Falconer (Falconer people); Eagle Division (Training eagle people); scaffold (made with bamboo, used to extract heavy objects Stent; also means eagle habitat established shelf); take a sparrow hawk (metaphor easy to grab capture); Eagle spy falcon Hope (described vision as sharp as eagle falcon) metaphor to describe fierce minions, the radical eagle yīng the bird. There are many kinds are common Cang ~, bird ~, Iris ~, etc. are rare, to protection against hunting. Eagle sharp bend on the mouth, toe hooks are sharp claws of the fierce, predatory birds, rodents and other.
   yīng ying
   shǒu niǎo shǒu huà 05 zǒng huà 18
  td{font-family" sòng ";font-size16px}
  p{font-family" sòng ";font-size16px}
  abirdofjove; eagle; hawk; kingofbirds;
  ( xíng shēngcóng niǎoběn yīng shǔ de zhǒng niǎo ) tóng běn [hawk] duō bái tiān huó dòng de sǔn xíng (falconiformes) sǔn (falcones) měng qín , shì yīng (accipitridae) fēn zhǒng lèi niǎo de tōng chēng , bān zhǐ yīng shǔ zhǒng niǎo
   yīng chì fēng , yīng zhǎo zhuī。 -- táng · bái fàng yīng
   yòu yīng zhì ( měng qín ); yīng rén ( xùn yīng de rén ); yīng shī ( xùn liàn lǎo yīng de rén ); yīng jià ( yòng zhú zhì chéngyòng lái zhòng de zhī jià ; zhǐ lǎo yīng de jià ); yīng yàn què ( róng jué zhuō ); yīng wàng ( xíng róng yǎn guāng yīng bān ruì )
   zhǎo [cat'spaw]。 yīng ér zhǎo ( zhǎo ; bāng xiōng ); yīng quǎn ( wèihǔ zuò chāng gōng rén zhǐ shǐ xíng 'è de zhǎo )
   xíng róng yǒng měng , jìn [ofvalour;intrepid]。 yīng shèng ( zhǐ yǒng shì ); yīng pài ( guó míng zhàn pài )
   xíng róng xiōng hěn , tān [ferocious;violent]。 yīng shì láng ( xíng róng kuī shì 'ér yòu suǒ jué ); yīng yáng ( chěng yín wēi ); yīng shì ( fēi yīng jué shí shí , chū xiōng hěn de guāng tān zhī rén , zhān shì yīng ); yīng shì láng ( shì yīng , xíng lángxíng róng wài mào xiōng hěn ); yīng lín 'ě shì ( shì yīng ěxíng róng wēi měng xiōng hàn , liè de yàng )
   wēi , xióng jiàn [powerful;mighty]。 yīng ( wēi zhǎn xióng cái ); yīng yáng ( wēi , chěng wēi , yīng zhī fēi yáng )
   yīng yào yǎn
  yīngbí yàoyǎn
  [hawk-nosedandvulture-eyed;besinisterandfierce-looking] xíng róng rén tān lán xiōng hěn de xiàngmào
   zhè rén yīng yào yǎn , kàn jiù zhī dào shì hǎo dōng
   yīng pài rén
  [hawk] cǎi hàozhàn tài ( zài zhēng lùn zhōng ) bìng qiě yōng zhí jiē qiáng yìng xíng dòng de rén chǎng qiáng yìng , xíng dòng zhí jiē , qiě hàozhànyǒng měng
   yīng quǎn
  [hiredthugslikefalconsandhounds;lackeys] tián liè zhú liè de yīng quǎn , gōng shǐ bēn zǒu de rén , duō zhǐ quán guì háo mén de zhǎo
   guān yīng quǎn zhī shì , pán yóu zhī huāng。 --《 hòu hàn shū · yáng chuán
   kāng nǎi gān xīn yīng quǎn。 -- qīng · zhāng tíng míng shǐ
   yīng sǔn
  [brutepeoplelikehawksandfalcons] liǎng zhǒng měng qín ; fàn zhǐ xiōng měng de niǎo。 [ ] tiān xìng xiōng hěn 'ér lìng rén wèi de rén huò yǒng měng de rén
   yīng sǔn shì 。 -- qīng · liáng chāotán tóng chuán
   yīng yáng
  [mexicansilverdollars] jiù shí céng zài guó shì miàn shàng liú tōng guò de yín , zhèng miàn yòu de yīng xíng
  ( yīng
  yīng  yi gōng ˉ
   niǎo lèi de měng qín lèizuǐ gōu zhǐ yòu gōu zhǎoshí fēn ruì shí xiǎo shòu niǎo lèiliè rén xùn yǎng bāng zhù lièquǎn。~ sǔn yīng sǔn xiōng měng huò xiōng měng de rén)。~ shì láng rén zhǐ xiōng hěn)。
   zhèng tgnr, u9e70, gbkd3a5
   huà shù 18, shǒu niǎo shùn biān hào 413323241112135451

  Ying ying
  Bird radical radical total strokes 18 strokes 05
  td (font-family "Times New Roman"; font-size 16px)
  p (font-family "Times New Roman"; font-size 16px)
  a bird of jove; eagle; hawk; king of birds;
  (Shape sound. From the birds. The original meaning of the various species of birds eagle) with the original meaning [hawk] many daytime activities, Falconiformes (falconiformes) Falcon sub-orders (falcones) birds of prey, is the Eagle Division (accipitridae) some types of birds commonly known, the general Eagle is a variety of birds that
  Eagle-winged lightning-fast wind, eagle benefits such as cone. - Tang Bai, "hawk"
  Again eagle birds of prey (raptors); Falconer (Falconer people); Eagle Division (Training eagle people); scaffold (made with bamboo, used to extract heavy scaffold; also established that the shelf eagle habitat ); take a sparrow hawk (metaphor easy to grab capture); Eagle spy falcon Hope (described vision as sharp as eagle falcon)
  Analogy henchmen [cat's paw]. Such as Eagle Claw children (pawn; accomplice); lackey (analogy Weihuzuochang for instructed evil minions)
  Described as brave, radical [of valour; intrepid]. Such as the eagle wins (Yu means the Warriors); hawks (International noun: war camp)
  Described as cruel, corrupt and brutal [ferocious; violent]. Such as the eagle, as the wolf care (described spy and wish to be seized); Ying Yeung (Yu Tai succeed despotic power); Eagle as (Eagle want to grab food, showing ferocious stare. Metaphor corrupt and brutal person, looking treat eagle) ; eagle as the wolf-step (depending on material, such as eagles, OK steps such as the wolf. describe the appearance of cruel); Ying Lin E, as (depending on material, such as eagles osprey. describe the mighty aggressive, opportunistic hunting the way)
  Powerful, vigorous [powerful; mighty]. Such as Wu Ying (mighty. Metaphor Exhibition HC); Ying Yeung (powerful, Cheng Wei, such as the Eagle flying)
  [Hawk-nosed and vulture-eyed; be sinister and fierce-looking] to describe the appearance of greed vicious
  Harrier hawk nose and eyes of this man, to see that this is not a good thing
  yīngpài rénwù
  [Hawk] to take belligerent attitude (as in the argument) and those who support strong action directly. Analogy hardline, direct action, and warlike, brave
  [Hired thugs like falcons and hounds; lackeys] prey by hawks and hunting dogs running metaphor for the people who drive more pawns that elite giants
  View bird dog trend, very Pan tour of the drought. - "Later Han Yang Chi Chuan"
  Kang is willing lackey. - Qing Zhang Tingyu "Ming Dynasty"
  [Brute people like hawks and falcons] two kinds of birds of prey; refers to fierce bird. [Old] analogy fierce and formidable nature or brave person
  Falcon test wing. - Qing Liang "Tan Chuan"
  Ying Yang
  [Mexican silver dollars] in my old Mexican silver coins by the market flow positive with raised eagle
  yīng ㄧ ㄥ ˉ
  Birds of a subject, birds of prey, the mouth hook song toe with claw hooks, very sharp, small mammals and other predatory birds, hunters can help the hunt ~ domesticated dogs. ~ Falcon (Hawk and Falcon, Yu ferocious or violent person). ~, As wolves step (Figurative behavior vicious).
  Zheng code tgnr, u9e70, gbkd3a5
  Number of 18 strokes, radical birds, Stroke No. 413323241112135451
hài zhōng Hai focus  【 guǎng yùn】【 yùn】【 yùn huì】 ???? líng qiēyīn yīng。【 piānzhì niǎo shí zhēn yuēyīng yīng wèi zhī yīng diàn yún suì yuē huáng yīngèr suì yuē biǎn yīngbiǎn chì sān suì yuē cāng yīngjīn tōng wèi zhī jiǎo yīngdǐng yòu máo jiǎo wēi yuē jiān yuē zhēng niǎo yuē shuǎng jiū。【 zuǒ chuán · zhāo shí niánshuǎng jiū shì。【 zhùyīng zuò lái jiū。【 ěr · shì niǎoyīng lái jiūyòuběn cǎo yīng guǎng zhàng néng 。【 péi shì xīn shūyīng zài zhòng niǎo xiánruò shuì mèi rán 'ér hòu quán gāng shēng yānshī wéi shī shàng shí wéi yīng yángyán zhī fèn yáng 。【 zhèng tōngyīng xióng xíng xiǎo shēng zhě hǎo miáncháo zhě cháng shuāng qiāo cháng zhě chíliù duǎn zhě fēi yuè lìng xiàyīng nǎi xué zhùchú xué fēiyòu qiūyīng nǎi niǎozhù shí niǎoxiān shā niǎo shímáo shì yuēběn zuò yīnghòu rén jiā niǎo zhī yīng cóng zhuī kǎi yuēyīng suí rén zhǐ zòng cóng rén

  Guangyun 【】 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Ling will】 ???? in all, sound Ying. Jade articles】 【bird of prey. Li Shi Zhen said: Ying Ying to hit, so that the eagle. Dian Lu Yun: Yue Ying Huang-year-old, year-old said, Bian Ying, Bian second red also. Year-old said, 鶬 eagle, eagle today through that corner, from the top of a hair angle micro. First of shoulder problems, said, signs of a bird, a dove, saying cool. 】 【Zuo Zhao Shuang Dove's 17 years. NB the eagle, a dove for Lai. Bird】 【Ya Ying Lai dove release. Also Herbal】 【tiger eagle, wings wide Zhang Yu, to stroke the tiger. Pei's book】 【eagle birds busy in public, if the natural sleep soundly sleep, so angry and then the whole plot just grow wherever. Poetry Taiga: Victoria Division Shangfu, when Victoria Ying Yeung. Statement of its weapons of excite too. Eagle Pass】 【orthographic form of a small female male big, who was born in Cave good sleep, nest in the wood are often established, two joints for the elderly from the late sixth quill shorter flight emergency. Ceremony that month, on summer, eagles are learning. Note: chick learning to fly. Also JI Qiu, Eagle is offering a bird. Note: Yu Shi birds, killed the birds did not eat. Mao said: The making 䧹, birds descendants added the word, I do not know 䧹 carry on from the short-tailed bird. Xu Kai said: eagle with the alleged vertical, so from the people.

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