
jiǎnyìtǐ:  (duòruó)pīnyīn: suí, duò, tuǒ, tuōbùshǒu: 阝阜
zǒngbǐhuà: 11bùwàibǐhuà: 9UTF-8: E9 9A 8B
UTF-16: 968BUTF-32: 0000968BGB 2312: 4369
GB 12345: 4369Big 5: B6A6cāngjié: NLKMB
sìjiǎomǎ: 7422.7yīzìquánmǎ: sui2fusuiyīzìshuāngmǎ: sufusu
yīzìdānmǎ: sfshànzìjiégòu: zuǒ(zhōng)yòuhànzìcéngcì: 6
bǐhuà: ????丨一丿一丨一丨????一一bǐshùnbiānhào: 52131212511bǐshùndúxiě: zhé, shù, héng, piě, héng, shù, héng, shù, zhé, héng, héng
tārénbǐshùn: 52131212511
bùjiànzǔgòu: 阝(????丨)(左(????(一丿)工(丅(一丨)一))⺝(冂(丨????)二(一一)))
   zhōng guó cháo dài míng suí dài
   dài yòng de cán ròu cán shí cáng suí
   tóngduò”, chuí luò
   huà shù: 11;
   shùn biān hào: 52131212511

  Sui dynasty Chinese suí Name: Sui. Name. Sui duò residues of ancient sacrifice and meat and cannibalism: "both the festival, the possession of the Sui Dynasty." Old with the "fall", drawn to. Stroke: 11; radicals: Fu; stroke order number: 52131212511
  【 míng
  ( xíng shēngcóng ròu , huī shěng shēnghuī (huī), chéng qiáng dǎo ,“ suí cóng ròu , běn tóng ròu yòu guān。 (suī) běn : cán de pǐn ) tóng běn residualmeat
   suí , liè ròu héng héngshuō wén》。
   zàn suíhéng héngzhōu · xiǎo zhù》。 zhù :“ suí shī zhī 。”
   cáng suíhéng héngzhōu · shǒu tiāo》。 zhù :“ shī suǒ fèi shǔ zhī shǔ。”
   lìng jiàn suí
  【 míng
   zhōu dài zhū hóu guó míng〖 Suistate〗
   yòu : suí zhēn ( suí zhū ); suí zhū ( suí hóu zhī zhū ) suí zhū dàn què ( suí hóu de míng yuè zhū shì jià zhī bǎo , yòng dàn què , cháng shī )
   suí cháo〖 theSuiDynasty(581-618)〗。 zhōng guó shǐ shàng de fēng jiàn wáng cháo , cóng gōng yuán 581 nián zhì 618 nián : suí yuàn ( suí yáng shí jiàn zào de shàng lín yuàn , yòu míng yuàn zhǐ zài jīn jiāng yáng zhōu shì běi )
   lìng jiàn suī

  Sui Dynasty
  (Phonetic. From the meat, Hui Province sound. Hui (huī), the wall collapsed, "Sui" word from the meat, the meat on the same original meaning. (Suī) the original meaning: the remnants of sacrifice) with the original meaning〗 〖residualmeat
  Sui, split meat. - "Said Wen."
  Like Sui. - "Zhou small wish." Note: "The Rite of Sui body also."
  Both offering the possession of the Sui. - "Zhou Shou family line." Note: The "corpse of the festival is Shuji pulmonary ridge."
  See suí
  Sui Dynasty
  Zhou vassal state name〗 〖Suistate
  Another example: Sui Zhen (Sui Chu); Sui Chu (Chu Hou Sui) inert beads Sparrow missile (Sui Hou moon beads are priceless, with it playing mahjong, more harm than good)
  Sui 〖theSuiDynasty (581-618)〗. Chinese history, a feudal dynasty, from AD 581 to 618 years. Such as: Sui Court (built during Emperor Shanglin Parkland, also known as Xiyuan displace Yangzhou City in the Northwest today)
  See suī
  ( xíng shēngcóng ròu , qín shěng shēngqín , chéng qiáng dǎo , suí cóng ròu , běn tóng ròu yòu guānběn cán de pǐn ) tóng běn
   suí , liè ròu 。 --《 shuō wén》。
   zàn suí 。 --《 zhōu · xiǎo zhù》。 zhù suí shī zhī 。”
   cáng suí 。 --《 zhōu · shǒu tiāo》。 zhù shī suǒ fèi shǔ zhī shǔ。”
   zhōu dài zhū hóu guó míng
   yòu suí zhēn ( suí zhū ); suí zhū ( suí hóu zhī zhū ) suí zhū dàn què ( suí hóu de míng yuè zhū shì jià zhī bǎo , yòng dàn què , cháng shī )
   suí cháo
   suí suí cháo dài míng suí cháogōng yuán 581-618 nián dài jūn zhù shì yáng jiān
   suí duò1. tóng " duò "。 zhuì luò ; chuí xià。 2. tōng " duò "。 xiè dài。 3. tōng " huī "。 huǐ huài
   suí tuǒ1. tuǒ yuán xíng
   suí suī1. cán shèng de pǐn。 2. míng

  Sui (phonetic. From the meat, Qin province of sound. Qin, the walls collapsed, Sui "word from the meat, the meat on the same original meaning. The original meaning of the remnants of sacrifice) with the original meaning of the Sui and split meat. -," Said Wen. "Like Sui . - "Zhou small wish." Rite Note Sui dead also. "offering not only the possession of the Sui. - "Zhou Shou family line." Note morgue festival of the lung is a ridge Shuji. "Sui Sui Zhou vassal state name and if Jane (Sui Chu); Sui Chu (Chu Hou Sui) inert beads Sparrow missile (Sui Hou moon beads are priceless, with it playing mahjong, more losses than gains) suí Sui Sui dynasty name. Sui , 581-618. The first monarch was Yang Jian. Sui duò 1. with the "fall." fall; hanging. 2. pass "lazy." slack. 3. pass "destroy." destroyed. Sui tuǒ 1. oval-shaped . Sui suī 1. remains of the offerings. 2. ancient ritual name.
   suí sui
   shǒu shǒu huà 03 zǒng huà 11
   suí 1
  ( xíng shēngcóng ròu , qín shěng shēngqín (huī), chéng qiáng dǎo , suí cóng ròu , běn tóng ròu yòu guān。 (suī) běn cán de pǐn ) tóng běn [residualmeat]
   suí , liè ròu 。 --《 shuō wén》。
   zàn suí 。 --《 zhōu · xiǎo zhù》。 zhù suí shī zhī 。”
   cáng suí 。 --《 zhōu · shǒu tiāo》。 zhù shī suǒ fèi shǔ zhī shǔ。”
   lìng jiàn suí
   suí 2
   zhōu dài zhū hóu guó míng [suistate]
   yòu suí zhēn ( suí zhū ); suí zhū ( suí hóu zhī zhū ) suí zhū dàn què ( suí hóu de míng yuè zhū shì jià zhī bǎo , yòng dàn què , cháng shī )
   suí cháo [thesuidynasty(581-618)]。 zhōng guó shǐ shàng de fēng jiàn wáng cháo , cóng gōng yuán 581 nián zhì 618 nián suí yuàn ( suí yáng shí jiàn zào de shàng lín yuàn , yòu míng yuàn zhǐ zài jīn jiāng yáng zhōu shì běi )
   lìng jiàn suī
   suí 1
  suí  si wu ˊ
   zhōng guó cháo dài míng dài
   zhèng ygbq, u968b, gbkcbe5
   huà shù 11, shǒu shùn biān hào 52131212511
   suí 2
  duò  wu
   dài yòng de cán ròu cán shí cáng ~”。
   tóng duò”, chuí luò
   zhèng ygbq, u968b, gbkcbe5
   huà shù 11, shǒu shùn biān hào 52131212511

  Sui sui
  Radical Radical Fu 03 total strokes 11 strokes
  SUI 1
  (Phonetic. From the meat, Qin provincial sound. Qin (huī), the wall collapsed, Sui "word from the meat, the meat on the same original meaning. (Suī) the original meaning of the remnants of sacrifice) with the original meaning of [residual meat]
  Sui, split meat. - "Said Wen."
  Like Sui. - "Zhou small wish." Note also Sui Rite body. "
  Both offering the possession of the Sui. - "Zhou Shou family line." Note morgue festival of the lung is a ridge Shuji. "
  See suí
  SUI 2
  Zhou vassal state name [sui state]
  Another example is Jane Sui (Sui Chu); Sui Chu (Chu Hou Sui) inert beads Sparrow missile (Sui Hou moon beads are priceless, with it playing mahjong, more harm than good)
  Sui [the sui dynasty (581-618)]. Chinese history, a feudal dynasty, from AD 581 to 618 years. Such as the Sui Court (built during Emperor Shanglin Parkland, also known as Xiyuan displace Yangzhou City in the Northwest today)
  See suī
  SUI 1
  suí mi fa ㄨ ㄟ
  Chinese dynastic name ~ generation.
  Zheng code ygbq, u968b, gbkcbe5
  11 number of strokes, radical Fu, stroke number 52131212511
  SUI 2
  duò ㄉ ㄨ ㄛ ╝
  Remnant of ancient sacrifice and cannibalism both meat and festival, the possession of the ~. "
  With the fall of ancient, "drawn to.
  Zheng code ygbq, u968b, gbkcbe5
  11 number of strokes, radical Fu, stroke number 52131212511
zhōng Xu concentration  【 táng yùn guǒ qiē yùn guǒ qiē, ???? yīn duò。【 shuō wénliè ròu cóng ròu cóng huī shěng。  yòu piānluò 。【 shī · wèi fēng · huáng 'ér yǔn chuányǔn suí 。【 shì wén suíyòu zuò duòtáng guǒ fǎn。  yòu piānxiè yòuguǎng yùn guǒ qiē yùn】【 yùn huì】【 zhèng yùn huǒ qiē, ???? yīn tuǒ。【 guǎng yùnliè ròu 。【 yùnmái 。  yòuzhèng yùnhuán 'ér cháng。【 shī · bīn fēng · chuán suí qiōng yuē 。【 shì wén fǎnyòu tāng guǒ fǎnxíng xiá 'ér cháng 。【 · yuè lìng · chuān dòu jiào zhù suí yuē dòufāng yuē jiào。【 shū suí zhě fāng fēi fāng yuán fēi yuán。【 · shì ???? jìn zhù jīn fāng 'àn suí cháng 。  yòushǐ · tiān guān shūtíng fān yòu suí xīng 。【 zhùnán běi wéi suí suíchuí xià 。  yòuguǎng yùn】【 yùn】【 yùn huì】 ???? xún wéi qiēyīn suí。【 guǎng yùnguó míngběn zuò suí。【 zuǒ chuán · huán liù niánhàn dōng zhī guósuí wéi hàn chū wéi xiànhòu wèi wéi jùnyòu wéi zhōu。【 zhàn guó bǎo zhēn suí zhū。  yòu guó hàoyáng jiān shòu fēng suí yòu tiān xià suí cóng chuòzhōu bēn zǒu níng chuò zuò suí 。【 zhuǎn zhù yīn suí yīn tuǒyáng jiān suí wéi suíhòu rén suì suí wéi suí。  yòu xìng。【 zhèng tōnghàn yuán tài shǒu suí míng。  yòu yùnshùn liè ròu 。  yòu yùnxuān zhuī qiēyīn suí shí huò zuò ruó。  yòu yùn】【 yùn huì】 ???? xuān guī qiēyīn huī tónghuò zuò suí ruó。  yòu yuē xìn jiàn xuè。【 zhōu · chūn guān · zhù suí xìn。【 zhùwèi jiàn xuè yòuxiǎo zhùzàn suí 。【 zhùshī zhī 。【 shì wén suí guī fǎnyòu huì huì fǎn。  yòujìn suí qián yán。【 zhù suí guī fǎn。  yòu yùn qiēyīn tuózhōng gāo xià 。  yòu yùn huì qiēyīn xié。【 zhōu · chūn guān · shǒu tiāo cáng suí 。【 zhù suíwèi shén qián suǒ guàn míngkāng chéng yuēwèi shī suǒ fèi shǔ zhī shǔcáng zhī shén。【 shì wén suí huì fǎnyòu xiāng huì fǎn。【 yùnhuò zuò duò suí ruó。  yòu yùn lěi qiēyīn suǐ tóng

  Tang Yun】 【only fruit cut】 【Ji Yun Du fruit cutting, ???? sound lazy. Wen】 【said split meat. From the meat from the Hui province. And jade articles】 【down also. 【Poetry of Wei Chuan】 its yellow meteorite meteorite, Sui also. 【Explanation】 Sui, also for the fall, Tang fruit counter. 】 【Jade articles and relentless too. If they cut him 【】 【Guang Yun Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 rhyme spit fire is cut, ???? sound properly. Guangyun】 【crack meat. Yun】 【_set_ also buried more than sacrifice. Rhymes】 【they won and long. 【Poetry Biography】 Bin Feng Sui eye of an ax breaking ax ax said. 【Explanation】 Wo anti-Christians, but also anti-fruit soup. Too narrow and long shape. 【Ceremony wore on that pit NB Sui said Dou Dou, Fang said cellar. Sui Shu】 【who, like non-party party, like a round non-circular. 【Big Fushi ???? ritual is now banned NB long program Sui Bureau. Historical Records and the official book】 【Ting-fan, five stars Sui west. 【Note】 Sui north and the south. Sui, hanging also. Also Guangyun】 【【】 【Ji Yun Yun will】 ???? ten days for the cut, along with sound. Guangyun】 【country name. With this for. 【】 Han Dong Zuo Huan country of six years, with the large, early Han Dynasty to the county, Hou Wei for the county, and Yi for the state. Warring】 【Sui Chu Po-chun. And the country. Yang Jian with closure in and of the world, the followers Chuo, Zhou Qi running restless, departed for Sui Chuo. 【Music】 Sui Explanatory ancient, ancient sound properly. Yang Jian Yi with the Sui, Sui is then submitted along with future generations. Another name. Han Tong】 【CNS Sui Yu-Ming Wu Yuan Prefecture. Also】 【Ji Yun Shun meat crack. 】 【Ji Yun Xuan and cut short-tailed bird, sound sui. Festival food also. Or for Norway. Also 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Xuan regulations will】 ???? cut, audio Duo. Meaning the same. Or for Sui Norway. Another said, recommended blood blood in sacrifice. 【】 Zhu Zhou Chun Tai Sui blood in sacrifice officials. 【Note】 recommended that blood. Also I wish】 【small like Sui. 【Note】 The festival is also dead. 【Explanation】 Sui, Xu rules against, but also benefits rage against. Also】 【Jin Sui its preamble. 【Note】 Sui, Xu rules against. Also】 【Ji Yun Wo soil cutting, sound Surprised. Looked too high. 】 【Ji Yun and call rage cut, sound Hui. 【】 Zhou Ji Chun official family line offering, the possession of the Sui Dynasty and its services. 【Note】 Sui Wo irrigation device that name before God. Kang said: that the body of the sacrifice of the lung is a ridge of Shuji, to possession of by God. 【Explanation】 Sui, Xu rage against, but also relative to rage against. 【_Set_】 or for falling into the Sui Yun Norway. 】 【Ji Yun and tired thinking cut, audio marrow. Meaning the same.
biān hào :2658 ID: 2658  liè ròu cóng ròucóng huī shěng guǒ qiē

  Crack meat. From meat, from the Hui province. Act cut fruit

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