Was zāo meet, encounter (especially something unfortunate or unfavorable). Experience. Distress (n Er). Suffered. Suffer. Yea. By interference (euphemism, which is subject to entertain.) Zhou, circle: around. One was transferred. Times: one was born two were cooked. Every case of stroke: 14; radicals: Chuo; Stroke Number: 12512212511454
Was zāo 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From Chuo (chuò), Cao sound. Original meaning: to meet, encounter) With the original meaning (especially encounter misfortune)〗 〖meetwith Was, the event also. - "Said the text" By Mr Road. - "Book of Rites song ceremony." Shu: "every people." Who were not the only milk teeth. - "Zheng Mandarin language." Note: The "case also." Prosperity by St. - "Historical Records Takatake Discipline" Therefore, while the win was reduced suffering. - Ban "quiet Tong Fu" Yan Zi out of the way by. - "Records management Yan Biography" To be in trouble, remember the poem among the worse. - Song Wen Tianxiang "guide recorded after the sequence" Another example: being injured (case of death; murder); were variable (encountered misfortune); were bad (experience the collapse of the cliff or wall, etc.); by risk (danger) By; suffered 〖meetwith; suffer〗 Xuan forty were fire. - Ming and bright "item ridge Xuan Chi" By wind and rain frost and dew. - Qing Hong Liangji "Zhiping articles" By floods, droughts and epidemics. Tigers by virtue of their prestige, often tied by emergency. - Du Fu's "Qianxing" Another example: being both places (subject to public censure); by guilt (suffer; bad luck); by the hostility of; been implicated (killed); by slander (by slander); by slander (defamation by) Was zāo 【Name】 What happens in life good luck or bad luck〗 〖favorableorunfavorableturnsinlife Book in stone, so He Ziqiu of being also. - Tangliu Zong Yuan Wen Was lodged; was with (was life and life-together with) Was zāo 【Content】 Times, back to the time〗 〖 Been around millions of virtual. - Meng Jiao, "Yin people in cold" Another example: by the (one or two; months the time); speech in front of so many people, I first time Lap, a round〗 〖 Why do not like his collar sent paper commissioned born, not mistakes! - "Water Margin" Another example: more than a few have been around Aftermath zāoféng 〗 〖Meetwith: met; encountered The aftermath of Prime Once hard hit by play. - Song Wen Tianxiang "over Lingding foreign" 〗 〖Lot: refers to the experience of life course Half of the aftermath of his very tortuous Misfortune zāojì 〖Circumstances; vicissitudesinone'slife〗: Situation; experience Misfortune sadly his life 〗 〖Encounter: face time, that by the dignitaries of the promotion, appreciation Misfortune Imperial Robbed zāojié 〗 〖Meetwithcatastrophe face catastrophe Distress zāonàn 〗 〖Meetwithmisfortune [dialect]: was unfortunate and disaster; trouble His whole life may be no less distress 〗 〖Bekilledinanaccident: killed in accident Death distress By sin zāoniè 〗 〖Endurehardships suffering, sin Suffered zāoshòu 〗 〖Suffer under; was Loss By blast zāowēn [Dialect] 〗 〖Sufferaplague: sick By blast disease 〗 〖Plague: being evil; to get into trouble; annoying Goon by blast Suffer zāoyāng 〖Smite; disaster; suffer curse hit〗 Encounter zāoyù 〖Encounter (meet) with〗: run into, encounter Experience masterful. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book" 〗 〖Lot: experience things; life experiences Personal experience Yea zāozāi Event of a disaster〗 〖suffercalamity By value zāozhí 〖Encounter (meet) with〗 encounter, encounter When the value was. - 〖English〗 Huxley a, Yan Fu translated "Evolution and Ethics" Suffering zāozuì 〗 〖Endurehardships suffer
By (phonetic. From Chuo, Cao sound. The original meaning to meet, encounter) with the original meaning (especially encounter misfortune) was, the event also. - "Said Man," was Mr. Road. - "Book of Rites song ceremony." Sun is also sparse. "Who were not the only milk teeth. -" Zheng Mandarin language. "Note the event also." Prosperity by St. - "Historical Records Takatake century," it was suffering and win shrinkage. - Ban "You-Pass Fu" Yan out of the way by. - "Records management Yan Biography" to in trouble, remember the poem among the worse. - Song Wen Tianxiang "guide recorded after the sequence," and if by accident (case of death; murder); were variable (encountered misfortune); were bad (experience the collapse of the cliff or wall, etc.); by insurance (face risk) by; suffered forty Xuan was fire. - Ming and light "entry was zāo ⒈ Hin every ridge, the opportunity, meet ~ met. ~ Wind. ~ Calamity. ⒉ quantifier. Times a week this is the first one ~. The rope around the three ~.
By zao Radical Radical Chuo total strokes 14 strokes 03 Was meet with; suffer; Was zāo (1) (Phonetic. From Chuo (chuò), Cao sound. The original meaning to meet, encounter) (2) With the original meaning (especially encounter misfortune) [meet with] Was, the event also. - "Said the text" By Mr Road. - "Book of Rites song ceremony." Sun is also sparse. " Who were not the only milk teeth. - "Zheng Mandarin language." Note the event also. " Prosperity by St. - "Historical Records Takatake Discipline" Therefore, while the win was reduced suffering. - Ban "quiet Tong Fu" Yan Zi out of the way by. - "Records management Yan Biography" To be in trouble, remember the poem among the worse. - Song Wen Tianxiang "guide recorded after the sequence" (3) Another example was injured (case of death; murder); were variable (encountered misfortune); were bad (experience the collapse of the cliff or wall, etc.); by risk (danger) (4) By; suffered [meet with; suffer] Xuan forty were fire. - Ming and bright "item ridge Xuan Chi" By wind and rain frost and dew. - Qing Hong Liangji "Zhiping articles" By floods, droughts and epidemics. Tigers by virtue of their prestige, often tied by emergency. - Du Fu's "Qianxing" (5) Another example was both places (subject to public censure); by guilt (suffer; bad luck); by the hostility of; been implicated (killed); by slander (by slander); by slander (defamation by) Was zāo What happens in life good luck or bad luck [favorable or unfavorable turns in life] Book in stone, so He Ziqiu of being also. - Tangliu Zong Yuan Wen Was lodged; was with (was life and life-together with) Was zāo (1) Times, back to the [time] Been around millions of virtual. - Meng Jiao, "Yin people in cold" (2) Another example was the (one or two; months the time); speech in front of so many people, I first time (3) Circle, a [round] Why do not like his collar sent paper commissioned born, not mistakes! - "Water Margin" (4) Another example Duoraojizao Aftermath zāoféng (1) [Meet with]: meet; encountered The aftermath of Prime Once hard hit by play. - Song Wen Tianxiang "over Lingding foreign" (2) [Lot]: refers to the experience of life course Half of the aftermath of his very tortuous Misfortune zāojì (1) [Circumstances; vicissitudes in one's life]: situation; experience Misfortune sadly his life (2) [Encounter]: face time, that by the dignitaries of the promotion, appreciation Misfortune Imperial Robbed zāojié [Meet with catastrophe] face catastrophe Distress zāonàn (1) [Meet with misfortune] [side]: was unfortunate and disaster; trouble His whole life may be no less distress (2) [Be killed in an accident]: killed in accident Death distress By sin zāoniè [Endure hardships] suffering, sin Suffered zāoshòu [Suffer] by; was Loss By blast zāowēn (1) [Side] (2) [Suffer a plague]: sick By blast disease (3) [Plague]: being evil; to get into trouble; annoying Goon by blast Suffer zāoyāng [Smite; disaster; suffer] face curse Encounter zāoyù (1) [Encounter (meet) with]: run into, encounter Experience masterful. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book" (2) [Lot]: experience things; life experiences Personal experience Yea zāozāi [Suffer calamity] caught in a disaster By value zāozhí [Encounter (meet) with] experience, encounter When the value was. - [English] Huxley a, Yan Fu translated "Evolution and Ethics" Suffering zāozuì [Endure hardships] suffer Was zāo ㄗ ㄠ ˉ (1) Meet, encounter (mostly in an unfortunate or bad thing.) ~ Case. ~ Hard (nàn). ~ By. ~ Calamity. ~ Disaster. ~ Interference (euphemism, which is subject to entertain.) (2) Zhou, circumferential ~. Switch to a ~. (3) I. ~ students, two ~ cooked. Zheng code wekk, u906d, gbkd4e2 Number of strokes 14, Chuo radicals, stroke order number 12512212511454
For CAO Tang Yun】 【cut 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Cao Zang cut will】】 【Rhymes is cut, ???? sound bad. Wen】 【that case also. 】 【Ceremony by Mr. Qu Lai Road. 【Notes】 Fortunately, before the face of Chinese ritual music of its time. Also 【】 winding line that the text also. 【】 By Xu said, still turns well. Line composite value also. 】 【Songs of Qi was the busy I almost Nao Xi. Also Rhymes】 【patrol also. Poem of Liu Yuxi】 【around in the mountains around homeland. And leaves will be cut Hou, audio and Suwa. By Xiao-Yi Lin】 【night, and the king of the phase was. In addition to solution Fanhuo to heart do not worry. 】 【Say this for ???? text. Was this common.