Tour (tour) shǎng that people of high status or low status of elders to the younger person or property: Bounty. Reward. Reward. Reward and punishment. Watch something while because of love: reading tours. Appreciation. Flowers. Moon. Enjoy. Appreciation. Pleasing. Recognizing people's abilities or the value of work given attention: recognition. Appreciated. King speech: compliment to the place. Show up. Name. Old with the "still" respect. Penalty stroke: 12; radicals: Tony; stroke number: 243452512534
Rewards Rewards shǎng 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the shell, is still sound. Original meaning: reward; awarded) With the original meaning 〖grantareward; award〗 Tours, thanks to active also. - "Said the text" Tours, is also reported to work under. - "Mo Jing" Tour three years in the big bang. - "Easy is not economic" Yao will reward both criminal law. - "Book of Rites Festival Law" Fu said that the reward good man. - "Zuo Xianggong twenty-eight" Rewards fields. - "Zhou contained teacher" On the punishment should pay Yousi reward. - Another "Inst" Monkey on the tour did not. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" Another example: fishing tours (reward fishing workers); reward port (for the reward for the slaves of the population); Tour Tin (reward of the field); tour first (the first person to be rewarded); reward Let (reward); Tour Gan (reward) ; appreciation to (reward field) Enjoying; appreciate 〖enjoy; appreciate〗 Appreciation of queer, questions, analysis phase. - Tao "moved" Du Lang Jun tour, now re-calculated to be scared. - Song Jiang Kui "Yangzhou slow" Another example: Tour event (be appreciated courtesy); full moon (Mid-Autumn on King); Shangjian (enjoy; appreciation); Awards Council (enjoying the party); tours have (enjoy catered); Tour International (appreciation of like-minded co) Praise, praise praised〗 〖 The reward of goodness. - "Zuo Xianggong fourteen years" Another example: appreciation (appreciation of praise); tours shock (appreciation encouraged); reward is satisfied that (praise Results sodium); Appreciation of (extol joy); reward weight (appreciation of respect) Pass "yet." 〗 〖Respect respect It rewards those who, out of St also. - "Ba Guan Yan" Tour Yin enabled to second. - "Xunzi and hegemony" Another example: Tour Yin (respect for Sage) Rewards Rewards shǎng 【Name】 Something given or awarded to award〗 〖 Limin ministers had to face the sting Guaren who, by the reward. - "Let the Warring States policy" Another example: reward rate (reward criteria); tours Private (gift); to be rewarded; rewards and punishments; reward Quantifier. Unit of measurement of land area. Also as "noon." Made after "Shang" Reward shǎngcì Award〗 〖: Shanggei; given Xun-second policy paper, reward Baiqian strong. - "Folk Song and Ballad Mulan" 〗 〖Reward: reward and the money and goods Just Chuxiu Gong, Yi Kun Gong decoration and two servants of the reward, spent more than a million ounces of silver. - "Palace Museum" Reward and punishment shǎngfá Reward and punishment〗 〖rewardsandpunishments Reward and punishment Reward and punishment shǎngfá-fēnmíng 〖Dispenserewardandpunishmentimpartially; rewardandpunishonlythosewhoreallydeserve〗 appreciation of the rewards, punishable punishment to deal with clear Award letters shǎngfēng 〖Lagressinredenvelope; redenvelopcontainingmoneyaward〗 old refers to the red envelope with gratuities Show up shǎngguāng 〖Requestthepleasureofone'scompany; doonethehonourofattending〗 used to invite others to the _set_s of words, ask them to accept your invitation Please Drink it, show up to welcome the Council seat. - "Red Rock" Tour No. shǎnghào 〖Award; awardintheformofmoneyorgift〗 [dialect]: bounty. Shanggei means a person's money or property Shangjian shǎngjiàn 〖Appriciate; honouronebyreadingorcriticalapproval〗 appreciation; appreciate the identification of (especially art) Shangjian Painting and Calligraphy Bounty shǎngjīn 〖Largess; moneyreward〗 gratuities Dalai Tour shǎnglài 〗 〖Bestowbysuperior reward Although it is a little music Leihai Qing government, under the Ming emperor rewards Dalai very much, so do whatever very extravagant rich. - "If fiction, the Ming and Qing Ping" Compliment to shǎngliǎn 〖Kindlyaccept; showappreciation〗 formula. To face. - Accept the request or for other gifts, please Not to pick him old, but added compliment to inquire about discount grandmother does not compliment to the girls? - "Dream of Red Mansions" Tips shǎngqián 〖Lagress; givetips; tips〗 services in return for giving other people's money; tip At every stop the dissemination of a large number of tips to stay Shangshanfae shǎngshàn-fá'è 〗 〖Rewardthegoodandpunishthewicked reward good and punish bad Appreciation shǎngshí 〖Esteem; thinkhighlyof; appreciatetheworthof〗 abilities or understanding of Chinese and people value the work to be appreciated This is the late Venerable Master Kao Tu Weiyue appreciated talent. - Mao Dun's "Midnight" Mid-Autumn shǎngwán 〗 〖Enjoy: watching play There Nenyang well spent, and how empty too? Be wine to crumble. - Ming Feng Meng, "Awaken the common saying" 〗 〖Delightin: taste evaluation Mid-Autumn Antiques Appreciation shǎngxī 〗 〖Appreciation of admire and comment (more for the title) "Poetry Appreciation" Feast for the Eyes shǎngxīn-yuèmù 〖Pleasing; feastone'seyeson〗 scenes that make you feel better joyous Child in rural areas, the second in August to see Qiao Yun, is a feast for the eyes of joy. - "Yun Fu"
Awards (phonetic. From shellfish, is still sound. The original meaning of reward; awarded) with the original meaning of tours, thanks to active also. - "Said the text" reward, is also reported to work under. - "Mozi by" three years in the big bang tour. - "Easy is not economic," Yao can reward both criminal law. - "Book of Rites Festival Law" that the rich reward good man. - "Zuo Xianggong twenty-eight" reward field. - "Zhou contained division," the punishment should pay the reward on Yousi. - Another "Inst" Monkey on the tour no. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" Another example is the reward fishing (fishing reward workers); reward port (for the reward for the slaves of the population); Tour Tin (reward of the field); tour first (the first person to be rewarded); reward Let (reward ); Tour Gan (reward); tours to (reward field) or treated; Appreciation shǎng ⒈ appreciate the remarkable work, thanks Award, given ~ thanks. Award ~. ~ To. ⒉ Award ~ gift articles. By ~. Link ~. ⒊ praised like ~. ⒋ love, love, enjoy the fun ~ flowers. ~ Months. Yan ~. Play ~. Kam ~. View ~. King ⒌ word ~ light. ⒍
Tour shang Radical Radical Bay 04 total strokes 12 strokes Rewards admire; award; enjoy; reward; Rewards (1) Rewards shǎng (2) (Phonetic. From the shell, is still sound. The original meaning of reward; awarded) (3) With the original meaning of [grant a reward; award] Tours, thanks to active also. - "Said the text" Tours, is also reported to work under. - "Mo Jing" Tour three years in the big bang. - "Easy is not economic" Yao will reward both criminal law. - "Book of Rites Festival Law" Fu said that the reward good man. - "Zuo Xianggong twenty-eight" Rewards fields. - "Zhou contained teacher" On the punishment should pay Yousi reward. - Another "Inst" Monkey on the tour did not. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" (4) Another example is the reward fishing (fishing reward workers); reward port (for the reward for the slaves of the population); Tour Tin (reward of the field); tour first (the first person to be rewarded); reward Let (reward); Tour Gan (reward); Tour to (reward field) (5) Enjoying; appreciate [enjoy; appreciate] Appreciation of queer, questions, analysis phase. - Tao "moved" Du Lang Jun tour, now re-calculated to be scared. - Song Jiang Kui "Yangzhou slow" (6) (7) Blessed, praised [praise] The reward of goodness. - "Zuo Xianggong fourteen years" (8) Another example is the appreciation (appreciation of praise); tours shock (appreciation encouraged); reward is satisfied that (praise Results sodium); Appreciation of (extol joy); reward weight (appreciation of respect) (9) Through yet. "Respect [respect] It rewards those who, out of St also. - "Ba Guan Yan" Tour Yin enabled to second. - "Xunzi and hegemony" (10) Another example is the reward Yin (respect for Sage) Rewards (1) Rewards shǎng (2) Something given or awarded to [award] Limin ministers had to face the sting Guaren who, by the reward. - "Let the Warring States policy" (3) Another example is the reward rate (reward criteria); tours Private (gift); to be rewarded; rewards and punishments; reward (4) Quantifier. Unit of measurement of land area. Also seems that a "◇ as Shang" Reward shǎngcì (1) [Award]: Shanggei; given Xun-second policy paper, reward Baiqian strong. - "Folk Song and Ballad Mulan" (2) [Reward]: Tour and the money and goods Just Chuxiu Gong, Yi Kun Gong decoration and two servants of the reward, spent more than a million ounces of silver. - "Palace Museum" Reward and punishment shǎngfá [Rewards and punishments] reward and punishment Reward and punishment Reward and punishment shǎngfá-fēnmíng [Dispense reward and punishment impartially; reward and punish only those who really deserve] the appreciation of the tours, punishable punishment to deal with clear Award letters shǎngfēng [Lagress in red envelope; red envelop containing money award] with the donations of old that the red envelope Show up shǎngguāng [Request the pleasure of one's company; do one the honour of attending] used to invite others to the _set_s of words, ask them to accept your invitation Please Drink it, show up to welcome the Council seat. - "Red Rock" Tour No. shǎnghào [Award; award in the form of money or gift] [side]: bounty. Shanggei means a person's money or property Shangjian shǎngjiàn [Appriciate; honour one by reading or critical approval] enjoy; appreciate the identification of (especially art) Shangjian Painting and Calligraphy Bounty shǎngjīn [Largess; money reward] gratuities Dalai Tour shǎnglài [Bestow by superior] reward Although it is a little music Leihai Qing government, under the Ming emperor rewards Dalai very much, so do whatever very extravagant rich. - "If fiction, the Ming and Qing Ping" Compliment to shǎngliǎn [Kindly accept; show appreciation] formula. To face. - Accept the request or for other gifts, please Not to pick him old, but added compliment to inquire about discount does not compliment to the girls grandmother? - "Dream of Red Mansions" Tips shǎngqián [Lagress; give tips; tips] services of others to repay the money to give; tip At every stop the dissemination of a large number of tips to stay Shangshanfae shǎngshàn-fá è [Reward the good and punish the wicked] reward good and punish bad Appreciation shǎngshí [Esteem; think highly of; appreciate the worth of] people's abilities or understanding of Chinese and the value of works to be appreciated This is the late Venerable Master Kao Tu Weiyue appreciated talent. - Mao Dun's "Midnight" Mid-Autumn shǎngwán (1) [Enjoy]: watch play There Nenyang well spent, and how empty too? Be wine to crumble. - Ming Feng Meng, "Awaken the common saying" (2) [Delight in]: taste evaluation Mid-Autumn Antiques Appreciation shǎngxī [Appreciation] enjoy and comment analysis (more for the title) "Poetry Appreciation" Feast for the Eyes shǎngxīn-yuèmù [Pleasing; feast one's eyes on] that make you feel better joyous scene Child in rural areas, the second in August to see Qiao Yun, is a feast for the eyes of joy. - "Yun Fu" Rewards (Reward) shǎng ㄕ ㄤ (1) Refers to people of high status or low status of elders to the younger person or property ~ gold. ~ Thanks. Award ~. ~ Fine clear. (2) Because of something while watching ~ love reading. ~ Analysis. ~ Flower. ~ Months. Yan ~. Kam ~. ~ Heart pleasing to the eye. (3) People can recognize or give attention to the value of works ~ awareness. Like ~. (4) King speech ~ face. ~ Light. (5) Name. (6) Still the same old "respect. Zheng code kojl, u8d4f, gbkc9cd 12 number of strokes, radical Pui, stroke order number 243 452 512 534
】 【Rhyme Rhyme Book _set_ of both cut 【】 【】 【Rhyme Rhymes】 will begin two-cut, ???? sound 曏. Wen】 【that give active also. Yu Mo】 【book tour extension to the world. Also poisonous snake of the Patent】 【Zhong Gong Mao-Mao reward. 【】 Zhou killed three days of official big load, the total Qunli tour of the rule without prior warning. And it rewards】 【Warring Han Wang, nearly extragalactic. 【Note】 tours, still advised also. 【Class】 articles and a play is also said, Kerry also. 【】 A remarkable total of Tao Qian moved to appreciate poetry. Yi-Yi Yue and who and where the reward. Liu Xue Cun-yi 【Order】 send its to have and enjoy the wine and meat, weight of the speech. Another name. Compilation】 【surname tours Jin Qing, Note "Book of Changes."