fányìtǐ:  (fān fān fān fān pàn)pīnyīn: fānbùshǒu: 
zǒngbǐhuà: 18bùwàibǐhuà: 12UTF-8: E7 BF BB
UTF-16: 7FFBUTF-32: 00007FFBGB 2312: 2313
GB 12345: 2313Big 5: C2BDcāngjié: HWSMM
sìjiǎomǎ: 2762.0yīzìquánmǎ: fan1fanyuyīzìshuāngmǎ: fafayu
yīzìdānmǎ: ffyhànzìjiégòu: zuǒ(zhōng)yòuhànzìcéngcì: 7
bǐhuà: 丿丶丿一丨丿㇏丨????一丨一????丶一????丶一bǐshùnbiānhào: 343123425121541541bǐshùndúxiě: piě, nà, piě, héng, shù, piě, nà, shù, zhé, héng, shù, héng, zhé, nà, héng, zhé, nà, héng
tārénbǐshùn: 343123425121541541
bùjiànzǔgòu: 番(釆(丿米(丷(丶丿)木(十(一丨)八(丿㇏))))田(冂(丨????)土(十(一丨)一)))羽(习(????冫(丶一))习(????冫(丶一)))
   wāi dǎo( d mǐn), fǎn zhuǎnbiàn dòng wèi zhìgǎi biàntuī fān fān chē fān juàn fān gǔn fān téng fān gōng fān yuè fān shēn fān fān xiū fān jiàn fān gǎi fān liǎnrén yǎng fān fān jiāng dǎo hǎixíng róng shuǐ shì hào duō liàng huò shì fēi cháng zhuàng )。 fān yún fǎn cháng huò wán nòng shǒu duàn)。
   shù liàng chéng bèi de zēng jiā fān fān
   yuè guò fān yuè
   huà shù: 18;
   shùn biān hào: 343123425121541541

  Turn fān skew (d Min), reverse, change location, change: the overthrow. Overturned. Rolled. Roll. Churn. Rework. Read. Turn over. Plowing. Renovated. Renovation. Turn change. Turn. Feet. Badly (described as waters rose more than force or momentum is growing metaphor). Blowing hot and cold (Yu capricious or playing a game.) Increase in the number of double: double. Over: crossing. Fly. Stroke: 18; radicals: Yu; stroke order number: 343123425121541541
  【 dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng , fān shēngběn : niǎo fēi )
   tóng běn fly
   qīng lín shuǐ yìng , bái niǎo xiàng shān fānhéng héng wáng wéiwǎng chuān xián
   yòu : fān ( huò fēi huò zhǐ ); fān xiáng ( fān fēi , fēi xiáng ); fān ( fēi chí )
   fān zhuǎn ; fān téng〖 turnover;toss〗
   fān xiǎo xiá yǐnghéng héng bái shú shí yǒng
   yòu : fān gǔn gǔn ( shàng xià gǔn dòng de yàng ); fān hǎi ( xíng róng shēng xiǎng hǎi làng fān téng ); fān xuě ( xíng róng bái làng fān gǔn ); fān ( fān téng )
   fǎn zhuǎn , qīng dǎo , biàn dòng wèi zhì〖 change〗
   diàn tóu yín jié suì , bái luó qún fān jiǔ héng héng táng · bái xíng ( bìng )》
   duō shǎo hǎo hàn bèi méng hàn jiǔ fān liǎohéng héngshuǐhǔzhuàn
   yòu : fān ( chī wán , zài dào chù chī lìng ); fān tái ( piáo zài yuàn yàn , zài dào lìng yuàn yǐn yàn ); fān shǒu ( fān zhuǎn shǒu zhǎngxíng róng shí guāng xùn huò chù shì qīng biàn )
   tuī fān ; gǎi biàn〖 reverse〗。 : fān biàn ( fān huǐ , biàn guà ); fān ( shì hòu gǎi biàn zhù ); fān yàng ( biàn huàn huā yàng ); fān pán ( tuī fān chéng nuò )
   fān guò ; yuè guò〖 crossover〗。 : fān qiáng ( fān guò qiáng )
   huí fǎn〖 return〗。 : fān huí ( huí fǎn )
   fān yuè , lǎn〖 browse;lookover〗。 : fān ( fān yuè , lǎn ); fān xié ( fān jiǎn )
   fān 〖 translate〗。 : fān jīng ( fān jīng ); fān ( yóu tuī yǎn )
   fǎn yán tǎo〖 study〗。 : fān kōng ( xíng róng zuò wén gòu shí xiǎng lián piān ); fān ( fǎn kǎo )
   xiě ; gǎi biān ; zhí〖 write;adapt;rearrange〗。 : fān ( fān ; fān yìn ); fān téng ( gǎi zuò ; chāo xiě téng ); fān ( biàn huàn wén )
   yǎn chàng ; yǎn zòu〖 play〗
   bǎi fēn huī xià zhì , shí xián fān sài wài shēnghéng héng sòng · xīn zhèn
   yòu : fān chū ( yǎn zòu )
   shù liàng chéng bèi zēng jiā〖 multiply〗。 : fān fān ( zēng jiā bèi )
   fān liǎn〖 fallout;suddenlyturnhostile〗。 : fān miàn ( fān liǎn ); fān qiāng ( rán gǎi biàn shuō huà de tài ); fān kǒu ( gǎi kǒu , biàn guà )
   biǎo shì zhuǎn zhé , xiāng dāng fǎn 'ér 、“ què”〖 onthecontrary〗
   qín rén bàn zuò yàn qiú , fān xián luò yáng cǎohéng héng táng · báiměng xíng
   yòu : fān diào ( fǎn zhèng )
   fān àn
  fān àn
  〖 reverseaverdict;reverseasentence〗 tuī fān yuán lái de pàn juégòngcí , fàn zhǐ tuī fān yuán lái de chǔfènpíng jià děng
  〖 reverseearlierdecision;revokeadecision〗∶ tuī fān qián rén de lùn duàn , lìng xīn shuō
  [ fāng yán ]
  〖 taketheupperhandagain;thedefeatedgainsagaintheupperhand〗∶ bèi bài de duì fāng , zhòng zhàn shàng fēng
   ràng zhù fān
  〖 denywhatonehassaid〗∶ chéng rèn shuō guò de huà ; rèn zhàng
   fān bǎn
  〖 reprint;copy〗∶ fān yìn de bǎn běn
  〖 refurbishedversion〗∶ zhào bānzhào chāo huò shēng yìng fǎng de xíng wéi
   jiù shí yào zhǎn lǎn de xīn fān bǎn
   fān běn fān běn 'ér
  〖 moneytogamblewith;recouplosses〗 gòu běn 'ér ; shū qián zhī hòu yòu yíng gòu liǎo běn qián ; jīng shāng zhōng lāo huí liǎo běn qián
   fān chá
  〖 thumb〗 jiē kàn shū huò zhì de piān
   fān chá de piào jiā
   fān cháng dǎo
  〖 rackone’ sbrains〗 [ fāng yán ]∶ xiǎng , sōu suǒ cháng
   fān chē
  〖 upset;cartturnsover〗∶ chē liàng fān
   zhè fān chē shì shì yóu jiǔ hòu kāi chē zào chéng de
  〖 frustrate〗∶ shì qíng zhōng shòu cuò huò shī bài
  〖 changeone’ sdecision〗 [ fāng yán ]∶ zhǐ gǎi biàn yuán lái de jué dìng nuò děng
   dāyìng bié rén yòu fān chē , shuí hái xiāng xìn
  〖 quarrel〗 [ fāng yán ]∶ zhēng chǎo
   jīn tiān gēn fān chē liǎo
   fān chuán
  〖 boatwascapsized〗 chuán fān shēn 'ér chuán zhāoshàng , shì qíng zhōng zāo dào wài de cuò zhéshī bài
   fān chún nòng shé
  〖 sowdiscord〗 chuán xián huà , nòng shì fēi
   zhè shì fān chún nòng shé de xiǎo rén
  〖 turnupthesoil〗 yòng xiān děng fān sōng tián
   fān dòng
  〖 stir〗∶ dòng mǒu wēi huò fēn de xiāng duì wèi zhì
   fān dòng biǎo céng
  〖 ruffle〗∶ biàn dòng yuán lái de wèi zhì
   dài zhe dào gāng qín , fān dòng zhe shū zhǎo fāng
   fān dǒu
  〖 skipbucket〗 zhǐ fān zhuǎn guò lái de chē dǒu
   fān fān
  〖 doubletheoriginalcapacity;maketwiceasmuch〗 shù liàng chéng bèi zēngzhǎng
   chǎn liàng fān fān
   fān fēi
  〖 flyupanddown〗∶〖 niǎo dié děngshàng xià fēi xiáng
   zhǐ qīng tíng zài fáng dǐng shàng fān fēi
  〖 flutter〗∶ shàng xià lái huí piāo dòng
   fān fēi de cǎi dài zēng qiáng liǎo shù cāo de měi gǎn
   fān fēng gǔn
  〖 fantheflamesofdisorder〗 xīng fēng zuò làng
   zhè yàng fān fēng gǔn , yòu shì wàn běn zài zuò tóu liǎo
  〖 overturn;turnupsidedown〗∶ shǐ cóng zhí deshuǐ píng de huò zhèng cháng de wèi zhì shàng qīng
   chē liàng fān
  〖 changecompletely〗∶ 'ér chè de biàn huà
   tiān fān
  〖 tossinbed〗∶ lái huí fān dòng shēn
   jiān fān néng mián
   fān cháng
  〖 chopandchange〗 lái huí gǎi biàn , méi yòu dìng zhǔn
   zhè rén shuō huà fān cháng , shuí nòng qīng de shénme suàn pán
   fān gǎi
  〖 alter〗 fān chāi gǎi zuò
   fān gǎi shā
   fān 'ér
  〖 looptheloop〗〖 kǒu〗∶ fān guò lái ; diān dǎo guò lái
   fān 'ér lái huí zhǎo
   lào xiàn 'ér bǐng yào qín fān 'ér
   fān gēn dǒu
  〖 turnasomersault〗
   shēn xiàng xià fān zhuǎn 'ér hòu huī yuán zhuàng
   zhǐ xiǎo de běn qián chéng bèi zuàn fēi rùn
   fān gēng
  〖 turn〗∶ shǐ cǎo fān huò fān shàng lái
   shōu huò hòu yìng gāi fān gēng rǎng
   huí jiā , fān gēng de tián
  〖 fit〗∶ gēng bèi zhòngzhí
   dài zhe gēng chù , cóng tián zǒu chū lái , gāng cái zhèng zài fān gēng dòu
   fān gōng
  〖 withdrawaconfession;retractone'stestimony〗 tuī fān suǒ gòngrèn de huà
   fān gǔn
  〖 boil〗∶〖 shuǐshàng xià gǔn dòng
   làng fān gǔn
  〖 roll〗∶ gǔn
   hái men shì zài cǎo fān gǔn , jiù shì zài xiǎo wán shuǐ
  〖 tumble〗∶ zuò gǔn fānzhuǎn dòng zuò
   wéi bǎo chí shēn jiàn kāng , jiāng jūn měi tiān fān gǔn ruò gān
   fān guò 'ér
  〖 change〗∶ zhǐ biàn dòngshàng xià fān dòng ( jiù biànshǔ shuō )
   cóng dào jīn , shǐ fān guò 'ér
  〖 inanotherway〗∶ fān lái
   fān guò 'ér zhuó , shì tài guò fēn liǎo
   fān huǐ
  〖 backout(ofacommitment,promise,etc.)〗 duì xiān qián yǔn nuò de shì hòu huǐ 'ér jué chéng rèn
   fān jiǎn
  〖 rummage;leafthrough〗 fān dòng chá kàn ( wén jiàn pǐn děng )
   fān jiāng dǎo hǎi
  〖 overturningriversandseas héng overwhelming;stupendous〗 xíng róng shuǐ shì hào , duō yòng lái liàng huò shēng shì fēi cháng zhuàng zhǐ hùn luàn dòng dàng shuōdǎo hǎi fān jiāng
   lái fān jiāng dǎo hǎi , bìng cán chōu
   fān jiǎo
  〖 stir〗 shàng xiàlái huí jiǎo dòng
   me diǎn shā jiāng zěn me fān jiǎo lǎo bàn tiān
   wèi zhèn fān jiǎo
   fān jiù zhàng
  〖 bringupoldscoresagain〗 guò de máo dùnxián děng zhòng chū lái
   lǎo fān jiù zhàng , yòu shénme
   shuō fān lǎo zhàng
   fān juàn
  〖 spin〗 fān dòngxuánzhuàn
   liǔ zài kōng zhōng fān juàn
   fān lái
  〖 tossandturn〗∶ zhǐ shuì zhe jué lái huí fān shēn
  〖 againandagain〗∶ shì qíng zài chóngfù
   shì qíng dìng , bié fān lái liǎo
   fān lǎo zhàng
  〖 bringupoldscoresagain〗 zǒng zhuī jiū bié rén guò de guò cuò huò fàn zhǐ chóngtí guò de shì qíng
   fān liǎn
  〖 fallout;suddenlyturnhostile〗 duì rén de tài rán biàn huài yǒu hǎo
   fān liǎn rèn rén
   fān liǎn rèn rén
  〖 turnagainstafriend〗 cóng cháng yuǎn kǎo , shāo yòu máo dùn , fān liǎn , yòu biǎn
  〖 duplicate〗 jiāng yuán yòu dài de nèi róng ( shēng yīn xiàng děng ) zhuǎn dào dài
   fān nòng
  〖 movebackandforth〗 lái huí fān dòng
   shǒu fān nòng zhe zhì , xīn què xiǎng zhe zěn me kāi
   fān rán
  〖 changequicklyandcompletely〗 xíng róng gǎi biàn hěn kuài 'ér chè
   fān rán huǐ
   zuòfān rán
   fān rán huǐ
  〖 quicklywakeuptoone’ serror〗 xíng róng hěn kuài zhuǎn biàn , huǐ gǎi xǐng
   suī shǐ xíng duān , ér néng fān rán huǐ héng héng xùnzhōng guó xiǎo shuō shǐ lüè
   fān shài
  〖 sun〗 fān dòng shài
   fān shài mài
   fān shài bèi
   fān shān yuè lǐng
  〖 climboverthehills〗 fān guò zhòng chóngshān lǐng , xíng róng wài shēng huó huò de jiān xīn liǎo zhǒng zhǒng kùn nán
   fān shēn
  〖 turnover〗∶ fān zhuǎn shēn
  〖 freeoneself;emancipate;liberateone'slife;standupandwinone'semancipation〗∶ cóng shòu shòu xuē de qíng kuàng xià jiě fàng chū lái
   fān shēn
  〖 bringaboutanupswing〗∶ gǎi biàn luò hòu miàn mào huò chǔjìng
   liǎo fān shēn zhàng
   fān shēn zhàng
  〖 bringaboutanupswing〗 jiàn fān shēn zhàng
   fān shǒu wéi yún shǒu wéi
  〖 aschangeableasthemoon;blowhotandcold〗 shǒu xiàng shàng fān shí shì yún , shǒu xiàng xià fān shì fǎn cháng huò shàn shuǎ shǒu duànnòng quán shù
   fān téng
  〖 seethe;rise;;churntoss〗∶ shàng xià gǔn dòng
   hēi de shuǐ , zài xiē shēn chū shuǐ miàn de yán shí shàng xuán fān téng
  〖 tuckdive〗∶ zhǒng tiào shuǐ dòng zuò
   xiàng nèi fān téng liǎng zhōu bàn
   fān tiān
  〖 earth-shaking;world-shaking〗 tiān fān , xíng róng biàn huà zhī zhǐ nào hěn xiōng
   zài dǎng de lǐng dǎo xià , xīn zhōng guó shēng liǎo fān tiān de biàn huà
   fān xiāng dǎo guì
  〖 ransackboxesandchests;turneverythinginsideout〗 xíng róng chè sōu xúnchá jiǎn
   chuán shàng mǎi bàn yòu zhàng zhe yáng rén shì , yìng lái fān xiāng dǎo guì de sōu liǎo biànhéng héngèr shí nián zhī guài xiàn zhuàng
   fān xiāng dǎo lóng
  〖 rummagethroughchestsandcupboards;turnoverthingsinthoroughsearch〗 tóng fān xiāng dǎo guì
   fān xīn
  〖 renovate;recondition;makeover〗∶ zhǐ jiù de dōng chāi liǎo zhòng zuò ( duō zhǐ )
  〖 (thesameoldthing)inanewguise〗∶ cóng jiù de biàn huà chū xīn de
   huā yàng fān xīn
   fān xiū
  〖 rebuild〗∶ yuán jiàn zhù chāi chú hòu zhào yuán guī chóngjiàn
   fān xiū dào
  〖 turn〗∶ yòng chāi xiàn fān liàozhòng féng de fāng xiū zhěng
   fān xiū
   fān yāng
  〖 refute〗 fǎn
   shuí shuō méi yòu píng guò ? shì hái gēn rén fān yāng , dào tào
  〖 translate;interpret〗 yòng zhǒng yán wén lái biǎo lìng zhǒng yán wén
  〖 interpreter〗 cóng shì fān de rén
   zài wài jiāo dāng fān
   fān yìn
  〖 reprint〗 yuán fēng dòng zhào yuán yàng yìn zhì zuò zhě de shūhuà
   fān yǒng
  〖 rolloverandover〗〖 yúnshuǐ děngshàng xià fān dòng ; fān téng
   tāo fān yǒng
   fān yuè
  〖 cross;surmount〗 kuà guò ; yuè guò
   fān yuè qiān shān wàn shuǐ
   fān yuè
  〖 browse;lookover;lookthrough〗∶ fān zhe kàn
   fān yuè liǎo quán dàng 'àn
  〖 lookinto〗∶ kuài huò lüè de fāng shì chá yuè
   gāng gāng fān yuè liǎo piān lùn wén
   fān yún
  〖 producecloudswithoneturnofthehandandrainwithanother;(fig)giventoplayingtricks;shifty〗 fān shǒu wéi yún , shǒu wéi fǎn cháng huò guàn wán nòng shǒu duàn
   fān zào
  〖 renovate〗 tuī fān jiù de , jiàn zào xīn de
   fēn chǎng guǎn yào fān zào
   fān zhuǎn
  〖 roll〗 shǐ wéi zhe huò hǎo xiàng wéi zhe zhóu xuánzhuàn
   fān zuǐ
  [ fāng yán ]
  〖 withdrawormodifyone’ spreviousremark〗∶ gǎi biàn yuán lái shuō guò de huà ; gǎi kǒu
   rán fān zuǐ , shuō yào kāi
  〖 quarrel〗∶ shēng kǒu jiǎo ; chǎo zuǐ
   gǒu xióng , dòng dòng jiù fān zuǐ
   fān zuò
  〖 compose;write〗 xiě zuò fān , àn zhào qǔdiào xiě ; zhì gēqǔ
   gèng zuò dànyīqǔ , wéi jūn fān zuò xíng》。 héng héng táng · bái xíng ( bìng )》

  Fan, turning
  (Phonetic. From feathers, fan sound. Original Meaning: bird)
  〗 〖Fly with the original meaning
  Map near the water green mushroom, white bird turned to the mountain. - Wang Wei, "Chuan homebound"
  Another example: turning Park (or fly or stop); turn Xiang (tumble, fly); turn toss (speeding)
  Flip; churn 〖turnover; toss〗
  Bo Fan Xiao-xia film. - Li Bai, "Regardless of cooked Ten Songs"
  Another example: turning roll (rolling up and down rapidly like); turned the sea (to describe the sound as the waves churn); turned snow (describe the whitecaps roll); turn flutter (churn)
  Reverse, dumping, change the location change〗 〖
  Tin hit section of the first pieces of silver comb, white wine, turn Luoqun pollution. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)"
  How much wine Ma Khan Mongolian hero is turned. - "Water Margin"
  Another example: I turned (finished one seat, and then he ate at the other seats); translation units (clients in a brothel the banquet, went to another brothel, banquets); Conspire (flip hands. Describe the time or doing things quickly light)
  Overturned; change〗 〖reverse. Such as: turn change (bargain is a bargain, volte-face); translation differences (change your mind later); turn-like (transform pattern); comeback (reverse commitments)
  Turn; over〗 〖crossover. Such as: over the wall (turn the wall)
  〖Return〗 return. Such as: turn back (return)
  Scroll, Phi Glance 〖browse; lookover〗. Such as: turn Phi (read, Phi sheet); turn Screenshot (rake)
  〗 〖Translate translation. Such as: turn by the (translation of Buddhist scriptures); turned Yi (Utah deduction)
  Repeated discussions〗 〖study. Such as: turning space (described as fantasy writing ideas for joint Pina); turn thinking (think again)
  Write; adaptation; transplantation 〖write; adapt; rearrange〗. Such as: turn Zi (turning moment; reprint); turned transcripts (converted; copying transcription); turn means (transformation context)
  Singing; playing〗 〖play
  Sunburn in the sub under the command of eight hundred, fifty-strings turn the sound beyond the Great Wall. - Song ji "Pozhen Zi"
  Another example: dig out (play)
  〗 〖Multiply the number multiplied. Such as: double (double)
  Turn 〖fallout; suddenlyturnhostile〗. Such as: turn dough (turn); turned cavity (a sudden change in tone of voice and attitude); turned mouth (corrected himself, changed their mind)
  Vice】 【
  Said the turning point, equivalent to "it", "but"〗 〖onthecontrary
  Qin Yan in half for the prisoners, turned Humayun title Luoyang grass. - Tang Li Bai, "the Tigers line"
  Another example: translation adjustment (anyway)
  〖Reverseaverdict; reverseasentence〗: overturn the original decision, statement, refers to the original punishment overturned, evaluation, etc.
  〖Reverseearlierdecision; revokeadecision〗: the overthrow of the previous assertion, that a separate new
  Turn to
  〖Taketheupperhandagain; thedefeatedgainsagaintheupperhand〗: The defeat of the hostile party to re-gain the upper hand
  Turn to let landlords
  〗 〖Denywhatonehassaid: does not recognize the remark; to admit its fault
  〖Reprint; copy〗: reproduced version
  〗 〖Refurbishedversion: metaphor copy, copy or imitate the behavior of rigid
  A new replica of old medicine show
  Fan Ben, Fan Ben children
  fānběn, fānběnr
  〖Moneytogamblewith; recouplosses〗 enough for the child; gambling losses later won enough capital; business in the capital salvaged
  〗 〖Thumb rapidly read a book or magazine articles exposing page
  Checked his paper clip
  Turned down belly gut
  〗 〖Rackone'sbrains [dialect]: trying to come hard like, desperately
  〖Up_set_; cartturnsover〗: Vehicle rollover
  This is due to the driver from a rollover accident caused by drunk driving
  〗 〖Frustrate: the middle of frustration or failure of metaphor to
  〗 〖Changeone'sdecision [dialect]: refers to the original decision to change, promises, etc.
  And others agreed to roll-over, who believe in you
  〗 〖Quarrel [dialect]: quarrel
  I told him today overturned
  〗 〖Boatwascapsized boat turn over the bottom up, this metaphor to the middle of an unexpected _set_back was the failure
  Lips and tongue get turned
  〗 〖Sowdiscord transfer gossip, get a non-
  This is a little man turned lips get tongue
  〗 〖Turnupthesoil with plow, shovel and other turned to Matsuda
  Stir 〖〗: Toggle something or part of the relative position of particles
  Changes the surface soil
  〗 〖Ruffle: Change the location of the original
  Take it to the piano there, turning the pages to find the place
  〗 〖Skipbucket car that can be turned over bucket
  〖Doubletheoriginalcapacity; maketwiceasmuch〗 doubled the number of
  Double output
  Flyupanddown 〖〗: 〖birds, butterflies and other flying up and down〗
  Whipped a few dragonflies on the roof
  〗 〖Flutter: ups and downs down with flowing
  Rippling ribbons enhance the beauty of rhythmic gymnastics
  The wind turned the rain roll
  〗 〖Fantheflamesofdisorder trouble
  So that the wind turned the rain roll, but also for Li in the head a million copies
  〖Overturn; turnupsidedown〗: so from the vertical, horizontal or overturning the normal position
  〗 〖Changecompletely: huge and radical change
  World rollover
  〗 〖Tossinbed: turning the body back and forth
  Unable to sleep at night rollover
  Turn complex uncertain
  〗 〖Chopandchange change back and forth, not definite
  This man re-turned to speak of impermanence, who can not figure out what he was thinking to play
  Turn change
  Turn alter〗 〖do Chaigai
  Turn change the sofa
  Turning height
  Port〗〗 〖〖looptheloop: turn over; reversed
  Turned full circle back and forth to find
  Baked pie turned to ground height
  〗 〖Turnasomersault
  Reinstate the body and then turned downward
  Metaphor refers to the small capital to earn illegal profits double
  〗 〖Turn: buried in the sod turning, or turning up the soil
  Tilling the soil after harvest should
  He was anxious to go home, eager to plow his fields
  〗 〖Fit: cultivated land〗 〖to prepare for planting
  With farm animals and large rake, from the fields to come out, ... just where he is plowing ground beans
  〖Withdrawaconfession; retractone'stestimony〗 overthrow the words of the confession
  Boil 〖〗: 〖〗 scroll up and down the water
  Rolling waves
  〗 〖Roll: roll
  Children are not rolling in the grass, that is, dabble in small rivers
  〗 〖Tumble: as roll, twist action
  In order to maintain good health, general rolling several times a day
  Turn the child
  〗 〖Change: that change, flip up and down (to say the number of times)
  Since ancient times, history, time and again turn the children
  〗 〖Inanotherway: repetitious
  He climbed over a wondering child, he is too much
  Bargain is a bargain
  〖Backout (ofacommitment, promise, etc.)〗 Previously promised repent and refused to recognize
  〖Rummage; leafthrough〗 flip view (documents, articles, etc.)
  〖Overturningriversandseas-overwhelming; stupendous〗 describe the waters rose more than a metaphor for power or momentum is very strong. It can also mean extremely confused turmoil. Also said that "the sea turned down the river"
  To like badly to such disease silkworm spinning
  〗 〖Stir up and down, back and forth agitation
  Welling waited a long time how that little mortar
  Stomach while welling
  _Set_tling old accounts
  〗 〖Bringupoldscoresagain compared to past conflicts, rift and so repeat it
  Old up old accounts, what means
  Also said that "up old accounts"
  〗 〖Spin flip, rotate
  Catkins rolled in the air
  Over and over again
  〗 〖Tossandturn: refers to sleep turning back and forth
  〗 〖Againandagain: metaphor to repeated
  It has been _set_, do not over and over again the
  Up old accounts
  〗 〖Bringupoldscoresagain total accountability refers to other people repeat past mistakes or things that have
  〖Fallout; suddenlyturnhostile〗 sudden deterioration of the attitude, unfriendly
  〗 〖Turnagainstafriend analogy does not take into account the long term, a slight contradiction, at once fell out, a derogatory
  〗 〖Duplicate the contents of the original tape (sound, images, etc.) to another tape transcription
  〗 〖Movebackandforth flip back and forth
  Fannong the magazine in his hand, but my mind was thinking about how to leave
  Then turn
  〗 〖Changequicklyandcompletely change very quickly and thoroughly describe
  Turn then repent
  Also as "Fanran"
  Turn then repent
  〗 〖Quicklywakeuptoone'serror described soon change, repent wake
  Although before a misconduct, and to turn then repented. - Lu Xun's "Brief History"
  〗 〖Flip sun exposure
  Ted wheat
  Fanshai bedding
  〗 〖Climboverthehills turn the heavy mountains, described the hardships of the wild life or journey. Analogy to overcome various difficulties also
  〗 〖Turnover: flip body
  〖Freeoneself; emancipate; liberateone'slife; standupandwinone'semancipation〗: metaphor from oppression, exploitation of liberating
  Turn over user
  〗 〖Bringaboutanupswing: analogy or adverse change in the situation of backwardness
  I called turnaround
  〗 〖Bringaboutanupswing see "Dafanshenzhang"
  Conspire cloud cover hand to the rain
  fānshǒuwéiyún, fùshǒuwéiyǔ
  〖Aschangeableasthemoon; blowhotandcold〗 hands turned upward when the clouds, the hand turned down the rain. Good analogy capricious or play games, ever before surgery
  〖Seethe; rise;; churntoss〗: scroll up and down
  Black water, in those out of the water swirling on the rocks tossed
  〗 〖Tuckdive: a dive
  Half inward somersault
  〖Earth-shaking; world-shaking〗 turned upside down, describe the changes in the large. Also refers to the traumatic ferocious
  Under the leadership of the party, the new great changes have taken place in China
  〖Ransackboxesandchests; turneverythinginsideout〗 describe the exhaustive search, search
  Comprador forces and relied on foreigners on board, hard to rummaging through the search again. - "Twenty years Strange"
  〖Rummagethroughchestsandcupboards; turnoverthingsinthoroughsearch〗 with "rummaging"
  〖Renovate; recondition; makeover〗: refers to the demolition of the redo old stuff (especially clothes)
  〖(Thesameoldthing) inanewguise〗: the change from the old new
  〗 〖Rebuild: After the demolition of the original building reconstruction according to the original size
  Renovation of the road
  〗 〖Turn: with the removal of stitches, stirring, re-trimmed garment sewing methods
  Renovation of clothing
  Turn Sicko
  〗 〖Refute refuted metaphor
  Who did not criticize her? But she was kind enough to turn Sicko people do, the reason a
  〖Translate; interpret〗 in a language to express in another language
  〗 〖Interpreter who engaged in translation
  Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an interpreter
  Reprint〗 〖〖intact as it was the other author of the book printed, painted〗
  〗 〖〖Rolloverandover clouds, water, etc.〗 flip up and down; churn
  Crest of the waves
  〖Cross; surmount〗 across; over
  Thousands of miles over the
  〖Browse; lookover; lookthrough〗: turned over the watch
  Read all the files
  〗 〖Lookinto: a way to quickly access or rough
  Just read through that paper
  Blowing hot and cold
  〖Producecloudswithoneturnofthehandandrainwithanother; (fig) giventoplayingtricks; shifty〗 Conspire cloud cover hand to rain. Capricious, or used to playing a game metaphor
  Turn made
  〗 〖Renovate overthrow the old, the building of new
  Made a part of sports venues need to turn
  〗 〖Roll around, or if the rotation around an axis
  Turned mouth
  〗 〖Withdrawormodifyone'spreviousremark: change the original remark; changed to
  Mouth, he suddenly turned and said to leave
  〗 〖Quarrel: altercation; quarrel
  Bear temper, quick to turn the mouth
  〖Compose; write〗 writing. Turn, in accordance with the melody writing lyrics; compose songs
  Do more sit Danyi Qu speech, King Fanzuo "Pipa." - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)"
   fān dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng , fān shēngběn niǎo fēi )
   tóng běn
   qīng lín shuǐ yìng , bái niǎo xiàng shān fān 。 -- wáng wéiwǎng chuān xián
   yòu fān ( huò fēi huò zhǐ ); fān xiáng ( fān fēi , fēi xiáng ); fān ( fēi chí )
   fān zhuǎn ; fān téng
   fān xiǎo xiá yǐng。 -- bái shú shí yǒng
   yòu fān gǔn gǔn ( shàng xià gǔn dòng de yàng ); fān hǎi ( xíng róng shēng xiǎng hǎi làng fān téng ); fān xuě ( xíng róng bái làng fān gǔn ); fān ( fān téng )
   fǎn zhuǎn , qīng dǎo , biàn dòng wèi zhì
   diàn tóu yín jié suì , bái luó qún fān jiǔ 。 -- táng · bái xíng ( bìng )》
   duō shǎo hǎo hàn bèi méng hàn jiǔ fān liǎo。 --《 shuǐhǔzhuàn
   yòu fān ( chī wán , zài dào chù chī lìng ); fān tái ( piáo zài yuàn yàn , zài dào lìng yuàn yǐn yàn );
   fānfān) fān
   fǎn zhuǎnwāi dǎoshàng xiànèi wài wèi dǎo。~ zhuǎn。~ gǔn。~ téng。~ chēliǎo。~ xiāng dǎo guì
   gǎi biàn yuán xiān derán gǎi。~ yuān jiǎ cuò 'àn
   shù liàng chéng bèi zēngzhǎngfān
   guòyuè guòyuè。~ shān yuè lǐng
   gǎn qíng lièliǎnnàoliǎo
   fān zhǒng yánwén děng chéng lìng zhǒng yánwén zuò zhǒng gōng zuò de rén zhōng wénchéng yīng shì yīng
  【 fān shēn
   fān zhuǎn shēn , fān lái xíng róng duō chóngfù)~ shēn nán mián
   cóng bèi bèi xuē de qíng kuàng xià jiě fàng chū láishēn wàng gòng chǎn dǎng
  【 fān yuè fān zhe kàn shū bàowén jiàn děng zhè běn shū yuè guò
  【 fān bǎnàn zhào yuán běn zhì yìn shuà。〈 yǐnbiǎn zhǐ jiù diào chóngtánxíng shì tóng 'ér shí zhì yàng zhè yánjiù shì shàng yuè jiǎng huà debǎn
  【 fān shājiāng róng huà de jīn shǔ dǎo yòng shī shā zhì chéng de xíng zhù zào chéng huò jiàn
  【 fān ránzhuǎn biàn hěn kuàirán huǐ
   fān fán1. jiàn " fān ?"。

Turn from the oppressed and exploited the situation to liberate themselves ~ forget the Communist Party. ⒏】 【read through the contents of read newspaper, files, and so this book ~ I have read over page by page. ⒐】 【pirated copy in accordance with the original printing. derogatory to refer to the old tune, different forms of the same in real terms this statement that he is a speech last month, the ~ version. ⒑】 【foundry pour molten metal into the model with wet sand, the casting into the apparatus or parts. However】 【⒒ change very quickly turned ~ then repented. Turn fán 1. See "Fan?."
   fān fan
   shǒu shǒu huà 06 zǒng huà 18
  cross; search; translate; turnover;
  〈 dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng , fān shēngběn niǎo fēi )
   tóng běn [fly]
   qīng lín shuǐ yìng , bái niǎo xiàng shān fān 。 -- wáng wéiwǎng chuān xián
   yòu fān ( huò fēi huò zhǐ ); fān xiáng ( fān fēi , fēi xiáng ); fān ( fēi chí )
   fān zhuǎn ; fān téng [turnover;toss]
   fān xiǎo xiá yǐng。 -- bái shú shí yǒng
   yòu fān gǔn gǔn ( shàng xià gǔn dòng de yàng ); fān hǎi ( xíng róng shēng xiǎng hǎi làng fān téng ); fān xuě ( xíng róng bái làng fān gǔn ); fān ( fān téng )
   fǎn zhuǎn , qīng dǎo , biàn dòng wèi zhì [change]
   diàn tóu yín jié suì , bái luó qún fān jiǔ 。 -- táng · bái xíng ( bìng )》
   duō shǎo hǎo hàn bèi méng hàn jiǔ fān liǎo。 --《 shuǐhǔzhuàn
   yòu fān ( chī wán , zài dào chù chī lìng ); fān tái ( piáo zài yuàn yàn , zài dào lìng yuàn yǐn yàn ); fān shǒu ( fān zhuǎn shǒu zhǎngxíng róng shí guāng xùn huò chù shì qīng biàn )
   tuī fān ; gǎi biàn [reverse]。 fān biàn ( fān huǐ , biàn guà ); fān ( shì hòu gǎi biàn zhù ); fān yàng ( biàn huàn huā yàng ); fān pán ( tuī fān chéng nuò )
   fān guò ; yuè guò [crossover]。 fān qiáng ( fān guò qiáng )
   huí fǎn [return]。 fān huí ( huí fǎn )
   fān yuè , lǎn [browse;lookover]。 fān ( fān yuè , lǎn ); fān xié ( fān jiǎn )
   fān [translate]。 fān jīng ( fān jīng ); fān ( yóu tuī yǎn )
   fǎn yán tǎo [study]。 fān kōng ( xíng róng zuò wén gòu shí xiǎng lián piān ); fān ( fǎn kǎo )
   xiě ; gǎi biān ; zhí [write;adapt;rearrange]。 fān ( fān ; fān yìn ); fān téng ( gǎi zuò ; chāo xiě téng ); fān ( biàn huàn wén )
   yǎn chàng ; yǎn zòu [play]
   bǎi fēn huī xià zhì , shí xián fān sài wài shēng。 -- sòng · xīn zhèn
   yòu fān chū ( yǎn zòu )
   shù liàng chéng bèi zēng jiā [multiply]。 fān fān ( zēng jiā bèi )
   fān liǎn [fallout;suddenlyturnhostile]。 fān miàn ( fān liǎn ); fān qiāng ( rán gǎi biàn shuō huà de tài ); fān kǒu ( gǎi kǒu , biàn guà )
   biǎo shì zhuǎn zhé , xiāng dāng fǎn 'ér”、 què” [onthecontrary]
   qín rén bàn zuò yàn qiú , fān xián luò yáng cǎo。 -- táng · báiměng xíng
   yòu fān diào ( fǎn zhèng )
   fān àn
  [reverseaverdict;reverseasentence]∶ tuī fān yuán lái de pàn juégòngcí , fàn zhǐ tuī fān yuán lái de chǔfènpíng jià děng
  [reverseearlierdecision;revokeadecision]∶ tuī fān qián rén de lùn duàn , lìng xīn shuō
  [ fāng ]
  [taketheupperhandagain;thedefeatedgainsagaintheupperhand]∶ bèi bài de duì fāng , zhòng zhàn shàng fēng
   ràng zhù fān
  [denywhatonehassaid]∶ chéng rèn shuō guò de huà ; rèn zhàng
   fān bǎn
  [reprint;copy]∶ fān yìn de bǎn běn
  [refurbishedversion]∶ zhào bānzhào chāo huò shēng yìng fǎng de xíng wéi
   jiù shí yào zhǎn lǎn de xīn fān bǎn
   fān běn fān běn 'ér
  fānběn, fānběnr
  [moneytogamblewith;recouplosses] gòu běn 'ér ; shū qián zhī hòu yòu yíng gòu liǎo běn qián ; jīng shāng zhōng lāo huí liǎo běn qián
   fān chá
  [thumb] jiē kàn shū huò zhì de piān
   fān chá de piào jiā
   fān cháng dǎo
  fāncháng dǎodù
  [rackone'sbrains][ fāng ]∶ xiǎng , sōu suǒ cháng
   fān chē
  [upset;cartturnsover]∶ chē liàng fān
   zhè fān chē shì shì yóu jiǔ hòu kāi chē zào chéng de
  [frustrate]∶ shì qíng zhōng shòu cuò huò shī bài
  [changeone'sdecision][ fāng ]∶ zhǐ gǎi biàn yuán lái de jué dìng nuò děng
   dāyìng bié rén yòu fān chē , shuí hái xiāng xìn
  [quarrel][ fāng ]∶ zhēng chǎo
   jīn tiān gēn fān chē liǎo
   fān chuán
  [boatwascapsized] chuán fān shēn 'ér chuán zhāoshàng , shì qíng zhōng zāo dào wài de cuò zhéshī bài
   fān chún nòng shé
  fānchún- nòngshé
  [sowdiscord] chuán xián huà , nòng shì fēi
   zhè shì fān chún nòng shé de xiǎo rén
  [turnupthesoil] yòng xiān děng fān sōng tián
   fān dòng
  [stir]∶ dòng mǒu wēi huò fēn de xiāng duì wèi zhì
   fān dòng biǎo céng
  [ruffle]∶ biàn dòng yuán lái de wèi zhì
   dài zhe dào gāng qín , fān dòng zhe shū zhǎo fāng
   fān dǒu
  [skipbucket] zhǐ fān zhuǎn guò lái de chē dǒu
   fān fān
  [doubletheoriginalcapacity;maketwiceasmuch] shù liàng chéng bèi zēngzhǎng
   chǎn liàng fān fān
   fān fēi
  [flyupanddown]∶ [ niǎo dié děng ] shàng xià fēi xiáng
   zhǐ qīng tíng zài fáng dǐng shàng fān fēi
  [flutter]∶ shàng xià lái huí piāo dòng
   fān fēi de cǎi dài zēng qiáng liǎo shù cāo de měi gǎn
   fān fēng gǔn
  fānfēng- gǔnyǔ
  [fantheflamesofdisorder] xīng fēng zuò làng
   zhè yàng fān fēng gǔn , yòu shì wàn běn zài zuò tóu liǎo
  [overturn;turnupsidedown]∶ shǐ cóng zhí deshuǐ píng de huò zhèng cháng de wèi zhì shàng qīng
   chē liàng fān
  [changecompletely]∶ 'ér chè de biàn huà
   tiān fān
  [tossinbed]∶ lái huí fān dòng shēn
   jiān fān néng mián
   fān cháng
  fānfù- wúcháng
  [chopandchange] lái huí gǎi biàn , méi yòu dìng zhǔn
   zhè rén shuō huà fān cháng , shuí nòng qīng de shénme suàn pán
   fān gǎi
  [alter] fān chāi gǎi zuò
   fān gǎi shā
   fān 'ér
  [looptheloop][ kǒu ]∶ fān guò lái ; diān dǎo guò lái
   fān 'ér lái huí zhǎo
   lào xiàn 'ér bǐng yào qín fān 'ér
   fān gēn dǒu
   shēn xiàng xià fān zhuǎn 'ér hòu huī yuán zhuàng
   zhǐ xiǎo de běn qián chéng bèi zuàn fēi rùn
   fān gēng
  [turn]∶ shǐ cǎo fān huò fān shàng lái
   shōu huò hòu yìng gāi fān gēng rǎng
   huí jiā , fān gēng de tián
  [fit]∶ gēng [ ] bèi zhòngzhí
   dài zhe gēng chù , cóng tián zǒu chū lái ,… gāng cái zhèng zài fān gēng dòu
   fān gōng
  [withdrawaconfession;retractone'stestimony] tuī fān suǒ gòngrèn de huà
   fān gǔn
  [boil]∶ [ shuǐ ] shàng xià gǔn dòng
   làng fān gǔn
  [roll]∶ gǔn
   hái men shì zài cǎo fān gǔn , jiù shì zài xiǎo wán shuǐ
  [tumble]∶ zuò gǔn fānzhuǎn dòng zuò
   wéi bǎo chí shēn jiàn kāng , jiāng jūn měi tiān fān gǔn ruò gān
   fān guò 'ér
  [change]∶ zhǐ biàn dòngshàng xià fān dòng ( jiù biànshǔ shuō )
   cóng dào jīn , shǐ fān guò 'ér
  [inanotherway]∶ fān lái
   fān guò 'ér zhuó , shì tài guò fēn liǎo
   fān huǐ
  [backout(ofacommitment,promise,etc.)] duì xiān qián yǔn nuò de shì hòu huǐ 'ér jué chéng rèn
   fān jiǎn
  [rummage;leafthrough] fān dòng chá kàn ( wén jiàn pǐn děng )
   fān jiāng dǎo hǎi
  fānjiāng- dǎohǎi
  [overturningriversandseas overwhelming;stupendous] xíng róng shuǐ shì hào , duō yòng lái liàng huò shēng shì fēi cháng zhuàng zhǐ hùn luàn dòng dàng shuō dǎo hǎi fān jiāng
   lái fān jiāng dǎo hǎi , bìng cán chōu
   fān jiǎo
  [stir] shàng xiàlái huí jiǎo dòng
   me diǎn shā jiāng zěn me fān jiǎo lǎo bàn tiān
   wèi zhèn fān jiǎo
   fān jiù zhàng
  [bringupoldscoresagain] guò de máo dùnxián děng zhòng chū lái
   lǎo fān jiù zhàng , yòu shénme
   shuō fān lǎo zhàng
   fān juàn
  [spin] fān dòngxuánzhuàn
   liǔ zài kōng zhōng fān juàn
   fān lái
  fānlái- fùqù
  [tossandturn]∶ zhǐ shuì zhe jué lái huí fān shēn
  [againandagain]∶ shì qíng zài chóngfù
   shì qíng dìng , bié fān lái liǎo
   fān lǎo zhàng
  [bringupoldscoresagain] zǒng zhuī jiū bié rén guò de guò cuò huò fàn zhǐ chóngtí guò de shì qíng
   fān liǎn
  [fallout;suddenlyturnhostile] duì rén de tài rán biàn huài yǒu hǎo
   fān liǎn rèn rén
   fān liǎn rèn rén
  [turnagainstafriend] cóng cháng yuǎn kǎo , shāo yòu máo dùn , fān liǎn , yòu biǎn
  [duplicate] jiāng yuán yòu dài de nèi róng ( shēng yīn xiàng děng ) zhuǎn dào dài
   fān nòng
  [movebackandforth] lái huí fān dòng
   shǒu fān nòng zhe zhì , xīn què xiǎng zhe zěn me kāi
   fān rán
  [changequicklyandcompletely] xíng róng gǎi biàn hěn kuài 'ér chè
   fān rán huǐ
   zuò fān rán
   fān rán huǐ
  fānrán- huǐwù
  [quicklywakeuptoone'serror] xíng róng hěn kuài zhuǎn biàn , huǐ gǎi xǐng
   suī shǐ xíng duān , ér néng fān rán huǐ 。 -- xùnzhōng guó xiǎo shuō shǐ lüè
   fān shài
  [sun] fān dòng shài
   fān shài mài
   fān shài bèi
   fān shān yuè lǐng
  fānshān- yuèlǐng
  [climboverthehills] fān guò zhòng chóngshān lǐng , xíng róng wài shēng huó huò de jiān xīn liǎo zhǒng zhǒng kùn nán
   fān shēn
  [turnover]∶ fān zhuǎn shēn
  [freeoneself;emancipate;liberateone'slife;standupandwinone'semancipation]∶ cóng shòu shòu xuē de qíng kuàng xià jiě fàng chū lái
   fān shēn
  [bringaboutanupswing]∶ gǎi biàn luò hòu miàn mào huò chǔjìng
   liǎo fān shēn zhàng
   fān shēn zhàng
  [bringaboutanupswing] jiàn fān shēn zhàng
   fān shǒu wéi yún shǒu wéi
  fānshǒuwéiyún, fùshǒuwéiyǔ
  [aschangeableasthemoon;blowhotandcold] shǒu xiàng shàng fān shí shì yún , shǒu xiàng xià fān shì fǎn cháng huò shàn shuǎ shǒu duànnòng quán shù
   fān téng
  [seethe;rise;;churntoss]∶ shàng xià gǔn dòng
   hēi de shuǐ , zài xiē shēn chū shuǐ miàn de yán shí shàng xuán fān téng
  [tuckdive]∶ zhǒng tiào shuǐ dòng zuò
   xiàng nèi fān téng liǎng zhōu bàn
   fān tiān
  fāntiān- fùdì
  [earth-shaking;world-shaking] tiān fān , xíng róng biàn huà zhī zhǐ nào hěn xiōng
   zài dǎng de lǐng dǎo xià , xīn zhōng guó shēng liǎo fān tiān de biàn huà
   fān xiāng dǎo guì
  fānxiāng- dǎoguì
  [ransackboxesandchests;turneverythinginsideout] xíng róng chè sōu xúnchá jiǎn
   chuán shàng mǎi bàn yòu zhàng zhe yáng rén shì , yìng lái fān xiāng dǎo guì de sōu liǎo biàn。 --《 èr shí nián zhī guài xiàn zhuàng
   fān xiāng dǎo lóng
  fānxiāng- dǎolǒng
  [rummagethroughchestsandcupboards;turnoverthingsinthoroughsearch] tóng fān xiāng dǎo guì
   fān xīn
  [renovate;recondition;makeover]∶ zhǐ jiù de dōng chāi liǎo zhòng zuò ( duō zhǐ )
  [(thesameoldthing)inanewguise]∶ cóng jiù de biàn huà chū xīn de
   huā yàng fān xīn
   fān xiū
  [rebuild]∶ yuán jiàn zhù chāi chú hòu zhào yuán guī chóngjiàn
   fān xiū dào
  [turn]∶ yòng chāi xiàn fān liàozhòng féng de fāng xiū zhěng
   fān xiū
   fān yāng
  [refute] fǎn
   shuí shuō méi yòu píng guò ? shì hái gēn rén fān yāng , dào tào
  [translate;interpret] yòng zhǒng yán wén lái biǎo lìng zhǒng yán wén
  [interpreter] cóng shì fān de rén
   zài wài jiāo dāng fān
   fān yìn
  [reprint] yuán fēng dòng zhào yuán yàng yìn zhì [ zuò zhě de shūhuà ]
   fān yǒng
  [rolloverandover][ yúnshuǐ děng ] shàng xià fān dòng ; fān téng
   tāo fān yǒng
   fān yuè
  [cross;surmount] kuà guò ; yuè guò
   fān yuè qiān shān wàn shuǐ
   fān yuè
  [browse;lookover;lookthrough]∶ fān zhe kàn
   fān yuè liǎo quán dàng 'àn
  [lookinto]∶ kuài huò lüè de fāng shì chá yuè
   gāng gāng fān yuè liǎo piān lùn wén
   fān yún
  fānyún- fùyǔ
  [producecloudswithoneturnofthehandandrainwithanother;(fig)giventoplayingtricks;shifty] fān shǒu wéi yún , shǒu wéi fǎn cháng huò guàn wán nòng shǒu duàn
   fān zào
  [renovate] tuī fān jiù de , jiàn zào xīn de
   fēn chǎng guǎn yào fān zào
   fān zhuǎn
  [roll] shǐ wéi zhe huò hǎo xiàng wéi zhe zhóu xuánzhuàn
   fān zuǐ
  [ fāng ]
  [withdrawormodifyone'spreviousremark]∶ gǎi biàn yuán lái shuō guò de huà ; gǎi kǒu
   rán fān zuǐ , shuō yào kāi
  [quarrel]∶ shēng kǒu jiǎo ; chǎo zuǐ
   gǒu xióng , dòng dòng jiù fān zuǐ
   fān zuò
  [compose;write] xiě zuò fān , àn zhào qǔdiào xiě ; zhì gēqǔ
   gèng zuò dànyīqǔ , wéi jūn fān zuò xíng》。 -- táng · bái xíng ( bìng )》
  fān  ˉ
   wāi dǎo( dǎo), fǎn zhuǎnbiàn dòng wèi zhìgǎi biàn tuī~。~ chē。~ juàn。~ gǔn。~ téng。~ gōng。~ yuè。~ shēn。~ 。~ xiū。~ jiàn。~ gǎi。~ liǎnrén yǎng ~。~ jiāng dǎo hǎixíng róng shuǐ shì hào duō liàng huò shì fēi cháng zhuàng )。~ yún fǎn cháng huò wán nòng shǒu duàn)。
   shù liàng chéng bèi de zēng jiāfān
   yuè guòyuè
   zhèng pfyy, u7ffb, gbkb7ad
   huà shù 18, shǒu shùn biān hào 343123425121541541

  Turn fan
  Yu radical radical total strokes 18 strokes 06
  cross; search; translate; turn over;
  Fan, turning
  (Phonetic. From feathers, fan noise. The original meaning of birds)
  With the original meaning of [fly]
  Map near the water green mushroom, white bird turned to the mountain. - Wang Wei, "Chuan homebound"
  Another example is turning parking (or fly or stop); turn Xiang (tumble, fly); turn toss (speeding)
  Flip; churn [turn over; toss]
  Bo Fan Xiao-xia film. - Li Bai, "Regardless of cooked Ten Songs"
  Another example is the turning roll (rolling up and down rapidly like); turned the sea (to describe the sound as the waves churn); turned snow (describe the whitecaps roll); turn flutter (churn)
  Reverse, dumping, changes in position [change]
  Tin hit section of the first pieces of silver comb, white wine, turn Luoqun pollution. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)"
  How much wine Ma Khan Mongolian hero is turned. - "Water Margin"
  Again I turned (finished one seat, and then he ate at the other seats); translation units (clients in a brothel the banquet, went to another brothel, banquets); Conspire (flip hands. Describe the time doing things quickly or light )
  Overturned; change [reverse]. Such as turn change (bargain is a bargain, volte-face); translation differences (change your mind later); turn-like (transform pattern); comeback (reverse commitments)
  Turn; over the [cross over]. If over the wall (turn the wall)
  Return [return]. Such as turn back (return)
  Scroll, Phi Facts [browse; look over]. If turned Phi (read, Phi view); turn Screenshot (rake)
  Translation [translate]. Such as turn by the (translation of Buddhist scriptures); turned Yi (Utah deduction)
  Repeated discussion [study]. Such as turning empty (when the idea of fantasy writing together describe Pina); turn thinking (thinking again)
  Write; adaptation; transplantation [write; adapt; rearrange]. If turned Zi (translation engraved; reprint); turned transcripts (converted; copying transcription); turn means (transformation context)
  Singing; play [play]
  Sunburn in the sub under the command of eight hundred, fifty-strings turn the sound beyond the Great Wall. - Song ji "Pozhen Zi"
  Another example is the pulls (Performance)
  Multiplied the number of [multiply]. Such as the double (double)
  Turn [fall out; suddenly turn hostile]. Turn dough if (turn); turned cavity (a sudden change in tone of voice and attitude); turned mouth (corrected himself, changed their mind)
  Said the turning point, equivalent to the contrary, "but" [on the contrary]
  Qin Yan in half for the prisoners, turned Humayun title Luoyang grass. - Tang Li Bai, "the Tigers line"
  Another example is the translation adjustment (anyway)
  fān àn
  [Reverse a verdict; reverse a sentence]: reverse the original decision, statement, refers to the original punishment overturned, evaluation, etc.
  [Reverse earlier decision; revoke a decision]: reverse previous conclusions, said a separate new
  Turn to
  [Take the upper hand again; the defeated gains again the upper hand]: the hostile party was defeated, re-gained the upper hand
  Turn to let landlords
  [Deny what one has said]: does not recognize the remark; to admit its fault
  [Reprint; copy]: reproduction of versions
  [Refurbished version]: analogy copy, copy or imitate the behavior of rigid
  A new replica of old medicine show
  Fan Ben, Fan Ben children
  fānběn, fānběnr
  [Money to gamble with; recoup losses] enough for the child; gambling losses later won enough capital; business in the capital salvaged
  [Thumb] rapidly read a book or magazine articles exposing page
  Checked his paper clip
  Turned down belly gut
  [Rack one's brains] [side]: trying to come hard like, desperately
  [Up_set_; cart turns over]: vehicle rollover
  This is due to the driver from a rollover accident caused by drunk driving
  [Frustrate]: this metaphor to the middle of frustration or failure
  [Change one's decision] [side]: refers to the original decision to change, promises, etc.
  And others agreed to roll-over, who believe in you
  [Quarrel] [side]: quarrel
  I told him today overturned
  [Boat was capsized] boat turn over the bottom up, this metaphor to the middle of an unexpected _set_back was the failure
  Lips and tongue get turned
  [Sow discord] transfer gossip, get a non-
  This is a little man turned lips get tongue
  [Turn up the soil] with a plow, shovel and other turned to Matsuda
  [Stir]: Toggle something or part of the relative position of particles
  Changes the surface soil
  [Ruffle]: change the location of the original
  Take it to the piano there, turning the pages to find the place
  [Skip bucket] that can be turned over to the bucket
  [Double the original capacity; make twice as much] doubled the number of
  Double output
  [Fly up and down]: [birds, butterflies, etc.] to fly up and down
  Whipped a few dragonflies on the roof
  [Flutter]: ups and downs down with flowing
  Rippling ribbons enhance the beauty of rhythmic gymnastics
  The wind turned the rain roll
  [Fan the flames of disorder] trouble
  So that the wind turned the rain roll, but also for Li in the head a million copies
  [Overturn; turn upside down]: so that from the vertical, horizontal or overturning the normal position
  [Change completely]: a huge and radical change
  World rollover
  [Toss in bed]: turning the body back and forth
  Unable to sleep at night rollover
  Turn complex uncertain
  [Chop and change] changed back and forth, not definite
  This man re-turned to speak of impermanence, who can not figure out what he was thinking to play
  Turn change
  [Alter] do turn Chaigai
  Turn change the sofa
  Turning height
  [Loop the loop] [port]: upside down; reversed
  Turned full circle back and forth to find
  Baked pie turned to ground height
  fān gēndou
  [Turn a somersault]
  Reinstate the body and then turned downward
  Metaphor refers to the small capital to earn illegal profits double
  [Turn]: buried in the sod turning, or turning up the soil
  Tilling the soil after harvest should
  He was anxious to go home, eager to plow his fields
  [Fit]: farming [in] to prepare for planting
  With farm animals and large rake, from the fields to come out, ... just where he is plowing ground beans
  [Withdraw a confession; retract one's testimony] to overthrow his own confession of the words
  [Boil]: [water] to scroll
  Rolling waves
  [Roll]: roll
  Children are not rolling in the grass, that is, dabble in small rivers
  [Tumble]: for the roll, twist action
  In order to maintain good health, general rolling several times a day
  Turn the child
  [Change]: refers to the change, flip up and down (to say the number of times)
  Since ancient times, history, time and again turn the children
  [In another way]: repetitious
  He climbed over a wondering child, he is too much
  Bargain is a bargain
  [Back out (of a commitment, promise, etc.)] Previously promised to do regret but refused to recognize
  [Rummage; leaf through] changes the view (documents, articles, etc.)
  [Overturning rivers and seas ╠ overwhelming; stupendous] described the waters rose more than a metaphor for power or momentum is very strong. It can also mean extremely confused turmoil. Jiang also said that turning down the sea "
  To like badly to such disease silkworm spinning
  [Stir] up and down, back and forth agitation
  Welling waited a long time how that little mortar
  Stomach while welling
  _Set_tling old accounts
  fān jiùzhàng
  [Bring up old scores again] compared to past conflicts, rift and so repeat it
  Old up old accounts, what means
  Also said that up old accounts "
  [Spin] flip, rotate
  Catkins rolled in the air
  Over and over again
  [Toss and turn]: refers to sleep turning back and forth
  [Again and again]: metaphor to repeated
  It has been _set_, do not over and over again the
  Up old accounts
  fān lǎozhàng
  [Bring up old scores again] always let others refers to repeat past mistakes or what ever
  [Fall out; suddenly turn hostile] attitude toward people suddenly worse, unfriendly
  fānliǎn bù rèn rén
  [Turn against a friend] a metaphor from the long-term consideration, a little contradiction, at once fell out, a derogatory
  [Duplicate] the contents of the original tape (sound, images, etc.) to another tape transcription
  [Move back and forth] flip back and forth
  Fannong the magazine in his hand, but my mind was thinking about how to leave
  Then turn
  [Change quickly and completely] to change very quickly and thoroughly describe
  Turn then repent
  Also Fanran "
  Turn then repent
  [Quickly wake up to one's error] describe a fast change, repent wake
  Although before a misconduct, and to turn then repented. - Lu Xun's "Brief History"
  [Sun] changes the exposure
  Ted wheat
  Fanshai bedding
  [Climb over the hills] turned over numerous mountains, described the hardships of the wild life or journey. Analogy to overcome various difficulties also
  [Turn over]: turn the body
  [Free oneself; emancipate; liberate one's life; stand up and win one's emancipation]: an analogy from the oppression and exploitation of liberating
  Turn over user
  [Bring about an upswing]: analogy or adverse change in the situation of backwardness
  I called turnaround
  [Bring about an upswing] See Dafanshenzhang "
  Conspire cloud cover hand to the rain
  fān shǒu wéi yún, fù shǒu wéi yǔ
  [As changeable as the moon; blow hot and cold] hands turned upward when the clouds, the hand turned down the rain. Good analogy capricious or play games, ever before surgery
  [Seethe; rise;; churn toss]: Scroll down
  Black water, in those out of the water swirling on the rocks tossed
  [Tuck dive]: a dive
  Half inward somersault
  [Earth-shaking; world-shaking] turned upside down, describe the changes in the large. Also refers to the traumatic ferocious
  Under the leadership of the party, the new great changes have taken place in China
  [Ransack boxes and chests; turn everything inside out] describe a thorough search, search
  Comprador forces and relied on foreigners on board, hard to rummaging through the search again. - "Twenty years Strange"
  [Rummage through chests and cupboards; turn over things in thorough search] with Fanxiangdaogui "
  [Renovate; recondition; make over]: refers to the demolition of the redo old stuff (especially clothes)
  [(The same old thing) in a new guise]: the change from the old new
  [Rebuild]: After the demolition of the original building reconstruction according to the original size
  Renovation of the road
  [Turn]: with the removal of stitches, stirring, re-trimmed garment sewing methods
  Renovation of clothing
  Turn Sicko
  [Refute] analogy to refute
  Who did not criticize her? But she was kind enough to turn Sicko people do, the reason a
  [Translate; interpret] in a language to express in another language
  [Interpreter] of people engaged in translation
  Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an interpreter
  [Reprint] intact as it was printed [other authors books, paintings]
  [Roll over and over] [clouds, water, etc.] flip up and down; churn
  Crest of the waves
  [Cross; surmount] across; over
  Thousands of miles over the
  [Browse; look over; look through]: turned over the watch
  Read all the files
  [Look into]: a way to quickly access or rough
  Just read through that paper
  Blowing hot and cold
  [Produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another; (fig) given to playing tricks; shifty] Conspire cloud cover hand to rain. Capricious, or used to playing a game metaphor
  Turn made
  [Renovate] to overthrow the old, the building of new
  Made a part of sports venues need to turn
  [Roll] around, or if the rotation around an axis
  Turned mouth
  [Withdraw or modify one's previous remark]: change the original remark; changed to
  Mouth, he suddenly turned and said to leave
  [Quarrel]: altercation; quarrel
  Bear temper, quick to turn the mouth
  [Compose; write] writing. Turn, in accordance with the melody writing lyrics; compose songs
  Do more sit Danyi Qu speech, King Fanzuo "Pipa." - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)"
  fān ㄈ ㄢ ˉ
  Skew (dǎo), reverse, change location, change the push ~. ~ Car. ~ Vol. ~ Roll. ~ Teng. ~ Work. ~ Read. ~ Body. ~ Land. ~ Repair. ~ Construction. ~ Change. ~ Face. Yang Ma ~ people. ~ River down the sea (described as waters rose more than strength or momentum is growing metaphor). ~ Rain cloud coverage (Yu capricious or playing a game.)
  ~ Fan number doubles.
  Over ~ more.
  Zheng code pfyy, u7ffb, gbkb7ad
  The number of 18 strokes, radical Yu, Stroke No. 343123425121541541
wèi zhōng Not concentrate  【 guǎng yùn】【 yùn yuán qiēyùn huì yuán qiēzhèng yùn jiān qiē, ???? yīn fān。【 shuō wén · xīn fēi 。【 zhāng héng · jīng zhòng niǎo piān fān 。  yòuzēng yùnfǎn tōng zuò fānyòu tōng zuò fǎn。  yòuyùn yīn qiēzhèng màn · zèng yún shīyuān yāng fēipái huái piān fānzài jié zài hángmìng míng qún。  yòuyùn yān qiē jīng zhān tóng 。 【 yùnhuò zuò fān zuò pàn

  【】 【Ji Yun Guang Yun Fu Yuan cut】 【】 floating Yuan will be cut Rhyme Rhymes】 【Fu difficult cut, ???? Music Fan. 【Said the new text is also attached to the word】 fly. Xijing Zhang Heng Fu】 【Pina turned all the birds. Also】 【repeated also by rhyme. Pass for the banner. Also for anti-pass. Also make】 【Yun Fu Ye Cheng Man season serene grant cut 【】 Mandarin Yu Fei Ji and poetry, wandering Pina turn. A conflict between _set_ contains Jie, Lu Ming-life group. Also make】 【Yun Fu Yan cut leaves, Xijing Zhan Fu and the same leaf. 【_Set_】 or as Fan Yun. Also for the fight.
biān hào :2265 ID: 2265  fēi cóng fān shēnghuò cóng fēi yuán qiē

  Fly too. Fan noise from the birds. Or from the fly. Fu Yuan cut

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