fányìtǐ:  (měi měi měi měi ????)pīnyīn: měibùshǒu: 八羊
zǒngbǐhuà: 9bùwàibǐhuà: 7UTF-8: E7 BE 8E
UTF-16: 7F8EUTF-32: 00007F8EGB 2312: 3532
GB 12345: 3532Big 5: ACFCcāngjié: TGK
sìjiǎomǎ: 8043.1yīzìquánmǎ: mei3yangdayīzìshuāngmǎ: meyada
yīzìdānmǎ: mydhànzìjiégòu: shàng(zhōng)xiàhànzìcéngcì: 6
bǐhuà: 丶丿一一丨一一丿㇏bǐshùnbiānhào: 431121134bǐshùndúxiě: nà, piě, héng, héng, shù, héng, héng, piě, nà
tārénbǐshùn: 431121134
bùjiànzǔgòu: ????(丷(丶丿)王(一土(十(一丨)一)))大(一人(丿㇏))
   hǎoshàn měi měi xué měi tánshěn měi měi měi róng měi huà róng mào)。 měi shèng shōu
   gāo xīng měi de
   chēng zàn wéi hǎozàn měi měi yán měi
   zhǐ měi jiā zhōu jiǎn chēng měi zhōu”): běi měinán měi
   zhǐ měi guó”: měi yuán měi huá rén
   hǎo jiā chǒu 'è
   huà shù: 9;
   shùn biān hào: 431121134

  U.S. měi good, good: virtue. Aesthetics. Brother's wife. Aesthetic. Beautiful. Beauty (enhance their beauty.) Beautiful. Proud, happy: flattered. Praise, that good: praise. Good word. Reputation. Refers to the "american continent" (referred to as "America"): North America. South America. Refers to the "American": dollars. Chinese-American. Good good ugly stroke: 9; radicals: eight; Stroke Number: 431121134
  【 xíng
  ( huì jīn wén xíng , cóng yáng , cóng , rén yáng wéi zhù yào shí pǐn , féi zhuàng de yáng chī lái wèi hěn měiběn : wèi měi )
   tóng běn delicious
   měi , gān héng héngshuō wén
   rán hòu tiān zhī měi shēnghéng héngguǎn · wǔháng》。 zhù :“ wèi gān quán zhī lèi 。”
   shí zhēn měihéng héng míng · liú chéng liú wén chéng gōng wén
   yòu : měi jiǔ ; měi gān gān ( xíng róng fēi cháng gān měi huò tián ); měi wèi ( měi hǎo de wèi ; kǒu de shí pǐn ); měi shí ( wèi měi de shí pǐn ; chī wèi měi de shí )
   xíng mào hǎo kàn , piào liàng〖 beautiful;good-looking;handsome;pretty〗
   měi mèng jiāng héng héngshī · yōng fēng · sāng zhōng
   měi mèng
   shú chéng běi gōng měi ? héng héngzhàn guó ·
   méi wéi měi , zhí héng héng gōng zhēnbìng méi guǎn
   yòu : měi ( měi de ); měi juàn ( měi de juàn ; měi rén ); měi ( jiāo měi de ); měi shào ( jùn měi , xiù měi )
   měi hǎo〖 fair;good;nice;fine〗
   jìn hóu zhī měi héng hénggōngyángzhuàn · zhuāng gōng shí 'èr nián
   shú chéng běi gōng měi ? héng héngzhàn guó ·
   wáng wéi jiàn qín 'ér měihéng héng shì chūn qiū · shèn xíng
   mín yuàn , měihéng héngxún · wáng
   fāng cǎo xiān měihéng héng jìn · táo yuān míngtáo huā yuán
   tiān xià zhī měihéng héng míng · liú · qiān piān
   cái měi wài xiànhéng héng táng · hán shuō
   yòu : liáng tián měi chí ; měi chú ( hǎo chāishi , hǎo guān zhí ); měi quē ( yòu de guān zhí , féi quē ); měi wén ( yōu měi de wén ); měi ( měi hǎo de róng ); měi ( měi hǎo de shǎng ; zhǐ jiǔ ); měi cái ( chū de cái xué ; jié chū de rén cái ); měi zhōng ( suī hǎo dàn hái yòu zhī chù ); měi xiá ( wán měi quē )
   xiǎng〖 ideal〗
   jìn měi héng hénglùn 》。 huáng shū :“ kān dāng shí zhī chēng。”
   yòu : měi xuǎn ( xiǎng de rén xuǎn ); měi qiān ( shēng rèn xiǎng de zhí wèi ); měi bài ( měi chú měi shòudān rèn hǎo de guān wèi )
  [ fāng yán ] , gāo xīng〖 bepleasedwithoneself〗。 : qiáo zhè měi jìn 'ér ; měi
   měi guó de〖 American〗。 : měi jūn ; měi yuán ; měi dūn
  【 dòng
   chēng měi ; zàn měi 〖 praise〗
   máo qiáng , rén zhī suǒ měi héng héngzhuāng · lùn
   yòu : měi yán ( jiā yán ); měi ( chēng měi fěng 'èduō yòng shī wén ); měi yǒng ( zàn měi yǒng tàn )
   rèn wéi měi ; shǐ shì biàn měi , biàn hǎo〖 beautify〗
   zhī měi zhě , héng héngzhàn guó ·
   fán měi tián zhī , dòu wéi shàng , xiǎo dòu zhīhéng héng mín yào shù · gēng tián
   yòu : měi tián ( shǐ tián féi ); měi zhèng ( shǐ zhèng zhì měi shàn ); měi ( shǐ fēng chún měi )
  【 liàng
   yīn diào de zhù guān dān wèi , děng pín shuài wéi 1000 de yīn de yīn diào de qiān fēn zhī héng héng yóu yòng tīng jué xué〖 mel〗
   měi shèng shōu
  〖 somanybeautifulthingsthatonesimplycan'ttakethemallin;betoobeautifultobeabsorbedallatonce〗 měi jǐng duō kàn guò lái ; shù pǐn tài měi ér xià jiē
   měi cān
  〖 feast;goodmeal〗
   zhǐ wèi dào xiān měi ér zhì liàng gāo de fàn cài
   chī liǎo dùn měi cān
   shí fēn mǎn chī
   yòu zhī zhū xiǎng zhuō zhù xiǎo cāng yíng měi cān dùn
   měi chā
  〖 cushyjob;well-paidpost〗
   zhǐ tiáo jiàn yōu yuè de chāishi
   néng dào hǎo chù de gōng zuò
   chènxīn de gōng zuò
   měi chāo
  〖 greenback;UnitedStatesnote〗 měi guó zhǐ
   měi chēng
  〖 laudatorytitle〗 měi hǎo de chēng huò shēng
  〖 beautifulcharacter;moralexcellence;pleasantvirtue〗 měi hàogāo shàng de pǐn
   měi 'è xíng
   měi gǎn
  〖 aestheticfeelings;senseofbeauty〗 zài shěn měi guò chéng zhōng chǎn shēng de yuè gǎn
   měi gōng
  〖 artdesigning〗∶ diàn yǐng zhǒng shù biǎo yǎn shí shè dào de měi shù gōng zuò , bāo kuò jǐng de shè , dào zhuāng de shè xuǎn zhì zuò děng
  〖 artdesigner〗∶ zhè xiē měi shù gōng zuò de rén
   měi guān
  〖 bepleasingtotheeye;bebeautifultolookat〗 wài xíng hǎo kàn ; piào liàng
   měi hǎo
  〖 desirable;fine;glorious;happy;beautiful〗 zài fāng miàn shǐ rén huān ; hǎo
   měi hǎo de tiān
   měi hǎo de jìhuà
   měi huà
  〖 beautify;prettify〗 zhuāng shìdiǎn zhuì shǐ měi guān
   měi huà huán jìng
   zhí huā huì tōng cháng yòng lái měi huà suǒ yòu de gōng yuán jiàn zhù
  〖 embellish〗∶ wán nòng shǒu duàn , chǒu 'è de shuō chéng měi hǎo de
   měi jiě
  〖 beautifullady〗 cān jiā xuǎn měi de shì
   měi jìn 'ér
  〖 behappy〗〖 kǒu〗∶ de yàng
   qiáo de měi jìn 'ér
  〖 becomfortable〗∶ shí fēn shū
   zài hǎi bīn chàng yóu shí de měi jìn 'ér jiù béng liǎo
   měi jǐng
  〖 beautifulscenery〗 yōu měi de jǐng ( hǎi huò tiān kōng de )
   měi jiǔ
  〖 goodwine〗 xiāngwèi jiā de jiǔ ; hǎo jiǔ
   měi jiǔ jiā yáo
  〖 beautiful〗 hǎo kàn ; piào liàng , zài xíng shì fēng yán huò shēng yīn shàng jiē jìn wán měi huò xiǎng jìng jiè , shǐ zhǒng gǎn guān wéi yuè
   měi lún měi huàn
  〖 magnificent,sumptuous〗 shèng , xiān míng , liàng tángduō xíng róng jiàn zhù xióng wěi zhuàng guān táng huánglún , gāo de yàng huàn , fán de yàng (《 · tán gōng》 :“ měi zāi lún yān , měi zāi huàn yān。” )
   men jīng guò měi lún měi huàn de hóng huá shà de , kāi chē de gào men shuō zhè shì rén běn wēng de zhù zhái héng héng zōu tāo fènpíng zōng chū · jīng tāo hài làng hòu
   měi mǎn
  〖 happy;perfectlysatisfactory〗 gǎn dào xìng kuài ; měi hǎo yuán mǎn
   měi mǎn de shēng huó
   měi mào
  〖 goodlooks〗 měi de róng yán
   měi mèng
  〖 fonddream〗
   lìng rén gǎn dào xīn qíng kuài de mèng
   měi hǎo dàn néng shí xiàn de huàn xiǎng
   měi miào
  〖 beautiful;marvellous;nice;splendid;wonderful〗 měi hǎo ; měi hǎo jué miào
   měi miào de shī
   měi míng
  〖 goodname;goodreputation〗 hǎo míng shēng
   yīng xióng měi míng tiān xià yáng
  〖 queen;beauty;belle;beautifullady〗 róng mào měi de
   měi míng yuē
  〖 callitbyfine-soundingnameof〗 jǐyǔ hǎo tīng de míng ( míng chēng ) jiào zuò
   měi míng yuēwéi zhí gōng móu ” , kēng hài zhí gōng de shì shì shí yòu suǒ jiàn ?
   měi míng yuē shì shān”。 héng héng xùnténg xiān shēng
   měi qín zhī xiàn
  〖 memorialtotheemperor〗 rén duì de shàng shūjiàn biǎo shì qiān , chēngqín xiànhuòxiàn qín”。 xīn guān zhí wēi , jiù sòng jīn shuāng fāng zhàn de qián zuò fēn , xiě chéng shí piān lùn wén , míng zhī wéi měi qín shí lùn》。 zhè de měi qín zhī xiànzhǐ de jiù shì wèi wēi de rén chū de hǎo jiàn
   měi rén
  〖 beauty〗
   cháng zhe yóu guāng liàng de hēi tóu hóng zuǐ chúnyǎn jīng diǎn qiè nuò de dǎn de měi rén
   pǐn gāo shàng de rén ; xián rén
   quán zhōu de měi rén shēn shì zài
   měi rén chí
  〖 abeautyinheroldage〗 gǎn tàn měi rén nián lǎo shuāi zhī zhǐ měi rén cóng qián yòu zuò wéi , ér jīn què shuāi lǎo néng liǎo
   měi rén
  〖 sex-trap〗 sān shí liù zhī , yòng měi rén yǐn yòu rén shàngdàng
   měi róng
  〖 beautifytheface;improveaperson'slooks〗 shǐ róng mào měi ; měi huà róng mào
   měi shēng chàng
  〖 belcanto〗 yuán 17 18 shì de qiáng diào chún jìngpíng wěn de shēng líng huó zhǔn què de shēngyuè qiǎo de chàng
   měi shù
  〖 finearts;painting〗 huì huàdiāo děng zào xíng shù , zhǐ zhōng de huì huà
   měi tán
  〖 astorypassedonwithapproval〗 shǐ rén chēng sòng de shì ; duì mǒu jiàn hǎo shì de měi hǎo tán lùn
   měi wèi
  〖 deliciousfood;delicacy〗 wèi dào měi hǎo de shí pǐn
   kǎo wěi jiǔ de měi wèi
   měi wèi
  〖 delicious;delicate〗 xiān měi ; wèi dào hǎo
   měi wèi pēngtiáo
   měi wèi de tián shí
   měi wèi jiā yáo
  〖 slap-upfeed〗∶ shàng děng de liú de shí pǐn
   dùn měi wèi jiā yáohái yòu xuě jiǔ
  〖 daintydish〗∶ jīng zhì kǒu de fàn cài
   zhǔn bèi bǎi zài guó wáng miàn qián de měi wèi jiā yáo
  〖 delectablemorseks〗∶ wèi dào xiān měi de shí pǐn
   fēn kāi zuò zhe , kǒu jiáo de měi wèi jiā yáo
  〖 paymeacompliment〗 rèn wéi měi měi , …… wéi měi
   zhī měi zhě , ; qiè zhī měi zhě , wèi ……。 héng héngzhàn guó ·
   měi xiù
  〖 fineanddelicate〗∶ měi qīng xiù
   měi xiù dòng rén
  〖 theoutstandingpeople〗∶ zhǐ cái néngzhì shí fēn chū zhòng de rén
   měi xué
  〖 aesthetics〗
   zhé xué de fēn zhī , lùn shù měi měi de shì , yóu zhǐ duì shěn měi jiàn shǎng de pàn duàn
   měi shù de zhé xué huò xué ; zhǐ zhù shì miáo shù jiě shì měi shù měi shù xiàn xiàng měi xué jīng yàn bìng bāo kuò xīn xuéshè huì xuérén lèi xué shù shǐ zhòng yào de yòu guān fāng miàn de xué
   měi yán
  〖 putinagoodwordforsb.〗 rén shuō hǎo huà
   duō jìn měi yán
   měi yán
  〖 fair〗 měi de róng yán , měi mào
   yuàn yǒng 'ài shuāi , zhù měi yán cháng zhù
   měi yàn
  〖 prettyanddazzling〗 měi hǎo yàn
   róng měi yàn
  〖 goodwill;kindness〗 hǎo xīn ; shàn
   xiè xiè nín de měi
  〖 aestheticeducation〗 yòu chēngshěn měi jiào ”。 xué xiào zhōng péi yǎng xué shēng zhèng què de shěn měi guān diǎn , zhǎn men duì měi de jiàn shǎng néng chuàng zào néng de jiào
  〖 goodfame〗 měi hǎo de míng
   měi yuán
  〖 buck;American(U.S.)dollar〗 měi guó de běn wèi huò
   měi zhōng
  〖 aflyintheointment〗 zài měi mǎn zhī zhōng , réng yòu quē hàn zhī chù
   tàn rén jiān , měi zhōng jīn fāng xìn , zòng rán shì 'àn méi , dào nán pínghéng hénghóng lóu mèng
   měi zhōu
  〖 America〗 quán chēng měi jiā zhōudōng lín yáng , běi jiē běi bīng yáng , nán léi hǎi xiá tóng nán zhōu xiāng wàngyóu běi měi nán měi liǎng lín jìn duō dǎo chéng , bān yùn zuò wéi nán měi zhōu běi měi zhōu de fēn jiè xiànzǒng miàn 4200 wàn píng fāng gōng rén kǒu 5.9 (1978 nián )
  〖 beverypleasedwithoneself〗 xíng róng xīn gāo xīng 'ér zài liǎn shàng biǎo xiàn chū hěn de yàng
   kǎo liǎo mǎn fēn , měi de

  United States
  (Knowing. Bronze shape, from the sheep, from the large, ancient to the sheep as the main food, fat sheep to eat taste beautiful. Original meaning: delicious)
  〗 〖Delicious with the original meaning
  United States, Gan also. - "Said the text"
  Health and beauty of heaven and earth. - "Pipe Five." Note: The "nectar Liquan like that too."
  Food will treasure the United States. - Ming Liu Ji "sincerity of public Collection Bo Liu Wencheng"
  Another example: wine; U.S. Gangan (described as very sweet, or sweet); delicious (good taste; delicious food); food (delicious food; eat delicious food)
  Morphology pretty, pretty 〖beautiful; good-looking; handsome; pretty〗
  Meng Jiang is also the United States. - "Poetry Yong Sang in the wind"
  Meng Yi carry the United States.
  Xu and north of I what the United States? - "Let the Warring States policy"
  May the song for the United States, no straight posture. - Gong Zizhen "disease Mei Museum in mind"
  Another example: Miki (beautiful woman); Meijuan (beautiful harem; beauty); sex (Jiao Mei's beauty); U.S. Shao (handsome, beautiful)
  OK 〖fair; good; nice; fine〗
  The beauty marquises of Jin. - "Kung-yang Zhuang years"
  Xu and north of I what the United States? - "Warring States policy of a homogeneous"
  Wang Jian Qin and the United States to take his wife. - "Lu Cautious"
  The public is willing, the vulgar beauty. - "Xunzi and hegemony"
  Grass delicious. - Jin Tao "Peach Blossom Spring"
  The beauty of the world. - Ming Liu Ji, "Yu-ion Maxima articles"
  It is nothing more than the United States. - Han Yu Tang "miscellaneous said"
  Another example: Leung Mei-chih; the United States except (good job, good office); the United States lack of (official profitable, lucrative); the United States in (beautiful diction); MT (beautiful appearance); Milo (good reward ; means the wine); Mei-Cai (outstanding scholarship; outstanding talent); fly in the ointment (though good but there are inadequate); Jade flawless (perfect analogy)
  〗 〖Ideal ideal
  Make the United States also. - "The Analects of Confucius." Wong Shu: "Humphreys said the time together."
  Another example: the U.S. election (ideal candidate); the United States moved (promoted to the ideal positions); the United States thanks to (the United States except the United States delegation. As good an official post)
  [Dialect]: proud, happy〗 〖bepleasedwithoneself. Such as: Look at his trial of strength that the United States; flattered
  American〗 〖United States. Such as: the U.S. military; dollars; U.S. tons
  United States
  Said the United States; praise praise〗 〖
  Mao Qiang Li Ji, one of the United States also. - "Equality of Zhuangzi"
  Another example: good word (GREENVILLE); U.S. thorns (known as the evil beauty and irony. More for poetry); United Chant (praise chant)
  That ... the United States; to make things change the United States, changed for the better〗 〖beautify
  The beauty of my wife and I were in private I have. - "Let the Warring States policy"
  Where the United States and field of the law, as the mung bean, red bean, sesame second. - "Arts for the People plow"
  Another example: Mei Tin (the land fertile); the U.S. government (the political goodness); U.S. customs (the customs Atsumi)
  United States
  Subjective tone, equal to a frequency of 1000 Hz audio tone of the one-thousandth - especially for audiology〗 〖mel
  〖Somanybeautifulthingsthatonesimplycan'ttakethemallin; betoobeautifultobeabsorbedallatonce〗 more beautiful to look at it through; art is so beautiful and the project received no Xia
  〖Feast; goodmeal〗
  Refers to the delicious food and high-quality
  Eat a good meal
  Ate with great satisfaction
  There is a spider to catch the small flies a good meal
  U.S. poor
  〖Cushyjob; well-paidpost〗
  Refers to the favorable conditions of the job
  Work can benefit
  The work of the Heart
  U.S. dollars
  〖Greenback; UnitedStatesnote〗 U.S. banknotes
  〗 〖Laudatorytitle or reputation of a better term
  〖Beautifulcharacter; moralexcellence; pleasantvirtue good noble character〗
  Virtue and evil
  Aesthetic feeling
  〖Aestheticfeelings; senseofbeauty〗 generated in the process of aesthetic pleasure
  〗 〖Artdesigning: movies, all kinds of dramatic art performances related to the art work, including _set_ design, props, costume design, _select_ion and production, etc.
  〗 〖Artdesigner: who is responsible for the work of these artists
  〖Bepleasingtotheeye; bebeautifultolookat〗 nice shape; beautiful
  〖Desirable; fine; glorious; happy; beautiful people in all aspects〗 like; excellent
  Beautiful weather
  Good plan
  〖Beautify; prettify〗 decoration, embellishment so beautiful
  Plants and flowers are usually used to embellish all the parks and buildings
  〗 〖Embellish: playing a game, to say good ugly
  Miss United States
  〗 〖Beautifullady ladies beauty pageant
  U.S. trial of strength
  Port〗〗 〖〖behappy: proud of the way
  Look at the beauty of your vigor
  〗 〖Becomfortable: very comfortable
  Swim at the beach when the United States and hoped that would not mention the trial of strength
  Beautiful scenery
  〗 〖Beautifulscenery beautiful scenery (such as sea, land or sky)
  Good wine
  〗 〖Goodwine color, smell, taste superb wine; wine
  Food & Wine
  〗 〖Looking beautiful; beautiful, that is, in the form, scale, layout, grace, color or sound close to perfect or ideal state, so that is very pleasant all the senses
  〖Magnificent, sumptuous〗 grand, clear, bright. Described more magnificent buildings, magnificent. Round, tall look. Huan, flourish and prosperity of the way ("Book of Rites Tan Gong": "The beautiful round Yan, Miya Huan Yan.")
  Hong-li we passed a magnificent mansion in the area, driving told us that it is rich Westerners and local residential areas. - Fen "message to the early _set_ track of a wanderer, after stormy sea"
  〖Happy; perfectlysatisfactory〗 happy, happy; better satisfactory
  Happy life
  〗 〖Goodlooks beautiful face
  〗 〖Fonddream
  It was a happy dream
  Analogy can not be achieved, but the illusion of a better
  〖Beautiful; marvellous; nice; splendid; wonderful〗 better; wonderful wonderful
  Wonderful poem
  Good reputation
  〖Goodname; goodreputation〗 reputation
  Young hero world reputation
  〖Queen; beauty; belle; beautifullady〗 looks beautiful woman
  〗 〖Callitbyfine-soundingnameof give a good name (name) is called ...
  Euphemistically called "welfare for workers," do not hurt when the workers see it?
  Euphemistically called "Mount Fuji." - Lu Xun "Tengyexiansheng"
  〗 〖Memorialtotheemperor their letter to the ancients, it is recommended that shy, said, "Qin Xian" or "Xian Qin." For example, the low-ji regardless of their own office, the two sides and with the war on Song for the specific analysis of the future, into more than papers that be named as "the U.S. Ten of celery." Here, "the United States and Qin Xian" refers to the low status of people's good ideas
  〗 〖Beauty
  With a long shiny shiny black hair, red lips, bold eye is not timid beauty
  Persons of high moral character; sage
  Beauty and the gentleman across the state gathered there
  But old age
  〗 〖Abeautyinheroldage lamented old and useless words of beauty. There was once used as a metaphor for beauty, but now aging incompetent
  Sanshiliuji〗 〖sex-trap, one taken with the beauty to lure people
  〖Beautifytheface; improveaperson'slooks〗 that looks beautiful; enhance their beauty
  Bel Canto
  〗 〖Belcanto originated in the 17th and 18th century Italian emphasis on comfortable, clean, smooth and accurate sound and flexible vocal techniques of singing opera
  〖Finearts; painting〗 painting, sculpture and other plastic arts, especially painting, which
  Sweet talk
  〗 〖Astorypassedonwithapproval people praise the story; of a good thing for the good talk
  〖Deliciousfood; delicacy〗 food taste better
  Delicious roast pheasant and cocktails
  〖Delicious; delicate〗 delicious; tasty
  Gourmet cooking
  Tasty dessert
  〗 〖Slap-upfeed: the finest, the best food
  Delicious food ... and sherry
  〗 〖Daintydish: delicate and delicious meals
  Ready to put in before the king's delicacies
  〗 〖Delectablemorseks: delicious food
  Separate sitting, big mouth and chew his own delicacies
  U.S. I
  〗 〖Paymeacompliment think I'm beautiful. U.S. to ... ... for the United States
  The beauty of my wife and I were, private I; by my beauty I were, I fear ... .... - "Let the Warring States policy"
  〗 〖Fineanddelicate: beautiful handsome
  Miho moving
  〗 〖Theoutstandingpeople: refers to the ability, intelligence is very attractive people
  〗 〖Aesthetics
  A branch of philosophy, discusses the beauty of the things the United States, especially the judgments of aesthetic taste
  Philosophy of art or science; especially the theme is to describe and explain the fine arts, art and aesthetic experience and phenomena, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, art history and important scientific parties
  Good word
  〖Putinagoodwordforsb.〗 Help people talk about things
  More into the good word
  〗 〖Fair beauty, beauty
  May you never love is not bad, wish her beauty permanent
  〗 〖Prettyanddazzling beautiful beautiful
  Looks glamorous
  〖Goodwill; kindness〗 good mind; good
  Thank you for your kindness
  〗 〖Aestheticeducation also known as "aesthetic education." School students the right aesthetic point of view and develop their appreciation for the beauty and creativity of education
  〗 〖Goodfame good reputation
  〖Buck; American (US) dollar based currency U.S.〗
  Fly in the ointment
  〗 〖Aflyintheointment among the happy, there are still shortcomings of the Department
  Sigh earth, fly in the ointment this side letter, even though Juanqimei, in the end means it hard. - "Dream of Red Mansions"
  America〗 〖full american continent. East Atlantic, north of the Arctic Ocean, south across the Drake Passage with the Antarctic sea. From the two continents, North and South America and close to many islands, generally the Panama Canal as the boundary between South America and North America. The total area of more than 4,200 square kilometers. Population 590 million (1978)
  〗 〖Beverypleasedwithoneself describe my pleasure in showing his face very proud of the way
  It took him out, flattered
  ( huì jīn wén xíng , cóng yáng , cóng , rén yáng wéi zhù yào shí pǐn , féi zhuàng de yáng chī lái wèi hěn měiběn wèi měi )
   tóng běn
   měi , gān 。 --《 shuō wén
   rán hòu tiān zhī měi shēng。 --《 guǎn · wǔháng》。 zhù wèi gān quán zhī lèi 。”
   shí zhēn měi 。 -- míng · liú chéng liú wén chéng gōng wén
   yòu měi jiǔ ; měi gān gān ( xíng róng fēi cháng gān měi huò tián ); měi wèi ( měi hǎo de wèi ; kǒu de shí pǐn ); měi shí ( wèi měi de shí pǐn ; chī wèi měi de shí )
   xíng mào hǎo kàn , piào liàng
   měi mèng jiāng 。 --《 shī · yōng fēng · sāng zhōng
   měi mèng
   shú chéng běi gōng měi ?--《 zhàn guó ·
   méi wéi měi , zhí 。 -- gōng
   měi měi
   hǎoshàn hǎo。~ wèi~。 jià lián ~。
   chēng zàn zàn~。
   fāng gāo xīng de

  United States (knowing. Bronze shape, from the sheep, from the large, ancient to the sheep as the main food, fat sheep to eat taste beautiful. The original meaning of taste) with the original meaning of the United States, Gan also. - "Said the text" and then the beauty of heaven and earth life. - "Pipe Five." Note that the dew Liquan the like also. "Food will treasure the United States. - Ming Liu Ji" sincerity of public Collection Bo Liu Wencheng "Another example is the wine; U.S. Gangan (described as very sweet, or sweet); delicious (good taste; delicious food); food (delicious food ; eat delicious food) Morphology pretty, pretty Meng Jiang is also the United States. - "Poetry Yong Sang in the wind," the United States carry Meng Yi. I Xu what the United States and north of the city? - "Let the Warring States policy" to Qu Mei for the United States, no straight posture. - U.S. měi ⒈ Gong is good, good ~ good. ~ li. taste ~. cheap things ~. ⒉ praise like ~. ⒊ <square> happy, proud ~ Zizi. ⒋
   měi mei
   shǒu yáng shǒu huà 06 zǒng huà 09
  ( huì jīn wén xíng , cóng yáng , cóng , rén yáng wéi zhù yào shí pǐn , féi zhuàng de yáng chī lái wèi hěn měiběn wèi měi )
   tóng běn [delicious]
   měi , gān 。 --《 shuō wén
   rán hòu tiān zhī měi shēng。 --《 guǎn · wǔháng》。 zhù wèi gān quán zhī lèi 。”
   shí zhēn měi 。 -- míng · liú chéng liú wén chéng gōng wén
   yòu měi jiǔ ; měi gān gān ( xíng róng fēi cháng gān měi huò tián ); měi wèi ( měi hǎo de wèi ; kǒu de shí pǐn ); měi shí ( wèi měi de shí pǐn ; chī wèi měi de shí )
   xíng mào hǎo kàn , piào liàng [beautiful;good-looking;handsome;pretty]
   měi mèng jiāng 。 --《 shī · yōng fēng · sāng zhōng
   měi mèng
   shú chéng běi gōng měi ?--《 zhàn guó ·
   méi wéi měi , zhí 。 -- gōng zhēnbìng méi guǎn
   yòu měi ( měi de ); měi juàn ( měi de juàn ; měi rén ); měi ( jiāo měi de ); měi shào ( jùn měi , xiù měi )
   měi hǎo [fair;good;nice;fine]
   jìn hóu zhī měi 。 --《 gōngyángzhuàn · zhuāng gōng shí 'èr nián
   shú chéng běi gōng měi ?--《 zhàn guó ·
   wáng wéi jiàn qín 'ér měi 。 --《 shì chūn qiū · shèn xíng
   mín yuàn , měi 。 --《 xún · wáng
   fāng cǎo xiān měi 。 -- jìn · táo yuān míngtáo huā yuán
   tiān xià zhī měi 。 -- míng · liú · qiān piān
   cái měi wài xiàn。 -- táng · hán shuō
   yòu liáng tián měi chí ; měi chú ( hǎo chāishi , hǎo guān zhí ); měi quē ( yòu de guān zhí , féi quē ); měi wén ( yōu měi de wén ); měi ( měi hǎo de róng ); měi ( měi hǎo de shǎng ; zhǐ jiǔ ); měi cái ( chū de cái xué ; jié chū de rén cái ); měi zhōng ( suī hǎo dàn hái yòu zhī chù ); měi xiá ( wán měi quē )
   xiǎng [ideal]
   jìn měi 。 --《 lùn 》。 huáng shū kān dāng shí zhī chēng。”
   yòu měi xuǎn ( xiǎng de rén xuǎn ); měi qiān ( shēng rèn xiǎng de zhí wèi ); měi bài ( měi chú měi shòudān rèn hǎo de guān wèi )
  [ fāng ]∶ , gāo xīng [bepleasedwithoneself]。 qiáo zhè měi jìn 'ér ; měi
   měi guó de [american]。 měi jūn ; měi yuán ; měi dūn
   chēng měi ; zàn měi [praise]
   máo qiáng , rén zhī suǒ měi 。 --《 zhuāng · lùn
   yòu měi yán ( jiā yán ); měi ( chēng měi fěng 'èduō yòng shī wén ); měi yǒng ( zàn měi yǒng tàn )
   rèn wéi měi ; shǐ shì biàn měi , biàn hǎo [beautify]
   zhī měi zhě , 。 --《 zhàn guó ·
   fán měi tián zhī , dòu wéi shàng , xiǎo dòu zhī。 --《 mín yào shù · gēng tián
   yòu měi tián ( shǐ tián féi ); měi zhèng ( shǐ zhèng zhì měi shàn ); měi ( shǐ fēng chún měi )
   yīn diào de zhù guān dān wèi , děng pín shuài wéi 1000 de yīn de yīn diào de qiān fēn zhī -- yóu yòng tīng jué xué [mel]
   měi shèng shōu
  [somanybeautifulthingsthatonesimplycan'ttakethemallin;betoobeautifultobeabsorbedallatonce] měi jǐng duō kàn guò lái ; shù pǐn tài měi ér chī jiē
   měi cān
   zhǐ wèi dào xiān měi ér zhì liàng gāo de fàn cài
   chī liǎo dùn měi cān
   shí fēn mǎn chī
   yòu zhī zhū xiǎng zhuō zhù xiǎo cāng yíng měi cān dùn
   měi chā
   zhǐ tiáo jiàn yōu yuè de chāishi
   néng dào hǎo chù de gōng zuò
   chènxīn de gōng zuò
   měi chāo
  [greenback;unitedstatesnote] měi guó zhǐ
   měi chēng
  [laudatorytitle] měi hǎo de chēng huò shēng
  [beautifulcharacter;moralexcellence;pleasantvirtue] měi hàogāo shàng de pǐn
   měi 'è xíng
   měi gǎn
  [aestheticfeelings;senseofbeauty] zài shěn měi guò chéng zhōng chǎn shēng de yuè gǎn
   měi gōng
  [artdesigning]∶ diàn yǐng zhǒng shù biǎo yǎn shí shè dào de měi shù gōng zuò , bāo kuò jǐng de shè , dào zhuāng de shè xuǎn zhì zuò děng
  [artdesigner]∶ zhè xiē měi shù gōng zuò de rén
   měi guān
  [bepleasingtotheeye;bebeautifultolookat] wài xíng hǎo kàn ; piào liàng
   měi hǎo
  [desirable;fine;glorious;happy;beautiful] zài fāng miàn shǐ rén huān ; hǎo
   měi hǎo de tiān
   měi hǎo de jìhuà
   měi huà
  [beautify;prettify] zhuāng shìdiǎn zhuì shǐ měi guān
   měi huà huán jìng
   zhí huā huì tōng cháng yòng lái měi huà suǒ yòu de gōng yuán jiàn zhù
  [embellish]∶ wán nòng shǒu duàn , chǒu 'è de shuō chéng měi hǎo de
   měi jiě
  [beautifullady] cān jiā xuǎn měi de shì
   měi jìn 'ér
  [behappy][ kǒu ]∶ de yàng
   qiáo de měi jìn 'ér
  [becomfortable]∶ shí fēn shū
   zài hǎi bīn chàng yóu shí de měi jìn 'ér jiù béng liǎo
   měi jǐng
  [beautifulscenery] yōu měi de jǐng ( hǎi huò tiān kōng de )
   měi jiǔ
  [goodwine] xiāngwèi jiā de jiǔ ; hǎo jiǔ
   měi jiǔ jiā yáo
  [beautiful] hǎo kàn ; piào liàng , zài xíng shì fēng yán huò shēng yīn shàng jiē jìn wán měi huò xiǎng jìng jiè , shǐ zhǒng gǎn guān wéi yuè
   měi lún měi huàn
  měilún měihuàn
  [magnificent,sumptuous] shèng , xiān míng , liàng tángduō xíng róng jiàn zhù xióng wěi zhuàng guān táng huánglún , gāo de yàng huàn , fán de yàng (《 · tán gōng měi zāi lún yān , měi zāi huàn yān。” )
   men jīng guò měi lún měi huàn de hóng huá shà de , kāi chē de gào men shuō zhè shì rén běn wēng de zhù zhái 。 -- zōu tāo fènpíng zōng chū · jīng tāo hài làng hòu
   měi mǎn
  [happy;perfectlysatisfactory] gǎn dào xìng kuài ; měi hǎo yuán mǎn
   měi mǎn de shēng huó
   měi mào
  [goodlooks] měi de róng yán
   měi mèng
   lìng rén gǎn dào xīn qíng kuài de mèng
   měi hǎo dàn néng shí xiàn de huàn xiǎng
   měi miào
  [beautiful;marvellous;nice;splendid;wonderful] měi hǎo ; měi hǎo jué miào
   měi miào de shī
   měi míng
  [goodname;goodreputation] hǎo míng shēng
   yīng xióng měi míng tiān xià yáng
  [queen;beauty;belle;beautifullady] róng mào měi de
   měi míng yuē
  [callitbyfine-soundingnameof] jǐyǔ hǎo tīng de míng ( míng chēng ) jiào zuò
   měi míng yuē wéi zhí gōng móu ” , kēng hài zhí gōng de shì shì shí yòu suǒ jiàn ?
   měi míng yuē shì shān”。 -- xùnténg xiān shēng
   měi qín zhī xiàn
  [memorialtotheemperor] rén duì de shàng shūjiàn biǎo shì qiān , chēng qín xiànhuò xiàn qín”。 xīn guān zhí wēi , jiù sòng jīn shuāng fāng zhàn de qián zuò fēn , xiě chéng shí piān lùn wén , míng zhī wéi měi qín shí lùn》。 zhè de měi qín zhī xiànzhǐ de jiù shì wèi wēi de rén chū de hǎo jiàn
   měi rén
   cháng zhe yóu guāng liàng de hēi tóu hóng zuǐ chúnyǎn jīng diǎn qiè nuò de dǎn de měi rén
   pǐn gāo shàng de rén ; xián rén
   quán zhōu de měi rén shēn shì zài
   měi rén chí
  měirén- chímù
  [abeautyinheroldage] gǎn tàn měi rén nián lǎo shuāi zhī zhǐ měi rén cóng qián yòu zuò wéi , ér jīn què shuāi lǎo néng liǎo
   měi rén
  [sex-trap] sān shí liù zhī , yòng měi rén yǐn yòu rén shàngdàng
   měi róng
  [beautifytheface;improveaperson'slooks] shǐ róng mào měi ; měi huà róng mào
   měi shēng chàng
  [belcanto] yuán 17 18 shì de qiáng diào chún jìngpíng wěn de shēng líng huó zhǔn què de shēngyuè qiǎo de chàng
   měi shù
  [finearts;painting] huì huàdiāo děng zào xíng shù , zhǐ zhōng de huì huà
   měi tán
  [astorypassedonwithapproval] shǐ rén chēng sòng de shì ; duì mǒu jiàn hǎo shì de měi hǎo tán lùn
   měi wèi
  [deliciousfood;delicacy] wèi dào měi hǎo de shí pǐn
   kǎo wěi jiǔ de měi wèi
   měi wèi
  [delicious;delicate] xiān měi ; wèi dào hǎo
   měi wèi pēngtiáo
   měi wèi de tián shí
   měi wèi jiā yáo
  měiwèi- jiāyáo
  [slap-upfeed]∶ shàng děng de liú de shí pǐn
   dùn měi wèi jiā yáohái yòu xuě jiǔ
  [daintydish]∶ jīng zhì kǒu de fàn cài
   zhǔn bèi bǎi zài guó wáng miàn qián de měi wèi jiā yáo
  [delectablemorseks]∶ wèi dào xiān měi de shí pǐn
   fēn kāi zuò zhe , kǒu jiáo de měi wèi jiā yáo
  [paymeacompliment] rèn wéi měi měi , …… wéi měi
   zhī měi zhě , ; qiè zhī měi zhě , wèi ……。 --《 zhàn guó ·
   měi xiù
  [fineanddelicate]∶ měi qīng xiù
   měi xiù dòng rén
  [theoutstandingpeople]∶ zhǐ cái néngzhì shí fēn chū zhòng de rén
   měi xué
   zhé xué de fēn zhī , lùn shù měi měi de shì , yóu zhǐ duì shěn měi jiàn shǎng de pàn duàn
   měi shù de zhé xué huò xué ; zhǐ zhù shì miáo shù jiě shì měi shù měi shù xiàn xiàng měi xué jīng yàn bìng bāo kuò xīn xuéshè huì xuérén lèi xué shù shǐ zhòng yào de yòu guān fāng miàn de xué
   měi yán
  [putinagoodwordforsb.] rén shuō hǎo huà
   duō jìn měi yán
   měi yán
  [fair] měi de róng yán , měi mào
   yuàn yǒng 'ài shuāi , zhù měi yán cháng zhù
   měi yàn
  [prettyanddazzling] měi hǎo yàn
   róng měi yàn
  [goodwill;kindness] hǎo xīn ; shàn
   xiè xiè nín de měi
  [aestheticeducation] yòu chēng shěn měi jiào ”。 xué xiào zhōng péi yǎng xué shēng zhèng què de shěn měi guān diǎn , zhǎn men duì měi de jiàn shǎng néng chuàng zào néng de jiào
  [goodfame] měi hǎo de míng
   měi yuán
  [buck;american(u.s.)dollar] měi guó de běn wèi huò
   měi zhōng
  měizhōng- bùzú
  [aflyintheointment] zài měi mǎn zhī zhōng , réng yòu quē hàn zhī chù
   tàn rén jiān , měi zhōng jīn fāng xìn , zòng rán shì 'àn méi , dào nán píng。 --《 hóng lóu mèng
   měi zhōu
  [america] quán chēng měi jiā zhōudōng lín yáng , běi jiē běi bīng yáng , nán léi hǎi xiá tóng nán zhōu xiāng wàngyóu běi měi nán měi liǎng lín jìn duō dǎo chéng , bān yùn zuò wéi nán měi zhōu běi měi zhōu de fēn jiè xiànzǒng miàn 4200 wàn píng fāng gōng rén kǒu 5.9 (1978 nián )
  [beverypleasedwithoneself] xíng róng xīn gāo xīng 'ér zài liǎn shàng biǎo xiàn chū hěn de yàng
   kǎo liǎo mǎn fēn , měi de
  měi  ˇ
   hǎoshàn。~ xué。~ tánshěn~。~ 。~ róng měi huà róng mào)。~ shèng shōu
   gāo xīng de
   chēng zàn wéi hǎo zàn~。~ yán。~
   zhǐ měi jiā zhōu”( jiǎn chēng měi zhōu”) běi~。 nán~。
   zhǐ měi guó”~ yuán。~ huá rén
   zhèng ucgd, u7f8e, gbkc3c0
   huà shù 9, shǒu yáng shùn biān hào 431121134

  Radical Radical Sheep total strokes 09 strokes 06
  United States
  Good; good;
  Ugly; evil;
  United States
  (Knowing. Bronze shape, from the sheep, from the large, ancient to the sheep as the main food, fat sheep to eat taste beautiful. The original meaning of taste)
  With the original meaning of [delicious]
  United States, Gan also. - "Said the text"
  Health and beauty of heaven and earth. - "Pipe Five." Note that the dew Liquan the like also. "
  Food will treasure the United States. - Ming Liu Ji "sincerity of public Collection Bo Liu Wencheng"
  Another example is the wine; U.S. Gangan (described as very sweet, or sweet); delicious (good taste; delicious food); food (delicious food; eat delicious food)
  Appearance good-looking, beautiful [beautiful; good-looking; handsome; pretty]
  Meng Jiang is also the United States. - "Poetry Yong Sang in the wind"
  Meng Yi carry the United States.
  Xu and north of I what the United States? - "Let the Warring States policy"
  May the song for the United States, no straight posture. - Gong Zizhen "disease Mei Museum in mind"
  Another example is Miki (beautiful woman); Meijuan (beautiful harem; beauty); sex (Jiao Mei's beauty); U.S. Shao (handsome, beautiful)
  Good [fair; good; nice; fine]
  The beauty marquises of Jin. - "Kung-yang Zhuang years"
  Xu and north of I what the United States? - "Warring States policy of a homogeneous"
  Wang Jian Qin and the United States to take his wife. - "Lu Cautious"
  The public is willing, the vulgar beauty. - "Xunzi and hegemony"
  Grass delicious. - Jin Tao "Peach Blossom Spring"
  The beauty of the world. - Ming Liu Ji, "Yu-ion Maxima articles"
  It is nothing more than the United States. - Han Yu Tang "miscellaneous said"
  Another example is the fertile beauty pool; the United States except (good job, good office); the United States lack of (official profitable, lucrative); the United States in (beautiful diction); MT (beautiful appearance); Milo (good reward; refers to the wine); Mei-Cai (outstanding scholarship; outstanding talent); fly in the ointment (though good but there are inadequate); Jade flawless (perfect analogy)
  Ideal [ideal]
  Make the United States also. - "The Analects of Confucius." Wong Shu Kan, known at that time together. "
  Another example is the U.S. election (ideal candidate); the United States moved (promoted to the ideal positions); the United States thanks to (the United States except the United States delegation. As good an official post)
  [Party]: proud, happy to [be pleased with oneself]. Look at this beauty as he kept on; flattered
  United States [american]. If the U.S. military; dollars; U.S. tons
  United States
  Said the United States; praise [praise]
  Mao Qiang Li Ji, one of the United States also. - "Equality of Zhuangzi"
  Another example is the good word (GREENVILLE); U.S. thorns (known as the evil beauty and irony. More for poetry); United Chant (praise chant)
  That ... the United States; to make things change the United States, changed for the better [beautify]
  The beauty of my wife and I were in private I have. - "Let the Warring States policy"
  Where the United States and field of the law, as the mung bean, red bean, sesame second. - "Arts for the People plow"
  Another example is the United States and field (the field fertile); the U.S. government (the political goodness); U.S. customs (the customs Atsumi)
  United States
  Subjective tone, equal to a frequency of 1000 Hz audio tone of the one-thousandth - especially for Hearing Sciences [mel]
  [So many beautiful things that one simply can't take them all in; be too beautiful to be absorbed all at once] and more beautiful to look at, but come; art is so beautiful and the project received no Chi
  [Feast; good meal]
  Refers to the delicious food and high-quality
  Eat a good meal
  Ate with great satisfaction
  There is a spider to catch the small flies a good meal
  U.S. poor
  [Cushy job; well-paid post]
  Refers to the favorable conditions of the job
  Work can benefit
  The work of the Heart
  U.S. dollars
  [Greenback; united states note] the United States notes
  [Laudatory title] or reputation of a better term
  [Beautiful character; moral excellence; pleasant virtue] good noble character
  Virtue and evil
  Aesthetic feeling
  [Aesthetic feelings; sense of beauty] generated in the process of aesthetic pleasure
  [Art designing]: movies, all kinds of dramatic art performances related to the art work, including _set_ design, props, costume design, _select_ion and production, etc.
  [Art designer]: who is responsible for the work of these artists
  [Be pleasing to the eye; be beautiful to look at] attractive appearance; beautiful
  [Desirable; fine; glorious; happy; beautiful] in every respect, people like it; excellent
  Beautiful weather
  Good plan
  [Beautify; prettify] decoration, embellishment so beautiful
  Plants and flowers are usually used to embellish all the parks and buildings
  [Embellish]: playing a game, to say good ugly
  Miss United States
  [Beautiful lady] lady beauty pageant
  U.S. trial of strength
  [Be happy] [port]: proud of the way
  Look at the beauty of your vigor
  [Be comfortable]: very comfortable
  Swim at the beach when the United States and hoped that would not mention the trial of strength
  Beautiful scenery
  [Beautiful scenery] beautiful scenery (such as sea, land or sky)
  Good wine
  [Good wine] color, smell, taste superb wine; wine
  Food & Wine
  [Beautiful] beautiful; beautiful, that is, in the form, scale, layout, grace, color or sound close to perfect or ideal state, so that is very pleasant all the senses
  [Magnificent, sumptuous] grand, clear, bright. Described more magnificent buildings, magnificent. Round, tall look. Huan, flourish and prosperity of the way ("Book of Rites Tan Gong" The beautiful round Yan, Miya Huan Yan. ")
  Hong-li we passed a magnificent mansion in the area, driving told us that it is rich Westerners and local residential areas. - Fen "message to the early _set_ track of a wanderer, after stormy sea"
  [Happy; perfectly satisfactory] happy, happy; better satisfactory
  Happy life
  [Good looks] beautiful face
  [Fond dream]
  It was a happy dream
  Analogy can not be achieved, but the illusion of a better
  [Beautiful; marvellous; nice; splendid; wonderful] OK; wonderful wonderful
  Wonderful poem
  Good reputation
  [Good name; good reputation] good name
  Young hero world reputation
  [Queen; beauty; belle; beautiful lady] looks beautiful woman
  [Call it by fine-sounding name of] give a good name (name) is called ...
  Sounding name for the benefit of employees ", hurt the workers can see when something is not it?
  Renamed as Mount Fuji. "- Lu Xun," Tengyexiansheng "
  měiqín zhīxiàn
  [Memorial to the emperor] of his letter to the ancients, it is recommended that modesty, said Qin Xian "or Xian Qin." For example, the low-ji regardless of their own office, the two sides and with the war on Song for the specific analysis of the future, into more than papers that be named as "the U.S. Ten of celery." Xian Qin of the United States here, "refers to the low status of people's good ideas
  With a long shiny shiny black hair, red lips, bold eye is not timid beauty
  Persons of high moral character; sage
  Beauty and the gentleman across the state gathered there
  But old age
  [A beauty in her old age] lamented the words of old and useless beauty. There was once used as a metaphor for beauty, but now aging incompetent
  [Sex-trap] Sanshiliuji one taken with the beauty to lure people
  [Beautify the face; improve a person's looks] so that looks beautiful; enhance their beauty
  Bel Canto
  měishēng chàngfǎ
  [Bel canto] originated in the 17th and 18th century Italian emphasis on comfortable, clean, smooth and accurate sound and flexible vocal techniques of singing opera
  [Fine arts; painting] painting, sculpture and other plastic arts, especially painting, which
  Sweet talk
  [A story passed on with approval] people praise the story; of a good thing for the good talk
  [Delicious food; delicacy] food taste better
  Delicious roast pheasant and cocktails
  [Delicious; delicate] delicious; tasty
  Gourmet cooking
  Tasty dessert
  [Slap-up feed]: the finest, the best food
  Delicious food ... and sherry
  [Dainty dish]: delicate and delicious meals
  Ready to put in before the king's delicacies
  [Delectable morseks]: delicious food
  Separate sitting, big mouth and chew his own delicacies
  U.S. I
  měi wǒ
  [Pay me a compliment] think I'm beautiful. U.S. to ... ... for the United States
  The beauty of my wife and I were, private I; by my beauty I were, I fear ... .... - "Let the Warring States policy"
  [Fine and delicate]: pretty handsome
  Miho moving
  [The outstanding people]: refers to the ability, intelligence is very attractive people
  A branch of philosophy, discusses the beauty of the things the United States, especially the judgments of aesthetic taste
  Philosophy of art or science; especially the theme is to describe and explain the fine arts, art and aesthetic experience and phenomena, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, art history and important scientific parties
  Good word
  [Put in a good word for sb.] To help people talk about things
  More into the good word
  [Fair] beauty, beauty
  May you never love is not bad, wish her beauty permanent
  [Pretty and dazzling] beautiful beautiful
  Looks glamorous
  [Goodwill; kindness] a good mind; good
  Thank you for your kindness
  [Aesthetic education], also known as aesthetic education. "Schools, students correct the aesthetic point of view and develop their appreciation for the beauty and creativity of education
  [Good fame] good reputation
  [Buck; american (us) dollar] currency of the United States based
  Fly in the ointment
  [A fly in the ointment] being in a happy, there are still shortcomings of the Department
  Sigh earth, fly in the ointment this side letter, even though Juanqimei, in the end means it hard. - "Dream of Red Mansions"
  [America] full name of the american continent. East Atlantic, north of the Arctic Ocean, south across the Drake Passage with the Antarctic sea. From the two continents, North and South America and close to many islands, generally the Panama Canal as the boundary between South America and North America. The total area of more than 4,200 square kilometers. Population 590 million (1978)
  [Be very pleased with oneself] to describe my pleasure in showing his face very proud of the way
  It took him out, flattered
  United States
  měi mo ㄟ
  Good, good ~ de. ~ School. ~ Talks. Trial ~. ~ Li. ~ Yung (enhance their beauty.) ~ Very close.
  Proud, happy ~ Zizi.
  Praise, think that good like ~. ~ Statement. ~ Reputation.
  Refers to the american continent "(referred to as American") North ~. South ~.
  Means the United States "~ yuan. ~ Nationality Chinese.
  Zheng code ucgd, u7f8e, gbkc3c0
  9 number of strokes, radical sheep, Stroke No. 431121134
wèi zhōng Not concentrate  【 guǎng yùn】【 yùn】【 yùn huì】 ???? qiēyīn 。【 shuō wéngān cóng yáng cóng yáng zài liù chùzhù gěi shàn měi shàn tóng 。【 zhùyáng měi cóng 。【 jīng wén cóng quǎn cóng huǒ zhěé。【 shī · zhào nán · gān táng měi zhào 。【 shūshàn zhě yán měiè zhě yán 。  yòuguǎng yùnhàosè。【 shī · bèi fēngfěi zhī wéi měi 。【 chuánfēi wéi shuō měi 'ér 。  yòuzhèng yùnjiā hǎo 。  yòuyùn míng qiē。【 liú xiàng · jiǔ tànyáng jīng huá huàn yào fēn 'ér chéng měijié guì shù zhī rèn quán huì xīn yīn 。 【 piānhuò zuò měi

  Guangyun 【】 【】 【Ji Yun Yun will】 ???? no rustic cut, sound squint. 【】 Gan also said the text. From the sheep from the big. Sheep in domestic animals, the main to the meal as well. Beauty and good agreement. 【Note】 sheep big is beautiful, it is from the great. Text】 【Five Classics from the fire were from dogs, E. 【Order】 poem called the Southern United States and the Kom Tong Hall is also called Peter. 【】 Good and made sparse beauty, evil words sting. Also Guangyun】 【lust. Bei Feng】 【poetry as beauty female bandit. 【Fax】 non-believers say their beauty only. Rhymes】 【Ka and also, good also. Also make】 【Yun Yeh secret cutting. Nine sigh】 【Liu Xiang to show off the essence of Xi Yang, Yu-Fen Ottawa from the United States. Results of the majestic laurel Xi, Wai Tsuen and magnolia sewing. Yi sound different. 【】 Or articles for the Mei-yu.
biān hào :2344 ID: 2344  gān cóng yáng cóng yáng zài liù chù zhù gěi shàn měi shàn tóng qiē

  Gan also. From the sheep from the big. Sheep to the meal are the main domestic animals. Beauty and good agreement. No vulgar cut

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