Lack quē not enough: the lack of. Missing. Deficiency. Lacking. Complete. Broken: shortcomings. Gap. Defects. Vacancies (of posts): shortfall. Replacement. But not to the to: leave. Absent. Shortfall of more than a few strokes: 10; radicals: pottery; stroke order code: 3112525134
Lack quē 【Form】 (Phonetic. From Fou (fǒu), Jue (guài) sound. Pottery, pottery. "Jue" also has function of indicating. Water shortage as a "must", jade lack of a "slotted" device missing for the "missing", there damage was intended. the original meaning: appliances damaged) with the original meaning. The idea was missing and incomplete 〖imperfect; imcomplete〗 Missing, the device is also broken. - "Said the text" Break into the cliff almost missing Zhou. - "Zhuangzi Qiu water" Zhou only slightly contained incomplete membership. - "Han Dynasty History" Jipo my ax, and destitute of my Qiang. - "Poetry Bin Feng broken ax" Another example: a piece of wall missing; MISSING (broken flakes); lack of rodents (Angular, damage); lack of bad (breaking of damage); lack of touch (incomplete ablation); lack of lip (also known as "Quezui", upper lip defect . a cleft lip); lack destroyed (incomplete collapse) Lack quē 【Activity】 Deficient; lack 〖lack; beshortof〗 The lack of kingly instrument. - "Han Simaxiangru pass down" However, this micro-short. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Mei Man Festival" Another example: lack of salt; short of oil; _truncate_d; lacked a lot; lack of people; short months (the moon, the moon is not round); lack of potential (lack of a cushion after the corner); two pages missing in this book To not yet reached the〗 〖beabsent. Such as: people in attendance, a no shortage of Lack quē 【Name】 Old refers to the amount of empty office, the latter also refers to the amount of general office space vacancy〗 〖. Such as: to fill a vacancy; absence (job vacancies); missing item (void) Gap; gap gap〗 〖 Front port is missing. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft" Another example: lack of O (gap opening appearance) 〗 〖Deficiency deficiency People have sorrow, month also wanes, the matter ancient difficult wholly. - Song Su Shi's "Prelude to Water" Another example: missing month (not a round of the month); lack of frog (short month) Defects. Unfortunately, the idea was〗 〖defect You Yu Shou lack of residual protection. - "_Select_ed Works of Dr. Liu Xin shift too often the book" Another example: missing things (lack of work; feel regret things); the trap (defect) Vacancies quēbiān 〗 〖Vacancy also known as "gap." Units, the number of personnel and equipment is less than the preparation of the prescribed limits Wicked quēdé 〖Mean; wicked〗 not Gudao Yi, undermine moral. Refers to the people to do bad things and pranks Unethical behavior Shortcomings quēdiǎn 〖Shortcoming; defect; weakness〗 weaknesses; gaps To overcome the shortcomings in work Gap quē'é 〗 〖Less than the amount of vacancy and places; empty places There are three vacancies preparation Lack of quēfá 〖Beshortof; lack〗 inadequate; the lack of Lack the strength to walk Defect quēhàn 〗 〖Regret not perfect, unfortunately the Department His work has also some shortcomings Out of Stock quēhuò 〖Beinshortsupply; outofstock〗 〖〗 lack of certain goods market Maotai is now out of stock Out of Stock quēhuò 〗 〖Scarcegoods missing goods Wood in the forest does not appear to care for things in the city is out of stock Gives short weight quējīn-duǎnliǎng 〗 〖Giveshortweight component to do business in the shortage. Also as "Duanjinqueliang" Absence quēkè 〖Missaclass; beabsentfromthelectare (lesson); stayawayfromclass (school)〗 for some reason did not go to school students Absent for three days Gap quēkǒu 〗 〖Harelip: Quezui, lack of lip Today were not angle is not teeth, brown coat of the believers, and the gap and long to be. - Han Yu Tang "Mao Ying Chuan" 〗 〖Breach: the missing piece of the object on the edge of the gap formed, the Department also refers to incomplete 〗 〖Gap: refers to the shortage of some things (such as the lack of lip; Quezui; place objects breaking, etc.) There are gaps in this year's oil supply Missing quēlòu 〗 〖Gapsandomissions lack of vulnerability Fill gaps in Void quēmén 〖Gap (inabranchoflearningetc.)〗 categories of vacancies To fill a void in industry Absence quēqín 〖Absencefromduty (orwork)〗 work within the specified time and not go to work in the Sick leave Absent quērú 〗 〖Bewanting lack; lacking; does not exist Four missing three short quēsān-duǎnsì 〗 〖Incomplete incomplete to describe items Four of the kitchen missing three short Lack of quēshǎo 〖Lack; beshortof〗 shortages; deficiency; inadequate; insufficient number of Lack of manpower Missing quēshī 〖Fault; shortcoming〗 defects; shortcomings and mistakes Water quēshuǐ 〖Aridity; lackwater〗 organisms, the lack of water or water shortage Absence quēwèi Omission〗 〖vacancies When the absence of Chairman for health, the vice chairman of the agency Absent quēxí 〖Miss; absent〗 did not attend; to not yet reached the Absence of the accused, ruling according to law Defect quēxiàn 〖Defect; drawback; flaw; shortcoming〗 defects; shortcomings; lacking; not perfect Physical defects Visual defects His plan did not predict the biggest drawback is the cost of Quexinshaofei quēxīn-shǎofèi 〗 〖Bebrainless lack of resourcefulness His lack of heart less lung, susceptible to use Lack of acting by quēxīnyǎnr 〗 〖Beidiotic calculating or lack of tact, especially mental development is not perfect Hypoxia quēyǎng 〖Anoxia; hypoxia; withmeagreoxygen〗 tissues in the absence of sufficient oxygen or can not use the oxygen produced when the pathological Deprivation quēyī-shǎoshí 〗 〖Haveinsufficientfoodandclothing lack of food and clothing. Yu poverty The deprivation of trouble while knowledge is not made. - Ming Li Zhi, "Fu Li getting old book" Lack of health quēyī 〖Physicianless; beshortofdoctors〗 lack of doctors; no physician presence Underserved rural Lack of rain quēyǔ Insufficient precipitation〗 〖rainless Lack of rain in January Quezui quēzuǐ 〗 〖Harelip: cleft lip, cleft lip 〗 〖Hungry: eat less than that The child does not Quezui
Lack of <-shaped "(phonetic. From pottery, Jue sound. Pottery, pottery. Guai" also has function of indicating. Water shortage for the decision, "Yu lack the slotted" device missing as missing, "has broken meaning. The original meaning of appliances damage) with the original meaning. The idea was not a complete lack of gaps, the device is also broken. - "Said the text" into the rest of the cliff almost missing Quan. - "Zhuangzi Qiu water" Zhou only slightly contained incomplete membership. - "Han Yi Wen" Jipo my ax, and destitute of my Qiang. - "Poetry Bin Feng broken ax" Another example is the missing piece of the wall; MISSING (broken flakes); lack of rodents (Angular, damage); lack of bad (breaking of damage); lack of touch (incomplete ablation); lack of lip (also known as Quezui ", upper lip defects. a cleft lip); lack destroyed (incomplete collapse) missing <action> deficient; lack of lack of kingly the instrument. lack quē ⒈ Broken ~ mouth. residual ~. April ~. tip ~. ⒉ shortage, lack of enough ~. ~ few. ~ water. ~ food. ⒊ to not yet reached the ~ class. ~ ground. ⒋ vacancies (that position) space ~. make ~. ⒌ ⒍ lack kuǐ 1. See "Incomplete" .
Lack que Radical Radical Fou total strokes 10 strokes 06 Lack be short of; imperfect; lack; minus; Short; less; I; Lack quē <Form> (1) (Phonetic. From Fou (fǒu), Jue (guài) sound. Pottery, pottery. Guai "also has function of indicating. Water shortage for the decision," Yu lack the slotted "device missing as missing," has broken meaning. the original meaning of damaged equipment) with the original meaning. The idea was missing and incomplete [imperfect; imcomplete] Missing, the device is also broken. - "Said the text" Break into the cliff almost missing Quan. - "Zhuangzi Qiu water" Zhou only slightly contained incomplete membership. - "Han Dynasty History" Jipo my ax, and destitute of my Qiang. - "Poetry Bin Feng broken ax" (2) Another example is the missing piece of the wall; MISSING (broken flakes); lack of rodents (Angular, damage); lack of bad (breaking of damage); lack of touch (incomplete ablation); lack of lip (also known as Quezui ", upper lip defect. A Name cleft lip); lack destroyed (incomplete collapse) Lack quē <Action> (1) Deficient; lack of [lack; be short of] The lack of kingly instrument. - "Han Simaxiangru pass down" However, this micro-short. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Mei Man Festival" (2) Another example is the lack of salt; short of oil; _truncate_d; lacked a lot; lack of people; short months (the moon, the moon is not round); lack of potential (lack of a cushion after the corner); two pages missing in this book (3) Not yet reached the to [be absent]. If people are in attendance, a no shortage of Lack quē <Name> (1) Old refers to the amount of empty office, the latter also refers to the amount of general office space [vacancy]. Such as to fill a vacancy; absence (job vacancies); missing item (void) (2) Gap; gap [gap] Front port is missing. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft" (3) Another example is the lack of O (gap opening appearance) (4) Deficit [deficiency] People have sorrow, month also wanes, the matter ancient difficult wholly. - Song Su Shi's "Prelude to Water" (5) Another example is the lack of month (not a round of the month); lack of frog (short month) (6) Defects. The idea was sorry [defect] You Yu Shou lack of residual protection. - "_Select_ed Works of Dr. Liu Xin shift too often the book" (7) Another example is the lack of things (lack of work; feel regret things); the trap (defect) Vacancies quēbiān [Vacancy] also known as the vacancy. "Units, the number of personnel and equipment is less than the preparation of the prescribed limits Wicked quēdé [Mean; wicked] does not Gudao Yi, undermine moral. Refers to the people to do bad things and pranks Unethical behavior Shortcomings quēdiǎn [Shortcoming; defect; weakness] weaknesses; gaps To overcome the shortcomings in work Gap quē é [Vacancy] less than the amount and places; empty places There are three vacancies preparation Lack of quēfá [Be short of; lack] is inadequate; the lack of Lack the strength to walk Defect quēhàn [Regret] not perfect, unfortunately the Department His work has also some shortcomings Out of Stock quēhuò [Be in short supply; out of stock] [market] a lack of certain goods Maotai is now out of stock Out of Stock quēhuò [Scarce goods] lack of goods Daughter in law of wood in the forest does not appear to things in the city is out of stock Gives short weight quējīn-duǎnliǎng [Give short weight] to do business in the shortage weight. Also for Duanjinqueliang " Absence quēkè [Miss a class; be absent from the lectare (lesson); stay away from class (school)] for some reason did not go to school students Absent for three days Gap quēkǒu (1) [Harelip]: Quezui, lack of lip Today were not angle is not teeth, brown coat of the believers, and the gap and long to be. - Han Yu Tang "Mao Ying Chuan" (2) [Breach]: the missing piece of the object on the edge of the gap formed, the Department also refers to incomplete (3) [Gap]: refers to the shortage of some things (such as the lack of lip; Quezui; place objects breaking, etc.) There are gaps in this year's oil supply Missing quēlòu [Gaps and omissions] lack of vulnerability Fill gaps in Void quēmén [Gap (in a branch of learning etc.)] Categories of vacancies To fill a void in industry Absence quēqín [Absence from duty (or work)] within the prescribed time to go to work without the work Sick leave Absent quērú [Be wanting] lack; lacking; does not exist Four missing three short quēsān-duǎnsì [Incomplete] describe the item incomplete Four of the kitchen missing three short Lack of quēshǎo [Lack; be short of] the shortage; deficiency; inadequate; insufficient number of Lack of manpower Missing quēshī [Fault; shortcoming] defects; shortcomings and mistakes Water quēshuǐ [Aridity; lack water] organisms that lack of moisture or water shortage Absence quēwèi [Omission] job vacancies When the absence of Chairman for health, the vice chairman of the agency Absent quēxí [Miss; absent] did not attend; to not yet reached the Absence of the accused, ruling according to law Defect quēxiàn [Defect; draw back; flaw; shortcoming] defect; shortcomings; lacking; not perfect Physical defects Visual defects His plan did not predict the biggest drawback is the cost of Quexinshaofei quēxīn-shǎofèi [Be brainless] lack of resourcefulness His lack of heart less lung, susceptible to use Lack of acting by quēxīnyǎnr [Be idiotic] lack of scheming, or wit, especially mental development is not perfect Hypoxia quēyǎng [Anoxia; hypoxia; with meagre oxygen] are not sufficient oxygen in body tissues or can not use the oxygen produced when the pathological Deprivation quēyī-shǎoshí [Have insufficient food and clothing] lack food and clothing. Yu poverty The deprivation of trouble while knowledge is not made. - Ming Li Zhi, "Fu Li getting old book" Lack of health quēyī [Physicianless; be short of doctors] a lack of physicians; no physician presence Underserved rural Lack of rain quēyǔ [Rainless] precipitation of less than Lack of rain in January Quezui quēzuǐ (1) [Harelip]: cleft lip, cleft lip (2) [Hungry]: refers to eat less The child does not Quezui Lack ㄩ ㄝ ˉ quē ㄑ (1) ~ Lack of enough. ~ Less. ~ Regret. Less ~. ~ Leakage. (2) Broken ~ points. ~ Mouth. ~ Depression. (3) Vacancies (ie positions) ~ places. Make ~. (4) To the ground but not to the ~. ~ Seats. Zheng code maxg, u7f3a, gbkc8b1 Number of 10 strokes, radical Fou, Stroke No. 3112525134
Guangyun 【】 【】 【Ji Yun Yun will】 ???? bitter point cut, tone tie down. 【Culture】 devices that break too. Jade articles】 【loss also, broken also. Jun teeth】 【book is indiscriminately to lack of salt. Also 【Fax】 Records Simaxiangru lack of consistent line down King Xi. 【Note】 columns missing, days flashing also. Also missing】 【Guangya, to the water. Less sea】 【articles are ruined also, disgrace also. Also Guangyun】 【【】 【Ji Yun Yun will】 ???? dumping snow cut. Meaning the same. Yun】 【_set_ dogs and core cutting, sound raise one's head. Volume conical cap also. Results for the four items infix, so solid Kaja. 【MIRIAM】 Buddhists Rites Inverness cloth crown missing items. 【Note】 short, read by Bian raise one's head if the raise one's head. Yun】 【glimpse of another _set_ of silk cut, sound ????. Meaning the same. 【】 Jade articles have also been ????. 【_Set_】 or for ???? rhyme decision. Lu Pei Wei】 【dry words missing characters from the book to hang next to those they do not have such a Code.