Wo (Wo) wō den animals or other animals, areas where bad metaphor: nest. Nest. Den of thieves. Temporary shelter of shanty: shanty. Barracks. Yu position occupied by the human body or object: JINWOZI. Norway nests children. Depression place: dimple children. Pit of the stomach children. Bend, the twists and turns: over the wire nest. Against the law or something to hide: Wozhu. Wo bandit. Harboring (c Fei g). Wo dirty. Stasis can not attack or play: Wohuo. Sweet. Waterloo wind. Stroke: 12; radicals: Point; stroke number: 445342512534
Nest Nest wō 【Name】 Birds nest insect nests 〖〗. Such as: chicken coop; nest Den, cave, especially when used with a cave to hide or shelter〗 〖den Nest, cave also. - "_Set_ Dance" Another example: den of thieves; bandits fossa; Wowo Au Au (remote office) Implicit concave surface of the body's natural〗 〖pit. Such as: solar plexus; dimple; armpits The safety of people living through the house〗 〖. Such as: gun nest (home made only in the power and prestige, autocorrelation attack); nest; Waterloo home (pick up at commercial sex workers); barracks (with grass, trees take in the thatched cottages); nest where the wind (lee) A person or object is located or where the share of〗 〖place. Such as: Wo lump children (local; locations); This stove is very disturbing, it moved a nest children Objects into groups or clusters. Also refers to the concentration at things〗 〖cluster. Such as: nest bow (the V An arch in the grass to kill the beast); grass grow into a nest Nest Nest wō 【Content】 Aberdeen animals more than one child under the Gaozi a〗 〖litter. Such as: litter of ten piglets Once hatched offspring, the descendants of a single growth stage output〗 〖brood. Such as: chicken litter Nest Nest wō 【Activity】 Harboring; hidden〗 〖harbor. Such as: Wo escape (harboring fugitives); nest Dayton (harboring); nest hidden (hiding); nest households (hiding criminals, stolen goods or contraband others); Waterloo store (harboring contraband or stolen goods, local); nest of prostitution ( harboring prostitutes); nest left (hiding income customers); nest Pirates (hiding thieves); nest bet (gathering or conceal gambling) 〗 〖Bend bend. Example: a circle the wire nest 〗 〖Turn off switch. Such as: Wo neck (dialect. Chickened out. Analogy back away) 〗 〖Curlup crouching Guji also nest there. - "The Tale of Heroes" Wrapped casually wrapped around, blur〗 〖wraporcoverdisorderly Cold nest of being children, stay da relying on the pillow. - Liu against the "golden couple Jiao Hong Ji" Smoldering and not attack or play〗 〖holdback. Such as: litter (bored; simmer); nest over the heart (received grievances); sweet wine (still boring wine) Depression〗 〖fallinto The three children only scream loudly, "My goodness!" Boring, the child threw a copper spin; cuckoo, but also nest there. - "The Tale of Heroes" Summarized, pursed 〖gather; pout〗 I saw three Wo Tao lips, playing two Hushao, came outside and two or three Han. - "Travels" Mission Lane, Volume 〖orll; rollsth.intoaball〗 A minute later, shaving issued, the nest a heap, plug in the network in that cabinet knot. - "Journey to the West" Wo Bie wōbie 〖Unhappy; feelfrustrated〗 [dialect]: choking; feel not comfortable Ate a dumb loss, always felt Wo Bie 〗 〖Narrow: small; not wide This room is too Wo Bie Wo deflated wōbiě 〗 〖Concave hollow Eyes flat nest Nest wōcháo 〗 〖Nest: animals and insects live 〗 〖Hideout: criminals entrenched place Where there is a nest Heiwo Wo bandit wōfěi 〗 〖Shelterbandit bandits hiding Wo gang tantamount to _set_ himself on fire Waterloo wind wōfēng 〗 〖Unventilated be obscured by the wind is not easy This corner of the nest air Slowdown wōgōng 〗 〖Enforcedidlenessduetopoororganizationofwork due to improper arrangement of the staff to do nothing or can not play a role Wohuo, Wohuo children wōhuǒ, wōhuǒr 〗 〖Chokewithresentment have wronged or up_set_ and not happy not to vent This thing really makes Wohuo Wohuo breath wōhuǒ-biēqì 〗 〖Besimmeringwithrage [dialect]: suppress the temper He 站在院子里, looked at the house Wohuo breath and speak about special talk ZHANG Qiu-ju Feel vexed wōnang 〖Feelvexed; beannoyed〗: wronged trouble after the show, nest gas 〖Stupid; cowardly〗: weak; not hack it Wimp Wimp wōnangfèi 〖Nebbish; hopelesslystupidfellow; good-for-nothing; worthlesswretch〗 [dialect]: ridiculed called cowardly incompetent Useless gas wōnangqì Port〗〗 〖〖angeroneisforcedtobottleup: simmer in the heart can not say or not say grievances If not longer the useless gas to resigned Shack wōpeng 〖Hut; shack; shanty; shed〗 can avoid the storm's shanty Around a roundabout, you will come to a small shack and a gate of the local Rotary Wo gas wōqì 〗 〖Beforcedtobottleupone'sanger vent grievances and troubles are not Heart Wo gas Children in the anti-litter Internalconflict〗 〖〗 〖mouth: in the conflict within the family or group Children in the cross-nest wōrlǐhèng 〗 〖Beimperiousinone'sfamilyonly [dialect]: at home playing only cross temper Shrinking nest wōsuō 〗 〖Curl rollup Reduction in the corner of Waterloo wōwotóu 〗 〖Steamedcornbread see "Wotou" Sweet wōxīn 〖Feelvexed; feelirritated〗 [dialect]: After being wronged or insulted, or to vent the heart can not declare depression By a lot of sweet gas Sweet gas wōxīnqì 〗 〖Angeroneisforcedtobottleup not to vent anger and boredom Sweet gas death Concealment wōzāng 〗 〖Harbourstolengoods harboring, transferring money obtained illegally Some people accuse him Concealment Wozhu wōzhǔ 〗 〖Apersonwhoharbourscriminals harboring criminals, stolen goods and other people or people JINWOZI wōzi 〖Den; bandits'lair〗: thieves hiding place Cleaning JINWOZI 〗 〖Position [dialect]: the location of the body or objects share JINWOZI old to sit in one place Caesar a good come Fishing JINWOZI 〗 〖Pit: dug pits o'clock Dug the JINWOZI 〗 〖Hut [dialect]: shanty Thatch JINWOZI
Birds nest nests insect nest, cave, especially when used with a hidden cave or refuge, Fu, cave also. - "_Set_ Dance" Another example is the den of thieves; bandits fossa; Wowo Au Au (remote office) the natural concave surface of the body hidden by the safety of people living in the location or of a person or object into a share of local property group or cluster. Concentrated at the nest also means something in a pot (Fu) wō ⒈ insects, birds nest Yan ~. Dog ~. Bee ~ children. ⒉ depressions heart ~. Wine ~ children. ⒊ hiding illegal or things ~ Lord. ~ Stolen. ~ Thief. ~ Possession. ⒋ bad place social bandit ~. ⒌ bend, twists and turns the iron bar as ~ a hook. ⒍ smoldering, do not attack or do not play ~ fire. ~ Gas. ⒎ quantifier raising her three ~ bee. ⒏
Wo wo Radical 04 points total strokes 12 strokes radicals Nest cote; litter; nest; socket; Nest (1) Fu wō (2) Insects, birds nest [nest]. Such as the chicken coop; nest (3) Den, cave, especially when used with a cave to hide or shelter [den] Fu, cave also. - "_Set_ Dance" (4) Another example is the den of thieves; bandits fossa; Wowo Au Au (remote office) (5) Concave surface of the body's natural implicit [pit]. Such as the pit of the stomach; dimple; armpits (6) Safety by a person living in [house]. Such as gun nest (home made only in the power and prestige, autocorrelation attack); nest; Waterloo home (pick up at commercial sex workers); barracks (with grass, trees take in the thatched cottages); nest where the wind (lee) (7) Refers to the percentage of people or objects or places where the [place]. Such as the fossa lump children (local; locations); This stove is very disturbing, it moved a nest children (8) Objects into groups or clusters. Also refers to the focus on things at the [cluster]. If nest bow (the V An arch in the grass to kill the beast); grass grow nest Nest (1) Fu wō (2) Aberdeen animals more than one child under the Gaozi a [litter]. Litter of ten piglets, such as (3) Once hatched offspring, the descendants of a single growth stage output [brood]. Such as chicken litter Nest (1) Fu wō (2) Harboring; hide [harbor]. If nest escape (harboring fugitives); nest Dayton (harboring); nest hidden (hiding); nest households (hiding criminals, stolen goods or contraband others); Wo hoard (harboring contraband or stolen goods, local); nest of prostitution (harboring prostitution); nest left (hiding income customers); nest Pirates (hiding thieves); nest bet (gathering or conceal gambling) (3) Bend [bend]. If a circle the wire nest (4) Discount to [turn]. If nest neck (dialect. Chickened out. Analogy back away) (5) Curl [curl up] Guji also nest there. - "The Tale of Heroes" (6) Wrapped casually wrapped around, blur [wrap or cover disorderly] Cold nest of being children, stay da relying on the pillow. - Liu against the "golden couple Jiao Hong Ji" (7) Smoldering and not attack or play [hold back]. Such as litter (bored; simmer); nest over the heart (received grievances); sweet wine (still boring wine) (8) Depression [fall into] The three children only scream sound, my God! "Boring, the child threw a copper spin; cuckoo, but also nest there. -" The Tale of Heroes " (9) Summarized, pout [gather; pout] I saw three Wo Tao lips, playing two Hushao, came outside and two or three Han. - "Travels" (10) Mission Lane, the volume [orll; roll sth.into a ball] A minute later, shaving issued, the nest a heap, plug in the network in that cabinet knot. - "Journey to the West" Wo Bie wōbie (1) [Unhappy; feel frustrated] [side]: choking; feel not comfortable Ate a dumb loss, always felt Wo Bie (2) [Narrow]: small; not wide This room is too Wo Bie wōbiě [Hollow] concave Eyes flat nest Nest wōcháo (1) [Nest]: animals and insects live (2) [Hide out]: criminals entrenched place Where there is a nest Heiwo Wo bandit wōfěi [Shelter bandit] bandits hiding Wo gang tantamount to _set_ himself on fire Waterloo wind wōfēng [Unventilated] by blocking the wind is not easy by This corner of the nest air Slowdown wōgōng [Enforced idleness due to poor organization of work] due to improper arrangement of the staff to do nothing or can not play a role Wohuo, Wohuo children wōhuǒ, wōhuǒr [Choke with resentment] have wronged or up_set_ and not happy not to vent This thing really makes Wohuo Wohuo breath wōhuǒ-biēqì [Be simmering with rage] [party]: to suppress temper He 站在院子里, looked at the house Wohuo breath and speak about special talk ZHANG Qiu-ju Feel vexed wōnɑng (1) [Feel vexed; be annoyed]: after the show's troubles wronged, nest gas (2) [Stupid; cowardly]: weak; not hack it Wimp Wimp wōnɑngfèi [Nebbish; hopelessly stupid fellow; good-for-nothing; worthless wretch] [side]: ridiculed called cowardly incompetent Useless gas wōnɑngqì [Anger one is forced to bottle up] [port]: simmer in the heart can not say or not say grievances If not longer the useless gas to resigned Shack wōpeng [Hut; shack; shanty; shed] to avoid the storm's shanty Around a roundabout, you will come to a small shack and a gate of the local Rotary Wo gas wōqì [Be forced to bottle up one's anger] vent their grievances and not worry Heart Wo gas Children in the anti-litter wōrlǐfǎn [Internal conflict] [port]: occurs in family or internal conflicts Children in the cross-nest wōrlǐhèng [Be imperious in one's family only] [side]: only lost his temper at home acids Shrinking nest wōsuō [Roll up] curl Reduction in the corner of Waterloo Buns wōwotóu [Steamed corn bread] See Wotou " Sweet wōxīn [Feel vexed; feel irritated] [side]: After being wronged or insulted, or to vent the heart can not declare depression By a lot of sweet gas Sweet gas wōxīnqì [Anger one is forced to bottle up] can not vent their anger and anguish Sweet gas death Concealment wōzāng [Harbour stolen goods] harboring, transferring money obtained illegally Some people accuse him Concealment Wozhu wōzhǔ [A person who harbours criminals] harboring criminals, stolen goods and other people or people JINWOZI wōzi (1) [Den; bandits' lair]: thieves hiding place Cleaning JINWOZI (2) [Position] [side]: the location of the body or objects share JINWOZI old to sit in one place Caesar a good come Fishing JINWOZI (3) [Pit]: o'clock pits dug Dug the JINWOZI (4) [Hut] [side]: shanty Thatch JINWOZI Nest (Fu) wō ㄨ ㄛ ˉ (1) Animal or other animals nest, Yu place inhabited by evil ~ nest. Bird ~. Thieves ~. (2) Temporary shelter of shanty ~ shed. ~ Shop. (3) Yu occupied the position of the human body or object ~ son. Norway a ~ child. (4) Depression where the wine ~ children. Heart ~ children. (5) Bend, the twists and turns over the wire ~. (6) Against the law or something to hide ~ Lord. ~ Bandit. ~ Tibetan (cáng). ~ Dirty. (7) Smoldering fire can not attack or play ~. ~ Heart. ~ Wind. Zheng code wolo, u7a9d, gbkced1 12 number of strokes, radical points, stroke order number 445 342 512 534
【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Wu Yun Ho is cut, sound Japanese. Cave also. This made 䆧, or for nest. Tibet also, Cave too. 】 【Words are names who nest alone villa. Shao Yong Song a comfortable home.