Obstinate (obstinate) kēng 〔〕 describe shallow obstinate obstinate obstinate, such as "rustic holy obstinate obstinate peace! Also known Mo, Si Yi Er are gone." Beat rock sound. Stroke: 10; radicals: stone; stroke order code: 1325154121
Obstinate Obstinate kēng As】 【 Vigorous and effective hit rock sound〗 〖soundofstrikingstones Rock sound obstinate. - "Records of the Historian Fun Book" Another example: obstinate Hong (loud and strong); obstinate sound of a crash (loud) 【Form】 firm〗 〖firm look. Such as: obstinate Shou (stubborn; conservative); obstinate obstinate of the Day (Opinion stubborn moral integrity); obstinate obstinate of the state (like stubborn Opinion) Obstinate obstinate kēngkēng 〗 〖Shallowandstubborn knowledge to describe a person looks shallow and very stubborn I do not know the boss Ke Shou Chen Festival, obstinate obstinate not II, although in Youli, will have no complaints. - "Gods"