Mount mó rub, rub, contact: friction. Ferris. Cliff (cliff carved the words, Buddha, etc.). Crowds. Mount the top of the heel release. Touch, ask: Monong. Stroke (su?) Study, learn: to observe. Try to figure out (a. research, carefully pondering; b. estimate, guess). Old with the "grinding" friction. Mount mā 〔stroke (sɑ)〕 gently move according to what what. Stroke: 15; radicals: hand; stroke order number: 413123412343112
Morocco mā See mó Caress māsa 〗 〖Gentlystroke hand look at what to touch and stroke with Morocco mó 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the hand of Ma sound. Original meaning: friction, dawdle) With the original meaning 〖rub; scrape〗 Moldova, research also. - "Said the text" Mount the work scraping. - "Kao Gong Ji" Xia Mount car and hit the phase before. - "Let the Warring States policy" One shoulder massage. - "Qin Warring States policy" Wash hands with friction of, to its fold. - "In the Book of Rites" Another example: Mount Hom (friction. Also for grinding Hom); Mount Li (grinding material to make sharp. Extended a temper, and study mean); Mojian access hub (shoulder next to the shoulder, the car touching the car); Mojian ( shoulder next to the shoulder); Mount swab (wipe) Approaching, close〗 〖approach Another example: Mount the past (nearly); Mount base (closer to the enemy base); Mount Xiao (close to the sky, sky) Through "grinding." Grounding 〖polish; sharpen〗 Negative and Morocco, the world relative to swing. - "Book of Music" Therefore in the phase Rigid Mount, gossip swing phase. - "Easy on the copulative" Through "grinding." 〖Temper temper; steel〗 Have not anti-poor, rather than through the ancient Mount. - "Zi Xu no ghost" Through "grinding." Erase 〖obliterate; dieout〗 In ancient name of Mount destroy wealth and can not win in mind. - "Qian Han Chuan" Another example: Mount teeth (grinding their teeth so sharp); Mount off (wear destroy, die); Mount mill (Utah polished) Learn from; research 〖exchangeexperience; study〗 Rigid-phase friction. - "Easy on the copulative" View of the good phase of that friction. - "Book of Learning" Another example: observe (see results, exchange experiences, learn from each other); Moqie (Qiecuozhuomo); Mount Institute (demonstrate their studies); Mount proposed (comparable studies) 〗 〖Stroke stroke Mount the top ordained. - "Journey to the West" Another example: Mount pat (stroke; comfort); Mount stroke (he pulled stroke); Mount touch (stroke; exploration); Moroccan Press (massage) See mā Friction mócā 〗 〖Rub the surface with the pressure on the friction in a dynamic To ensure a comfortable shorts can not afford to friction Friction mócā 〗 〖Friction Moving objects when rubbed between the case of resistance Rolling friction The conflict between the opposite point of view Internal friction Manufacture of friction Friction mócālì 〗 〖Forceoffriction to overcome the friction caused by relative motion or to maintain the force needed Modern módēng 〖Modern; fashionable〗 performance for the current or present; fashion Modern appearance Modern girl Modingfangzhong módǐng-fàngzhǒng 〖Dedicateoneselfcompletelytothewelfareofmankind; wearoneselfoutfromheadtofoottohelpothers〗 Mount bald head, and take the broken heel. Describe the extra mile, self-sacrifice Moore mó'ěr 〖Mole; mol〗 amount of substance of a system, the system contained the basic unit of 0.012 kg of carbon number and the number of atoms equal to -12. In the use of mole, the basic unit should be specified, which can be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons and other particles, or specific combinations of these particles Crowds mójiān-jiēzhǒng 〖Cheek-to-jaw; becrowdedcloselytogether; crowdagainstoneanother; jostleeachotherinacrowd〗 phase friction shoulder, feet and legs phase. Describe the exchanges of people, overcrowded In that lightning brilliant, crowds in Shanghai Gearing móquán-cāzhǎng 〗 〖Rubone'sfistsandwipeone'spalms-beeagerforafightortostartonatask metaphor spirits, ready to contribute, presentation skills or the use of force Caress mósuō 〖Caress; stroke stroke hand〗 Public caress with an old bronze. - "Biography of the Later Han Ji Son" Ferris mótiān 〗 〖Sky-scraping looming on high, often described as a high building or mountain Machonryong Skyscraper mótiānlóu 〗 〖Skyscraper floors of tall buildings Trinidad and Tobago Motor mótuō Internal combustion motor〗 〖 Motorcycle mótuōchē 〗 〖Motorcycle arrangement of two or three locomotives, one or two saddle-shaped seat passenger Morocco to play mówán 〗 〖Enjoyablycaressandplay stroke and appreciation Morocco to play endless. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Huang said borrowing"
Mount (Shape sound. From the hand of Ma sound. The original meaning of friction, dawdle) with the original meaning of Moldova, and research also. - "Said the text" scraping friction of the work. - "Kao Gong Ji" Xia motorized vehicles hit the phase before. - "Let the Warring States policy" were shoulder massage. - "Qin Warring States policy" to friction of the hand wash to its fold. - "Book of Rites in the" Another example is the Mount Hom (friction. Also for grinding Hom); Mount Li (grinding material to make sharp. Extended a temper, and study mean); Mojian access hub (shoulder next to the shoulder, the car wiping the car); Mojian (shoulder next to the shoulder); Mount swab (wipe) approaching, and if Mount near close to (near); Mount base (closer to the enemy base); Mount Xiao (close to the sky, the sky) through grinding " . Grounding Negative and Morocco, the world relative to swing. - "Book of Music" the actual occurrence of phase Rigid Mount, Mount mā ① eight presses gently move the object about what clothes ~ fondle level. Mount mó ⒈ touch, rub, touch by ~. Fu ~. ~ broken point of the skin. ~ shoulder following a heel. ~ fist rub the palm. ⒉ close, approaching ~ nearly. ~ Skylink. ~ days of the building. ⒊ study, learn, speculate view ~ . Heart ~ Italian hides. ⒋ ⒌ ① objects in close contact with the object, move back and forth. ② (also written as "friction") <YU> to create disturbances, disputes, conflicts. ⒍ ⒎ Mount ma 1. particle. that question.
Mount mo Radical hand radical strokes 15 strokes 04 total Morocco rub; scrape; stroke; Moldova 1 mā See mó Caress māsɑ [Gently stroke] and what about his hand to touch a stroke Morocco 2 mó (1) (Phonetic. From the hand of Ma sound. The original meaning of friction, dawdle) (2) With the original meaning [rub; scrape] Moldova, research also. - "Said the text" Mount the work scraping. - "Kao Gong Ji" Xia Mount car and hit the phase before. - "Let the Warring States policy" One shoulder massage. - "Qin Warring States policy" Wash hands with friction of, to its fold. - "In the Book of Rites" (3) Another example is the Mount Hom (friction. Also for grinding Hom); Mount Li (grinding material to make sharp. Extended a temper, and study mean); Mojian access hub (shoulder next to the shoulder, the car touching the car); Mojian (shoulder next to the shoulder); Mount swab (wipe) (4) Approach, close to the [approach] (5) Another example is the Mount near (near); Mount base (closer to the enemy base); Mount Xiao (close to the sky, sky) (6) Through grinding. "Sharpen [polish; sharpen] Negative and Morocco, the world relative to swing. - "Book of Music" Therefore in the phase Rigid Mount, gossip swing phase. - "Easy on the copulative" (7) Through grinding. "Temper [temper; steel] Have not anti-poor, rather than through the ancient Mount. - "Zi Xu no ghost" (8) Through grinding. "Erode [obliterate; die out] In ancient name of Mount destroy wealth and can not win in mind. - "Qian Han Chuan" (9) Another example is the Mount teeth (grinding their teeth so sharp); Mount off (wear destroy, die); Mount mill (Utah polished) (10) Learn from; of [exchange experience; study] Rigid-phase friction. - "Easy on the copulative" View of the good phase of that friction. - "Book of Learning" (11) Another example is the observation (see results, exchange experiences, learn from each other); Moqie (Qiecuozhuomo); Mount Institute (demonstrate their studies); Mount proposed (comparable studies) (12) Stroke [stroke] Mount the top ordained. - "Journey to the West" (13) Another example is the Mount pat (stroke; comfort); Mount stroke (he pulled stroke); Mount touch (stroke; exploration); Moroccan Press (massage) See mā Friction mócā [Rub] use of pressure on surface friction in a dynamic To ensure a comfortable shorts can not afford to friction Friction mócā (1) [Friction] (2) Moving objects when rubbed between the case of resistance Rolling friction (3) The conflict between the opposite point of view Internal friction Manufacture of friction Friction mócālì [Force of friction] to overcome the friction caused by relative motion or to maintain the force needed Modern módēng [Modern; fashionable] for the present or the performance of the present; fashion Modern appearance Modern girl Modingfangzhong módǐng-fàngzhǒng [Dedicate oneself completely to the welfare of mankind; wear oneself out from head to foot to help others] Mount bald head, and take the broken heel. Describe the extra mile, self-sacrifice Moore mó ěr [Mole; mol] the amount of substance of a system, the system contained the basic unit of 0.012 kg of carbon number and the number of atoms equal to -12. In the use of mole, the basic unit should be specified, which can be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons and other particles, or specific combinations of these particles Crowds mójiān-jiēzhǒng [Cheek-to-jaw; be crowded closely together; crowd against one another; jostle each other in a crowd] phase friction shoulder, feet and legs phase. Describe the exchanges of people, overcrowded In that lightning brilliant, crowds in Shanghai Gearing móquán-cāzhǎng [Rub one's fists and wipe one's palms ╠ be eager for a fight or to start on a task] metaphor spirits, ready to contribute, presentation skills or the use of force Caress mósuō [Caress; stroke] stroke hand Public caress with an old bronze. - "Biography of the Later Han Ji Son" Ferris mótiān [Sky-scraping] closer to the heavens, often described as a high building or mountain Machonryong Skyscraper mótiānlóu [Skyscraper] high-rise floors Trinidad and Tobago Motor mótuō [Motor] Internal Combustion Engine Motorcycle mótuōchē [Motorcycle] arranged in two or three locomotives, one or two saddle-shaped seat passenger Morocco to play mówán [Enjoyably caress and play] stroke and appreciation Morocco to play endless. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Huang said borrowing" Moldova 1 mó mo ㄛ (1) Rub, rub, touch ~ rub. ~ Days. ~ Cliff (the text carved on the cliff, statues, etc.). ~ Shoulders one after another. ~ Top-placed heel. (2) Touch, ask ~ get. ~ Fondle (suō) (3) Research, learn from Outlook ~. Hides ~ (a. research, carefully pondering; b. estimate, guess). (4) The same old grind, "friction. Zheng code tgfm, u6469, gbkc4a6 15 number of strokes, radical hands, stroke number 413123412343112 rub; scrape; stroke; Morocco 2 mā mo ㄚ ˉ 〔~ Fondle (sɑ)〕 gently move according to what what. Zheng code tgfm, u6469, gbkc4a6 15 number of strokes, radical hands, stroke number 413123412343112
〔〕 ???? Classical】 【Tang Yun Yun Mo Po cut _set_】 【【】 【Rhymes Rhyme will】 eyebrow Rinpoche, ???? grinding sound. Wen also said】 【Research. Guangyun】 【force also. 【】 Arrangements will also increase rhyme. Yi Xi Ci】 【Rigid phase friction. 【Note】 phase Qiemo also. Hutchison】 【Ritual View of the good phase of that friction. 【Note】 phase learn from as well. Also】 【Yin Yue Ji-phase friction. 【Note】 still forced too. Warring】 【Mount Yan Wu is _set_ so Que, said Zhao Yu Hua house see below. 【Note】 proximate made over the Mount. And try to figure out also. 】 【Guiguzi the operator is also in Morocco, the character who hides of the Lord. Salary trends hold fire, first ran dry. Ground water, wetlands, first moisten. And dialects】 【Yangtze off also. East of Mount ???? rustic said. Leveling the book Historical Records】 【rape or theft of money in Morocco to take Rong. And eliminate friction. 【Fax】 Dulan Xiang Cao border can be more consumer illness from Morocco, Moroccan incense to drugs for the consumer. Also 【】 【Ji Yun Tang Yun】 ???? Mogul cut, rubbed off the sound. Massages. 【Note】 Mencius broken branches broken branches for the elderly case-mo, stop solution branches off hand section also. Busy】 【Ji Yun and Peel, audio and MI. Han Shi Mount with God, the Temple Jing Wu. Or for Mi. And through the ancient and extravagant grinding ????. Research: 〔and try to figure out also. Posts】 【tube severity of the break are within the Mount, the character who hides of the Lord. Posts】 【Guiguzi Mount salary trends hold fire, first ran dry. 〕 Also like to massage breaks out Guiguzi not within the three tubes. Like the tube, replace the following thirty Mount Guiguzi also within the character, the character who hides of the Lord. Salary trends hold fire, first ran dry. Ground water, wetlands, first moisten.