Photo (Photo) shè take, to learn: intake. Camera. Photography. Feeding. Maintenance: regimen. Photo by weight (zh Qiu g). Photo by Jane. Agent: camera line (x Jing g) (on behalf of the duties). Regent (on behalf of the sovereign management of state). Capture: hook camera. Approach: "among the major powers almost taken." Old with "deterrence", afraid to be afraid. Photo (Photo) niè ㄋ ㄧ ㄝ quiet: "There is then taken, people Anqi Sheng." Stroke: 13; radicals: Rolling; stroke order code: 1211221115454
Photo Photo shè 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the hand, Nie sound. Original meaning: pull drag) 〗 〖Drag with the original meaning Photo, citing support also. - "Said the text" Taken from the car. - "Zuo Xianggong twenty-three years" Another example: perturbation force (gravity); camera bow (for shooting bow and arrows for injection); intake of water (water) Executive; hold hold〗 〖 Court real leather, the photo of. - "Book of Rites bride price." Note: "before the full implementation of the right hand and left hand and foot after also." Photo by less Yilmaz. - "Mandarin Wu" Bow and relaxation are taken, the Netherlands military and go. - Sima, such as "Yu Shu Xi" Another example: your mother's fingers stay firmly taken; photo Shou (control); camera knowledge (in charge) 〗 〖Arrest arrest Photo Division Yilmaz and Wang least five people with disabilities. - "Mandarin Wu" Assistance, Sasuke 〖assist; help〗 Friends Yau photo. - "Poetry Taiga both drunk" Photo, Jordan also. - "Zuo Xianggong thirty year" 〗 〖Attract attract Magnetic iron uptake, not taken a feather. - Gu Kuang "Guang Ling Yun Pak Tai Temple card" 〗 〖Takeaphotographof photo Photo Ji Sheng Yu, Yi Huo left or right. - Ze "Prince autumn photography like a blunt poetry Feng Temple was invited" Under the guise of the "generation." Agents, and represent〗 〖Li If the king is not with the ceremony, the camera position. - "Zhou Tai Zongbo." Note: The "act of their worship." Not the book came to the throne, photo of. - "Year of Zuo hidden" Taken the throne. - "Book of Rites hall bit." Shu: "on behalf of the people." The service pro-greet with the deacon, Sheng also taken. - "Miriam Norris Maghrib" Note Photo by Sima Yangshe crucian carp. - "Thirteen years Zuo Zhao Gong" Another example: camera line (Acting Executive); perturbation (proxy prime minister); taken place (agent monarch to act); camera line (on behalf of the person handling duties); photo Zuo (Regent); intake level (agency office); camera accessories ( Regent adjuvant); photo Link (agent); camera option (part-time board of civil chancery) Bring on the stairs long clothing〗 〖gatherup Is taken to the clothing and on. - Su Shi, "after the Red Cliff" Another example: taken together (bring hem) 〗 〖Treat governance. Such as: camera thing (Zhi Shi, director) Convergence, poly〗 〖converge Photo seal tie up (rope), solid shut Yu (key), one of the intelligence, and those who can not win the world for enriching the public. - Qing xi "Yuanjun" Another example: Photo Heart (convergence of mind); photo read, camera views (the convergence of mind); camera convergence (aggregation); taken to (absorbed in thought) Rectification; order arrange〗 〖 Housheng She spacious dressed, and sat straight on the _set_ son. - "Records of Wei Gongzi Biography" Another example: Photo by Yi (straighten clothes); camera ren (straighten the skirt); photo sleeve of a robe (finishing sleeves) Jurisdiction; command〗 〖govern. Such as: photo is (command subordinates); camera system (to rule Warriors) Control〗 〖control. Such as: camera support (mostly from; control) 〗 〖Maintain maintenance Action without death, and that the good regimen. - "Han Fei old solution" Another example: the prostate (protection); camera support (maintenance; health) 〗 〖Borrow loans Ranzi She Shubo horses but will it. - "Book of Rites Tan Gong" Clip, clamp〗 〖tweezers Qian Cheng of the country, almost taken among the major powers. - "The Analects" Through "deterrence." Fear, threats, so convincing 〖fear; submit〗 Otherwise, the force of the quake to Wei photo. - "Zuo Xianggong ten year" When the flexion extension, such as thin reed weak soft, non-photo wins also. - "On Huainanzi Bom" Photo Photo shè 【Name】 Edge, side edge〗 〖. Such as: photo service (destined decorated clothes) Uptake shèqǔ 〖Absorb; takein〗: absorption A number of people necessary for intake of the heat value, even if eating okay? 〖Takeaphotographof; shoot〗: Shooting Intake of several scenes Regimen shèshēng 〖Keepfit; conserveone'shealth〗 Health (a physician) Cover those who smell good regimen, land lines are not met the tiger SI. - "I." Note: "Photo, support also." Feeding shèshí 〗 〖Ingestion of food intake of animals Degrees Celsius shèshìdù 〗 〖Celsiusdegree expressed by Kelvin unit of temperature interval or temperature difference Celsius temperature scale shèshìwēnbiāo 〖Celsiustemperaturescale〗 in this temperature scale in degrees Celsius (° C) that the temperature of Hc with the use of Kelvin (K) that the temperature Tk is the relationship between Hc = Tk-273.15; water at standard atmospheric pressure of the freezing point is very close to 0 ° C, while the corresponding boiling point is very close to 100 ° C Photo provided shètí Vatican prajnapti〗 〖: Buddhist teachings in three assumption that the relevant law (things), by (feeling), name (name) of the hypothesis. Also as a "Baltic Nie mention" 〗 〖Star'sname: Star name 〗 〖Shetige: "Photo by Teague," referred to, that is the yin Year Photo by Chen Yu Meng Zou Xi mentioned, but I Gengyin dynasty. - "Chu Yuan Li Sao" Guardian photo shèwèi 〗 〖Keepfit physical maintenance; health Good satellite photo Once the gas to the rain, there are special early cold, Wei has taken a long time, obtaining the power switch. - Southern Emperor Jianwen "and Hui Yan Master book" Camera position shèwèi Deputy Throne〗 〖actasregent Camera shèxiàng 〗 〖Videotape with a special device to image decomposition of objects into electrical signals, recorded Camera tube shèxiàngguǎn 〗 〖Cameratube by scanning the image into electrical impulses of television tubes Camera shèxiàngjī 〖Pickupcamera; camcorder; vidiocamera〗 TV technology features of the device used to intake. It can break down and the image into electrical signals, used to shoot sports programs, live meetings, etc., can be divided into black and white, color, and several three-dimensional camera Photography shèyǐng 〗 〖Takeaphotograph: photography Souvenir photo 〗 〖Shootafilm: movies Panoramic Photography Studio shèyǐngpéng 〗 〖Photographicworkshop film interior to the building and take the _set_ Photographer shèyǐngshī 〗 〖Photographer: photography practical or familiar people, especially those engaged in professional photography 〖Camerist; cameraman〗: people who use the camera Photography shèyǐngxué 〗 〖Photography light or other radiation due role in the photosensitive surface, directly or indirectly, or just as negative as the technology or process Photographer shèyǐngzhě 〗 〖Cameraman who operate the camera Photojournalist Movie camera or television camera operator Regent shèzhèng 〗 〖Actasregent handling state affairs on behalf of the monarch Formerly Zhougong She governance, Jian Zuo and rule. - "Book of Rites" Regent shèzhèngwáng 〗 〖Pirnceregent titular monarch when under age, absence or inability to rule the country when the monarch Filming shèzhì 〗 〖Control: unifying control 〗 〖Produce: film production Produced television Photo Fragrance shèzhuàn 〗 〖Actingofficalposition that agency official, the palm of their seal. By seals engraved with Zhuanwen, hence the name The seal will be taken next to the magistrate town. - Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft" Fragrance Zhangsheng She may wish to make nine Guadai may have. - "Liao Dynasty Cheng Huang"
Photo (phonetic. From the hand, Nie sound. The original meaning of pull drag) taken with the original meaning, who is also cited. - "Said the text" taken from the car. - "Zuo Xianggong twenty-three years," Another example is the camera force (gravity); camera bow (for shooting bow and arrows for injection); intake of water (water) enforcement; holding court real leather, the photo of. - "Book of Rites bride price." Note the right hand and the implementation of the forefoot, the left hand and foot after also. "Photo by less Yilmaz. -" Mandarin Wu ", and Chi Gong are taken, the Netherlands military and go. - Sima, such as" Yu Shu Xi "Another example is the mother's finger firmly taken to live; photo Shou (control); Photo known (in charge) arrested less taken with the king of the Secretary Yilmaz five people with disabilities. - "Mandarin Wu", auxiliary, Sasuke friend Yau photo. - "Poetry Taiga both drunk," photo, and file also. ╠ photo (photo) shè ⒈ take, take, draw ~ book. ~ take. ~ Shadow (camera). ⒉ agent, auxiliary ~ government. ~ bit. ⒊ maintenance ~ Health. Jane ~. ⒋ lifted, finishing ~ curtain. ~ clothing. ⒌ Convergence ~ rope. Photo niè 1. stability. Photo shà 1. the ancient ritual of the place, the shape of the waist fan. See "screen photography." proactive zhé 1. folded. 2. See "Photo leaf."
Photo she Radical Radical Rolling total strokes 13 strokes 03 Photo absorb; act for; take a photograph of; Photo (1) Photo shè (2) (Phonetic. From the hand, Nie sound. The original meaning of pull drag) (3) With the original meaning of [drag] Photo, citing support also. - "Said the text" Taken from the car. - "Zuo Xianggong twenty-three years" (4) Another example is the proactive force (gravity); camera bow (for shooting bow and arrows for injection); intake of water (water) (5) Executive; hold [hold] Court real leather, the photo of. - "Book of Rites bride price." Note the right hand and the implementation of the forefoot, the left hand and foot after also. " Photo by less Yilmaz. - "Mandarin Wu" Bow and relaxation are taken, the Netherlands military and go. - Sima, such as "Yu Shu Xi" (6) Another example is taken to live Mother's fingers tightly; photo Shou (control); camera knowledge (in charge) (7) Arrest [arrest] Photo Division Yilmaz and Wang least five people with disabilities. - "Mandarin Wu" (8) Assistance, Sasuke [assist; help] Friends Yau photo. - "Poetry Taiga both drunk" Photo, Jordan also. - "Zuo Xianggong thirty year" (9) Attract [attract] Magnetic iron uptake, not taken a feather. - Gu Kuang "Guang Ling Yun Pak Tai Temple card" (10) Camera [take a photograph of] Photo Ji Sheng Yu, Yi Huo left or right. - Ze "Prince autumn photography like a blunt poetry Feng Temple was invited" (11) Guise as the representative. "Agents, and management [represent] If the king is not with the ceremony, the camera position. - "Zhou Tai Zongbo." Note act in his worship. " Not the book came to the throne, photo of. - "Year of Zuo hidden" Taken the throne. - "Book of Rites hall bit." Shu generation was. " The service pro-greet with the deacon, Sheng also taken. - "Miriam Norris Maghrib" Note Photo by Sima Yangshe crucian carp. - "Thirteen years Zuo Zhao Gong" (12) Another example is the photo line (Acting Executive); perturbation (proxy prime minister); taken place (agent monarch to act); camera line (on behalf of the person handling duties); photo Zuo (Regent); intake level (agency office); camera accessories (Regent assisted); photo Link (agent); camera option (part-time board of civil chancery) (13) Bring on the stairs long clothing [gather up] Is taken to the clothing and on. - Su Shi, "after the Red Cliff" (14) Another example is taken together (bring hem) (15) Treatment [treat]. Things such as photo (Zhi Shi, director) (16) Convergence, poly [converge] Photo seal tie up (rope), solid shut Yu (key), one of the intelligence, and those who can not win the world for enriching the public. - Qing xi "Yuanjun" (17) Another example is the camera center (convergence of mind); photo read, camera views (the convergence of mind); camera convergence (aggregation); taken to (absorbed in thought) (18) Rectification; order [arrange] Housheng She spacious dressed, and sat straight on the _set_ son. - "Records of Wei Gongzi Biography" (19) Another example is the photo clothing (straighten clothes); camera ren (straighten the skirt); photo sleeve of a robe (finishing sleeves) (20) Jurisdiction; command [govern]. If taken under the (command of subordinates); camera system (to rule Warriors) (21) Control [control]. Such as camera support (mostly from; control) (22) Maintained [maintain] Action without death, and that the good regimen. - "Han Fei old solution" (23) Another example is the prostate (protection); camera support (maintenance; health) (24) Borrowing [borrow] Ranzi She Shubo horses but will it. - "Book of Rites Tan Gong" (25) Clip, clamp [tweezers] Qian Cheng of the country, almost taken among the major powers. - "The Analects" (26) Through deterrence. "Fear, threats, so convincing [fear; submit] Otherwise, the force of the quake to Wei photo. - "Zuo Xianggong ten year" When the flexion extension, such as thin reed weak soft, non-photo wins also. - "On Huainanzi Bom" Photo (1) Photo shè (2) Edge, edge [edge]. Such as photo services (destined decorated clothes) Uptake shèqǔ (1) [Absorb; take in]: absorption A number of people necessary for intake of the heat value, even if eating okay? (2) [Take a photograph of; shoot]: Shooting Intake of several scenes Regimen shèshēng [Keep fit; conserve one's health] Health (a physician) Cover those who smell good regimen, land lines are not met the tiger SI. - "I." Note taken, and raised too. " Feeding shèshí [Ingestion] animal food intake Degrees Celsius shèshìdù [Celsius degree] said with a Kelvin unit of temperature interval or temperature difference Celsius temperature scale shèshì wēnbiāo [Celsius temperature scale] in this temperature scale in degrees Celsius (paralysis) that the temperature of hc and Kelvin (k) that the temperature of tk the relationship between the hc = tk-273.15; water at standard atmospheric pressure of the freezing point is very close to 0 paralysis, and the corresponding boiling point is very close to paralysis 100 Photo provided shètí (1) [Vatican prajnapti]: Buddhist teachings in three assumption that the relevant law (things), subject to (feel), name (name) of the hypothesis. Also provided for the Baltic Nie " (2) [Star's name]: Star name (3) [Shetige]: Photo by Teague, "referred to, that is the yin Year Photo by Chen Yu Meng Zou Xi mentioned, but I Gengyin dynasty. - "Chu Yuan Li Sao" Guardian photo shèwèi [Keep fit] maintenance of the body; health Good satellite photo Once the gas to the rain, there are special early cold, Wei has taken a long time, obtaining the power switch. - Southern Emperor Jianwen "and Hui Yan Master book" Camera position shèwèi [Act as regent] agent Throne Camera shèxiàng [Videotape] object with a special device to break the image into electrical signals, recorded Camera tube shèxiàngguǎn [Camera tube] by scanning the image into electrical impulses of the television tube Camera shèxiàngjī [Pickup camera; camcorder; vidio camera] TV technology features a device used to intake. It can break down and the image into electrical signals, used to shoot sports programs, live meetings, etc., can be divided into black and white, color, and several three-dimensional camera Photography shèyǐng (1) [Take a photograph]: photography Souvenir photo (2) [Shoot a film]: making movies Panoramic Photography Studio shèyǐngpéng [Photographic workshop] to film the building interior and the ride home Photographer shèyǐngshī (1) [Photographer]: actual and people familiar with photography, especially those engaged in professional photography (2) [Camerist; cameraman]: people who use the camera Photography shèyǐngxué [Photography] the role of light or other radiation in the photosensitive surface, directly or indirectly, or just as negative as the technology or process Photographer shèyǐngzhě (1) [Cameraman] the person operating the camera (2) Photojournalist (3) Movie camera or television camera operator Regent shèzhèng [Act as regent] monarch dealing with state affairs on behalf of Formerly Zhougong She governance, Jian Zuo and rule. - "Book of Rites" Regent shèzhèngwáng [Pirnce regent] When the name of the monarch under age, absence or inability to rule the country when the monarch Filming shèzhì (1) [Control]: unifying control (2) [Produce]: film production Produced television Photo Fragrance shèzhuàn [Acting offical position] refers to the agency official, the palm of their seal. By seals engraved with Zhuanwen, hence the name The seal will be taken next to the magistrate town. - Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft" Fragrance Zhangsheng She may wish to make nine Guadai may have. - "Liao Dynasty Cheng Huang" Photo 1 (Photo) shè ㄕ ㄜ ╝ (1) Take, draw ~ to take. ~ Like. ~ Shadow. ~ Food. (2) Maintenance ~ students. ~ Re (zhòng). Jane ~. (3) Agent ~ line (xíng) (on behalf of the duties). ~ G (on behalf of the sovereign management of state). (4) Capture hook ~. (5) ~ Almost approaching between the major powers. " (6) Old with deterrence, "afraid, so afraid. Zheng code dcxx, u6444, gbkc9e3 13 number of strokes, radical Rolling, stroke number 1211221115454 absorb; act for; take a photograph of; Photo 2 (Photo) niè ㄋ ㄧ ㄝ ╝ Quiet World ~ Of course, people Anqi Sheng. " Zheng code dcxx, u6444, gbkc9e3 13 number of strokes, radical Rolling, stroke number 1211221115454
Tang Yun】 【book involves cutting 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 loss involved is cut, ???? sound Xi. 【】 Argument holds that the text also. Sixteen years】 【Zuo into your camera Yin Yan. 【Language】 Lu Chao before the order for future generations also heard that a long prison in the world, and it could be taken solid, puzzled old. Former Han Zhang Er ???? 【】 officials try to pass more than ever bamboo cane I, I want to play, so that by the bamboo cane ear photo. And convergence as well. Poetry Taiga】 【friend Yau photo, taken by Wei Yi. Photo by Shu】 【convergence and Sasuke phase of the majesty of the thing they had. 【Photo】 Zhuangzi flank of animal trunk seal tie up papers, solid shut Yu. 【Note】 camera, still end well. And straighten too. 【MIRIAM】 remarriage Inverness Rites photo wine. More flexible sparse】 【Tim stir interest and consolidate the new show also. Jing Ke Chuan】 【Records head who I snapped the photo. 【Note】 full of glaring at the camera too. And always have, and also, on behalf also. Mourning ceremony】 【small mind doctor who is not taken. Shi Shu】 【funeral without the Lord. Not taken to the doctor and the main also. Zeng Q】 【Bureaucrats and who, from the main photo, north of the South West stage. 【Note】 camera lord of State, on behalf of the king to listen to national policy. Zuo Cheng】 【Sheguanchengfa years. One said, is also false. Bo Li Tan Gong】 【high of mourning, Ranzi She Shubo horses but will it. 【Note】 Utah photo credit too. Also recorded are, recovery also, catching too. Also be frightened services also. 【Fax】 taken before the Han Dynasty Huo be frightened to take those Eph. 【Note】 loss of ambition that the vibration of those, the amnesty also. And turtle name. Fish】 【Mailyard turtle third is taken. Also】 【Tang Yun Yun Slavery Society _set_ cut】 【】 【rhyme Snow Society will cut, ???? sounds fill up a hole. Also hold too. Security is also a saying, quiet appearance. 【Fax】 Former Han Yan to help photo natural world, human An Qisheng. 】 【Ji Yun and related quality of cut, sound deterrence. Twists and turns as well. Name of a turtle said. And interrogate leaf cutting, sound trunk. 【Note】 taken Erya turtles, small turtles are, plastron twists and turns, can be closed from Chang, turtles Jiangdong called for the hills. Guo Pu said. A cut and color, sound Sharp. The same with wooden fan. 【Language】 屛 Chu, photo of the place. 【Note】 屛, 屛 wind. Taken now to be fan-shaped, are so respected ???? respectively, for the worship of the place.
shè Photo yǐnchíyě。 cóngshǒunièshēng。 shūshèqiē
Who is also cited. Nie sound from the hand. Involved cutting the book