Total (total) zǒng polymerization together: short. Total. Overall. Summary. Summary. Summarizes all the major: Master. General. Led to a maximum of: Commander in Chief. President. General Manager. President. Beam line, beam Hair: angular (ji Min.) Always been: always the case. Certain, however: is always. "Spring is always colorful." Sub-strokes: 9; radicals: heart; Stroke Number: 432514544
Total, total
(Phonetic. From Shito (mì), Cong (cōng) sound. Shito is filaments, filaments often aggregated into a bundle, so from the Shito. Original meaning: bunch; fastening)
〗 〖Tieintoabundle with the original meaning
General, spotlight too. - "Said the text"
Total, end also. - "Guang Ya"
Su wire five total. - "Poetry and Zhao Nan Lamb"
Feast of the total angular. - "Poetry of Wei Meng"
Li Yi Ling Tu seven total cloth. - "Shi Ji Xiao Jing Di"
The total cloth two. - "Han Chuan Wang Mang"
The early Ming chicken, salty Guanshu, comb, Cong, hairpin, total. - "In the Book of Rites"
Total fat to Ma. - "New Book of Tang"
Another example: total fat (of childhood, childhood. With total angular); total angular of the good (meaning young Xiangqi friends. Also known as "angular turn"); total tuft of hair (in ancient times as a child hairdo corners)
Polymerization; together 〖gettogether; collect〗
No general in the cargo Po, life and self-yung. - "The book Pangeng"
The total also fame. - "Ceremony Records book"
Overview hero. - "Three Kingdoms"
Another example: The total extract (join together); the total collection (aggregation, collection; brings together the works of many of the poems made); total rustic (like aggregation); total poly (Integrated together); Total Total (aggregate look ); belongs; summary; Yue,
Knot, tie series〗 〖
Drinks salty pool of more than horses in Xi, with a total of more than bridle almost Fuso. - "Chu Li Sao"
Come bridle Fuso total solution, then Mercedes-Benz today are vertical. - "Han"
Another example: The total bridle (Department of the horse. Refers to the dock)
〗 〖Hold hold. Such as: General (with shield)
Command, unified management〗 〖govern
Always things in the wind and rain. - "Zi Duke Ai"
North Korea sent by the public, taking part Nishishita. - "Sui Shu Yuan harmonic Biography"
Total hereby Rong weight. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book"
Another example: the total affairs of state; always been (unifying their positions); total Shu (in charge of military affairs; unified management of the military's Chief Executive); Zongshuai (Command; commander)
All in all; general 〖summarize; generalize〗
To the total thing in the world, governance at home and the public. - "Zi careful"
This ten think the total. - Tang Wei Zheng "admonish Taizong ten think Shu"
Another example: The total where (general); the total grant (inclusive comments on); Total Micro (general subtle truth); remarks (full and general discussion)
Overview 〖assumeoverallresponsibility; takeoneverything〗. Such as: always (assuming conduct of public affairs); General (prime minister of the transaction); overview (Overview. Complete control; widely recruited)
Wo is issued; with braid handle bar Wo〗 〖abundleofcerealcrops
Iori Austin clothing, Barry Fu satisfied overall. - "Yu Gong books." Kong Chuan: "Wo said the total issued, into the country for horse feed."
Bundle spike; fringed tassels〗 〖(ancient traveling accessories)
Queen of the Rd, heavy Zhai, tin PCT Zhuzong. - "Zhou." Gugong Yan Shu: "Where the statement of total persons, that is traveling with the ornament of the total, if the total return of people, but also both the Department of the book, and hanging for decoration, so that both the total also."
Another example: Zhu Zong (Zhu red Jushi)
〗 〖Integer integer
Money into the total, and I sent home to take away! - "Travels"
Stick tied into the torch torch〗 〖
In short the wrong method, at the sitting of the cross. - "Pipe"
All full 〖general; total〗
Merry always be rain and wind to go. - Song ji "Yong Yule solid Jingkou North Pavilion nostalgia"
Another example: the total collapse; total wholesale; Head; agent; mobilization; production; the total cost
Led, as more senior positions in the lead (such as higher than others of similar title) 〖chief; general〗. Such as: the total system (the Governor); Total River (river training affairs officials Explorer)
Vice】 【
Are; Yigai〗 〖all. Such as: the total in (all; all; total); total as (not if); total suspect (suspect kept); always (all)
Has; always 〖always; consistently〗. Such as: always on the forefront; always suspected (suspected non-stop)
After all, after all, 〖afterall; eventually〗. Such as: He always was a child, how can I do as adults have strength; the total to (is always; after all); General note (is always)
Even】 【
Use the "vertical." Though; even 〖eventhough; evenif〗
Mo Yan Saibei no spring that spring where there is always known. - "Degree of breaking Nasha"
Brother always a monk on, but also the sound of our goodbye, and now that Intuit apologetic it! - "Awaken the common saying"
Another example: there (although there; if any); always do (even); total natural (even though; even); Total Rao (let; though)
General strike
〗 〖Generalstrike all walks of life to participate in trade unions held a strike of workers at the same time
Chief General
〗 〖Command: command of the army; shuaibing
Taking part down period. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
〖Governor; garrisoncommander〗: Ming Dynasty generals commander of the military expedition, and later became one of the generals guarding the title. Qing Dynasty stationed troops taking part for the local senior military officer, also called "total town"
〗 〖Generalheadquarters: the military or some of the highest leading body systems
Army Headquarters
〗 〖Headoffice: corporate headquarters, business or activities of the management center
The company is headquartered in New York City
〗 〖Headexaminer: Qing, said officials in charge of the Central Compilation and host institutions will try to minister
〖Director-general; president; governor; managingdirector〗: Some political parties and national leaders of the name; certain institutions (eg banks) or the company's highest management or general manager
〖Helpsb.toaccomplishsth.; Complete; accomplish; doastrokeofbusiness〗: sake; made (more common in the early vernacular)
Assembly I get married
Also as "principal"
〗 〖Assembly: the final assembly of components into finished
〖Must; haveto; bebound〗 that common sense or reason in the need; must be
〗 〖Governor: the early Ming Dynasty when the military forces sent to monitor the local inspection officials; the beginning of the Qing Dynasty became the highest local executive, the general jurisdiction of provinces, military and political, but also control three provinces, or just a province
Governor Hu Zongxian. - "History of Ming Dynasty"
〗 〖Governor-general: Britain, France and other countries accredited to the highest rule of the colonial officials
Governor General of Canada
〗 〖Viceroy: Dominion representatives accredited to the King of England
〗 〖Troopsformingasquadron compiled by the unit group of military groups, the level of authority and the division commander, a considerable group
〖Total; thetotalamount; thegrossamount〗 amount together; the total number of
Total deposits, total wages
All in all
〖Inshort; inaword; inbrief〗 sum up; short
All in all, as long as things work out, I was all abide by the station's life. - Qing Wu Jian "confused the world"
〖Generalprogramme; generalprinciples〗: The overall program
Master the Constitution
〗 〖Superclass: taxonomy in the door (or part) and the key link between the areas
Federation of Trade Unions
〗 〖Federationoftradeunions association formed by the workers or the general federation of organizations
〖Generaloffensive; generalattack〗 military refers to grab or full-scale attack. Also said that "Total Attack"
〖Inall; altogether; sumup; intheaggregate〗 together; total
A total of about five thousand people
〖Beinchargeof; beresponsiblefor〗: comprehensive management; charge
No Explorer internal affairs pm
〗 〖Steward: old servant or affairs of the rich people who managed
〗 〖Governor: Ancient Guan Ming, senior military and government for the local executive, military officer or management of specialized services the title of Chief Executive
Main〗 〖: water supply to the auxiliary branch or secondary branch pipe to drain away water pipes
Is always
〖Anyhow; eventually; afterall〗 before a verb used to express action, conduct or circumstances whatever be the case, the equivalent of "eventually"
The fact is always true, how can not deny
〗 〖Altogether that together; total
〖Sum; total; sumtotal〗 all add up to the number or content
The sum of the daily fun
〗 〖Comeofflowtogether: flow convergence
Confluence into the sea
〖Confluence; concourse; aggregate〗: confluence of things
〖Switchboard; telephoneexchange〗 in a certain area, the aggregate number of telephone line installation
〖Amountto; total; addupto〗: In sum calculation
Total of one hundred thousand yuan
A total of three thousand spectators
〗 〖Grandtotal: Total number of
〗 〖Totalprice the total value of the number or quantity constitutes the value of all
〖Commissioner; chiefinspector〗 Officer Chief Inspector
Police Chief
Total angular
〗 〖Achild'shairtwistedinaknot: Ancient minors hair tied into a bun
〗 〖Childhood: childhood, young
Total angular turn
Total angular Tao and the first non-white into. - Jin Tao Qian "Wing wood"
〖Sumup; summarize〗: to a certain stage of the analysis of the situation and make the conclusions are instructive; sum of the various aspects of the
Summary of all the circumstances
〖Summary; summing-up〗: such conclusions; the sum of the conclusions of the various aspects of
General Manager
〖President; generalmanager; managingdirector〗 companies or similar units of the highest business leaders, decide on the general endowed with the power of the administrative and management policies
Prime Minister
〖Premier; chancellor〗: Some heads of government
〗 〖Primeminister: Prime Minister referred to. The executive heads of parliamentary government
〗 〖President: the leaders of certain political parties
〗 〖Exercisegeneralsupervisionover: overall charge of the management
〗 〖MinistryofForeignAffairsinQingDynasty "Prime Minister Yamen national affairs", later renamed the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" (Foreign Affairs)
Order Yamen edicts. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography"
The total number of quantum〗 〖
That is not the total rainfall season precipitation is not
The company's total production volume of shoes
The total volume
Consul General
〗 〖Consulgeneral important local presence in, or having jurisdiction in several places under the jurisdiction of several consuls or consular level
General Line
〗 〖Generallineofthepary party and the country in a historical stage of the overall guidance of the basic criteria, the specific work to develop all aspects of the general line and policy basis for
The general line of new era
〗 〖Summa: comprehensive or summary of a variety of disciplines
〗 〖Preface: Introduction
The score
〖Fullscore; score〗 music written down all the voices of the music; especially the Ministry of every vocal or music devices are written in a separate table on the music spectrum
Total heat
〗 〖Totalheat to make a unit mass of liquid from a temperature (for example, the melting point of the substance) into any other given the energy needed for the saturated vapor temperature to calorimeter
〗 〖Always forever; without exception,
〖Total; sumtotal〗 the total number of
Total is 500
〗 〖Commanderinchief the highest office the military, wartime command of the war, on military orders
〖Atlonglast; finally〗: a desire to finally realize that
Seven days following a six-day rain finally cleared up today
〗 〖Onthewhole: that basically can
〖Overall; general; total〗 things by a number of individuals; overall
Master Plan
Total war
〖President; theExecutive〗
Presidential system of government in the implementation of the republic was elected head of state and officials of the executive heads
U.S. President
Parliamentary system of government in the implementation of the republic was elected head of state has the status, but generally has only limited administrative powers of officials
General Plan
〗 〖Generaldrawing expression of machinery, buildings or other equipment, the system of all or part of the engineering drawings, that the overall structure of the object and circumstances
Total temperature
〗 〖Totaltemperature
Isentropic flow of compressible fluid in the stagnation temperature can be achieved
Hypothetical flow process in the adiabatic stagnation temperature to be achieved
〖Generalaffairs; generalservices〗: Explorer, and laborers of various matters
General Nurse
〗 〖Personinchargeofgeneralaffairs: Explorer and laborers who matters
General sick today
Total pressure
〗 〖Totalpressure
Airflow and static pressure and dynamic pressure of
Imaginary places and adiabatic fluid in isentropic stagnation pressure can be achieved when the total value of
When fluid flows through any point of a static pressure and
〖Generalrule; generalprinciples; generalprovision〗 regulatory conditions in the top of the general provisions
〗 〖Minister's office early Republic the name of the central ministries Executive
Minister of education
In short
〖Inaword; inshort; inbrief〗 short. That is the sum of the following to say so
In short, we should take the initiative, not passive
Aggregate expenditure
〗 〖Generalbranch general branch committee or caucus organized level institutions
Party branch, Youth League
〖Totalvalue; grossvalue〗 form number or the number of full monetary value of something, usually a trade intermediary to calculate the market price
〖〗 Commander-in-chief: for example at the front of the commander of all armed forces or the synthesis of several branches of the military commander of the armed forces
〗 〖Generaldirector: production or project construction in the person responsible for the overall command
〗 〖Assemble: assemble the parts into a whole
Assembly station
〗 〖Assemblingprocess: the parts to be assembled into the overall process
Total (phonetic. From Shito, Cong sound. Shito is a filament, filaments often aggregated into a bundle, so from the Shito. The original meaning of bunching; Department of bar) with the original meaning of the total, spotlight too. - "Said the text" Total, end also. - "Guang Ya" Plain Silk five total. - "Poetry and Zhao Nan Lamb" Feast of the total angular. - "Poetry of Wei Meng" Lingtu Li Yi seven total cloth. - "Shi Ji Xiao Jing Di," the total cloth two. - "Han Chuan Wang Mang" chicken early Ming, salty Guanshu, comb, Cong, hairpin, total. - "Book of Rites in the" total fat to Ma. - "New Book of Tang," and if the total fat (of childhood, childhood. With total angular); total angular of the good (meaning young Xiangqi friends. Also known as total angular turn "); General Sha (ancient tract of children made for the corners) polymer; collection of the total non-total (total, tie up) zǒng ⒈ all, all, major, led to ~. ~ Gang. ~ is. ~ system. ~ command. ~ commander. ⒉ aggregation, collection ~ including. ~ Total. ~ dollars. ⒊ has often ~ love her laugh. He ~ is suffer first. ⒋ must, after all, ~ will win. this matter ~ have to go through. ⒌ guide ~ Bing West Lower. ⒍ ⒎ ⒏ ① after all, and finally ~ counted a success. ② barely, but also the child could do that, ~ doing pretty well. ⒐ total zōng 1. wire a few. ancient silk eighty to as "General." overall cōng 1. pass "Chan." silk kind. 2. pass "Guai." see "the total to." 3. pass "onions." See "General pole."
Total zong
Radical center Radical total strokes 09 strokes 04
after all; always; chief; general; overall; put together; assemble;
Total, tie up
(Phonetic. From Shito (mì), Cong (cōng) sound. Shito is filaments, filaments often aggregated into a bundle, so from the Shito. The original meaning of bunching; fastening)
With the original meaning of [tie into a bundle]
General, spotlight too. - "Said the text"
Total, end also. - "Guang Ya"
Su wire five total. - "Poetry and Zhao Nan Lamb"
Feast of the total angular. - "Poetry of Wei Meng"
Li Yi Ling Tu seven total cloth. - "Shi Ji Xiao Jing Di"
The total cloth two. - "Han Chuan Wang Mang"
The early Ming chicken, salty Guanshu, comb, Cong, hairpin, total. - "In the Book of Rites"
Total fat to Ma. - "New Book of Tang"
Another example of total fat (of childhood, childhood. With total angular); total angular of the good (meaning young Xiangqi friends. Also known as total angular turn "); General Sha (in ancient times as a child hairdo corners)
Polymerization; together [get together; collect]
No general in the cargo Po, life and self-yung. - "The book Pangeng"
The total also fame. - "Ceremony Records book"
Overview hero. - "Three Kingdoms"
Another example is the total extract (join together); the total collection (aggregation, collection; brings together the works of many of the poems made); total rustic (like aggregation); total poly (Integrated together); Total Total (aggregate appearance) ; belongs; summary; Yue,
Results, the Department of [tie]
Drinks salty pool of more than horses in Xi, with a total of more than bridle almost Fuso. - "Chu Li Sao"
Come bridle Fuso total solution, then Mercedes-Benz today are vertical. - "Han"
Another example is the total bridle (Department of the horse. Refers to the dock)
Hold [hold]. Such as the total dry (with shield)
Command, rule the [govern]
Always things in the wind and rain. - "Zi Duke Ai"
North Korea sent by the public, taking part Nishishita. - "Sui Shu Yuan harmonic Biography"
Total hereby Rong weight. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book"
Another example is the general affairs of state; always been (unifying their positions); total Shu (in charge of military affairs; unified management of the military's Chief Executive); Zongshuai (Command; commander)
All in all; general [summarize; generalize]
To the total thing in the world, governance at home and the public. - "Zi careful"
This ten think the total. - Tang Wei Zheng "admonish Taizong ten think Shu"
Another example where the total (general); the total grant (inclusive comments on); Total Micro (general subtle truth); remarks (full and general discussion)
Overview [assume overall responsibility; take on everything]. As always (assuming conduct of public affairs); General (prime minister of the transaction); overview (Overview. Complete control; widely recruited)
Wo is issued; with braid handle bar Wo [a bundle of cereal crops]
Iori Austin clothing, Barry Fu satisfied overall. - "Yu Gong books." Kong said the total mass Wo is issued, into the country for horse feed. "
Bundle spike; tassels [tassels] (ancient traveling accessories)
Queen of the Rd, heavy Zhai, tin PCT Zhuzong. - "Zhou." Those who made the total Jiagong Yan Shu, that is traveling with the ornament of the total, if the total return of people, but also both the Department of the book, and hanging for decoration, so that both the total also. "
Another example Zhuzong (vermilion Jushi)
Integer [integer]
Money into the total, and I sent home to take away! - "Travels"
Stick tied into the torch [torch]
In short the wrong method, at the sitting of the cross. - "Pipe"
All full [general; total]
Merry always be rain and wind to go. - Song ji "Yong Yule solid Jingkou North Pavilion nostalgia"
Another example is the total collapse; total wholesale; Head; agent; mobilization; production; the total cost
Led, as more senior positions in the lead (such as higher than others of similar title) [chief; general]. If the total system (the Governor); Total River (river training affairs officials Explorer)
Are; Yigai [all]. If the total in (all; all; total); total than (not as); total suspect (suspect kept); always (all)
Has; always [always; consistently]. Always stand as the first line of the struggle; total suspect (suspect kept)
After all, after all [after all; eventually]. As he always was a child, how can I have the strength to do as adults; the total to (is always; after all); General note (is always)
Use the same vertical. "Even; even [even though; even if]
Mo Yan Saibei no spring that spring where there is always known. - "Degree of breaking Nasha"
Brother always a monk on, but also the sound of our goodbye, and now that Intuit apologetic it! - "Awaken the common saying"
Another example is there (although there; if any); always do (even); total natural (even though; even); Total Rao (let; though)
General strike
[General strike] of all walks of life to participate in trade unions of workers held a strike at the same time
Chief General
[Command]: command of the army; shuaibing
Taking part down period. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
[Governor; garrison commander]: Ming Dynasty generals commander of the military expedition, and later became one of the generals guarding the title. Qing Dynasty stationed troops taking part for the local senior military officer, also called the total town "
[General headquarters]: the military or some of the highest leading body systems
Army Headquarters
[Head office]: corporate headquarters, business or activities of the management center
The company is headquartered in New York City
[Head examiner]: the Qing Dynasty, said officials in charge of the Central Compilation and host institutions will try to minister
[Director-general; president; governor; managing director]: some of the names of political parties and national leaders; certain institutions (eg banks) or the company's highest management or general manager
[Help accomplish sth.; Complete; accomplish; do a stroke of business]: sake; made (more common in the early vernacular)
Assembly I get married
Also as the principal "
[Assembly]: the final assembly of components into finished
[Must; have to; be bound] that in the good sense or reason on the need; must be
[Governor]: the early Ming Dynasty when the military forces sent to monitor the local inspection officials; the beginning of the Qing Dynasty became the highest local executive, the general jurisdiction of provinces, military and political, but also control three provinces, or just a province
Governor Hu Zongxian. - "History of Ming Dynasty"
[Governor-general]: Britain, France and other countries accredited to the highest rule of the colonial officials
Governor General of Canada
[Viceroy]: Dominion representatives accredited to the King of England
[Troops forming a squadron] compiled by the unit group of military groups, the level of authority and the division commander, a considerable group
zǒng é
[Total; the total amount; the gross amount] the amount of combined; the total number of
Total deposits, total wages
All in all
zǒng éryánzhī
[In short; in a word; in brief] To sum up; short
All in all, as long as things work out, I was all abide by the station's life. - Qing Wu Jian "confused the world"
[General programme; general principles]: the total program
Master the Constitution
[Superclass]: taxonomy in a door (or part) and the key link between the areas
Federation of Trade Unions
[Federation of trade unions] formed by the workers and the general society or federation of organizations
[General offensive; general attack] the military refers to grab or full-scale attack. Also said that the total attack "
[In all; altogether; sum up; in the aggregate] together; total
A total of about five thousand people
[Be in charge of; be responsible for]: comprehensive management; charge
No Explorer internal affairs pm
[Steward]: old servant or affairs of the rich people who managed
[Governor]: Ancient Guan Ming, senior military and government for the local executive, military officer or management of specialized services the title of Chief Executive
[Main]: water supply to the auxiliary branch or secondary branch pipe to drain away water pipes
Is always
[Anyhow; eventually; after all] before a verb used to express action, conduct or circumstances whatever be the case, equivalent to eventually "
The fact is always true, how can not deny
[Altogether] said together; total
[Sum; total; sum total] all add up to the number or content
The sum of the daily fun
[Come of flow together]: flow convergence
Confluence into the sea
[Confluence; concourse; aggregate]: confluence of things
[Switchboard; telephone exchange] in a certain area, the aggregate number of telephone line installation
[Amount to; total; add up to]: In sum calculation
Total of one hundred thousand yuan
A total of three thousand spectators
[Grand total]: Total number of
[Total price] the total value of the number or quantity constitutes the value of all
[Commissioner; chief inspector] Chief Inspector of Police Officer
Police Chief
Total angular
[A child's hair twisted in a knot]: Ancient minors hair tied into a bun
[Childhood]: childhood, young
Total angular turn
Total angular Tao and the first non-white into. - Jin Tao Qian "Wing wood"
[Sum up; summarize]: to a certain stage of the analysis of the situation and make the conclusions are instructive; sum of the various aspects of the
Summary of all the circumstances
[Summary; summing-up]: such conclusions; the sum of the conclusions of the various aspects of
General Manager
[President; general manager; managing director] company or similar unit of the highest business leaders, decide on the general endowed with the power of the administrative and management policies
Prime Minister
[Premier; chancellor]: some of the heads of government
[Prime minister]: Prime Minister referred to. The executive heads of parliamentary government
[President]: the leaders of certain political parties
[Exercise general supervision over]: overall charge of the management
zǒnglǐ yámen
[Ministry of foreign affairs in qing dynasty] premier national affairs Yamen ", later renamed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs" (Foreign Affairs)
Order Yamen edicts. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography"
[Quantum] the total number of
That is not the total rainfall season precipitation is not
The company's total production volume of shoes
The total volume
Consul General
[Consul general] in the important places in, or having jurisdiction in several places under the jurisdiction of several consuls or consular level
General Line
[General line of the pary] party and the country in a certain historical period the overall guidance of the basic criteria, the specific work to develop all aspects of the general line and policy basis for
The general line of new era
[Summa]: or a summary of the comprehensive range of disciplines
[Preface]: Introduction
The score
[Full score; score] music written down all the voices of the music; especially the Ministry of every vocal or music devices are written in a separate table on the music spectrum
Total heat
[Total heat] as the unit mass of a liquid from a temperature (for example, the melting point of the substance) into any other given the energy needed for the saturated vapor temperature to calorimeter
[Always] forever; without exception,
[Total; sum total] number of total
Total is 500
[Commander in chief] of the highest office the military, wartime command of the war, on military orders
[At long last; finally]: a desire to finally realize that
Seven days following a six-day rain finally cleared up today
[On the whole]: that is basically also
[Overall; general; total] things from a number of individuals; overall
Master Plan
Total war
[President; the executive]
Presidential system of government in the implementation of the republic was elected head of state and officials of the executive heads
U.S. President
Parliamentary system of government in the implementation of the republic was elected head of state has the status, but generally has only limited administrative powers of officials
General Plan
[General drawing] the expression of machinery, buildings or other equipment, the system of all or part of the engineering drawings, that the overall structure of the object and circumstances
Total temperature
[Total temperature]
Isentropic flow of compressible fluid in the stagnation temperature can be achieved
Hypothetical flow process in the adiabatic stagnation temperature to be achieved
[General affairs; general services]: Explorer and laborers of various matters
General Nurse
[Person in charge of general affairs]: Explorer and laborers who matters
General sick today
Total pressure
[Total pressure]
Airflow and static pressure and dynamic pressure of
Imaginary places and adiabatic fluid in isentropic stagnation pressure can be achieved when the total value of
When fluid flows through any point of a static pressure and
[General rule; general principles; general provision] regulatory conditions of the front of the general provisions
[Minister] Early Years official name of the central ministries Executive
Minister of education
In short
[In a word; in short; in brief] conclusion. That is the sum of the following to say so
In short, we should take the initiative, not passive
Aggregate expenditure
[General branch] branch of the general committee, caucus organization's level institutions
Party branch, Youth League
[Total value; gross value] constitute a complete number or quantity of something of monetary value, usually a trade intermediary to calculate the market price
[Commander-in-chief]: for example, at the front of the commander of all armed forces or the synthesis of several branches of the military commander of the armed forces
[General director]: production or project construction in the person responsible for the overall command
[Assemble]: the general assembly of the components
Assembly station
[Assembling process]: the parts to be assembled into the overall process
zǒng ㄗ ㄨ ㄥ
Polymerization, together ~ it. ~ Number. ~ Body. ~ Knot. Exchange ~.
Summarizes all the main ~ Gang. ~ Is.
Led to a maximum of ~ commander. ~ CD. ~ Manager. ~ System.
Beam line, beam angle hair ~ (jiǎo).
Often, has been ~ so.
Must, in any case ~ go. Colorful ~ is the spring. "
Zheng code udjw, u603b, gbkd7dc
9 number of strokes, radical heart and stroke order number 432514544
〔〕 ???? Ancient Rhymes 【】 【】 Rhyme for rhyme hole cut 【】 【_set_】 ancestral move will cut rhyme, ???? sound Zong. Wen】 【said bunching too. 【Xu Xuan Zong said】 for this popular, non. Guangyun】 【together also, are too. Popular for Zong. 【】 Baiguan Book • General Pat-Iraqi training. Zuo Xi seven】 【• If the total to the threshold of the sinner. 【Note】 general, generals. 【Fax】 Former Han Yang Xiong Solutions • Fuso total bridle. 【Note】 total, end also. Qu Yuan's Li Sao】 【Fun • total the total clutch Xi. 【Note】 The total overall, still Zunzun, poly too. Also released were】 【total, hair also, which beam the total also. Qi Feng】 【Poetry • Come angular tuft of hair. 【】 Total accumulation of their hair thinning, that corners. 【】 Mourning ritual • Total six liters. 【Note】 The total six liters were, jewelry like crown. And Wo and Gao said the total. 【】 Barry Yu Gong Fu Books • The total satisfaction. Total persons】 【sparse, the total under the sickle and straw Wo Sui and Gao, are sent to the total. And the total cloth. 【Zhou • The people that local officials • Chan total cloth. 【Note】 general, such as rent ???? the ???? read. ???? cloth, that value by the Civil Code Douhu tax also. ○ The total 緫 by individual sound and meaning, this custom to 緫 the total, non. Long 緫 word NOTE.