Waste (waste) fèi stop, no longer in use: negligence (which should be implemented and not implemented.) Repealed. Deposed (removed, get rid of.) Emperor Fei (the deposed emperor.) Abandoned. Abolished. Abandoned. Unworthy. Useless, useless: the nonsense. Waste. Ruins (after the destruction of the place became deserted.) Useless things: repair old or discarded. Use of "three wastes" ("three wastes", gas, water and waste). Barren, decay: abandoned garden. After a Rise and Fall. Serious injury or kill someone: waste him. Xing stroke: 8; radicals: Canton; Stroke Number: 41353544
Waste Waste fèi 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the wide range of sound. From the "wide" (yǎn), said housing related. Original meaning: the house dumping) 〗 〖Collapse with the original meaning Waste, housing Dayton also. - "Said Wen." Duan Note: "Dayton blunt words, that the house was no place to live by blunt home also." Refers to dumping destroyed, collapsed To the ancient, the four most waste, Kyushu crack. - "Huainanzi" Waste; repeal 〖abandon; abolish; liewaste〗 So the road kings of waste, the burning of hundreds of words. - Han Jia Yi "on the Qin" This deposit could not bear to waste the present. - Song Wen Tianxiang "guide recorded after the sequence" What, then Bell and the waste blood in sacrifice? - "King Hui of Liang on Mencius" Another example: void (due to failure and waste); waste industry (discarded is the industry, proper job; abandoned the cause of the decline); waste trafficking (abandoned; corruption); waste loss (abandoned damage); waste Kuang (abandoned, not used) Stop; stop stop〗 〖 Strong enough only, middle and waste. - "The Analects of Confucius Yong" Rotation without waste. - "Huainanzi Tao training" Gentleman compliance opposite direction, halfway. - "Book of Mean" Another example: waste cell (terminated, suspended); waste industry (suspension of studies); waste toward (North Korea will stop); waste city (ceased operation) Deposed, dismissed from office 〖oust; dethrone〗 For some time now self-old thief spent Han. - "Mirror" Another example: waste indium (dismissed from office and prohibit the re-employment); waste legislation (Waste Jun, Lixin Jun); disuse (Chutui; Bianchu); waste exclusion (exclusion of deposed screen); waste after the (deposed queen); waste-free ( removal) Decay; corrupt〗 〖decline In addition to Wei Yan Temple of the waste burial site to. - Pu-Ming Zhang, "five tombstones in mind" Another example: Scrap (Broken); waste defeated (waste and corruption); waste drop (decline of wandering) Kuang waste, slack〗 〖neglect. Such as: level waste (waste ore duties); waste time (seasonal records of the ministry of waste ore); waste negative (Kuang waste duty of them); Waste matter (waste ore Duties) Burst; capsize〗 〖ruin. Such as: Fei Xing (the rise and fall; rise and fall); waste fall (decline); waste bad (corrupt; decline) Fall; fall fall〗 〖 Zhu〗 〖from investment in sub-bed, coal waste in the furnace, rotten, then died. - "Zuo Zhuan" To the wild at this, read from the waste in the land of Gou Jian is not inexpensive. - Song Wang "on Xiangfu book" Yan Fu, lie, lay on〗 〖prostrate. Such as: waste initiatives (waste Dayton, stiff V can not afford) Kill, kill kill〗 〖 Thieves country town, infidelity; ordered the abolition of, do not believe. - "Mandarin" 〗 〖Laydown down. Such as: scrap book; waste volume (put down the book); Waste Court (shelved without implementation) Fee, waste 〖expense; waste〗 If this organization is also off Sri Lanka, the loss success, JI waste time. - "Biography of Women in the Later Han" Large waste the viewer perspective, is not smooth things. - "Dream of Red Mansions" Through "Fat" (fā) ". Move occurred 〖takeplace; happen〗 Show no longer use it. So scrap the military and rural radio. - "Hanshiwaizhuan" The Road of the plug quite some time, but it can waste the world is also the main mo, so three generations of not four, not out there to listen is also the main mo. - "Rule of Kayseri" Another example: or disabled (of disease) Waste Waste fèi 【Form】 Deserted, abandoned to give up unused〗 〖 Waste tank tree, still tired words soldiers. - Song Jiang Kui "Yangzhou slow" Full-scale reconstruction is under way. - Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower" Another example: abandoned wells; waste industry; waste site; abandoned mine Depressed disappointed 〖dejected; despirited〗 By Mr. and appropriate, the anti-waste, however. - "Zhuangzi De fully comply" 〗 〖Decayed decay Affairs of the abolition of the people in reverse. - "Pipe Pastoral" Thrown away, useless 〖useless; disused; waste〗. Such as: cotton waste; waste; waste; waste steam; invalidated 〗 〖Disability disabled Jing Ke waste, Nai Yin Qin put their daggers. - "Warring Yan policy" Another example: basket case; or disabled (disabled) Slack fèichí 〖(Ofalaw, custom, discipline, etc.) Cea_set_obebindingorbecomelax, duetonegligence〗 abandoned slack; corrupt Asatsuna breakdowns Repeal fèichú 〖Abolish; abondon; discard〗: the abolition of all discarded - is mainly used in laws, customs, system, traditional The abolition of slavery 〗 〖Abrogate: declared invalid Military junta officially abolished the existing constitution Deposed fèichù 〖Depose; dethrone〗 was ousted from the throne Trying to dethrone the king to give way to his brother fèihuà 〖Superfluouswords; nonsense; rubbish; twaddlephrase; senselesstalk〗 no sense to me Said a lot of nonsense Waste fèijiù 〗 〖Worn-out and obsolete scrap (thing) Waste materials Waste fèiliào 〗 〖Waste The rest of the production process to the production process of the useless things Waste Reject fèipǐn 〖Wasteproduct; reject〗: substandard products 〗 〖Waste: defective or inferior products or goods, used goods Gas fèiqì 〗 〖Wastegasorsteam from the internal combustion engine or gas turbine exhaust unwanted gas in the Scrap fèiqì Discard〗 〖: do not abandon Waste stereotypes 〗 〖Castaside: cast aside without Forget dinner and sleep fèiqǐn-wàngcān 〗 〖Forgettoeatandsleep even sleep, to eat too busy to think. Described efforts to concentrate If you come by this clock, multi-pipe is forgetting meals and sleep disorders. - Per Joe "between worlds marriage" Also known as "avid" However, waste fèirán 〗 〖Dejected looks depressing disappointment Back to start thinking, its for enriching the world of the heart, there is not disheartened by those who spent almost destroy natural? - Qing xi "Yuanjun" Useless fèirén 〗 〖Disabledperson: unable to work because of disabled people 〖〗 Good-for-nothing: generally refers to unwanted people Wastewater fèishuǐ 〗 〖Wastewater: water used (as in the manufacturing process) 〗 〖Effluent: as the discharge of waste water (such as industrial emissions from the production process of water) - also known as "sewage" Scrap fèitiě 〗 〖Scrapiron waste for reprocessing cooked wrought iron products, iron or useless Metal scraps fèitóng-làntiě 〗 〖Scrap pile of broken metal The car turned into a pile of metal scraps Waste fèiwù 〗 〖Wastematerial: useless things, or things lose their value in use Industrial waste 〖〗 Good-for-nothing: useless people He is simply a waste Ruins fèixū 〖Ruins; wasteland of town, streets or houses destroyed or turned into a barren post-disaster areas Ruins Repeal fèizhǐ 〖Annul; abolish〗 make legally invalid, declared no longer valid in law; Cancel Abolished the old regulations Abandoned fèizhì 〗 〖Putasideasuseless hold waste A disused wells
Waste (phonetic. From the wide range of sound. From Canton, "said the housing-related. The original meaning of the house dumping) of waste with the original meaning, housing Dayton also. -," Said Wen. "Duan Note Dayton blunt words, that the housing blunt home and those who have no home. "refers to dumping destroyed, collapsed to the ancient, the four most waste, Kyushu crack. - "Huainanzi" waste; abolished kings of the road so waste, the burning of hundreds of words. - Han Jia Yi "on the Qin," this deposit their waste in this bear. - Song Wen Tianxiang "guide recorded after the sequence" What, then Bell and the waste blood in sacrifice? - "Mencius on King Hui of Liang," Another example is invalid (due to failure and waste); waste industry (discarded is the industry, proper job; abandoned decay utilities); waste trafficking (abandoned; corruption); waste loss (abandoned damage); waste Kuang (abandoned, do not use) to stop; the waste (Hu) fèi ⒈ stop, give up ~ only. ~ Use. ~ In addition. For ~. ~ Forgot to eat and sleep. Halfway refrain ~. <Argument> of no use, loss of effectiveness of the ~ thing. ~ Paper. ~ Words Lianpian. Change ~ to treasure. ⒉ barren, the decline of wild ~. ~ Housing. ~ Market. ⒊ residual disability ~. No foot the body ~.
Waste fei Radical Radical wide total strokes 08 strokes 03 Waste depose; disthrone; Xing; Waste (1) Hu fèi (2) (Phonetic. From the wide range of sound. From Canton "(yǎn), said housing related. The original meaning of the house dumping) (3) With the original meaning of [collapse] Waste, housing Dayton also. - "Said Wen." Duan Note the words of Gordon blunt, blunt home that houses were also no place to live. " (4) Refers to dumping destroyed, collapsed To the ancient, the four most waste, Kyushu crack. - "Huainanzi" (5) Waste; repeal [abandon; abolish; lie waste] So the road kings of waste, the burning of hundreds of words. - Han Jia Yi "on the Qin" This deposit could not bear to waste the present. - Song Wen Tianxiang "guide recorded after the sequence" What, then Bell and the waste blood in sacrifice? - "King Hui of Liang on Mencius" (6) Another example is invalid (due to failure and waste); waste industry (discarded is the industry, proper job; abandoned the cause of the decline); waste trafficking (abandoned; corruption); waste loss (abandoned damage); waste Kuang (abandoned, not used) (7) Stop; stop [stop] Strong enough only, middle and waste. - "The Analects of Confucius Yong" Rotation without waste. - "Huainanzi Tao training" Gentleman compliance opposite direction, halfway. - "Book of Mean" (8) Another example is the waste cell (terminated, suspended); waste industry (suspension of studies); waste toward (North Korea will stop); waste city (ceased operation) (9) Deposed, dismissed from office [oust; dethrone] For some time now self-old thief spent Han. - "Mirror" (10) Another example of waste indium (dismissed from office and prohibit the re-employment); waste legislation (Waste Jun, Lixin Jun); disuse (Chutui; Bianchu); waste exclusion (exclusion of deposed screen); waste after the (deposed queen); waste-free (recall ) (11) Decay; corrupt [decline] In addition to Wei Yan Temple of the waste burial site to. - Pu-Ming Zhang, "five tombstones in mind" (12) Another example of waste residues (broken); waste defeated (waste and corruption); waste drop (decline of wandering) (13) Kuang waste, slack [neglect]. Such as waste level (waste ore duties); waste time (seasonal records of the ministry of waste ore); waste negative (Kuang waste duty of them); Waste matter (waste ore Duties) (14) Burst; annihilated [ruin]. If Fei Xing (the rise and fall; rise and fall); waste fall (decline); waste bad (corrupt; decline) Fall; fall [fall] [Zhu child] from the vote on the bed, waste coal in the furnace, rotten, then died. - "Zuo Zhuan" To the wild at this, read from the waste in the land of Gou Jian is not inexpensive. - Song Wang "on Xiangfu book" (16) Yan Fu, lie, lay on [prostrate]. Measures such as waste (waste Dayton, stiff V can not afford) (17) Kill, kill [kill] Thieves country town, infidelity; ordered the abolition of, do not believe. - "Mandarin" (18) Down [lay down]. Such as waste book; waste volume (put down the book); Waste Court (shelved without implementation) (19) Fee, waste [expense; waste] If this organization is also off Sri Lanka, the loss success, JI waste time. - "Biography of Women in the Later Han" Large waste the viewer perspective, is not smooth things. - "Dream of Red Mansions" (20) General Development "(fā)". Move, the occurrence of [take place; happen] Show no longer use it. So scrap the military and rural radio. - "Hanshiwaizhuan" The Road of the plug quite some time, but it can waste the world is also the main mo, so three generations of not four, not out there to listen is also the main mo. - "Rule of Kayseri" (21) Another example or disabled (of disease) Waste (1) Hu fèi (2) Abandoned, given up without the [abandoned] Waste tank tree, still tired words soldiers. - Song Jiang Kui "Yangzhou slow" Full-scale reconstruction is under way. - Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower" (3) Another example is the abandoned wells; waste industry; waste site; abandoned mine (4) Frustrated disappointment [dejected; despirited] By Mr. and appropriate, the anti-waste, however. - "Zhuangzi De fully comply" (5) Decline [decayed] Affairs of the abolition of the people in reverse. - "Pipe Pastoral" (6) Thrown away, useless [useless; disused; waste]. Such as cotton waste; waste; waste; waste steam; invalidated (7) Disabilities [disabled] Jing Ke waste, Nai Yin Qin put their daggers. - "Warring Yan policy" (8) Another example is the disabled person; or disabled (disabled) Slack fèichí [(Of a law, custom, discipline, etc.) Cease to be binding or become lax, due to negligence] abandoned slack; corrupt Asatsuna breakdowns Repeal fèichú (1) [Abolish; abondon; discard]: Cancel all dropped - mainly used in laws, customs, system, traditional The abolition of slavery (2) [Abrogate]: declared invalid Military junta officially abolished the existing constitution Deposed fèichù [Depose; dethrone] was ousted from the throne Trying to dethrone the king to give way to his brother Nonsense fèihuà [Superfluous words; nonsense; rubbish; twaddle phrase; senseless talk] does not make sense, then Said a lot of nonsense Waste fèijiù [Worn-out] of waste and old (thing) Waste materials Waste fèiliào (1) [Waste] (2) The rest of the production process to the production process of the useless things (3) Waste Reject fèipǐn (1) [Waste product; reject]: failed products (2) [Waste]: defective or inferior products or goods, used goods Gas fèiqì [Waste gas or steam] from the internal combustion engine or gas turbine exhaust unwanted gas in the Scrap fèiqì (1) [Discard]: do not abandon Waste stereotypes (2) [Cast aside]: do not cast aside Forget dinner and sleep fèiqǐn-wàngcān (1) [Forget to eat and sleep] with sleep, to eat too busy to think. Described efforts to concentrate If you come by this clock, multi-pipe is forgetting meals and sleep disorders. - Per Joe "between worlds marriage" (2) Also known as the sleepless nights " However, waste fèirán [Dejected] frustrated the way down Back to start thinking, its for enriching the world of the heart, there is not disheartened by those who spent almost destroy natural? - Qing xi "Yuanjun" Useless fèirén (1) [Disabled person]: unable to work because of disabled people (2) [Good-for-nothing]: refers to useless people Wastewater fèishuǐ (1) [Waste water]: the water used (as in the manufacturing process) (2) [Effluent]: as the discharge of waste water (such as industrial emissions from the production process of water) - also known as sewage " Scrap fèitiě [Scrap iron] for re-processing of waste or useless cooked wrought iron products, iron Metal scraps [Scrap] heap of broken metal The car turned into a pile of metal scraps Waste fèiwù (1) [Waste material]: useless things, or things lose their value in use Industrial waste (2) [Good-for-nothing]: useless people He is simply a waste Ruins fèixū [Ruins; wasteland] towns, streets or houses destroyed or turned into a barren post-disaster areas Ruins Repeal fèizhǐ [Annul; abolish] make the law invalid, declared that no force in law; Cancel Abolished the old regulations Abandoned fèizhì [Put aside as useless] abandoned on hold A disused wells (Hu) fèi ㄈ ㄟ ╝ (1) Stop, no longer in use ~ relaxation (but not implemented should be implemented). ~ In addition. ~ Dismiss (remove, get rid of.) ~ Emperor (the Emperor was deposed.) ~ Abandoned. ~ Only. ~ Home. ~ Food for choking. (2) No use, loss of effectiveness of the ~ words. ~ Goods. ~ Market (After the destruction of the place became deserted.) (3) Things do not repair old with ~. Using three ~ "(three wastes", gas, water and waste). (4) Barren, the decline of rural shortage ~. After several Xing ~. (5) Seriously injured or killed someone ~ him. Zheng code tgxs, u5e9f, gbkb7cf 8 number of strokes, radical wide strokes number 41353544
】 【Tang Yun Fang Yun lung cut 【】 【_set_】 rhyme will put bark cut, ???? sound 癈. 【】 Housing Dayton also said Wen. Also】 【Tongxun also ended. 【Note】 stopped also. Qu Li】 【ceremony where the festival has its own waste, Mogan move also. Has held it, Mogan waste also. Also】 【Tongxun waste, homes too. 【Note】 homes, place. 【】 Zhou eight-day official killed handle large, seven said waste to Yu-incrimination. 【Note】 waste, still put too. Also】 【eight, third is abandoned to its officials Yu. Also Tongxun】 【big also. Poetry Xiaoya】 【Fu residual waste. 【Fax】 waste, Tai also. 【Explanation】 a void. Great too. Also falling into the well. Zhu Zuo】 【_set_ three children from the cast on the bed and waste coal in the furnace. 【Note】 waste, falling also. Also】 【Explanatory ancient sound is vocalized. 【Song】 West Suburban Sacrifice Former Han Hao hang Dang. Chill autumn air. Show down with Ying, continued the old do not waste. Also with 癈 pass. Zuo Zhao】 【fourteen years old Stuart Kuei Chi consider pseudo 癈 disease. Also with the dial. 【Zhou Zi Kaogongji Winter officer who】 Seoul and anger aside. 【Note】 call it the book aside. Secretary for Agriculture Cheng says: read as a provision of waste. Research: 〔】 【said housing dump the text also. Would like to change according to the original dumping〕 Dayton. 【〔Official Zhou Dong Zi Kaogongji The people that will call and anger. 〕 Move by the original context, the word will save, Seoul is not the word province. Would like to change the allocation of Seoul and anger.
fèi Waste wūdùnyě。 cóngguǎngfāshēng。 fāngfèiqiē
Dayton House also. From the wide sound. Square cut lung