fányìtǐ:  ( ???? ???? ????)pīnyīn: bùshǒu: 
zǒngbǐhuà: 11bùwàibǐhuà: 8UTF-8: E5 A9 86
UTF-16: 5A46UTF-32: 00005A46GB 2312: 3837
GB 12345: 3837Big 5: B143cāngjié: EEV
sìjiǎomǎ: 3440.4yīzìquánmǎ: po2bonvyīzìshuāngmǎ: pobonv
yīzìdānmǎ: pbnhànzìjiégòu: shàng(zhōng)xiàhànzìcéngcì: 5
bǐhuà: 丶丶一乛丿丨????㇏????丿一bǐshùnbiānhào: 44153254531bǐshùndúxiě: nà, nà, héng, zhé, piě, shù, zhé, nà, zhé, piě, héng
tārénbǐshùn: 44153254531
bùjiànzǔgòu: 波(氵(丶冫(丶一))皮((乛丿丨)又(????㇏)))女(????丿一)
   nián lǎo de lǎo tài kǒu xīn
   zhàng de qīngōng jiā
   chēng cháng liǎng bèi de qīn shǔ wài
   fāng yánfàn zhǐ hūn de qīng nián chēng niàn
   jiù shí zhǐ cóng shì mǒu xiē zhí de méi shōu shēng
   huà shù: 11;
   shùn biān hào: 44153254531

  Po pó elderly women: the old woman. Earnest. Husband's mother: her in-laws. Mother-and daughter. Husband's family. Mother. Long said the relatives of the two generations of women: great aunt. Aunt. Grandmother. Dialect, refers to young married women, also known as the wife: the body. Po Yi. Old women engaged in certain occupations: matchmaker. Midwives. Public Stroke: 11; radicals: Female; stroke order number: 44153254531
   héng héng suō
  【 lián mián
  ( xíng shēngcóng , shēngběn : mào )
   suō , héng héngěr
   pán xuán ; tíng liú〖 spiraling〗
   suō shù zhī chǎng , xiū piān zhī yòuhéng hénghàn shū
   fēn sàn ; shū〖 disperse〗
   fēng hóng dòng 'ér jué , yōu ráo ráo suōhéng héngwén xuǎn · wáng bāo · dòng xiāo
   shū zhǎn〖 limberup〗
   zuì shí mián shí shàng , zhī suōhéng héng táng · yáo yóu yáng 'àn
  【 míng
   nián lǎo de rén〖 oldwoman〗。 : kǒu xīn ; lǎo ( lǎo tài lǎo tóu de chēng ); ér ( nián lǎo de rén ); ér ( lǎo de zuò fēng )
   jiù zhǐ cóng shì mǒu xiē zhí de 〖 womaninacertainoccupation〗。 : jiē shēng ; méi ; guān ( ); sài ( shàng ); chǎn
   hūn , 〖 wife〗。 : ; niàn ( rénhán biǎn ); lǎo ; jiā zhù ; ( , lǎo ); lǎo ( lǎo lǎo tóu )
   zhàng de qīn〖 mother-in-law〗。 : gōng ;
   〖 grandmother〗。 : tài ; wài ; ; ( fāng yánnǎi nǎi )
   〖 mother〗
   ā jià , sūn 'ér bào ? héng héngyuèfǔ shī · míng · zhé yáng liǔ zhī
   dài guǎng shǎo shù mín duì lǎo rén de chēng wèi〖 oldman〗
   , nán chēng héng héngzhèng tōng
  〖 husband sfamily〗 hūn chēng zhàng de jiā ( bié niàn jiā )。 shuō jiā
   luó mén
  〖 Brahman〗 yìn zhǒng xìng zhì zhōng zuì gāo zhǒng xìng huò sēng de yuán , zhù yào zhí shì sòng jīngchuán jīng ( fèi tuó jīng ) bìng zhù chí zōng jiào zhǒng shì chēng luó mén jiào
  〖 youngmarriedwoman〗 fàn zhǐ hūn de qīng nián
  〖 husband'smother〗 zhàng de qīn
  〖 grandmother〗 [ fāng yán ]∶ ; wài
  〖 leader〗∶ rén huò dān wèi de dǐng tóu shàng
  〖 womanishlyfussy;sentimental〗∶ xíng róng rén dòng zuò huǎn màn , yán luo suo
  〖 havetheweakfeeling〗∶ xíng róng gǎn qíng cuì ruò
  〖 gossipy〗 zhǐ hǎo lùn 'ér yòu yán luó suo de rén
   rèn wéi shì zuǐ , jiàn liǎo shénme duì de shìdōu yào shuō shàng liǎng
  〖 wirl,dance〗∶ xíng róng pán xuán dòng de yàng
   zhòng zhī , suō xiàhéng héngshī · chén fēng · dōng mén zhī fén》。 máo chuán :“ suō , 。”
  〖 haveluxuriantfoliage;beamassofbranchesandleaves〗∶ zhī fēn de yàng
  〖 one’ swifeandmother〗 ( zhàng de qīn ) 'ér
  〖 kindness〗 bēi shàn liáng de xīn
   kǒu xīn
  [ fāng yán ]
  〖 youngmarriedwomen〗∶ fàn zhǐ
  〖 wife〗∶
  〖 baggage〗∶ bēi wēi huò xié 'è de rén
   shēng míng lángjí de lǎo , mài cǎo qún gān biě rén tóu de
  〖 wife〗∶
  〖 oldfemaleservant〗∶ nián jiào de yōng rén

  - Dancing
  【】 Lianmianci
  (Phonetic. From the female, wave sound. Original meaning: Dance appearance)
  Dance 〖dancing〗
  Dancing, dance also. - "ELEGANCE"
  Circling; stay〗 〖spiraling
  Technical skill in field of whirling exhale, exhale Pianji the rest caught. - "Han"
  Dispersion; luxuriant disperse〗 〖
  Hong Xi wind tunnel rather than absolute, superior Rao Rao to whirling. - "_Select_ed Works of Wang Bao Xiao Fu"
  Stretch〗 〖limberup
  Drunk sleep on the stone, from the whirling limbs. - Tang Yao "You hayang bank"
  〗 〖Oldwoman old woman. Such as: good intentions; po old (old woman and old man together); po children (old woman); po child gas (the old woman's temper and style)
  Old women engaged in certain occupations〗 〖womaninacertainoccupation. Such as: midwife; matchmaker; po Officer (witch); po plug (monk); midwife
  Married women, wife〗 〖wife. Such as: Po Yi; gossips (woman. Containing derogatory); wife; of the house po; Old Woman (wife, wife); po old (old woman and old man)
  Husband's mother, mother-in-law 〖〗. Such as: in-laws; mother
  〗 〖Grandmother grandmother. Such as: great-grandmother; grandmother; Bo Po; mother (dialect. Grandma)
  〗 〖Mother mother
  Lady is not married women, that have grandchildren hold? - "Music Bureau Poetry Anonymous willow leaves off Song"
  The ancient title of National Minority elderly〗 〖oldman
  Woman, man also known as the woman. - "Orthography Tong"
  Husband's family
  〗 〖Husband'sfamily married woman said her husband's family (as distinguished from "home"). Also said that "mother house"
  〗 〖Brahman caste system in India, the highest caste or a member of the monks, whose main job is to chant, pass on (the Vedas) and presided over religious ceremonies. Also known as "Brahmin"
  〗 〖Youngmarriedwoman refers to young women married
  〗 〖Husband'smother: the husband's mother
  〗 〖Grandmother [dialect]: grandmother; grandmother
  〗 〖Leader: personal or unit's boss
  〖Womanishlyfussy; sentimental〗: describe the person slow, long-winded speech
  〗 〖Havetheweakfeeling: describe the feelings of vulnerability
  Mother mouth
  〗 〖Gossipy good metaphor for people who talk but words wordy
  I think they are mother mouth, saw nothing wrong thing to be said that the two
  〖Wirl, dance〗: hover and dance to describe the way
  Chung's son son, whirling his next. - "Poetry of the Fen Chen Fengdong door." Mao Chuan: "whirling dance also."
  〖Haveluxuriantfoliage; beamassofbranchesandleaves〗: leaves and branches look Fenpi
  〗 〖One'swifeandmother her mother (her husband's mother) and daughter
  Mother-and daughter both
  〗 〖Compassionate kind hearted kindness
  Po Yi
  〗 〖Youngmarriedwomen: refers to women
  〗 〖Wife: wife
  Old Woman
  〗 〖Baggage: humble or evil woman
  A notorious old woman, selling grass skirts and shrunken heads of the
  〗 〖Wife: wife
  〗 〖Oldfemaleservant: older maid
  Rough the Old Woman
  ( xíng shēngcóng , shēngběn mào )
   suō , 。 --《 ěr
   pán xuán ; tíng liú
   suō shù zhī chǎng , xiū piān zhī yòu。 --《 hàn shū
   fēn sàn ; shū
   fēng hóng dòng 'ér jué , yōu ráo ráo suō。 --《 wén xuǎn · wáng bāo · dòng xiāo
   shū zhǎn
   zuì shí mián shí shàng , zhī suō。 -- táng · yáo yóu yáng 'àn
   nián lǎo de rén
   jiù zhǐ cóng shì mǒu xiē zhí de
   nián lǎo de lǎo tài lǎo~~。
   zhàng de qīn gōng~。 xiào jìng~~。
   cháng liǎng bèi de qīn shǔ shū~。 wài~。 kuài jiào~~。
   nián lǎo de rén lǎo

  Dancing (phonetic. From the female, the sound wave. The original meaning of dance appearance) whirling dance, dance also. - "Ya" go around; stop dancing arts of the field operation exhale, exhale Pianji the rest caught. - "Han" dispersion; luxuriant than the wind tunnel must Xi Hong, excellent Rao Rao to whirling. - "_Select_ed Works of Wang Bao Xiao Fu" stretch drunk sleeping on the stone, from the whirling limbs. - Tang Yao "You hayang bank" po <name> old woman old women engaged in certain occupations po pó ⒈ old women Granny ~. Old ~ ~. ⒉ husband's mother company ~. Honor ~ ~. ⒊ long and two women relatives of generation t ~. Outside ~. Call to ~ ~. ⒋ ① ~ old woman old son. ② wife. ⒌
   shǒu shǒu huà 03 zǒng huà 11
  mother-in-law; oldwoman;
  -- suō
  ( xíng shēngcóng , shēngběn mào )
   suō , 。 --《 ěr
   pán xuán ; tíng liú [spiraling]
   suō shù zhī chǎng , xiū piān zhī yòu。 --《 hàn shū
   fēn sàn ; shū [disperse]
   fēng hóng dòng 'ér jué , yōu ráo ráo suō。 --《 wén xuǎn · wáng bāo · dòng xiāo
   shū zhǎn [limberup]
   zuì shí mián shí shàng , zhī suō。 -- táng · yáo yóu yáng 'àn
  〈 míng
   nián lǎo de rén [oldwoman]。 kǒu xīn ; lǎo ( lǎo tài lǎo tóu de chēng ); ér ( nián lǎo de rén ); ér ( lǎo de zuò fēng )
   jiù zhǐ cóng shì mǒu xiē zhí de [womaninacertainoccupation]。 jiē shēng ; méi ; guān ( ); sài ( shàng ); chǎn
   hūn , [wife]。 ; niàn ( rén biǎn ); lǎo ; jiā zhù ; ( , lǎo ); lǎo ( lǎo lǎo tóu )
   zhàng de qīn [mother-in-law]。 gōng ;
   [grandmother]。 tài ; wài ; ; ( fāng yánnǎi nǎi )
   ā jià , sūn 'ér bào ?--《 yuèfǔ shī · míng · zhé yáng liǔ zhī
   dài guǎng shǎo shù mín duì lǎo rén de chēng wèi [oldman]
   , nán chēng 。 --《 zhèng tōng
  [husband'sfamily] hūn chēng zhàng de jiā ( bié niàn jiā” )。 shuō jiā
   luó mén
  [brahman] yìn zhǒng xìng zhì zhōng zuì gāo zhǒng xìng huò sēng de yuán , zhù yào zhí shì sòng jīngchuán jīng ( fèi tuó jīng ) bìng zhù chí zōng jiào zhǒng shì chēng luó mén jiào
  [youngmarriedwoman] fàn zhǐ hūn de qīng nián
  [husband'smother]∶ zhàng de qīn
  [grandmother][ fāng ]∶ ; wài
  [leader]∶ rén huò dān wèi de dǐng tóu shàng
  pópo māmā
  [womanishlyfussy;sentimental]∶ xíng róng rén dòng zuò huǎn màn , yán luo suo
  [havetheweakfeeling]∶ xíng róng gǎn qíng cuì ruò
  [gossipy] zhǐ hǎo lùn 'ér yòu yán luó suo de rén
   rèn wéi shì zuǐ , jiàn liǎo shénme duì de shìdōu yào shuō shàng liǎng
  [wirl,dance]∶ xíng róng pán xuán dòng de yàng
   zhòng zhī , suō xià。 --《 shī · chén fēng · dōng mén zhī fén》。 máo chuán suō , 。”
  [haveluxuriantfoliage;beamassofbranchesandleaves]∶ zhī fēn de yàng
  pó- xí
  [one'swifeandmother] ( zhàng de qīn ) 'ér
  [kindness] bēi shàn liáng de xīn
   kǒu xīn
  [ fāng ]
  [youngmarriedwomen]∶ fàn zhǐ
  [baggage]∶ bēi wēi huò xié 'è de rén
   shēng míng lángjí de lǎo , mài cǎo qún gān biě rén tóu de
  [oldfemaleservant]∶ nián jiào de yōng rén
  pó  ˊ
   nián lǎo de lǎo tài~。 kǒuxīn
   zhàng de qīn gōng~。~ 。~ jiā。~~。
   chēng cháng liǎng bèi de qīn shǔ ~。 ~。 wài~。
   fāng yánfàn zhǐ hūn de qīng nián chēng niàn。~
   jiù shí zhǐ cóng shì mǒu xiē zhí de méi~。 shōu shēng~。
   zhèng vxzm, u5a46, gbkc6c5
   huà shù 11, shǒu shùn biān hào 44153254531

  Po po
  Radical Women Radical total strokes 11 strokes 03
  mother-in-law; old woman;
  - Dancing
  (Phonetic. From the female, the sound wave. The original meaning of dance appearance)
  Dance [dancing]
  Dancing, dance also. - "ELEGANCE"
  Circling; stay [spiraling]
  Technical skill in field of whirling exhale, exhale Pianji the rest caught. - "Han"
  Dispersion; luxuriant [disperse]
  Hong Xi wind tunnel rather than absolute, superior Rao Rao to whirling. - "_Select_ed Works of Wang Bao Xiao Fu"
  Stretch [limber up]
  Drunk sleep on the stone, from the whirling limbs. - Tang Yao "You hayang bank"
  Old woman [old woman]. If good intentions; old woman (woman and old man together); po children (old woman); po child gas (the old woman's temper and style)
  Old women engaged in certain occupations [woman in a certain occupation]. Such as midwives; matchmaker; po Officer (witch); po plug (monk); midwife
  Married women, wife [wife]. If Po Yi; gossips (woman ‖ derogatory); wife; of the house po; Old Woman (wife, wife); po old (old woman and old man)
  Husband's mother [mother-in-law]. Such as in-laws; mother
  Grandmother [grandmother]. Such as the great-grandmother; grandmother; Bo Po; mother (dialect. Grandma)
  Parent [mother]
  Lady is not married women, that have grandchildren hold? - "Music Bureau Poetry Anonymous willow leaves off Song"
  National Minority ancient title for the elderly [old man]
  Woman, man also known as the woman. - "Orthography Tong"
  Husband's family
  [Husband's family] married woman said her husband's family (as distinguished from home "). Also said her mother home"
  [Brahman] the highest in the Indian caste system, caste or a member of the monks, whose main job is to chant, pass on (the Vedas) and presided over religious ceremonies. Also known as Brahmin "
  [Young married woman] refers to young women married
  [Husband's mother]: the husband's mother
  [Grandmother] [side]: grandmother; grandmother
  [Leader]: person or entity's boss
  [Womanishly fussy; sentimental]: describe the person slow, long-winded speech
  [Have the weak feeling]: describe the feelings of vulnerability
  Mother mouth
  [Gossipy] a metaphor for a good talk but who wordy speech
  I think they are mother mouth, saw nothing wrong thing to be said that the two
  [Wirl, dance]: hover and dance to describe the way
  Chung's son son, whirling his next. - "Poetry of the Fen Chen Fengdong door." Mao Chuan whirling dance too. "
  [Have luxuriant foliage; be a mass of branches and leaves]: the way leaves Fenpi
  [One's wife and mother] her mother (her husband's mother) and daughter
  Mother-and daughter both
  [Kindness] compassionate good heart
  Po Yi
  [Young married women]: refers to women
  [Wife]: wife
  Old Woman
  [Baggage]: humble or evil woman
  A notorious old woman, selling grass skirts and shrunken heads of the
  [Wife]: wife
  [Old female servant]: older maid
  Rough the Old Woman
  pó po ㄛ
  Old women Granny ~. Bitter ~ heart.
  Husband's mother company ~. ~ Daughter in law. ~ Home. ~ ~.
  Long said the relatives of the two generations of women Kou ~. Aunt ~. Outside ~.
  Dialect, refers to young married women, also known as the wife ~ mother. ~ Aunt.
  Old women engaged in certain occupations, media ~. Admission ~.
  Zheng code vxzm, u5a46, gbkc6c5
  11 number of strokes, radical women, stroke number 44153254531
chǒu xià Under the ugly _set_  【 guǎng yùn qiē yùn qiēyùn huì】【 zhèng yùn qiē, ???? yīn 。【 shuō wénshē yuē lǎo chēngfāng chēng jiù yuē gōng yòu guǎng yáo nán lǎo zhě zhài zhī yuē lǎo zhī yuē gōng。  yòu huáng , ???? shén yǎng shēng jiā ???? néng yǎng zàngmíng yuē huáng 。  yòu mèng fēng shén 。【 yáng shèn yuēmèng sòng biàn jīng gòu lán wèi fēng 。  yòu bǐng míngjiànsōu shén 】。  yòu fàn yán huá yán cháng shòu tiān shénfàn yán pín huá yán cóng línfàn yán yōu sàihuá yán shàn shì。 ???? jiàn tíng shì yuàn】。  yòu guó míng guó guā guóyuán qiǎn shǐ zhēng zhīfēng wéi guā guó wáng。  yòu chéng míngpéng chéngzài tǔbō。【 shī shōu yún xián shùgèng duó péng xuě wài chéng。 【 shuō wénzuò pán

  【】 Thin Rinpoche Guangyun】 【Ji Yun Yun Po Rinpoche will 【】 【】 Yun Po Wo is cut, ???? sound white. Wen also said】 【extravagance. One mother said said. Commonly known as Jiu Gu Fang said her in-laws. Yao and Guangxi folk, old men, one woman said, and call camp, the woman said the call of the public. And Huang Po, ???? God. Home health care home to more than ???? to visceral, it is called yellow woman. And Meng Po, Fengshen also. 【】 Meng Po Yang Shen Yue, Song Bianjing hook block language, that the wind. And scabbard woman, pipa name, see】 【Immortals. And the Vatican statement Qipo, China made longevity god. Vatican made the poor woman, China made the jungle. Vatican statement Upasaka, China articulate disabilities. ???? see what Court】 【birthplace. And country names. Buddhist monk Po States, calipering melon wow country, Yuan Zheng removal of the history of Bute, called the melon wow king. And city names. City of Punta woman in Tibetan. Du Fu's poetry】 【received free of cloud droplets Bo Shu, and more snow woman outside the city of Punta wins. 【】 For Pan Wen said.

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