Kè carved carving, digging with a knife: wood block prints (engraving printed books.) Stele. Lettering. Rigid. Disregard the changing circumstances. Ancient mind when using clepsydra a hundred engraved night. Watch this time with a moment equal to fifteen minutes: five. Time: at the moment. Instantly. Instant (very short). Moment. Delay. Describe the extent of deep: deep. Deliberately. Deep-seated (to feel deeply Such is Life). Hard. Not kind: acrimony. Mean. Sharp. Harsh. With the "g" ④. Stroke: 8; radicals: Dao; stroke ID: 41533422
Moment kè 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the knife, Hai sound. Original meaning: sculpture, carved in wood) 〗 〖Engrave with the original meaning Engraving, engrave too. - "Said the text" Kim said that the hard steel, wood, that the moment. - "Mailyard device" Lou does not engraved. - "Book of Rites Duke Ai asked," Spring of twenty-four years, carved their Jue, all reciprocate. - "Zuo Zhuang twenty-four years" And Kehuangongjue. Refers to the engraving on various materials Lettering with the clay, the spin moment. - Song Shen Kuo, "Meng Xi Bi Tan trap" View Road, Stone is at its best moment far diffuse loss. - Qing Yao Nai, "Goldenthal Mountain in mind" The right moment on a small mountain and get to the bottom, left carved gentle breeze stirred. - Ming Wei Yi School "nuclear Zhou Ji" Another example: the stamp; burin (engraving tool used); carved wood (carved wooden utensils); engraved decoration (carved decoration); carved Ming (engraving in stone and other artifacts on the text); characterization (carving; Marker ); engraved seal (referring to the carved text, pattern) Painting; modified 〖draw; adorn〗 Henai characterization without salt, to abrupt West also? - "Shi light slander" Another example: carved sentence (scrutiny exercise expressions); engraved Jue (with painted decoration of the side rafters); engraving cut sentence (modified Sato Chapters); carved Reed (Sato scrutiny) Planning, cut cut〗 〖. Such as: cut stencils; engraved cut (cut); carved lacquer (cutting paint) 〗 〖Rigorouslydemand strict requirements. Such as: carving has (strict demands on themselves); carved requirements (strict); carved responsible (strict requirements); carved rope (restrictions required) 〗 〖Restrict qualified About to happen carved period, seasonal have experience. - "Whitehead gods Monument" Another example: carved satisfied (return period) Injury 〖damage; prejudice〗 Mountain ride gold, anti-self-carved. - Liu "Huainanzi" Another example: carved child (against); carved harm (assault, mutilation); carved thief (injury; mutilation); engraved Black (damage ulceration) Bearing in mind〗 〖engraveonone'smind Deep-seated grab a new sentence. - Liu Te-jen, "Chen is concerned friend" Another example: deep-seated engrave the heart (Yu Yongzhi forget. Multi-purpose expression of gratitude); engraved heart (that to heart) Moment kè 【Name】 Time units, a quarter of an hour〗 〖quarterofanhour No one fifteen does not apply to the eyes and ears. - Ming Li Yu, "Xian Qing Ou Ji planting Ministry" Another example: quarter past six Moment kè 【Form】 Mean; harsh 〖unkind; sarcastic〗 Victims of sexual moment, good hair people Yinsi. - "Han Yang Yun Biography" Shen anchoret quite moment convergence. - "Tangshu Meng Shen Chuan" Another example: carved steep (harsh; severe); carved pieces (harsh cumbersome); carved punish (harsh punishment); carved Cool (harsh; harsh) Urgent 〖urgent; pressing〗. Such as: carved (immediate; now); engraved with (existing); moment does not wait for time (time constraints) 〗 〖Assiduous hard. Such as: carved Lai (hard and diligently); carved Li (hard work and self-motivation) Inflexible kèbǎn 〗 〖Cutblockforprinting: printing floor sculpture Stereotype printing 〖Mechanical; inflexible〗: metaphor of doing things is not flexible, not adaptable Edition kèběn 〗 〖Block-printededition versions of books engraved printing Mean kèbó 〖Cutting; harsh; caustic; mean; acrimony〗: dealing with people demanding, ruthless The man who Jianjiao treacherous, cruel, mean Vitriol 〖Makeaillegalcut; deductillegally〗: deduction Actual Knowledge stay, the mean food and clothing sergeant, sergeants complain rebellion. - "Old Tang Li Shi Chuan" Pressing kèbùrónghuǎn 〖Allowofnodelay; brooknodelay; demandimmediateaction〗 extremely urgent, the moment can not be delayed Urgent task Spiteful kèdú 〖Spiteful; venomous; malignant〗 mean vicious The old lady did not say if there are many malicious Human wicked Calibration kèdù 〗 〖Graduation: measuring tools and instruments such as carved or painted on the size of that mark and measure the general term for these markers 〗 〖Graduated: these mark Calibration bottle Deep-rooted kègǔ 〖Ingrained; deep-rooted; deep-seated〗 never forget how to describe Hatred Unforgettable kègǔ-míngxīn 〖Beengravedinthebonesandimprintedontheheart; rememberwithgratitudeconstantlyandforever〗 that heart in mind Characterization kèhuà 〗 〖Carvingandpainting: sculpture and painting Tower have a basic square, depicts the original doorway. - Guo "Tour Xi'an" 〖Depict; portray〗: fine to describe, create Characterization of nuanced Heroic characters portray Engraved kèjì 〖Engraveonone'smind; keepfirmlyinmind〗: keep in mind Engraved in mind 〗 〖Engravedmark: engraved markings on the objects Assiduous kèkǔ 〖Assiduous; hard-working; strenuous〗: hard work; not afraid of hardship Study hard Life〗〗 〖〖besimpleandfrugal: thrifty Hard life Carved leakage kèlòu 〗 〖Waterclock clepsydra, an ancient timer to copper pots, at the end wearing a hole, a graduated neutral pot of arrow-shaped buoy, the water dripping from the pot and show the arrow on the time known by the degree Engraved engrave kèlòu Carve〗 〖: Engraving Lou exquisite carved doors and windows 〗 〖Engraveonone'smind: engraved; mind The kind of situation is deeply engraved in his heart engrave Moment of kèqī 〗 〖Ona_set_date grams of, within the period specified in the strict A cutting kèsī 〗 〖Silktapestrywithcutdesigns the "tapestry." Color pattern woven silk thread Groove kèxiàn 〗 〖Scribe with a sharp utensils (such as scribe or compass) in wood, metal or brick engraved lines Inscribe kèxiě 〗 〖Cut: use the stylus to write on wax paper on the system board Carved out a total of ten wax paper 〗 〖Express: that That face, that look of anxiety and pain written clearly engraved 〗 〖Carveandwrite: carving Shanxie Deliberately kèyì 〗 〖Controlone'sdesire: restraint desires Deliberately, the line does not Stanford 〖Sedulously; painstakingly; withintensiveattention〗: spend all the thoughts Deliberately seeking work Deliberately refinement Marking kèyìn 〗 〖Cutandmimeograph: carved and mimeographed Marking advertisement 〖Have (wrinkles)〗: There are wrinkles〗 〖 Face engraved with a few deep wrinkles Road 〗 〖Engraveonone'smind: remember His words deeply engraved in people's minds 〗 〖Engraveaseal: carved seal Disregard the changing circumstances kèzhōu-qiújiàn 〖Bestubbornlyunimaginativeasthemanwhomarkedtheboattofindhislostsword; takemeasureswithoutregardtochangesincircumstances〗 rigid metaphor of view of doing things is not flexible, knowledge with the potential change Lettering kèzì 〖Carve (or engrave) charactersonaseal〗 with a knife in the wood and stone carved out of the text Lettering community
Moment <action "(phonetic. From the knife, Hai sound. The original meaning of sculpture in wood engraving) engraved with the original meaning, Lou also. - "Said Wen," Jin said that the Lou, that the carved wood. - "Mailyard device" does not engraved engrave. - "Book of Rites Duke Ai asked," twenty-four years of spring, carved their Jue, all reciprocate. - "Zuo Zhuang twenty-four years" and engraved Huan Gong Jue. Refers to the engraving on a variety of materials, lettering with the clay, the spin moment. - Song Shen Kuo, "Meng Xi Bi Tan trap" is the Japanese concept of road in the stone, carved to make diffuse loss of their distance. - Qing Yao Nai, "Goldenthal Mountain in mind" the right moment on a small mountain and get to the bottom, left carved gentle breeze stirred. - Ming Wei Yi School "nuclear boat in mind," and if the stamp; burin (engraving tool used); carved wood (carved wooden utensils); engraved (engraving equipment engraved kè ⒈ carving knife dug, carved iron stroke ~. Knife ~. ~ wax paper. ⒉ demanding, ill-treatment, no kind of thin ≤ harsh stinging ~ ~. He treats others too ~. ⒊ unit of time. fifteen minutes for a ~. ⒋ when the ~. film ~. ⒌ ⒍ hard] ① not afraid of hard, eat hard ~ hard to learn. ② ~ frugal life is his bitter. ⒎ ⒏ links "grams." convention or limit (time) ~ day battle.
Carved ke Radical Radical Dao total strokes 08 strokes 02 Moment character; chisel; Moment kè <Action> (1) (Phonetic. From the knife, Hai sound. The original meaning of sculpture, carved in wood) (2) With the original meaning of [engrave] Engraving, engrave too. - "Said the text" Kim said that the hard steel, wood, that the moment. - "Mailyard device" Lou does not engraved. - "Book of Rites Duke Ai asked," Spring of twenty-four years, carved their Jue, all reciprocate. - "Zuo Zhuang twenty-four years" (3) And Kehuangongjue. (4) Refers to the engraving on various materials Lettering with the clay, the spin moment. - Song Shen Kuo, "Meng Xi Bi Tan trap" View Road, Stone is at its best moment far diffuse loss. - Qing Yao Nai, "Goldenthal Mountain in mind" The right moment on a small mountain and get to the bottom, left carved gentle breeze stirred. - Ming Wei Yi School "nuclear Zhou Ji" (5) Another example is the stamp; burin (engraving tool used); carved wood (carved wooden utensils); engraved decoration (carved decoration); carved Ming (engraving in stone and other artifacts on the text); characterization (sculpture; engraved) ; carved seal (referring to the carved text, pattern) (6) Painting; modified [draw; adorn] Henai characterization without salt, to abrupt West also? - "Shi light slander" (7) Another example is the engraved sentence (scrutiny exercise expressions); engraved Jue (with painted decoration of the side rafters); engraving cut sentence (modified Sato Chapters); carved Reed (Sato scrutiny) (8) Planning, cutting [cut]. If cut stencils; engraved cut (cut); carved lacquer (cutting paint) (9) Strict [rigorously demand]. Such as the moment has (strict demands on themselves); carved demand (strict requirements); carved responsible (strict requirements); carved rope (restrictions required) (10) Limited to [restrict] About to happen carved period, seasonal have experience. - "Whitehead gods Monument" (11) Another example is the carved satisfied (return period) (12) Injury [damage; prejudice] Mountain ride gold, anti-self-carved. - Liu "Huainanzi" (13) Another example is engraved with child (against); carved harm (assault, mutilation); carved thief (injury; mutilation); engraved Black (damage ulceration) (14) Bearing in mind the [engrave on one's mind] Deep-seated grab a new sentence. - Liu Te-jen, "Chen is concerned friend" (15) Another example is the deep-seated engrave the heart (Yu Yongzhi forget. Multi-purpose expression of gratitude); engraved heart (that to heart) Moment kè <Name> (1) Time units, a quarter of an hour [quarter of an hour] No one fifteen does not apply to the eyes and ears. - Ming Li Yu, "Xian Qing Ou Ji planting Ministry" (2) Another example is quarter past six Moment kè <Form> (1) Mean; harsh [unkind; sarcastic] Victims of sexual moment, good hair people Yinsi. - "Han Yang Yun Biography" Shen anchoret quite moment convergence. - "Tangshu Meng Shen Chuan" (2) Another example is the carved steep (harsh; severe); carved pieces (harsh cumbersome); carved punish (harsh punishment); carved Cool (harsh; harsh) (3) Pressing [urgent; pressing]. As something which (instantly; now); engraved (existing); moment does not wait for time (time constraints) (4) Hard [assiduous]. Such as carved Reed (hard and diligently); carved Li (hard work and self-motivation) Inflexible kèbǎn (1) [Cut block for printing]: printing floor sculpture Stereotype printing (2) [Mechanical; inflexible]: analogy of doing things is not flexible, not adaptable Edition kèběn [Block-printed edition] printed book version of engraved Mean kèbó (1) [Cutting; harsh; caustic; mean; acrimony]: dealing with people demanding, ruthless The man who Jianjiao treacherous, cruel, mean Vitriol (2) [Make a illegal cut; deduct illegally]: deduction Actual Knowledge stay, the mean food and clothing sergeant, sergeants complain rebellion. - "Old Tang Li Shi Chuan" Pressing kèbùrónghuǎn [Allow of no delay; brook no delay; demand immediate action] is extremely urgent, the moment can not be delayed Urgent task Spiteful kèdú [Spiteful; venomous; malignant] mean vicious The old lady did not say if there are many malicious Human wicked Calibration kèdù (1) [Graduation]: measuring tools and instruments, such as carved or painted on the size of that mark and measure the general term for these markers (2) [Graduated]: these mark Calibration bottle Deep-rooted kègǔ [Ingrained; deep-rooted; deep-seated] never forget how to describe Hatred Unforgettable kègǔ-míngxīn [Be engraved in the bones and imprinted on the heart; remember with gratitude constantly and forever] refers to the heart in mind Characterization kèhuà (1) [Carving and painting]: sculpture and painting Tower have a basic square, depicts the original doorway. - Guo "Tour Xi'an" (2) [Depict; portray]: fine to describe, create Characterization of nuanced Heroic characters portray Engraved kèjì (1) [Engrave on one's mind; keep firmly in mind]: keep in mind Engraved in mind (2) [Engraved mark]: engraved markings on the objects Assiduous kèkǔ (1) [Assiduous; hard-working; strenuous]: hard work; not afraid of hardship Study hard (2) [Be simple and frugal] [Life]: thrifty Hard life Carved leakage kèlòu [Water clock] clepsydra, an ancient timer to copper pots, at the end wearing a hole, a graduated neutral pot of arrow-shaped buoy, the water dripping from the pot and show the arrow on the time known by the degree Engraved engrave kèlòu (1) [Carve]: Engraving Lou exquisite carved doors and windows (2) [Engrave on one's mind]: engraved; mind The kind of situation is deeply engraved in his heart engrave Moment of kèqī [On a _set_ date] g period, within the period specified in the strict A cutting kèsī [Silk tapestry with cut designs] with the tapestry. "Color pattern woven silk thread Groove kèxiàn [Scribe] with the tip of the apparatus (such as scribe or compass) in wood, metal or brick engraved lines Inscribe kèxiě (1) [Cut]: writing with a stylus on wax paper on the system board Carved out a total of ten wax paper (2) [Express]: that That face, that look of anxiety and pain written clearly engraved (3) [Carve and write]: carving Shanxie Deliberately kèyì (1) [Control one's desire]: restraint and desire Deliberately, the line does not Stanford (2) [Sedulously; painstakingly; with intensive attention]: spend all the thoughts Deliberately seeking work Deliberately refinement Marking kèyìn (1) [Cut and mimeograph]: carved and mimeographed Marking advertisement (2) [Have (wrinkles)]: a [wrinkles] Face engraved with a few deep wrinkles Road (3) [Engrave on one's mind]: keep in mind His words deeply engraved in people's minds (4) [Engrave a seal]: engraved seal Disregard the changing circumstances kèzhōu-qiújiàn [Be stubbornly unimaginative as the man who marked the boat to find his lost sword; take measures without regard to changes in circumstances] metaphor of view does not do things rigid and flexible, knowledge with the potential change Lettering kèzì [Carve (or engrave) characters on a seal] with a knife in the wood and stone carved out of the text Lettering community Moment ㄎ ㄜ ╝ kè (1) Carving knife dug ~ The (engraving printed in the book). ~ Stone. ~ Words. ~ Board. ~ Boats seeking sword. (2) Ancient mind when using clepsydra a hundred engraved night. Watch this time with a moment equal to fifteen minutes five one ~. (3) Time of this ~. Is ~. Are ~ (very short). When ~. ~ Without delay. (4) Describe a very deep level of ~. ~ Italian. ~ Bone (feel deeply Such is Life). ~ Bitter. (5) Not kind ~ poison. ~ Thin. Tip ~. Severe ~. (6) With g "④. Zheng code szok, u523b, gbkbfcc 8 number of strokes, radical Dao, stroke order number 41533422
〔〕 ???? Classical】 【Tang Yun Yun bitter, cutting 【_set_】 【】 begging rhyme will be cut, ???? sound grams. 【】 Lou also said that the text. From the knife, Hai sound. One said the pain also. Jade articles】 【cut also. Also Guangyun】 【stripping also. And rhyme will】 【mean, miserable nuclear too. 【Mailyard Transmitter and that the carved wood. And rhyme will】 【moment, drain well. Figure leakage arrows to ???? sundial for the moment, it is said, due to the degree that the sundial engraved. And harm also. My son】 【book of cloud micro-pung. 【Note】 The day before yesterday I said, right in order to harm children. And animal】 【Mailyard hog, and its track carved. Shu】 【its track name engraved.