
簡異體:  (????)繁異體: 拼音: tuó部首: 總筆畫: 20
部外筆畫: 8UTF-8: E9BC8DUTF-16: 9F0DUTF-32: 00009F0D一字全碼: tuo2liuyimin
一字雙碼: tuliyimi一字單碼: tlym漢字結構: 上(中)下漢字層次: 6筆畫: 丨????一丨????一丨????一丨一一丨????一丨????一一乚
筆順編號: 25125125121125125115筆順讀寫: 竪折橫竪折橫竪折橫竪橫橫竪折橫竪折橫橫折他人筆順: 25125125121125125115
部件組構: 㽞(吅(口(冂(丨????)一)口(冂(丨????)一))田(冂(丨????)土(十(一丨)一)))一黾(口(冂(丨????)一)电(日(冂(丨????)二(一一))乚))

  Tuo (Tuo) tuó reptiles, kiss a short, more than two meters in length, back and tail are lun armor. Cave river shore, skin can be kept dark. Also known as "Alligator", "Tuo Dragon," "pigs woman Dragon." Stroke: 20; radicals: strider; stroke order number: 25125125121125125115

  Large water lizard
  Large water lizard
  〗 〖Yangtzealligator alligators, alligators reptiles Section A (Alligatorsinensis), produced in the Yangtze River, China specialty. Also known as "Tuo Dragon", commonly known as "pig dragon woman"
  (Tuo turtles sea turtle.) "Mozi public transport"
  Such as: Tuo more (Tuo of the song); Tuo drum (water lizard skins drums); Tuo wind fish (the legendary Tuo animals)

  Tuo alligator (Tuo turtles sea turtle.) "Mozi public input," such as the Tuo more (Tuo of the song); Tuo drum (water lizard skins drums); Tuo wind fish (the legendary Tuo animals) Tuo (Tuo ) tuó
  部首 黽 部首筆畫 12 總筆畫 20
  揚子鰐 [yangtze alligator],鈍肳鰐科的一種爬行動物(alligator sinensis),産於長江下逰,是中國特産。亦稱竜”,俗稱豬婆竜”
  tuó ㄊㄨㄛˊ

  Tuo tuo
  Radical Radical strider 12 total strokes 20 strokes
  Large water lizard
  Large water lizard
  Alligator [yangtze alligator], a Division of alligators reptiles (alligator sinensis), produced in the Yangtze River, China specialty. Also known as Tuo Dragon ", commonly known as pork po Dragon"
  (Tuo turtles sea turtle.) "Mozi public transport"
  If Tuo more (Tuo of the song); Tuo drum (water lizard skins drums); Tuo wind fish (the legendary Tuo animals)
  Large water lizard
  tuó ㄊ ㄨ ㄛ
  Reptiles, kiss short, more than two meters in length, back and tail are lun armor. Cave river shore, skin can be kept dark. Also called alligator, "Tuo Dragon", pigs woman Dragon. "
  Zheng code jjkz, u9f0d, gbkf6be
  The number of 20 strokes, radical strider, stroke number 25125125121125125115
亥集下 Under Hai _set_s  【唐韻】徒何切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】唐何切,????音駝。【說文】水蟲。【陸璣雲】佀蜥蜴,長丈餘,其甲如鎧,皮堅厚,可冒鼓。【詩·大雅】鼓逢逢。一說鼓聲逢逢,象鳴。【續博物誌】長一丈,其聲佀鼓。【埤雅】鳴應更,吳越謂之更。又欲雨則鳴,裏俗以識雨。【禮·月令】季夏,天子命漁師,伐蛟取,登龜取黿。 亦作鱓。【呂氏春秋】帝顓頊令鱓先爲樂倡,鱓乃偃浸,以其尾鼓其腹,其音英,卽也。又【史記·晉世傢】麯沃桓叔子鱓。【索隱】鱓音陀。 又【集韻】唐幹切,音壇。又時戰切,音繕。義????衕。 又葉徒沿切,音田。【馬融·廣成頌】左挈夔竜,右提蛟。春獻王鮪,夏薦????黿。考證:〔以其尾鼓其腹,其音鱓。〕 謹照呂氏春秋原文鱓改英。

  What Tang Yun】 【only cut 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 Don Ho is cut, ???? tone camel. Wen】 【said the water bug. 【】 Tuo Lu Yun-chi like lizards, long-Zhang Yu, the armor, such as armor, skin thick, can take the drums. Poetry Taiga】 【Tuogufengfeng. Every one that every drum, like Tuo Ming. Natural History】 【continued Tuo long ridge, which sound like drums. 【】 Tuo Ming Pi Ya should be more, that the Tuo Yue more. To the rain while they Tuo Ming, in the popular consciousness by Tuo rain. 【Order】 Jixia month ceremony, the emperor ordered fisheries division, cutting Jiao take Tuo, Tang turtle sea turtle take. Also for the Shan. Spring and Autumn Annals】 【Order Shan Zhuan Xu advocate for the music first, Shan Yan is a Baptist, with its tail drum of its belly, its sound English, calipering Tuo also. And family】 【Records Quwo Huan Shu Zi Jin Shan. Tuo Tuo sound】 【Solitude. Tang Yun】 【_set_ and dry cutting, audio forum. And when the war cut, audio calligraphist. The same meaning ????. And leaves only along the cut, sound field. Ma Rong Guang Cheng Chung 【】 pull out Kuilong left and right put Jiao Tuo. Xian Wang tuna in spring, summer and recommended ???? sea turtle. Research: the end of its drum 〔its belly, its sound Shan. 〕 Like Spring and Autumn Annals according to the British changed the original Shan.
鼉 Large water lizard  水蟲。佀蜥易,長大。從黽單聲。徒何切〖註〗????。

  Water bug. Like lizards easy to grow. From strider mono. Note〗 〖Act ???? any cut.

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