
簡異體: 繁異體:  (???? ???? ???? ???? )拼音: mǐn, měng, miǎn, méng部首: 總筆畫: 12UTF-8: E9 BB BD
UTF-16: 9EFDUTF-32: 00009EFDGB 12345: 8628Big 5: E0EF倉頡: RXU四角碼: 7771.7
一字全碼: min3xuanyifangyiyeyi一字雙碼: mixuyifaye一字單碼: mxyfy漢字結構: 上(中)下漢字層次: 5筆畫: 丨????一丨????一一一????一????一
筆順編號: 251251115151筆順讀寫: 竪折橫竪折橫橫橫折橫折橫他人筆順: 2511251211511
部件組構: 吅(口(冂(丨????)一)口(冂(丨????)一))一(匚(一????)一)(????一)

  Měng miǎn strider strider strider mǐn were seen "strider." Stroke: 12; radicals: strider; stroke number: 251251115151
  1.蛙的一種。 2.姓。 3.勉力;努力。 4.[池]古縣名。 5.[塞]戰國時的要塞名。 6.,籀文
亥集下 Under Hai _set_s  【唐韻】莫杏切,音猛。【說文】鼃也。【爾雅·釋魚】鼁????蟾諸,在水者。【疏】鼁????,一名蟾諸,似蝦蟆,居陸地,其居水者名。一名耿。一名土鴨。狀似靑蛙,而腹大。陶註本草雲:大而靑脊者,俗名土鴨。其鳴甚壯,卽此也。【埤雅】善怒,故音猛。 又竹名。求。【管子·地員篇】在丘在山,皆宜竹箭求猶檀。【註】求,亦竹類也。 又姓。漢初宮。見【印藪】。 又【廣韻】武盡切【集韻】【正韻】弭盡切,????音泯。勉也。【詩緝】嚴氏曰:力所不堪,心所不欲,而勉強爲之曰。【孫季昭示見編】,蛙屬。蛙之行,勉強自力,故曰勉。如猶之爲獸,其行趦趄,故曰猶豫。 又【玉篇】眉耿切【廣韻】武幸切【集韻】【韻會】母耿切,????音鼆。義同。 又【集韻】【類篇】????眉耕切,音盲。地名。【史記·春申君傳】秦踰隘之塞而攻楚。【正義曰】隘之塞在申州。 又【廣韻】【集韻】彌兗切【正韻】美辯切,????音緬。【廣韻】池,縣名。【前漢·地理志】弘農郡有池縣。又【高帝紀】復池。【廣韻】池,亦音泯。 又【韻補】葉名舌切,音衊。【後漢·桓帝時謠曰】舉秀纔,不知書。舉孝廉,父別居。寒素淸白濁如泥,高第良將怯如。【譚苑醍醐雲】泥音涅。或音匿。音衊。或音密。晉書作怯如雞,蓋不得其音而改之。按論語,涅而不緇,楚辭及史記屈原傳,作泥而不滓。索隱曰:泥音涅,據此知泥有涅音,則桓帝時謠讀爲衊矣。 【說文】從它,象形,頭與它頭同。【徐鉉曰】象其腹也。【六書正譌】鼃本義藉爲勉字。別作僶、勔。????非。緇字原刻從????。它字原刻從????省E彐。

  Mo Xing Tang Yun】 【cut, sound fierce. 【】 Wa strider Wen also said. 【】 Qu ???? Mailyard toad fish, all in the water by strider. 【】 Qu ???? sparse, a toad all, like frog, home land, their home water by name strider. A Geng strider. A soil duck. Celadon seemed frog, and big belly. Note Herbal Tao says: Celadon ridges are large, the common name of soil duck. The Ming is very strong, also calipering the strider. 【】 Strider good anger Pi Ya, it sounds fierce. And bamboo name. Seeking strider. Member Posts】 【tube to the mound in the mountains, seeking strider Utah Safe Tan bamboo arrows. 【Note】 seeking strider, also bamboo also. Another name. The beginning of the Han Palace strider. See】 【print Tau. Also】 【Guang Yun Yun Wu _set_ to make cut 【】 【】 Mi Yun to do is cut, ???? sound obliterate. Mian also. Yan Shi Ji】 【poem reads: force the bear, unto the heart, and barely worth saying strider. See Code】 【Sun Jizhao strider said, Frog is. Frog strider trip, barely self, Gu Yue strider Mian. Such as the still of the beast, and its line Zi reclined, Gu Yue hesitation. Also articles】 【Mei Yu Geng cut】 【Wu Xing Guang Yun Yun cut 【】 【_set_】 mother Geng Yun will cut, ???? sound Meng. Meaning the same. Also 【_set_】 【Class articles Yun Mei Geng】 ???? cut, tone-deaf. Names. Qin Chuan】 【Records Chunshenjun the plug rather than strider attack Chu narrow. 【】 Strider narrow the justice said, plug in the application state. Also Guangyun】 【【】 Mi Yan Ji Yun Yun cut】 【is cutting the U.S. defense, ???? sound Myanmar. 【】 Strider Guangyun pool, the county name. Geography】 【Former Han had strider Pond Hongnong County County. Chi】 【Gotti and complex strider pool. 【】 Strider Guangyun pool, also sound obliterate. Also make】 【Yun Ye tongue cut, sound contempt. After the Han Huan 【】 cited scholar said, when the rumors, I do not know the book. Give Xiaolian, the parent not living. Su Qing gonorrhea drunk cold, high first good mood as the strider. Tan Yuan】 【mud audio nirvana Daigo cloud. Or sound anonymous. Strider sounds contempt. Or a sound close. Jin Shu as scared as chicken, cover not instead of its sound. By Analects, uncontaminated Yuan Chuan Chu and Records, for the mud instead of sediment. Solitude said: Nirvana sound mud, mud with Nirvana sound knowledge basis, the Huan rumor strider when read as contempt carry on. Wen】 【that from it, pictographs, strider head and head with it. Xu Xuan said】 【like its belly can. 【E】 Wa Six is ​​the original meaning of the word, by the strider Mian. Do not be Min, Mian. ???? not. Buddhists carved from ???? the original word. It is carved from the original word ???? Province E Ji.
編號:8950 ID: 8950  鼃也。從它,象形。????頭與它頭同。凡????之屬皆從????。 莫杏切

  Wa strider too. From it, pictograms. ???? head and head with it. Where are all from the ???? ???? of. Mo Xing cut

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