Gull (Larus) ōu a subject of birds, feathers are mostly white, flat mouth, the former webbed toes, long pointed wings. Sea life in the lake, feeding fish, snails, etc.: seagulls. Ou Union (and Ouniao friend, by means retired.) Stroke: 9; radicals: birds; Stroke Number: 134535451
Gull Gull ōu 【Name】 (Phonetic. From the bird area (ōu) sound. "Said the text": "Water owl also." Original Meaning: Water Owl) 〗 〖Gull waterbird name Startled a pool of Oulu. - Song Li Qingzhao "Like a Dream" Oulu nothing. - Lu Song "over Xiaogushan Dagushan" Gull Branch (Laridae). Such good birds fly, to swim, often with the tide and Xiang, a seagull, silver gulls, terns and other species. Web-footed birds for long wing, body larger than the stout body, thick beak, slightly hooked beak-like end, usually stay near the shore or inland waters is an important scavenger port. Such as: Ou Ting (flock sandbar habitat); gull did not (Ouniao submerged); gulls sleep (sleep Ouniao interest); Oulu Forgetting (of a person mineral heart Ouniao can and its close relative); Ou water dependent (survival of the environment can not be separated analogy); gull free (Ouniao leisurely) 〗 〖Action: metaphors withdrawfromsocietyandliveinsolitude〗 〖seclusion. Such as: no Ou (Ouniao Happy flying in the water. Hermit analogy leisurely life); gull Union (with gull friend. Refers to the seclusion rivers and lakes); Gull Club (with "gull Union"); gull Dream (seclusion of the interest of ); gull Love (retired persons mood)
Gull (phonetic. From the birds, the sound area. "Wen said," Water owl also. "Owl original meaning water) in a pool of Oulu birds were startled. - Song Qingzhao" Like a Dream "Oulu nothing. - Lu Song "over Xiaogushan Dagushan" gull Branch (laridae). such good birds to fly, to swim, often with the tide and Xiang, a seagull, silver gulls, terns and other species. for the long-wing web-footed birds , form a larger body than the thick, thick beak, slightly hooked beak-like end, usually stay near the shore or inland waters, are important scavengers port. If Ou Ting (flock sandbar habitat) ; gull did not (Ouniao submerged); gulls sleep (sleep Ouniao interest); Oulu Forgetting (of a person mineral heart Ouniao can and its close relative); gull water dependent (survival analogy can not be separated environment); gull free (Ouniao leisurely) gull (Larus) ōu the bird. common are sea ~, silver ~, Yan ~ etc., have been rare, should be protected against hunting. feathers are mostly white or gray living in the lake, sea, prey fish, snails and so on.
鷗 ou
部首 鳥 部首筆畫 05 總筆畫 09
鷗 gull;
鷗 (1)
鷗 ōu
水鳥名 [gull]
鷗科(laridae)。此類鳥善飛,能遊水,常隨潮而翔,有海鷗、銀鷗、燕鷗等種類。為長翼蹼足水鳥,形體較大,身體較粗壯,喙較厚,喙端略呈彎鈎狀,通常呆在岸邊或內陸水域附近,是港口重要的食腐動物 。如鷗汀(群鷗棲息的沙洲);鷗沒(鷗鳥沒入水中);鷗眠(鷗鳥息眠);鷗鷺忘機(指人無機心,鷗鳥也能和其相親近);鷗水相依(比喻離不開賴以生存的環境);鷗閑(鷗鳥悠閑自在)
[動]∶比喻隱居 [withdraw from society and live in solitude]。如鷗沒(鷗鳥逍遙飛翔於水面。比喻隱居者生活的悠閑自在);鷗盟(與鷗為友。指隱居江湖);鷗社(同鷗盟”);鷗夢(隱居的志趣);鷗情(退隱者的心情)
鷗 (鷗)
ōu ㄡˉ
Ou ou Radical Radical birds total strokes 09 strokes 05 Gull gull; Gull (1) Gull ōu (2) (Phonetic. From the bird area (ōu) sound. "Wen said," Water owl also. "Original meaning water owl) (3) Waterbirds name [gull] Startled a pool of Oulu. - Song Li Qingzhao "Like a Dream" Oulu nothing. - Lu Song "over Xiaogushan Dagushan" (4) Gull Branch (laridae). Such good birds fly, to swim, often with the tide and Xiang, a seagull, silver gulls, terns and other species. Web-footed birds for long wing, body larger than the stout body, thick beak, slightly hooked beak-like end, usually stay near the shore or inland waters is an important scavenger port. Ting, such as gulls (flock sandbar habitat); gull did not (Ouniao submerged); gulls sleep (sleep Ouniao interest); Oulu Forgetting (of a person mineral heart Ouniao can and its close relative); gull water dependent (metaphor is inseparable from the survival environment); gull free (Ouniao leisurely) (5) [Action]: analogy seclusion [withdraw from society and live in solitude]. If ou do not (Ouniao Happy flying in the water. Hermit analogy leisurely life); gull Union (with gull friend. Refers to the seclusion arena); Gull Club (with gull Union "); gull Dream (seclusion of the interest); Ou Love (retired persons mood) Gull (Ou) ōu ㄡ ˉ A subject of birds, feathers are mostly white, flat mouth, front webbed toes, long pointed wings. Sea life in the lake, feeding fish, snails and other sea ~. ~ Union (and Ouniao friend, by means retired.) Zheng code horz, u9e25, gbkc5b8 9 number of strokes, radical birds, stroke order number 134535451
亥集中 Hai focus 【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????烏侯切,音謳。【說文】鷗,水鴞也。一名鷖。【李時珍曰】鷗者,浮水上,輕漾如漚也。又本作漚。【列子·黃帝篇】海上之人有好漚鳥者,每旦之海上,從漚鳥遊,漚鳥之至者,百住而不止。【註】漚同鷗。又【集韻】????於切,音區。水鳥也。又於求切,音優。義同。
【】 【Ji Yun Tang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Yun Wu Hou was cut, audio Ou. Wen】 【said gull, water owl too. A Yi. Li said】 【gulls were, floating on the light ripples as steep as well. Also present for the ret. 【Liezi articles Huangdi person by sea birds who have a good soak every once of the sea, the birds travel from the steep, steep matter to the birds who live in the more than a hundred. 【Note】 retting with the gulls. Also _set_ rhyme】 【???? in cutting of the pitch. Waterfowl also. Also in demand cut, sound excellent. Meaning the same.