Turtle (turtle) biē reptiles live in water, shaped like a turtle carapace with soft leather, no pattern. Edible meat, a can be used as medicine. Also known as "Turtle", "Tuan Yu"; some areas known as "Turtle"; commonly known as "bastard." Stroke: 19; radicals: fish; stroke order number: 4325234313435251211
(Phonetic. From fish, spacious sound. Original meaning: soft-shelled turtle, a reptile, commonly known as "Tuan Yu") with the original meaning 〖soft-shelledturtle; Amydasinensis〗 projects are turtles, turtle, Chinese specialties in a soft shell turtle , distributed in the north and south China, more habitat in ponds, ditches, rice paddies, fresh meat, generally considered to be tonic
Turtle Tuo Jianghan for the world of the rich and turtles. - "Mozi public transport"
Turtle (phonetic. From fish, spacious sound. Original meaning turtle, a reptile, known as Tuan Yu ") with the original meaning of the north country, and more habitat in ponds, ditches, rice fields, the meat is delicious, generally considered to be the tonic turtles Jianghan turtle Tuo Fu for the world. - "Mozi public input," turtle biē Reptilia, Hydrocharitaceae. live in water up to 24 cm carapace length, usually olive, belly white. edible meat, turtle shell can be used as medicine . also known as turtle or Tuan Yu. some place called Turtle. commonly known as the tortoise.
Turtle bie
Radical Fish radical strokes 07 strokes 19 total
(Phonetic. From fish, spacious sound. The original meaning of soft-shelled turtle, a reptile, known as Tuan Yu ") with the original meaning of [soft-shelled turtle; amyda sinensis] is head turtles, turtle, Chinese specialties in a soft shell turtle , distributed in the north and south China, more habitat in ponds, ditches, rice paddies, fresh meat, generally considered to be tonic
Turtle Tuo Jianghan for the world of the rich and turtles. - "Mozi public transport"
biē ㄧ ㄝ ˉ ㄅ
Reptiles live in water, shaped like a turtle carapace with soft leather, no pattern. Edible meat, a can be used as medicine. Also known as Turtle, "Tuan Yu"; in some areas, said the Turtle "; commonly known as the bastard."
Zheng code kvmr, u9cd6, gbkb1ee
19 number of strokes, radical fish, strokes No. 4325234313435251211
亥集中 Hai focus 【廣韻】幷列切【集韻】必列切。????與鼈同。【幹祿字書】鱉通鼈。【易·說卦】離爲鱉。【釋文】鱉本又作鼈。【莊子·秋水篇】東海之鱉。【音義】鱉亦作????。
【】 Bing Guang Yun Ji Yun】 【cut out will be cut out. ???? and turtle the same. Paul Dry Books】 【turtles pass the word turtle. Gua】 【easy to say from the turtle. 【Explanation】 turtle for the turtle has. Posts】 【Zhuangzi Qiu East China Sea water turtle. Sound and meaning】 【turtles have also been ????.