Running pǎo Ben, quickly leap forward in interactive legs: running. Run. Race. Move quickly: run. Escape: out of its cage. Leakage: running electricity. Running gas. Running for a certain thing: to run business. Ran outside. Waiter. Run terminal. Gifts that. Planing to run páo animals with their feet: run bad (animals with hooves bad root). Tiger Spring (in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.) Stroke: 12; radicals: foot; stroke number: 251212135515
Run páo 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the foot, including the sound. Original meaning: Veterinary foot planing to) with the original meaning〗 〖beasts'sdiggingofsoil Tenggong drive to the east is the door, Ma Ming 跼 not sure to run in a long time enough. - "Xijing" Run, enough to run in also. - "Rhyme" See pǎo Run tank páocáo 〗 〖Animaldigsbaseofthetrough router. Refers to the root router animals Run pǎo 【Activity】 Jizou run〗 〖 Run, jump also. - "Interpretation Guang Ya Yan" Running Horse bridle Red and gold autumn hawk 镞 button. - Dom wearing "side to" Another example: long-distance running (long distance running); run solution horse (equestrian shows); running ice (skating; skating); running bamboo horse (a kind of folk entertainment activities); run ride (running, sweat); Paolu (running) ; running tread (running; bustle) Escape; avoid escape〗 〖 Do you really call him back, not run full meal to play. - "Travels" Another example: escape (escape); Do not let agents run; run away (run away; gone) Walk; walk 〖walk; go〗. Such as: running Ling (never very thick on the river walk); run away (walking; walk; walk); Paolu (walk); run errands (walking; walk) For the benefit of certain things or running 〖runaboutdoingsth.〗. Such as: running sea (running around); run mountain (to and from the mountains to do business); Running (old means Yuehe business); running slope (in the wild run. Intended to hunting); run differential (running for the public officers) ; run the ship (on board working to make a living); run media (as matchmaker and running) Lost; lose lose〗 〖. Such as: running gas (leak); run the wind (air leakage; leak); run impatient (referring to the spirit of the symptoms of loss of control); run away (premature death; mortality); run dry (temper; hot) Luck; popular〗 〖belucky. Such as: up and running (lucky) See páo Stopwatch pǎobiǎo 〗 〖Stopwatch stopwatch, stopwatch Run pǎobù 〖Run; marchatthedouble〗 See "Running" Position ahead of him in accordance with the provisions of Running away Sports car pǎochē 〗 〖Racingbike specialized racing bike, but also refers to a variety of lightweight bike Gifts that pǎodānbāng 〗 〖Travelaroundtradingonone'sown refers to the personal business dealings as a career around making a profit selling goods Runway pǎodào 〗 〖Runningtrack: Road race-specific 〗 〖Runway For takeoff and landing roll, with a certain length and width of the paved lot Animals from farms to go out and step back from the road Run power pǎodiàn 〗 〖Leakageofelectricity damage the insulation, wiring or electrical current to escape outside. Also said that "leakage" Running pǎodòng 〗 〖Run: run, leaving the original position Car running will be stopped not far 〗 〖Run: for a certain purpose or something and running activities He was running for a day, so tired Running belly pǎodù 〗 〖Havediarrhea diarrhea Running stomach diarrhea Running light pǎoguāng 〗 〖Sensitivematerialsaresensitivetolightbecauselackingofstealingairtight film, photographic paper and photosensitive materials for photographic lax closure Pao Hanchuan pǎohànchuán 〗 〖Afolkdance a folk dance, play a woman who stood with bamboo and cloth tied into the middle of no-bottom boat, the ship's rail system in the body. Another person to play Shaogong, hand-held wood pulp for boating shape. They dance together, or side of dance while singing, as a ship floating above the water, some areas known as "the boat" Wander about pǎojiānghú 〗 〖Makingalivingasafortuneteller refers to old entertainer, fortune-teller, physiognomy, and sell drugs such as employment, to seek life and from all over Run for shelter pǎojǐngbào 〗 〖Runforshelterduringanairraid escape quickly after hearing the air raid sirens Play a small role pǎolóngtào 〖Playaninsignificantrole; (Fig) beautilityman〗 opera terminology, that is, followers, or pawns, etc. play important role. Now commonly used to describe the hands of odd jobs in the human Horse racing pǎomǎ 〗 〖Racehorse for participation in the raising and training race horses, in particular, to yoke. Also known as "race." Also refers to riding a horse running Racecourse pǎomǎchǎng 〗 〖Racecourse horse racing venues Happy to sell solutions pǎomǎ-màixiè 〗 〖Makealivingbyperformingonhorseback old refers to performing a variety of techniques immediately in order to make money to make a living. Said, "Happy Valley Solutions," "Run Solutions Ma" Run terminal pǎomǎtou 〗 〖Dobusinessbytravellingfromcitytocity means old and from the coastal cities along the river, doing business for a living Run trading pǎomǎimài 〗 〖Runforbusiness business trips Bustle pǎopao-diāndiān 〗 〖Bustleabout busy running around, not at idle. Described as very busy His site bustle, and the new carry bags Skip along pǎopao-tiàotiào 〗 〖Runinskippingsteps described Lianpao jumps, very lively look Slip down a slope pǎopō 〗 〖Slipfromahill slid down from the hills He mountain firewood, running slope, the arms, legs, face below the Rights Running entropy pǎoshāng Evaporationofwaterinsoil〗 〖〗 〖Agriculture: arable land contained in the water because without scarification and other reasons, the evaporation loss by wind and sun. Also called away moisture Running the business pǎoshēngyi 〗 〖Runforbusiness run trading 跑堂 children's pǎotángrde 〗 〖Old waiter of the hotel, restaurant waiter called in Stray from the point pǎotí 〗 〖Offthesubject of speaking, the article, it left the topic to the question This article does not stray from the point 跑腿 children pǎotuǐr Port〗〗 〖〖runerrands: man running around doing chores A bank run errands for the children Run outside pǎowài 〗 〖Outworker merchandise outside expertise, billing or canvassing Run away Running taste pǎowèi 〖Deaden; tasteless stale〗 Taste the wine ran Running shoes pǎoxié 〗 〖Runningshoes: software designed specifically for running shoes, shoes spike is nailed 〗 〖Trackshoes: a non-heel shoes, shoes with nails, to the race to provide friction Running rounders pǎoyuánchǎng 〗 〖Walkaroundthestage center stage opera actors walked around the circle, said the long-distance walking Running account pǎozhàng 〗 〖Accountscollector repay old debt store sent out Stray from the point pǎozhé 〗 〖Digressfromthesubject [dialect]: leave the track, and more irrelevant metaphor to speak Do not say to the question, always stray from the point
Run Jizou run, jump also. - "Interpretation Guangya made the" red bridle horse race, Golden Eagle Fall 镞 button. - Dom wearing "side to" Another example is the long-distance running (long distance running); run solution horse (equestrian shows); running ice (skating; skating); running bamboo horse (a kind of folk entertainment activities); run ride (running , bustle); Paolu (running); running tread (running; sweat) to escape; avoid you really call him back, not run to play full meal. - "Travels" Another example is the escape (escape); Do not let agents run; run away (run away; gone) away; walk for the benefit of certain things or running around their feet to dig soil animals running páo ~ slot (slot plane root). Tiger ~ spring, in Hangzhou. Running pǎo ⒈ Ben, fast-moving ~ step. Race ~. ~ Fast train. ⒉ go, escape ~ Road. Escape ~. ~ Not the enemy. ⒊ leakage, evaporation ~ electricity. ~ Gas. ~ Oil. ⒋ things while running for a certain ~ Street. ~ Horse.
跑 pao
部首 足 部首筆畫 07 總筆畫 12
跑 giddyap;leg;lob along;run;
(形聲。從足,包聲。本義獸用足刨地) 同本義 [beasts's digging of soil]
[animal digs base of the trough] 刨槽。指牲口刨槽根
急走 [run]
逃走;躲避 [escape]
走;走路 [walk;go]。如跑凌(從不很厚的河水上走過去);跑走(行走;走路;走動);跑路(走路);跑腿(步行;行走)
為某種事物或利益而奔走 [run about doing sth.]。如跑海(到處奔走);跑山(來往於山中做買賣);跑合(舊時指說合生意);跑坡(在野地裏跑。意在打獵);跑差(為公傢奔走幹事);跑船(在船上幹活謀生);跑媒(為做媒而奔走)
丟掉;失去 [lose]。如跑氣(漏氣);跑風(漏風;漏氣);跑躁(指精神失去控製的癥狀);跑掉(夭亡;夭折);跑燥(發脾氣;燥熱)
走運;走紅 [be lucky]。如跑起來(走運)
[stopwatch] 秒錶,馬表
[run;march at the double]
按照規定姿勢往前跑 跑步走
[racing bike] 專門比賽用的自行車,也泛指各種輕便自行車
pǎo dānbāng
[travel around trading on one's own] 指以經商為職業的個人往來各地販賣貨物牟取利潤
[running track]∶賽跑專用的道
[leakage of electricity] 由於絶緣部分損壞,電流逸出電綫或電器的外部。也說漏電”
[have diarrhea] 瀉肚
[sensitive materials are sensitive to light because lacking of stealing airtight] 膠片、感光紙等感光材料因封閉不嚴而感光
pǎo hànchuán
[a folk dance] 一種民間舞蹈,扮演女子的人站在用竹片和布等紮成的無底船中間,船舷係在身上。另一人扮演艄公,手持木槳,作划船狀。兩人合舞,或邊舞邊唱,如船飄浮在水面之上,有的地區又叫采船”
pǎo jiānghú
[making a living as a fortuneteller] 指舊時以賣藝、算卦、相面、賣藥等為職業,來往各地謀求生活
pǎo jǐngbào
[run for shelter during an air raid] 聽到空襲警報後迅速躲避
pǎo lóngtào
[play an insignificant role;(fig) be a utility man] 戲麯用語,即扮演隨從或兵卒等不重要的角色。現在常用來比喻在人手下打雜
[racehorse] 為參加賽馬而養育和訓練的馬,特別是人騎的。亦稱賽馬”。也指騎着馬跑 跑馬場
[racecourse] 賽馬的場地
[make a living by performing on horseback] 舊時指在馬上表演各種技藝,以此賺錢謀生。也說跑馬解”、跑解馬”
pǎo mǎtou
[do business by travelling from city to city] 舊時指來往於沿海沿江河的大城市做買賣為生
pǎo mǎimài
[run for business] 來往各地做生意
[bustle about] 忙碌奔走,一點也不閑着。形容非常忙碌
[run in skipping steps] 形容連跑帶跳,很活潑的樣子
[slip from a hill] 從山上滑下來
[evaporation of water in soil] [農]∶耕種的土地所含的水分由於未經鬆土等原因,受到風吹日曬而蒸發散失。也叫走墒
pǎo shēngyi
[run for business] 跑買賣
pǎotángr de
[waiter] 舊時對酒店、飯館中服務員的稱呼
[off the subject] 指說話,文章,事情離開了主題、正題
[run errands] [口]∶為人奔走做雜事
[outworker] 專門在外面辦貨、收帳或兜攬生意
[deaden;tasteless] 走味
[running shoes]∶專為賽跑設計的軟皮鞋,鞋底釘有鞋釘
[track shoes]∶一種無後跟的皮鞋,鞋底有鋼釘,給賽跑的人提供摩擦力
pǎo yuánchǎng
[walk around the stage] 戲麯演員圍着舞臺中心快步繞圈子表示在長途上行走
[accounts collector] 舊時商店派人外出討還債款
[digress from the subject] [方]∶離開車轍,多比喻說話離題
pǎo ㄆㄠˇ
giddyap;leg;lob along;run;
páo ㄆㄠˊ
Running pao The first 07 feet of total radical strokes 12 strokes Run giddyap; leg; lob along; run; Race 1 páo <Action> (Phonetic. From the foot, including the sound. The original meaning of animal foot planing to) with the original meaning of [beasts's digging of soil] Tenggong drive to the east is the door, Ma Ming impulse responses are not sure to place long enough to run it. - "Xijing" Run, enough to run in also. - "Rhyme" See pǎo Run tank páocáo [Animal digs base of the trough] router. Refers to the root router animals Run 2 pǎo (1) Jizou [run] Run, jump also. - "Interpretation Guang Ya Yan" Running Horse bridle Red and gold autumn hawk 镞 button. - Dom wearing "side to" (2) Another example is the long-distance running (long distance running); run solution horse (equestrian shows); running ice (skating; skating); running bamboo horse (a kind of folk entertainment activities); run ride (running, sweat); Paolu (running); run step (running; bustle) (3) Escape; escape [escape] Do you really call him back, not run full meal to play. - "Travels" (4) Another example is the escape (escape); Do not let agents run; run away (run away; gone) (5) Walk; walk [walk; go]. If running Ling (never very thick on the river walk); run away (walking; walk; walk); Paolu (walk); run errands (walking; walk) (6) For the benefit of certain things or run [run about doing sth.]. Such as sea-run (running around); run mountain (to and from the mountains to do business); Running (old means Yuehe business); running slope (in the wild run. Intended to hunting); run differential (running for the public officers); running the ship (on board working to make a living); run media (as matchmaker and running) (7) Lost; lost [lose]. Such as running gas (leak); run the wind (air leakage; leak); run impatient (referring to the spirit of the symptoms of loss of control); run away (premature death; mortality); run dry (temper; hot) (8) Luck; popular [be lucky]. Such as the run up (lucky) See páo Stopwatch pǎobiǎo [Stopwatch] stopwatch, stopwatch Run pǎobù (1) [Run; march at the double] (2) See the run " (3) Position ahead of him in accordance with the provisions of Running away Sports car pǎochē [Racing bike] specialized racing bike, but also refers to a variety of lightweight bike Gifts that pǎo dānbāng [Travel around trading on one's own] refers to the personal business dealings as a career around making a profit selling goods Runway pǎodào (1) [Running track]: a dedicated road race (2) [Runway] (3) For takeoff and landing roll, with a certain length and width of the paved lot (4) Animals from farms to go out and step back from the road Run power pǎodiàn [Leakage of electricity] damage to the insulation, wiring or electrical current to escape outside. Said leakage " Running pǎodòng (1) [Run]: run, leaving the original position Car running will be stopped not far (2) [Run]: for a certain purpose or something and running activities He was running for a day, so tired Running belly pǎodù [Have diarrhea] diarrhea Running stomach diarrhea Running light pǎoguāng [Sensitive materials are sensitive to light because lacking of stealing airtight] film, photographic paper and photosensitive materials for photographic lax closure Pao Hanchuan pǎo hànchuán [A folk dance] a kind of folk dance, play a woman who stood with bamboo and cloth tied into the middle of no-bottom boat, the ship's rail system in the body. Another person to play Shaogong, hand-held wood pulp for boating shape. They dance together, or side of dance while singing, as a ship floating above the water, some areas known as the boat " Wander about pǎo jiānghú [Making a living as a fortuneteller] refers to old entertainer, fortune-teller, physiognomy, and sell drugs such as employment, to seek life and from all over Run for shelter pǎo jǐngbào [Run for shelter during an air raid] shelter immediately after hearing the air raid sirens Play a small role pǎo lóngtào [Play an insignificant role; (fig) be a utility man] opera terminology, that is, followers, or pawns, etc. play important role. Now commonly used to describe the hands of odd jobs in the human Horse racing pǎomǎ [Racehorse] to participate in the raising and training race horses, in particular, to yoke. Also known as horse racing. "Also refers to horses running Racecourse pǎomǎchǎng [Racecourse] horse racing venues Happy to sell solutions pǎomǎ-màixiè [Make a living by performing on horseback] refers to immediately perform a variety of old skills to make money to make a living. Happy Valley Solutions said, "horse race Solutions" Run terminal pǎo mǎtou [Do business by travelling from city to city] old refers to the river and from the coastal cities along the Yangtze River to do business for a living Run trading pǎo mǎimài [Run for business] business trips Bustle pǎopɑo-diāndiān [Bustle about] busy running around, not at idle. Described as very busy His site bustle, and the new carry bags Skip along pǎopɑo-tiàotiào [Run in skipping steps] to describe Lianpao jumps, very lively look Slip down a slope pǎopō [Slip from a hill] to slide down from the hills He mountain firewood, running slope, the arms, legs, face below the Rights Running entropy pǎoshāng [Evaporation of water in soil] [Agriculture]: arable land contained in the water because without scarification and other reasons, the evaporation loss by wind and sun. Also called away moisture Running the business pǎo shēngyi [Run for business] to run trading 跑堂 children's pǎotángr de [Waiter] old on hotels, restaurants, the waiter of the title Stray from the point pǎotí [Off the subject] of speaking, the article, it left the topic to the question This article does not stray from the point 跑腿 children pǎotuǐr [Run errands] [port]: people running around doing chores A bank run errands for the children Run outside pǎowài [Outworker] specialized merchandise outside, billing or canvassing Run away Running taste pǎowèi [Deaden; tasteless] stale Taste the wine ran Running shoes pǎoxié (1) [Running shoes]: race designed for soft leather shoes, soles fitted with spikes (2) [Track shoes]: a non-heel shoes, shoes with nails, to the race to provide friction Running rounders pǎo yuánchǎng [Walk around the stage] opera actor quickly circle around the center of the stage to walk that long distance Running account pǎozhàng [Accounts collector] sent out repay old debt store Stray from the point pǎozhé [Digress from the subject] [party]: to leave the track, and more irrelevant metaphor to speak Do not say to the question, always stray from the point Race 1 pǎo ㄆ ㄠ (1) Ben, feet quickly leap forward in interactive ~ step. Ben ~. Race ~. (2) Mobile ~ move quickly. (3) ~ Out of the cage to escape. (4) ~ Electric leakage. ~ Gas. (5) Running for a certain thing ~ trading. ~ Outside. ~ Church. ~ Pier. ~ Traveling trader working on his own. Zheng code jiry, u8dd1, gbkc5dc 12 number of strokes, radical enough, stroke order number 251 212 135 515 giddyap; leg; lob along; run; Run 2 páo ㄆ ㄠ Animals dig their feet to ~ bad (animals with hooves bad root). Tiger ~ spring (in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.) Zheng code jiry, u8dd1, gbkc5dc 12 number of strokes, radical enough, stroke order number 251 212 135 515
【Guangyun】 【_set_ of thin cross-cutting rhyme rhyme will】 【】 【】 Po intersecting Rhymes, ???? tone kitchen. Enough to also run. New Chi Lin】 【Master of Space Mountain Home Daci, bitter water. Suddenly a man of God Guyue: tomorrow when there is water. Tiger in the night for the second point, springs gush, because No Tiger Spring. Also】 【Guang Yun Yun Po Kok cut】 【_set_ the cut Bute, ???? sound hail. Hide, take time to run Qin said. 【】 Jump too liberal. Also 【_set_】 expansive Woqie rhyme, sound servant. Meaning the same.