
繁異體:  (???? ???? ???? ???? )拼音: shǐ部首: 總筆畫: 7UTF-8: E8 B1 95UTF-16: 8C55
UTF-32: 00008C55GB 2312: 8525GB 12345: 8525Big 5: A8A8倉頡: MSHO四角碼: 1023.2
一字全碼: shi3yigeng一字雙碼: siyige一字單碼: syg漢字結構: 上(中)下漢字層次: 5筆畫: 一丿????丿丿丿㇏
筆順編號: 1353334筆順讀寫: 橫撇折撇撇撇捺他人筆順: 1353334
部件組構: 一????(勿(勹(丿????)(丿丿))(丿㇏))

  Hog shǐ Pig: Feng hog Hydra. Langbenshitu (Yu panic when people fled the state, like a hunted wolf and pigs as Bentu rampant.) Stroke: 7; radicals: hog; stroke ID: 1353334

  (Pictograms. Oracle-shaped, like the pig-shaped, long kiss, big belly, hooves, a tail. Original meaning: pig) with the original meaning 〖swine; hog; pig〗
  Hog, swine also. - "Said the text"
  Fan interest dolphin domestic animals hog farms. - "Jijiupian." Yen Note: "hog who were also total pig."
  Youshibaizhi. - "Poetry Xiaoya gradually stone"
  The first line is Zongmu. - "Songs of the South big move"
  Has read the history of journalists, saying: "Jin River Division Three hog involved." Zi Xia said: "No, is the Yi Hai also. Husband and three have been close, swine and similar 。"--" Annals police Hai Chuan"
  Another example: hog heart (hog bulimia, voracious metaphor for the heart); hog cents (the Warring States Period Yanzhao Wang Shuo who dedicated a large hog, the hog age of one hundred and twenty years, it is called hog cents) ; hog prison (pig's premises); hog conflict (the same as the wild boar run rampant); line is the first (pig-like face shape)
  J jia 傢字底。“”正讀為“shi”,古為豬,例字有“傢象啄琢”等。

  Hog shǐ pig ~ suddenly (sudden collision) Ben Wolf (   bad guys rushing, any damage). J hog jia home word at the end. "Hog" is read as "shi", the ancient as the pig, for example word "home like pecking cut" and so on.
酉集中 Centralized unitary  〔古文〕????????????【廣韻】施是切【集韻】【韻會】賞是切【正韻】詩止切,????音始。【說文】彘也。竭其尾,故謂之,象毛足而後有尾。【徐曰】竭,舉也。【玉篇】豬豨之總名。【揚子·方言】豬,關東西或謂之彘,或謂之。【林氏小說】以其食不絜,故名之。【大戴禮·易本命】四主時,時主,故四月而生。【本草綱目】李時珍曰:在畜屬水,在卦屬坎,在禽應室星。【易·說卦】坎爲。【埤雅】坎性趨下,能俯其首,又喜????穢,亦水畜也。【詩·小雅】有白蹢,烝涉波矣。【傳】犬喜雪,馬喜風,喜雨,故天將久雨,則進涉水波。【禮·麯禮】曰剛鬣。【疏】肥則毛鬣剛大也。【周禮·天官·食醫】凡會膳食之宜,宜稷。【疏】豭豬味酸,牝豬味苦,稷米味甘,是甘苦相成。 又國名。【左傳·襄二十四年】範宣子曰:昔匄之祖在商爲韋氏。【註】韋,國名。 又星名。【博雅】營室謂之韋。又【史記·天官書】奎曰封,爲溝瀆。【前漢·天文志】作封豨。 又藥名。【爾雅·釋草】茢薽,首。【疏】首,一名彘顱,南人名爲地菘,今江東呼豨首,可以煼蠶蛹。又【莊子·徐無鬼】藥也,零也。【註】橐一名苓根,似豬屎,其塊零落而下故也。【韓愈·進學解】作豨苓。【註】楚人呼豬爲豨,卽豬苓是也。【本草綱目】一名豭豬屎。 又【集韻】亥古作。【正字通】《傢語》或讀史雲:三渡河。子夏曰:己亥渡河。己譌爲三,亥譌爲。或曰支幹內有五亥,己亥位居三,三渡河是隱語。《說文》亥與溷。李陽冰曰:古文亥比加一畫,《說文》溷亂,不足信。 又葉施智切,施去聲。【司馬相如·上林賦】格蝦蛤,鋋猛氏。羂騕褭,射封。【韻會小補】相如賦本文一段俱上聲,《吳棫·韻補》以字葉入寘韻,誤。【字彙】凡偏傍從者,俗省作

  〔〕 ???? ???? ???? Classical】 【Shi Guang Yun Yun is cut 【】 【_set_】 tours will be cut rhyme is rhyme】 【poetry only cut, ???? sound beginning. Wen also said】 【pig. Doing its tail, so that the hog, like a foot and then a tail hair. Xu said】 【dried up, this gives. Pig pig jade articles】 【total name. Yangtze dialect】 【pig, the pig off thing or that, or that of the hog. Lin fiction】 【burnish its food is not, hence the name of the hog. 【】 Da Dai Li Yi natal four main time, when the main hog, so hog born in April. Compendium of Materia Medica】 【Li said: In the animal is in water, in the diagram is Hom, poultry should be room in the Star. Gua】 【easier said Kan hog. Pi Ya】 【Canton of trend, the line is able to look down their first, both happy and ???? dirty, but also water animals as well. Xiaoya】 【poetry has hog white hoof, steam involving waves carry on. 【Fax】 hi snow dogs, horses hi wind, hog seasonable rain, so the days of the long period of rain, the line is wading into the waves. 【Said Li Gang Qu Li】 hog mane. 【】 Hog manure are sparse mane of hair just great too. 【】 Zhou day official who will be eating meals of doctors should be, should hog millet. Shu】 【boar pig Pickle, female pigs bitter, sweet rice millet, is stand by complementation. And country names. 【】 Fanxuan Zi Zuo Xiang said twenty-four years: the father of former Gai Webster in the business for the hog. 【Note】 hog Wei, country names. And star names. Burson-Marsteller】 【room that the hog business Wei. Historical Records and the official book】 【Kui said closure line is, for the ditch ditch. 【Notes】 Former Han astronomical for sealing pig. And name of the drug. Sedge grass】 【Mailyard orchid, hog first. Shu】 【first hog, a wild boar skull, Penan called to Sung, Jiangdong call this pig first, to Chao pupa. Xu Chuang has no ghosts】 【drugs also, hog zero also. 【Note】 line is attributed to a ling roots, like Zhu Shi, scattered down the block it also. Solution into the school】 【Han Yu Ling for the pig. 【Note】 Chu respiratory pig pig, is also calipering Polyporus. 】 【Compendium of Materia Medica, a boar Zhushi. Hai Yun】 【another ancient _set_ for hog. 【Link】 orthography "home language" or read the history of the cloud: the three hog crossing. Zi Xia said: Yi Hai crossing. E has three, Hai E for the hog. Or we can say with five branch of Hai, Yi Hai ranked three, three hog crossing is argot. "Said Wen," Hai and hog clo_set_. Bing Li Yang said: Classical Hai plus a painting than the hog, "said the text" muddy mess, lack of faith. And Ye Shi Chi cutting, Shi falling tone. As Sima Fu Lin 【】 grid shrimp, clams, Chan Meng's. Infallible Yaoniao, radio cover hog. Meeting will be a small】 【Yun Fu this phase as both a rising tone, "Yun Wu oak complement" to the word line is _set_ into rhyme leaves, wrong. Partial words】 【near where those from the hog, as hog Popular Province.
編號:6045 ID: 6045  彘也。竭其尾,故謂之。象毛足而後有尾。讀與豨同。(桉:今丗字,誤以爲彘,以彘爲。何以明之?爲啄琢從,蟸從彘。皆取其聲,以是明之。)凡之屬皆從。 式視切

  Pig also. Doing its tail, so that the hog. Foot and then a tail like a hair. Reading and pig with. (Eucalyptus: this Shi words, misunderstood hog for the swine to swine as a hog. Why Ming? The pecking cut from the hog, Li from the swine. Are whichever is sound, Yi Shi Ming.) Where the line is the case are from the hog. As the cut-style

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