This (the) gāi should: be. Deserve. It stresses the front of said persons or things: the land. Book. Less, due from: the account. That his money. Affirmed or speculative: the your duty. Old with the "Gai", complete. be one's turndeserveought toshould When should stroke: 8; Radicals: Yan; Stroke Order Number: 45415334
The The gāi 【Form】 (Phonetic. From the words, Hai sound. Original meaning: the military each ring keep the covenant. "Said the text": "The military in some people." Extended to "complete." Extended meaning: complete, including all. Tong " Gai ") 〗 〖Comprehensive with the extended meaning This change for the sake of the of the Road also. - "Guliang Duke Ai first year." Note: "Preparation is also." Move with the equipment. - "Songs of the South Evocation" And essays, "Xijing mind," three volumes, introduced according to the contact, the World CMP called Yan. - "Lu Zhen Zhou Shu Chuan" Another example: the call (complete detailed); the equipment (complete details of preparation); the best (complete exhaustive); the _set_ (complete details) Extensive 〖(ofaperson'sknowledge) extensive; wide〗. Such as: the broad (broad); the deep (extensive deep); the pass (Broadcom); the Mao (extensive deep) The The gāi 【Activity】 Inclusive; including 〖contain; conclude〗 The Bing Jide. - "Songs of the South Heaven." Note: The "package also." Near the beginning and end. - "Probe of the cloud." Note: "and also." "Rhyme," a book for the six books of science, the use of macro carry on. - Pan to "reproduced in the ancient order of the Rhyme" Another example: The Zang (concealed and filled); the times (inclusive); the Chief (inclusive, compatible); of the day (shrouded); the include (inclusive, broad) Should; should be (the Song, Yuan occurs when defined) 〖should; oughtto〗 (Xifeng) said: the heavens are not late, I have this up. - "Dream of Red Mansions" Another example: should not be rejected; deserve; the office; we go Should turn 〖beone'sturntodosth.〗. Such as: the room (on duty); who speak the next; the World (dialect. Afterlife; regeneration); the class sat night (night watchman on duty); the officials (duty of the Clerk) Owe owe〗 〖 That our people, we calculate the family's ... to see if there is not some money. - "Dream of Red Mansions" Another example: I should not have his money The The gāi Generation】 【 Demonstrative pronouns. Mentioned above, the alleged person or thing (used for official documents)〗 〖such. Such as: the officer; there; case; the company; the comrades; is the key middle school [Dialect] of this. Such as: the number (this); the first (on the side; this); the pile (this one); the ride (in this case; here) The The gāi Vice】 【 〗 〖Usedforemphasis for emphasis. Such as: What should my mother nagging! If it does not rain today, nice ah That range, the equivalent of "full", "all" 〖all, overythere〗 Move with the equipment, some call Xiao Yong. - "Songs of the South" If all this is noted. - "Northern History" Children in the class gāibānr 〗 〖Workinshifts [dialect]: alternate duty The Bo gāibó 〗 〖Bebroadandprofound learned or knowledgeable Jing few Yiqun of the volume, and the crooked local people Bom Sok Sok Yong Zhang Biao Zhong Yi Ju Imperial College, well known both inside and called the Dunhuang Wulong. Four and premature death, only Jing Bo by the history of Kanemichi the weft. - "Book of Jin Suo Jing Chuan" Deserve gāidāng 〗 〖Deserve: to be affected, are entitled to or receiving What's wrong? 〖Oughtto; should〗: It should - that the responsibility and obligations We do things we do deserve Deserve this Contribute to class things deserve, did not say It is gāishì 〗 〖Mustbe subject to conditions and the dominance of natural law must be What is the What Damn gāisǐ Hell'sbells〗 〖〗 〖mouth that blame, disgust, anxiety or anger angry words Damn, I had forgotten these things Quickly catch up with that bloody robber Fucking gāisǐde 〖Gotohell! Goddamn!〗: Often used as an interjection to express annoyance or impatience Damn! Does not work properly 〗 〖Horns-woggled: that disgust, resentment or blame Damn weather The account gāizhàng 〗 〖Beindebt event of default The forward gāizháo 〗 〖Havesb.oncredit refers to fate, can not be avoided All my life I do beasts of burden on the people!
The (type sound. From the words, Hai sound. The Rebel in each ring keep the covenant. "Says the text," the military in some people. "Extended to complete." Extended meaning complete, including all. Tong Gai ") with the extended This changes the meaning of the Road also. - "Guliang Duke Ai first year." Note also prepared. "move with the equipment. - "Songs of the South Evocation" and written "Xijing mind," three volumes, introduced according to the contact, the World CMP called Yan. - "Zhou Shu Chuan Zhen Lu," and if the call (complete detailed); the equipment (complete details of preparation); the best (complete exhaustive); the _set_ (complete details) The broad inclusive; including the gāi ⒈ should be ~. ~ To do their own thing, be sure to get a good grasp. ⒉ <table> or from the inevitable speculation that she may be the result of ~ home. ⒊ ~ her money owed. ⒋ that, that, especially in front of said person or thing ~ people. ~ Office. ~ Things. ⒌ <Ancient> with the "Gai."
The gai Radical Radical Yan 02 total strokes 08 strokes The be one's turn; deserve; ought to; should; The (1) The gāi (2) (Phonetic. From the words, Hai sound. The Rebel defensive ring around each other in words. "Wen said," the military in some people. "Extended to complete." Extended meaning complete, including all. Tong Gai ") (3) With the extended meaning [comprehensive] This change for the sake of the of the Road also. - "Guliang Duke Ai first year." Note also prepared. " Move with the equipment. - "Songs of the South Evocation" And essays, "Xijing mind," three volumes, introduced according to the contact, the World CMP called Yan. - "Lu Zhen Zhou Shu Chuan" (4) Another example of the call (complete detailed); the equipment (complete details of preparation); the best (complete exhaustive); the _set_ (complete details) (5) Extensive [(of a person's knowledge) extensive; wide]. If the wide (broad); the deep (extensive deep); the pass (Broadcom); the Mao (extensive deep) The (1) The gāi (2) Inclusive; include [contain; conclude] The Bing Jide. - "Songs of the South Heaven." Note package also. " Near the beginning and end. - "Probe of the cloud." Note and also. " "Rhyme," a book for the six books of science, the use of macro carry on. - Pan to "reproduced in the ancient order of the Rhyme" (3) Another example of the Zang (concealed and filled); the times (inclusive); the Chief (inclusive, compatible); of the day (shrouded); the include (inclusive, broad) (4) Should; should be (the Song, Yuan Yi occurs when) [should; ought to] (Xifeng) said the day is not late, I have this up. - "Dream of Red Mansions" (5) Another example should not be refused; deserve; the office; we go (6) Should turn to [be one's turn to do sth.]. If the room (on duty); who speak the next; the World (dialect. Afterlife; regeneration); the class sat night (night watchman on duty); the officials (duty of the Clerk) (7) Less [owe] That our people, we calculate the family's ... to see if there is not some money. - "Dream of Red Mansions" (8) And if I should not have his money The (1) The gāi (2) Demonstrative pronouns. Mentioned above, the alleged person or thing (used for official documents) [such]. If the officer; there; case; the company; the comrades; is the key middle school (3) [Side] this. If the number (this); the first (on the side; this); the pile (this one); the ride (in this case; here) The (1) The gāi (2) Used to highlight [used for emphasis]. If my mother should the nagging! If it does not rain today, nice ah (3) That range, equivalent to the entire ", are" [all, overythere] Move with the equipment, some call Xiao Yong. - "Songs of the South" If all this is noted. - "Northern History" Children in the class gāibānr [Work in shifts] [side]: alternate duty The Bo gāibó [Be broad and profound] knowledge or knowledgeable Jing few Yiqun of the volume, and the local people noose Yong Bom Sok Ju Zhang Biao Zhong Yi Imperial College, well known both inside and called the Dunhuang Wulong. Four and premature death, only Jing Bo by the history of Kanemichi the weft. - "Book of Jin Suo Jing Chuan" Deserve gāidāng (1) [Deserve]: subject, are eligible for or receiving What's wrong? (2) [Ought to; should]: should be - that the responsibility and obligations We do things we do deserve Deserve this Contribute to class things deserve, did not say It is gāishì [Must be] subject to conditions and the dominance of natural law must be What is the What Damn gāisǐ [Port] [hell's bells] that blame, disgust, anxiety or anger angry words Damn, I had forgotten these things Quickly catch up with that bloody robber Fucking gāisǐde (1) [Go to hell! Goddamn!]: Often used as an interjection to express annoyance or impatience Damn! Does not work properly (2) [Horns-woggled]: expressed disgust, resentment or blame Damn weather The account gāizhàng [Be in debt] outstanding loans The forward gāizháo [Have sb. On credit] means fate, can not be avoided All my life I do beasts of burden on the people! The (The) gāi ㄍ ㄞ ˉ (1) Should be ~. ~ As. (2) It stresses the front of said person or thing ~ to. ~ Book. (3) Less, due from ~ account. ~ His money. (4) ~ You must hypothesize that duty. (5) Old with Gai, "complete. Zheng code sszo, u8be5, gbkb8c3 8 number of strokes, radical Yan, stroke order number 45415334
Tang Yun】 【ancient Aiqie 【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 Ke Rhymes starting cut, ???? sound Gai. Wen】 【said about the army also. Sheng Yu Pian】 【they are. And Yun】 【_set_ also increased. Guangyun】 【prepared also, salty too, and also, are too. The first year】 【Guliang sorrow of this change for the sake of the Road also. 【Note】 The, prepared also. 【Notes】 calendar before the Han Dynasty to the possession of all things. 】 【Yangtze too ???? by the chief of all things. Also】 【popular by-pass the CNS as is known, still should have made. Said that everything should be so. And names. Twenty-nine】 【Zuo Zhao Hao's a small tetra, one said that. Gaiweirushou. 【Note】 Kim Jong too. And surname, see Court】 【name.
該 The 軍中約也。從言亥聲。讀若心中滿該。古哀切
About the army also. Hai from the sound of words. Read full if the heart. Ancient 哀切