
簡異體: 繁異體:  (???? ???? ???? )拼音: qīn, qìng部首: 總筆畫: 16部外筆畫: 9
UTF-8: E8 A6 AAUTF-16: 89AAUTF-32: 000089AAGB 12345: 3955Big 5: BFCB倉頡: YDBUU
四角碼: 0691.0一字全碼: qin1qinjian一字雙碼: qiqiji一字單碼: qqj漢字結構: 左(中)右漢字層次: 6
筆畫: 丶一丶丿一一丨丿㇏丨????一一一丿乚筆順編號: 4143112342511135筆順讀寫: 捺橫捺撇橫橫竪撇捺竪折橫橫橫撇折他人筆順: 4143112342511135
部件組構: 亲(立(亠(丶一)䒑(丷(丶丿)一))木(十(一丨)八(丿㇏)))見(目(冂(丨????)三(一二(一一)))儿(丿乚))

  See all the pro-qīn pro qìng "pro." Stroke: 16; radicals: see; stroke order number: 4143112342511135
  1.感情深厚,關係密切。 2.父母。也單指父或母。 3.泛指有血統關係或婚姻關係的人。 4.婚姻。 5.寵愛;近。與「疏」相對。 6.接觸,接近。 7.用嘴唇或臉、額接觸(人或物),表示喜愛、切。 8.自;自己參與。 9.密的、可靠的人。 10.準,準確。 11.通「新」。 12.姓。 13.兩傢兒女婚配的戚關係。
酉集上 Unitary _set_s  〔古文〕????寴????【唐韻】【正韻】七人切【集韻】【韻會】雌人切,????七平聲。【廣韻】愛也。【孝經序】譽日著。【註】慈愛之心曰。【荀子·不苟篇】交而不比。【註】謂仁恩。【周語】慈惠保民,也。 又近也。【易·乾卦】本乎天者上,本乎地者下。 又【增韻】躬也。【詩·小雅】弗躬弗。【箋】言不躬而之也。【禮·文王世子】世子齊????而養。【註】,猶自也。 又【釋名】襯也。言相隱襯也。【增韻】姻也。【禮·大傳】者,屬也。【疏】謂有者,各以屬而爲之服。【左傳·昭十四年】祿勳合。【杜註】,九族也。【周禮·地官·大司徒】以隂禮敎,則民不怨。【註】謂男女之禮,婚姻以時,則男不曠,女不怨。 又六,父母、兄弟、妻子也。【管子·牧民篇】上服度則六固。又【前漢·禮樂志註】如淳曰:父、子、從父昆弟、從祖昆弟、曾祖昆弟、族昆弟,爲六。 又姓。【史記·孟嘗君傳】齊王逐周最,而聽弗。【註】弗,人姓名。【戰國策】作祝弗。 又通作新。【大學】在民。【程註】,當作新。 又【唐韻】七遴切【集韻】【韻會】七刃切【正韻】寸遴切,????七去聲。【左傳·桓二年】庶人工商,各有分。【註】以疏爲分別。【釋文】有平去兩音。 又【廣韻】傢也。【集韻】婚姻相謂爲。 又葉蒼先切,音千。【楊方·合歡詩】磁石引長針,陽燧下焱煙,宮商聲相和,心同自相。 【字彙】古從????。今省作。【集韻】或作媇儭。○按字彙補又作????????????,非。考證:〔【詩·小雅】勿躬勿。〕 謹照原文改爲弗躬弗

  [Classical] ???? Qin Tang Yun ???? [] [are] seven rhyme rhyme _set_ of cut [] [] female who will be cut rhyme, ???? seven level tone. [Rhyme] love also. [Book of Filial Piety] Qinyurizhuo sequence. [Note] loving heart, called the pro. [Articles] Xunzi careful not to pay more than the pro. [Note that the kernel pro-ex]. [Language] Jikei Paul Zhou people, pro also. So close too. [Yi Qian] on the peaceful days are pro, the pro-peace to those under. [Bow] and also by rhyme. [Poem] Xiaoya Vladimir Vladimir pro bow. [Memo] made no bow and pro also. [Liwen Wang Shizi] Qi ???? and support the pro-Prince. [Note] pro, Zi also. And [name] release liner also. Words with hidden lining also. [Rhyme] marriage also increased. [Gift] of mass communications pro who is also. [Shu] that have loved ones, and to whom the order is served. [Zuo Zhuan] Lu Xun Zhao fourteen years together pro. [Note] pro-Du, clan also. [Zhou to Kuan Yin Li 敎 Stuart] to pro, the public does not complain. [Note] that men and women of the ceremony, marriages, then men are not mine, women do not complain. And Liu Qin, parents, brothers, wife. [Articles] on the service pipe pastoralists degree relatives could then solid. Chi Han ritual before they [Note] as soon, saying: Father, Son, from the parent Kundi, from Zu Kundi, who Zu Kundi, Kundi tribe for Liu Qin. Another name. [Pass] King of Qi Records Mengchang most by week, and listen to the pro-Eph. [Note] pro-Vladimir, the name. [Warring States] as I wish Eph. And pass for new. [University] in the PFP. [Notes] process pro, as new. Another [] seven Lin Tang Yun Yun-cut _set_ [] [] seven blade will cut rhyme is rhyme] [Lin-inch cut, ???? seven falling tone. [Years] Zuo Huan common people business, and each sub-pro. 【Note】 The affinities for the difference. [Explanation] There are two levels to the sound. And [Rhyme] relatives also. [_Set_] rhyme with that of pro-marriage. Dark green leaves and the first cut, sounds thousand. [Poem] Yang Fang Acacia magnet cited long needle, under the Sui Yang Yan smoke Gong commercial pan and the heart with self-blind. [Vocabulary] old from ????. This province as parents. [_Set_] or for Qing Chen Yun. ○ by words up and make ???? ???? ????, non. Research: Do not [[poetry] Xiaoya not pro bow. According to the original] would like to bow to Vladimir Vladimir pro.
編號:5484 Number: 5484  至也。從見聲。 七人切

  To also. See the sound from the pro. Seven cut

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