
簡異體: 繁異體:  ( ????)拼音: pín, píng部首: 艹䒑總筆畫: 19部外筆畫: 16
UTF-8: E8 98 8BUTF-16: 860BUTF-32: 0000860BGB 12345: 3827Big 5: C4AB倉頡: TYHC
四角碼: 4428.6一字全碼: pin2caobin一字雙碼: picabi一字單碼: pcb漢字結構: 上(中)下漢字層次: 8
筆畫: 一丨丨丨一丨一丨丿丿一丿丨????一一一丿㇏筆順編號: 1222121233132511134筆順讀寫: 橫竪竪竪橫竪橫竪撇撇橫撇竪折橫橫橫撇捺他人筆順: 1222121233132511134
部件組構: 艹(十(一丨)丨)頻(步(止(⺊(丨一)丄(丨一))????(丨(丿丿)))頁(丆(一丿)貝(目(冂(丨????)三(一二(一一)))八(丿㇏))))

  Ping pín perennial aquatic fern, stems lying in the mud in shallow water, petiole length, the top _set_ students four leaflets, the whole plant can be used as medicine, but also for pig feed. Also known as "Big Ping", "swastika grass." Stroke count: 19; radical: hua; stroke order number: 1222121233132511134
  1.大萍。今稱「四葉菜」、「田字草」。蕨類植物,科。多年生淺水草本。葉柄長,頂端集生四片小葉,全草入藥,也作豬飼料。 2.﹝果﹞薔薇科,落葉小木。果實可食。亦稱為「頻果」。
申集上 Application _set_s  【唐韻】符眞切【正韻】毘賔切,????音頻。【說文】本作????。大萍也。【爾雅·釋草】萍蓱,其大者。【本草集解】四葉合成一葉,如田字者,也。【詩·召南】於以采。【傳】古之將嫁女者,必先禮之於宗室,牲用魚,芼之以藻。【箋】之言賔也。【釋文】韓詩云:瀋者曰。【呂氏春秋】菜之美者,崑崙之。【爾雅翼】似槐葉,而連生淺水中,五月有華白色,故謂之白。【楚辭·九章】登白兮騁望。考證:〔【詩·召南】於以采。【疏】韓詩云,瀋者曰。〕 謹照原書疏改釋文。〔【呂氏春秋】海菜之美者,崑崙之。〕 謹按原文海字屬上文不屬本句,今省海字。

  [] Tang Yun Yun Fu 眞 cut [is] Bin-cut border, ???? audio. [Said] this text for ????. Ping is also large. [Ya] Pingping interpretation grass, his great-ping. Herbal Variorum] [four-leaf leaf synthesis, such as the swastika are, Apple also. [Poetry] in response to Tsai-ping South. [Pass] ancient woman who will marry, we must first ceremony in the imperial clan, with offerings of fish, Mao's to ping algae. [Memo] Ping words Bin also. [Explanation] Korean poem: Zheyue Ping Shen. [Annals] of beautiful dishes, Kunlun Ping. [Wing] Ya-ping like Salvinia, and even with the shallow water in May to China White, so that the white apple. [IX] Teng White Ping Chu Xi Cheng Wang. Research: [[poetry] in response to Tsai-ping South. [Sparse] Han poem, Ping Shen Zheyue. Sparse in the original book] would like to change the interpretation of the text. [[Lu] seaweed of beautiful, Kunlun Ping. Word] is like the sea by the original of the above is not a sentence, this province, sea word.

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