Pu pú perennial herbs, raw pond in nearly two meters high. Root length in the mud, edible. Long, pointed leaves, can be made available seats, the system fan, the yellow flowers open in summer (also known as "cattail"): Puhuang (Po of the pollen.) Pu rods. Rushes. Po cashmere. Pushan. Refers to "Iris": Po section. Pu month (lunar calendar means.) Um, circular houses with grass cover. Old with the "creeping" creeping. Name. Stroke: 13; radicals: Lv; stroke order code: 1224411251124
Po pú 【Name】 (Phonetic. Tuft of hair from the water, pump the sound. Original meaning: the botanical name. Cattail) Cattail〗 〖with the original meaning Po, aquatic plants also. Can be used as seats. - "Said the text" With Po and the Netherlands. - "Poetry Chen Fengze Pei" Things were the Wei Po. - "Ze Zhou Yu." Note: "I thought." Po bi male executive. - "Zhou Tai Zongbo." Note: "Po for the seats, so the Dorians." Another example: Po Austin children (also known as "Po pad." Cushion with a series of rushes); Pu Liu (metaphor body slightly inferior); rushes hair nest (a deep woven rushes to help with round bottom shoes, which mixed with feathers , aloe and other things); Po whip said shame (as thin as a whip, thin fine show shame); Po sail (sails woven by Po Ye) Calamus calamus〗 〖. Such as: Po Festival (Dragon Boat Festival); Po people (Iris tied into the portrait); Po wine (calamus wine); Po training (with Po the fibers woven into the cloth); Po Ai (calamus and mugwort) Term of the present alleged "salicylic." Also known as "Po Yang," "Pu Liu"〗 〖bigcatkinwillow Po without beam. - "Poetry Wang Fengyang the water" Another example: Pu Liu (the botanical name, the salicylaldehyde. Qualitative weak and because the leaves fall early, so a metaphor for physical weakness); Pu Zi (Pu Liu posture); Po Yang (Pu Liu) Dome covered with grass〗 〖coveringofthatchedcottage. Such as: Po House (cottage); Po room (cottage); Po Hermitage (Hermitage) Ailanthus Po〗 〖dice. An ancient game, throw dice, as future generations. Such as: Po Opera (Ailanthus Po of the Opera); Pu Yi (Ailanthus Po of the Opera) With this "grape"〗 〖grape. Such as: Putao; Pu Tao; Syzygium Koup Name〗 〖Puprefecture Health in the Spring and Autumn Warring States is Wei. Changyuan County of Henan Province in this Jin in the Spring and Autumn, Xi County of Shanxi Province in northwest today Name. Such as: Han has Po Chang, Po compliance Po pú 【Activity】 Prostrata the line crawl〗 〖 Upon drinking ice maker to Pufu Yan. - "Thirteen years Zuo Zhao Gong" Another example: Po V (crawl. Bowed to the ground and the line); Po Services (Po V, bowed to the ground Xihang); Po Wang (Pu V) Po rod, bar children Po púbàng, púbàngr Port〗〗 〖〖cattail'sspike: cattail spikes, shaped like a stick Calceolaria púbāo 〗 〖Cattailbag loaded with cattail leaves something woven utensils Pucao púcǎo 〗 〖Thestemorleafofcattail cattail stems and leaves, used for weaving Po Pier children púdūnr 〗 〖Cattailmat with cattail leaves, straw and so thick round woven mats, Desks for rural areas Po services púfú 〗 〖Sitontheground to sit on the ground kneeling position Ancient sat on the floor, knees with the seat, with knees almost, and the "war policy" says Wu, "Po sit-line service, begging in Kure City." - Lv Shuxiang "language evolution" Dandelion púgōngyīng 〗 〖Dandelion perennial herb (Taraxacummongolicum), whole plant with white pulp, leaves clustered yellow flowers and fruit brown with white fur on, you can wind drift, the whole plant for medicinal use, to heat, detoxification Pu Jian pújiàn Means sword-shapedbagofaromaticherbshungoverdoorstepontheDragonBoatFestival〗 〖iris leaves, named after the shape of a sword Po Festival Pújié 〗 〖DragonBoatFestivalonthefifthdayofthefifthlunarmoon Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, because of old customs iris leaves in the door for named Puju pújù 〗 〖PuzhouoperaofShanxiProvince one of the local operas, popular in southern Shanxi Province Saw Palmetto púkuí 〗 〖Chinesefanpalm an evergreen tree that grows in tropical and subtropical regions, the leaves can be done fan Home Livistona fan in left hand execution. - Ming Wei Yi School "nuclear Zhou Ji" Pu Liu púliǔ 〗 〖Bigcatkinwillow deciduous shrub (Salixgracilistyla), withered early fall, also known as salicylic, used metaphorically or modesty frail Pu Liu Chang quality, look first fall to zero. - "Book of Jin Gu Yue Biography" Pushan púshàn 〗 〖Palm-leaffan made with a cattail leaf fan Bushels púshì'ěr 〗 〖Bushel American system, measurement of dry bulk when the size of particles used, together 8 gallons a bushel Pu PúSōnglíng 〗 〖PuSongling (1640-1715) a famous writer in China in the Qing Dynasty, the word Lau Sin, the word sword chen, No. Willow lay, Shandong Zichuan (this is in Zibo City) people. Poor family, familiar with the hardships of the people, pay attention to different smell folklore collection, worked hard to write short stories for decades, "Strange," Fox said about ghosts through other forms of critical social, political, Futon pútuán 〖Rushcushion; cattailhassock〗 a round cushion, with incense rushes, woven straw, etc. Pu Wei púwěi Typha and Phragmites〗 〖cattailandreed Pu Wei as silk thread. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife" And Concubine as Pu Wei. Po line púxiàn 〗 〖Whitevilligrownonthefemaleflowerfringeofcattail the female flower spike on a cattail long white hair, can be used to fill pillow core
Po <name "(phonetic. Sal from the water, pump the sound. The original meaning of plant names. Cattail) with the original meaning of Po, aquatic plants also. Can be used as seats. - "Said the text" There is Po and the Netherlands. - "Poetry Chen Fengze Pei," things were the Wei Po. - "Ze Zhou Yu." Note that the seats. "Male Bi Po enforcement. -" Zhou Tai Zongbo. "Pu injection for the seats, so the Dorians." Another example is the Po Austin children (also known as Po pad. "Cushion with a series of rushes); Pu Liu (micro body metaphor inferior); rushes hair nest (a deep woven rushes to help with round bottom shoes, which mixed with feathers, aloe and other things); Po whip said shame (as thin as a whip, thin fine show shame); Po Fan (with Po Ye woven sails) Iris Po Po pú bó 1. See "Po Kou."
蒲 pu
部首 艹 部首筆畫 03 總筆畫 13
蒲 pú
同本義 [cattail]
菖蒲 [calamus]。如蒲節(端午節);蒲人(以菖蒲紮成的人像);蒲酒(菖蒲酒);蒲練(用蒲之纖維織成的布);蒲艾(菖蒲與艾草)
即今人所稱水楊”。也稱蒲楊”、蒲柳” [big catkin willow]
用草蓋的圓頂屋 [covering of thatched cottage]。如蒲屋(茅屋);蒲室(茅屋);蒲庵(草庵)
樗蒲 [dice]。古代一種遊戲,像後代的擲色子。如蒲戲(樗蒲之戲);蒲弈(樗蒲之戲)
同今葡萄” [grape]。如蒲萄;蒲陶;蒲桃
古邑名 [pu prefecture]
蒲 pú
伏地而行 [crawl]
[cattail's spike] [口]∶香蒲的花穗,形狀像棒子
[cattail bag] 用香蒲葉編成的裝東西的用具
[the stem or leaf of cattail] 香蒲的莖葉,可供編織用
[cattail mat] 用香蒲葉、麥稭等編成的厚而圓的墊子,農村中用作坐具
[sit on the ground] 以跪姿坐於地上
[dandelion] 多年生草本植物(tarax acum mongolicum),全株含白漿,葉叢生,花黃色,果實褐色,上帶白色軟毛,可順風飄散,全草供藥用,能清熱、解毒
[sword-shaped bag of aromatic herbs hung over doorstep on the dragon boat festival] 指菖蒲葉,形似寶劍而得名
[dragon boat festival on the fifth day of the fifth lunar moon]端午節,因舊俗端午節在門上挂菖蒲葉而得名
[puzhou opera of shanxi province] 地方戲麯劇種之一,流行於山西省南部地區
[chinese fan palm]一種常緑喬木,生長在熱帶和亞熱帶地區,葉子可以做扇子
[big catkin willow] 落葉灌木(salix gracilistyla),秋天早凋,也叫水楊,用來比喻或自謙身體衰弱
[palm-leaf fan] 用香蒲葉做成的扇子
púshì ěr
[bushel] 英美製計量單位,計量幹散顆粒物的體積時用,一蒲式耳合8加侖
pú sōnglíng
[pu songling] (1640╠1715) 中國清代著名的文學家,字留仙,一字劍臣,號柳泉居士,山東淄川(今屬淄博市)人。傢境貧寒,熟悉民間疾苦,留意採集民間傳說異聞,嘔心瀝血數十年寫成短篇小說集《聊齋志異》,通過談狐說鬼等形式,批判社會、政治
[rush cushion;cattail hassock] 一種圓墊子,用香蒲草、麥稭等編成
[cattail and reed] 香蒲和蘆葦
[white villi grown on the female flower fringe of cattail] 香蒲的雌花穗上長的白絨毛,可用來填枕頭芯
蒲 pú ㄆㄨˊ
Pu pu Radical Radical Lv 03 total strokes 13 strokes Po pú <Name> (1) (Phonetic. Sal from the water, pump the sound. The original meaning of plant names. Cattail) (2) With the original meaning of [cattail] Po, aquatic plants also. Can be used as seats. - "Said the text" With Po and the Netherlands. - "Poetry Chen Fengze Pei" Things were the Wei Po. - "Ze Zhou Yu." Note that the seats. " Po bi male executive. - "Zhou Tai Zongbo." Note Po for the seats, so the Dorians. " (3) Another example is the Po Austin children (also known as Po pad. "Cushion with a series of rushes); Pu Liu (metaphor body slightly inferior); rushes hair nest (a deep woven rushes to help with round bottom shoes, which mixed with feathers, aloe and other things); Po whip said shame (as thin as a whip, thin fine show shame); Po sail (sails woven by Po Ye) (4) Iris [calamus]. If Po Festival (Dragon Boat Festival); Po people (Iris tied into the portrait); Po wine (calamus wine); Po training (with Po the fibers woven into the cloth); Po Ai (calamus and mugwort) (5) Salicylic alleged term of the present. "Po Yang, also known as" Pu Liu "[big catkin willow] Po without beam. - "Poetry Wang Fengyang the water" (6) Another example is the Pu Liu (plant name, the salicylaldehyde. Qualitative weak and because the leaves fall early, so a metaphor for physical weakness); Pu Zi (Pu Liu posture); Po Yang (Pu Liu) (7) Covered with grass dome [covering of thatched cottage]. If Po House (cottage); Po room (cottage); Po Temple (Hermitage) (8) Ailanthus Po [dice]. An ancient game, throw dice, as future generations. If Po play (Ailanthus Po in play); Pu Yi (Ailanthus Po of the Opera) (9) With this grape "[grape]. If Putao; Pu Tao; Syzygium (10) Koup name [pu prefecture] (11) Health in the Spring and Autumn Warring States is Wei. Changyuan County of Henan Province in this (12) Jin in the Spring and Autumn, Xi County of Shanxi Province in northwest today (13) Name. If there is Po Han Chang, Po compliance Po pú <Action> (1) Prostrata the line [crawl] Upon drinking ice maker to Pufu Yan. - "Thirteen years Zuo Zhao Gong" (2) Another example is the Po V (crawl. Bowed to the ground and the line); Po Services (Po V, bowed to the ground Xihang); Po Wang (Po V) Po rod, bar children Po púbàng, púbàngr [Cattail's spike] [port]: cattail spikes, shaped like a stick Calceolaria púbāo [Cattail bag] loaded with cattail leaves something woven utensils Pucao púcǎo [The stem or leaf of cattail] cattail stems and leaves, used for weaving Po Pier children púdūnr [Cattail mat] with cattail leaves, straw and so thick round woven mats, Desks for rural areas Po services púfú [Sit on the ground] to sit on the ground kneeling position Ancient sat on the floor, knees with the seat, with knees almost, and the "war policy" says Wu Po sit-line service, begging in Kure City. "- Lv Shuxiang" language evolution " Dandelion púgōngyīng [Dandelion] perennial herb (tarax acum mongolicum), whole plant with white pulp, leaves clustered yellow flowers and fruit brown with white fur on, you can wind drift, the whole plant for medicinal use, to heat, detoxification Pu Jian pújiàn [Sword-shaped bag of aromatic herbs hung over doorstep on the dragon boat festival] refers to the iris leaves, named after the shape of the sword Po Festival pújié [Dragon boat festival on the fifth day of the fifth lunar moon] festival, as old customs in the door for the Dragon Boat Festival, named after Iris Leaves Puju pújù [Puzhou opera of shanxi province] one of the local operas, popular in southern Shanxi Province Saw Palmetto púkuí [Chinese fan palm] an evergreen tree that grows in tropical and subtropical regions, the leaves can be done fan Home Livistona fan in left hand execution. - Ming Wei Yi School "nuclear Zhou Ji" Pu Liu púliǔ [Big catkin willow] deciduous shrubs (salix gracilistyla), early fall, wither, also known as salicylic, used metaphorically or modesty frail Pu Liu Chang quality, look first fall to zero. - "Book of Jin Gu Yue Biography" Pushan púshàn [Palm-leaf fan] fan made with cattail leaves Bushels púshì ěr [Bushel] Anglo-American system, measurement of dry bulk when the size of particles used, together 8 gallons a bushel Pu pú sōnglíng [Pu songling] (1640 ╠ 1715) a famous writer in China in the Qing Dynasty, the word Lau Sin, the word sword chen, No. Willow lay, Shandong Zichuan (this is in Zibo City) people. Poor family, familiar with the hardships of the people, pay attention to different smell folklore collection, worked hard to write short stories for decades, "Strange," Fox said about ghosts through other forms of critical social, political, Futon pútuán [Rush cushion; cattail hassock] a round cushion, with incense rushes, woven straw, etc. Pu Wei púwěi (1) [Cattail and reed] cattail and reed Pu Wei as silk thread. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife" (2) And Concubine as Pu Wei. Po line púxiàn [White villi grown on the female flower fringe of cattail] cattail spike of female flowers on the long white hair, can be used to fill pillow core Po pú ㄆ ㄨ (1) Perennial herbs, raw pond in nearly two meters high. Root length in the mud, edible. Long, pointed leaves, can be made available seats, the system fan, the yellow flowers open in summer (also known as cattail ") ~ Huang (Po pollen). ~ Rod. ~ Grass. ~ Velvet. ~ Fan. (2) Iris means "~ Day. ~ Month (lunar calendar means.) (3) Um, circular houses with grass cover. (4) Old with the creeping "creeping. (5) Name. Zheng code evfb, u84b2, gbkc6d1 13 number of strokes, radical Lv, stroke number 1224411251124
Wu Tang Yun】 【thin cut. Aquatic plants, you can seat. Used】 【Li Yu Tang Lu Po algae seats. Release Name】 【Po, grass. People Zhou day official mince 【】 deep Po. Poetry Taiga】 【D shoots and Po. 【Fax】 After Liu Kuan Han officials who have had, but with Po whip punished. Wang Feng】 【poetry and Yang of water, do not beam Po. 【】 Pu Liu Lu Shu-chi, there are two, the skin is Celadon Zheyue Xiao Yang, and its a big leather red Zheyue Yang. Also】 【male executive officer Zhou Po Chun Bi. 【Note】 Po as the engraved lines or ornaments. Also 【】 Zhou Li Ming Tang Po spoon bits. 【Note】 Po Po that together, when the spoon is engraved Po Tau, the opening of the mouth, such as rushes. Also released were】 【Grass Round House said Po. Po, apply also. And names. 】 【Huayang Wang Tai Po ???? renamed. Pu Yi Chuan】 【Goldsmith, Shun Shixian people. Were busy training】 【Huainanzi Po and the clever child, but also Funeng plus also. And names. 【Three】 Qihou Spring Huan, Wei Hou Po Xu life. And water names. 】 【Waterways river and south, together Po water. And Yamana. Sealing a book】 【Historical have Po Mountain. And table name. Shu Yi Ji】 【East China Sea on Po Toi, Department of Ma Po Ying Qin point. Another name. 【Sixteen】 Fu Hong Jiasheng Po Wuzhang spring long, when people and differences, that the Po family. They will】 【Yun Tong Pu. Ma Rong Fu Ailanthus 【】 moral Ji Po prepared, well this accompanied the Po. And crawl through. Thirteen years】 【Zuo Zhao Huai-Jin, Feng pots, Yin ice to Pufu Yan. Also articles】 【class near the cut. And thin pass, Po Kou, place names. 】 【Bamboo Annals Po Tai Wu Kou City. Went to sound, Putao, fruit name. 【Notes】 Lotte mustard hidden poem: Qiang pipe blowing willow, Yan Ji discretion Putao. Also quite a five-cut leaves, audio and pump. Make】 【rhyme "Zhou's staff," said its string Chak Po Tau, Cheng read from mid "poetry" does not beam Po, Shu Xu under the leaves. Research: 〔】 【Huainanzi were busy training the power of Po and the child, but also not to add too. 〕 Would like to change according to the original work skillfully. Do not change the Eph.
編號:332 Number: 332 水艸也。可以作席。從艸浦聲。 薄鬍切
Water Cottage too. Can be used as seats. Pu from the Cottage sound. Hu cut thin