Skin <action> cooking, ancient salt, soy sauce, green onions and cook a meat cooking, Wei Jia Sixie "Arts for the People" have the skin of chicken meat ﹑ ﹑ Fubai pig skin, fish skin dharmas. Such as the skin of chicken; Fubai meat; skin pig; skin fish. See "skin She."
未集下 Under no _set_ 【廣韻】甫無切【集韻】【韻會】風無切【正韻】方無切,????音跗。【說文】籀文作臚。【玉篇】皮也。【廣韻】皮膚。【釋名】膚,布也,布在表也。【詩·衞風】膚如凝脂。【易·噬嗑】六二噬膚。【註】膚者,柔脆之物也。 又豕肉爲膚。【儀禮·聘禮】膚鮮魚鮮臘。【註】膚,豕肉也。 又切肉爲膚。【禮·內則】脯羹,兔醢,麋膚。【註】膚,切肉也。 又【博雅】美也。【詩·豳風】公孫碩膚。【傳】膚,美也。 又【博雅】傳也。【又】離也。【又】剝也。 又大也。【詩·小雅】以奏膚公。【傳】膚,大也。 又【韻會】膚淺,喻在皮膚,不深也。 又【正韻】四指爲膚。【公羊傳·僖三十一年】膚寸而合。【註】側手爲膚。 又膚受。【論語】膚受之愬。【書·盤庚】今汝聒聒起信險膚。【傳】起信險僞膚受之言也。 又地名。【前漢·郊祀志】凡四祠於膚施。【註】膚施,上郡之縣也。 又人名。【前漢·古今人表】陽膚。 又【集韻】凌如切,音臚。義同。 又【韻補】葉音浮。【易林】範子妙材,戮辱傷膚。後相秦國,封爲應侯。
Fu Guang Yun】 【No】 【cut 【Ji Yun Yun wind, no cut will】 【】 side is no rhyme cut, ???? sound tarsal. Wen Zhou Wen as saying】 【group of people. Jade articles】 【skin also. Guangyun】 【skin. Release Name】 【skin, cloth also, cloth in the table also. Poetry of Wei】 【skin as creamy. Yi Shi Ke】 【skin sixth year of macrophages. 【Note】 skin who Roucui thing also. And hog meat to the skin. Dowry rituals】 【fresh fish skin wax. 【Note】 skin, hog meat. And meat for the skin. 】 【Ceremony is preserved in soup, minced meat rabbits, elk skin. 【Note】 skin, meat also. Burson-Marsteller has 【】 United States also. Poetry Bin Feng】 【Master Kung-sun skin. 【Fax】 skin, the United States also. And liberal arts】 【pass also. Also】 【away also. Also】 【stripping also. Big also. Poetry Xiaoya】 【skin to play the public. 【Fax】 skin, big too. And rhyme will】 【superficial, Yu in the skin, not deep too. Rhymes】 【another four refers to the skin. 【】 Gongyangzhuan Xi skin-inch and thirty-one years together. 【Note】 side of the hand for the skin. And skin affected. 】 【Skin by the 愬 Analects of Confucius. 【Books】 Jinruguoguo Pangeng skin Faith Insurance. 【Fax】 letter from the insurance by the words of pseudo-skin. And names. 【Notes】 Former Han Jiao Si temple in the skin where the four facilities. 【Note】 skin Shi, Kamigori the counties. And names. 【Form】 Former Han Yang past and present human skin. Ling Yun】 【_set_ another, such as cutting, sound group of people. Meaning the same. Also make】 【rhyme sounds floating leaves. Van Son Yi Lin】 【wonderful material, kill disgrace skin injury. After the phase Qin, Hou should be labeled.