He matched lí see "matched them." Stroke: 16; radicals: Si; stroke order code: 5544444134522554
1.用絲裝飾鞋頭。 2.古時婦女繫在身前的大佩巾。 3.帶子。 4.繫冠的帶子。
縭bāng 1.同"幫"。指鞋幫。 2.方言。用布片縛住。
He matched bāng 1. With the "help." Refers to the upper. 2. Dialects. Tied with a cloth.
未集中 Not concentrate 【廣韻】呂支切【集韻】【韻會】鄰知切,????音離。【說文】以絲介履也。 又【爾雅·釋器】婦人之褘謂之縭。【註】卽今之香纓也。【詩·豳風】親結其縭。【傳】縭,婦人之褘也。母戒女施衿結帨。 又【爾雅·釋水】縭,緌也。【疏】縭訓爲緌,緌又爲繫。【詩·小雅】紼縭維之。 又【正韻】抽知切,音攡。【唐書·儒學傳】風縭露沐。考證:〔【爾雅·釋器】婦人之褘謂縭。〕 謹照原文謂下增之字。
Lu Guang Yun】 【support】 【cut 【Ji Yun Yun will】 neighborhood known cut, ???? sound off. 】 【Said Wen Lu also referred to silk. Also】 woman 【Mailyard control of the groceries that matched them. 【Note】 The Hong Ying calipering today also. Poetry Bin Feng】 【Results of its pro-matched them. 【Fax】 matched them, the woman of the groceries are. Female Female Shijinjieshui ring. And water】 【Mailyard matched them, ERSITY also. He matched training is sparse】 【ERSITY ERSITY and the system. Poetry Xiaoya】 【dimension of 绋 matched them. Also known pumping】 【Rhymes cut, audio wield. Science Communication】 【Tangshu Ru Lu Mu wind matched them. Research: 〔】 woman 【Mailyard device of groceries that matched them. 〕 Like that under the original license by the word.
編號:8642 ID: 8642 以絲介履也。從糸離聲。 力知切
Lu also referred to silk. Shito away from the sound. Cutting edge knowledge