Tight (tight) jǐn closely together and with the "loose" relative: tighten. Tied tight. Relying on very close: close. To bear: the strings tightly. Things closely Then in rapid time there is no gap: compact. Closely. Contraction. Intensified. Step. The situation serious and important relationship: emergency. Pressed. Urgent. Critical. Not good: tight. Scarce. Loose strokes: 10; radicals: Shito; stroke order code: 2254554234
Tight Tight jǐn 【Form】 (Knowing. From the Qin (qiān), Kennedy. From Shito (mì), filaments. Original meaning: wrapping emergency) 〗 〖Twineurgently with the original meaning Tight wrapping is also urgent. - "Said the text" Zhang Xi of the string relaxation of emergency. - Fu Yi "Dancing FU" Extended to objects presented by the pulling force or pressure upon the tensions. With the "loose" relative 〖tight; taut; close〗. Such as: compact steep (truss, fasten); tight Jiu Jiu (clothes tight to his body, that slim dress or able); tight cluster (tight, Yan-Yan's); tight steaming (tightly, tightly ) Means the economy is not well-off 〖shortofmoney; hardup〗. Such as: compact bar; Jinzhai (not good) Rapid; urgent 〖urgent; pressing; tense〗 Tight, urgent also. - "Guang Ya" Xi Juan tight sad heart. - "Songs of the South illness World" Another example: tight things (emergency); tight silk (compact; rapid); tight slip (jet; critical moment; critical juncture); tight water (turbulent flow); tight cut slow eight (slowly; day by day) Irritable 〖impetuous; rash〗. Such as: tight three fire IV (very badly); tighten the no-good track (can not be perfect metaphor anxious to do things); tight busy Violent; induced acute 〖hard; violently; heavily〗 I have one, this one is the "night the north wind tight." - "Dream of Red Mansions" Another example: tension Quick 〖speedy; fast〗. Such as: tight run (Run) Critical; important 〖critical; vital〗. Such as: the valve is tight (tight slip. Critical juncture); tight work (critical, important); tight shut in (at a crucial juncture) Tight, solid 〖fast; firm〗 Ge Ji the tight. - "Pipe asked." Note: The "tight, which claims a strong person." Another example: fastening (solid) Proximity to; Tightlock seamless 〖close〗 The convergence of tight. - "Su asked to pay larger on gas" Another example: tight (personal clothing); tight Tun Tun (dialect. Described as very close); tight hole (dialect. Described the close); compact steep (compact); tight Jian (compact, powerful) Tight Tight jǐn 【Activity】 Make tight or tighter; pack〗 〖tighten The convergence of tight. - "Su asked to pay larger on gas" Another example: tight; crunch; tight string, tight rope; tight rope Tight Tight jǐn Vice】 【 It; very very〗 〖. Such as: a good tight grip (very good; good); compact sub_set_ of (Compact Aberdeen, is tight. The original; original) Tight Tight jǐn 【Name】 Chinese Medicine pulse Name〗 〖tightpulse. Such as: compact pulse (one pulse of Chinese Medicine. Clock to stretch acute and more common in pathogenic cold, pain, Sushi) State and County level when the name of the Tang and Song〗 〖prefectureorcounty. Where the severity of their position normally governs the size and economic development throughout attainment. Such as: tight governance (important counties located) Pakistan close jǐnba 〗 〖Hardup economy was not good Singles bar tight enough for the day Rigid jǐnbābā 〗 〖Tight: the object was described as tense, not relaxed No Cayou, his face a rigid 〗 〖Hardup: Describes the economy is not well-off Hug jǐnbào 〗 〖Embrace: in a fight with the front legs hold hard 〗 〖Hug Hug Clasp with two front legs Do not think there was nine feet long anteater died with two front paws clinging to the possibility of Taut jǐnbēngbēng 〗 〖Closelytiedup: tightly bundled appearance Belt to be taut 〗 〖Nervousanduneasy: I feel nervous and look unnatural Face taut, like a very angry look Tight jǐnbī 〗 〖Presshard closely approximate Closed jǐnbì Tightly close the shutter〗 〖 Door closed Compact jǐncòu 〗 〖Compact connection is tight, no spaces, intervals, or extra parts Event schedule is tight Followed jǐngēn 〗 〖Stick: hot pursuit Followed by rabbit 〗 〖Tag: Contact the person behind Followed by the Mayor Jin Guo jǐnguǒ 〗 〖Strapped (like a belt) tied tight Department of the belt of his four long khaki shirt pocket like a cor_set_-like wrap a body in his Emergency jǐnjí 〗 〖Urgent need for immediate action, not delay Emergency Operations Tight squeeze jǐnjǐ 〗 〖Crowd approaching Tightly crammed car of a car before Tightly, tightly jǐnjǐn, jǐnjǐnde 〗 〖Closely: close attention Riveted 〗 〖Tightly: firmly He was tight rope Close jǐnkào 〗 〖Adjoin adjoining, adjacent His land close to the sea Close jǐnlín 〗 〖Closeneighbour neighbor next Close jǐnlín 〗 〖Beflush connected directly adjoin Window next to the Avenue Tight busy jǐnmáng 〗 〖Nervousandbusy: hectic Tight busy season 〖Bequick; hurry〗: Sign; quickly; quickly Tight busy chasing Close jǐnmì 〗 〖Inseparable: with very tight, can not be separated 〗 〖Rapidandintense: Numerous and continuous Rain close Urgent jǐnpò 〗 〖Urgent urgent I have more pressing things to do Tight jǐnqiào 〖Hard-to-get〗 〖Product〗 tight and good sales Commodities in short supply Shortage jǐnquē 〗 〖Inshortsupply: Due to lack of supply is very tight Scarce goods 〖Beshortof; lack〗: lack; shortage Material shortage Tight jǐnshēn 〖Close〗: tailor Tight-fitting gowns 〗 〖Succinct: tailoring Debu large Tights jǐnshēnyī 〗 〖Leotard dancers, acrobats and aerial acrobats wearing tight clothing in a trunk, sometimes with long sleeves, high neck or long pants to the ankle Immediately jǐnsuí 〗 〖Tag that followed, usually without malice Tighten jǐnsuō Reduce〗 〖: reduced; reduced Tightening the preparation of 〗 〖Benervous: nervous; tighten Thought of this, his heart suddenly tightening up Locked jǐnsuǒ 〗 〖Knit: wrinkled Furrowed brows deep in thought 〗 〖Lock: buckle together So sleepy eyes locked together, sleep Close jǐntiē Hugclosely〗 〖close tightly, close to Close to the side of the rotating part of the Hold jǐnwò 〗 〖Strain tightly in his hand Hold the hands of the gun Tight Yan jǐnyán 〖Tight, close〗 close House walls and windows are tight strict, cold wind could not get Critical jǐnyào 〗 〖Critical urgent and important to describe the critical condition Crucial Nervous jǐnzhāng 〗 〖Nervous: the spirit in a high state of readiness Nervous 〗 〖Tense: intense; urgent Tension 〗 〖Tight: the supply is insufficient, difficult to deal Tight supply Bear the jǐnzhe Speedup〗 〖〗 〖mouth: intensify; fast dry Seize jǐnzhuā 〗 〖Firmly grasp the grip, hold One hand clutching the collar of my Hot pursuit jǐnzhuī-bùshě 〗 〖Stickwith the gap close, evenly matched Is stronger than his opponent, but his opponents followed, and a draw
Tight <form "(knowing. From Hall Caine. From Shito, filaments. The original meaning of wrapping emergency) with the original meaning of tight wrapping is also urgent. - "Said the text" emergency relaxation of the string Zhang Xi. - Fu Yi "Dancing FU" extended to objects presented by the pulling force or pressure upon the tensions. With the song "relative); tight steaming (tightly, tightly) means the economy is not short off; pressing tight, anxious too. -" Guang Ya "tight Juan Xi sad heart. -" Chu Shi disease " Another example is the tight thing (emergency); tight silk (compact; rapid); tight slip (acute tight (tight) jǐn ⒈ tight, with the "loose" relative. objects, tension or pressure after a state tied ~. string stretched so ~. ⒉ pack the belt ~ a ~. ⒊ close, relying on very close ~ o. ~ pick. ~ next. ⒋ urgent, short, not good time ~. homework ~. Work ~. ~ a few years time . <argument> because of time constraints to speed up the work of grasping ~ hand ~ points, to finish the task. ⒌ thing ~ serious or stake to juncture. ~ emergency event. ⒍ ① intense, urgent, do not loose work ~ Zhang. the situation ~ Zhang. ② supply is insufficient to meet market ~ Zhang.
Tight jin Radical Radical Shito total strokes 10 strokes 06 Tight close; tighten; pressing; short of money; strict; urgent; Tight (1) Tight jǐn <Form> (2) (Knowing. From the Museum (qiān), Kennedy. From Shito (mì), filaments. The original meaning of wrapping emergency) (3) With the original meaning of [twine urgently] Tight wrapping is also urgent. - "Said the text" Zhang Xi of the string relaxation of emergency. - Fu Yi "Dancing FU" (4) Extended to objects presented by the pulling force or pressure upon the tensions. With the song "relative [tight; taut; close]. Such as the compact steep (truss, fasten); tight Jiu Jiu (clothes tight to his body, that slim dress or able); tight cluster (tight, Yan-Yan's ); tight steaming (tightly, tightly) (5) Means the economy is not well-off [short of money; hard up]. Such as the compact bar; Jinzhai (not good) (6) Rapid; pressing [urgent; pressing; tense] Tight, urgent also. - "Guang Ya" Xi Juan tight sad heart. - "Songs of the South illness World" (7) Another example is the tight thing (emergency); tight silk (compact; rapid); tight slip (jet; critical moment; critical juncture); tight water (turbulent flow); tight cut slow eight (slowly; day by day) (8) Irritable [impetuous; rash]. Such as the tight three fire IV (very urgent); bear the no-good track (can not be perfect metaphor anxious to do things); tight busy (9) Violent; induced acute [hard; violently; heavily] I have one, this one is the night the north wind bear "。--" Dream of Red Mansions " (10) Another example is the tension (11) Quick [speedy; fast]. Such as the tight run (Run) (12) Critical; important [critical; vital]. If the valve is tight (tight slip. Critical juncture); tight work (critical, important); tight shut in (at a crucial juncture) (13) Tight, solid [fast; firm] Ge Ji the tight. - "Pipe asked." Note tight, which claims a strong person. " (14) Another example is the tightening (solid) (15) Proximity to; Tightlock Departed [close] The convergence of tight. - "Su asked to pay larger on gas" (16) Another example is the tight (personal clothing); tight Tun Tun (dialect. Described as very close); tight hole (dialect. Described the close); compact steep (compact); tight Jian (compact, powerful) Tight (1) Tight jǐn <Action> (2) Make tight or tighter; pack [tighten] The convergence of tight. - "Su asked to pay larger on gas" (3) Another example is the tight-fitting; crunch; tight string, tight rope; tight rope Tight (1) Tight jǐn <Vice> (2) It; very [very]. If a good tight grip (very good; good); compact sub_set_ (compact Aberdeen, is tight. The original; original) Tight (1) Tight jǐn <Name> (2) Chinese Medicine pulse Name [tight pulse]. If tight pulse (one pulse of Chinese Medicine. Clock to stretch acute and more common in pathogenic cold, pain, Sushi) (3) State and County level when the name of the Tang and Song [prefecture or county]. Where the severity of their position normally governs the size and economic development throughout attainment. Such as the tight rule (important counties located) Pakistan close jǐnbɑ [Hard up] the economy was not good Singles bar tight enough for the day Rigid jǐnbābā (1) [Tight]: the object was described as tense, not relaxed No Cayou, his face a rigid (2) [Hard up]: describe the economy is not well-off Hug jǐnbào (1) [Embrace]: in a fight with the front legs hold hard (2) [Hug] (3) Hug (4) Clasp with two front legs Do not think there was nine feet long anteater died with two front paws clinging to the possibility of Taut jǐnbēngbēng (1) [Closely tied up]: Binding tight look Belt to be taut (2) [Nervous and uneasy]: I feel nervous and look unnatural Face taut, like a very angry look Tight jǐnbī [Press hard] closely approximate the Closed jǐnbì [Shutter] tightly closed Door closed Compact jǐncòu [Compact] connection is tight, no gap, or the excess part of the interval Event schedule is tight Followed jǐngēn (1) [Stick]: hot pursuit Followed by rabbit (2) [Tag]: with the person behind Followed by the Mayor Jin Guo jǐnguǒ [Strapped] (as with a belt) tied tight Department of the belt of his four long khaki shirt pocket like a cor_set_-like wrap a body in his Emergency jǐnjí [Urgent] need to take immediate action, not delay Emergency Operations Tight squeeze jǐnjǐ [Crowd] approximation Tightly crammed car of a car before Tightly, tightly jǐnjǐn, jǐnjǐnde (1) [Closely]: close attention Riveted (2) [Tightly]: securely He was tight rope Close jǐnkào [Adjoin] adjoining, adjacent His land close to the sea Close jǐnlín [Close neighbour] next to a neighbor Close jǐnlín [Be flush] connected directly adjoin Window next to the Avenue Tight busy jǐnmáng (1) [Nervous and busy]: hectic Tight busy season (2) [Be quick; hurry]: Sign; quickly; quickly Tight busy chasing Close jǐnmì (1) [Inseparable]: with very tight, can not be separated (2) [Rapid and intense]: quantity and continuity Rain close Urgent jǐnpò [Urgent] urgent I have more pressing things to do Tight jǐnqiào [Hard-to-get] [products] in short supply and good sales Commodities in short supply Shortage jǐnquē (1) [In short supply]: lack of supply due to very tight Scarce goods (2) [Be short of; lack]: deficiency; shortage Material shortage Tight jǐnshēn (1) [Close]: tailor Tight-fitting gowns (2) [Succinct]: tailoring Debu large Tights jǐnshēnyī [Leotard] dancers, acrobats and aerial acrobats wearing tight clothing in a trunk, sometimes with long sleeves, high neck or long pants to the ankle Immediately jǐnsuí [Tag] that follow, usually without malice Tighten jǐnsuō (1) [Reduce]: narrow; reduced Tightening the preparation of (2) [Be nervous]: nervous; tighten Thought of this, his heart suddenly tightening up Locked jǐnsuǒ (1) [Knit]: wrinkled Furrowed brows deep in thought (2) [Lock]: buckle together So sleepy eyes locked together, sleep Close jǐntiē [Hug closely] close tightly, close to Close to the side of the rotating part of the Hold jǐnwò [Strain] in his hand tightly Hold the hands of the gun Tight Yan jǐnyán [Tight, close] close House walls and windows are tight strict, cold wind could not get Critical jǐnyào [Critical] urgent and important to describe the critical condition Crucial Nervous jǐnzhāng (1) [Nervous]: the spirit in a high state of readiness Nervous (2) [Tense]: intense; urgent Tension (3) [Tight]: the supply is insufficient, difficult to deal Tight supply Bear the jǐnzhe [Speed up] [port]: intensify; fast dry Seize jǐnzhuā [Grip] firmly grasp, hold One hand clutching the collar of my Hot pursuit jǐnzhuī-bùshě [Stick with] the gap between the close, evenly matched Is stronger than his opponent, but his opponents followed, and a draw Tight (Close) jǐn ㄐ ㄧ ㄣ (1) Closely together and with the song "relative twist ~. Bundle ~. (2) Relying on very close ~ o. (3) So tight the string ~ ~. (4) Things closely Then in rapid time there is no gap ~ Cou. ~ Secret. ~ Reduction. Add ~. Grasping ~. (5) The situation serious and important relationship between ~ hurry. ~ Promoting. ~ Force. ~ To. (6) Not good ~ Pretty. ~ Missing. Zheng code kdxz, u7d27, gbkbdf4 Number of strokes 10, Shito radicals, stroke order number 2254554234
未集中 Not concentrate 【廣韻】【韻會】【正韻】????居忍切,音謹。【說文】纏絲急也。【博雅】糾也。【玉篇】紉也。【唐書·百官志】議定天下州府爲兩輔、六雄、十望、十緊,及上中下之差。 又【集韻】頸忍切,音胗。義同。○按《說文》在臤部,今倂入。
【Rhyme Rhyme will】 【】 【】 ???? Home tolerance is cut rhyme, sound like. 】 【Said wrapping paper is also urgent. Burson-Marsteller】 【correct also. Jade articles】 【sewing also. Shangguan】 【Tang agreed the world a hundred to two auxiliary state capital, six male, ten look, ten tight, and the difference between the middle and lower. Yun】 【_set_ neck and tolerance cutting, sound gizzards. Meaning the same. ○ Click "said the text" in the Qin Department into this Merger.
緊 Tight 纏絲急也。從臤,從絲省。糾忍切
Wrapping is also urgent. From Xian, from the silk province. Correct cut tolerance