Fu fú convey ancient court order or requisition soldiers will use the certificate: Fifteen Strings of Coins. Character letter. Character section. Representative things tag token: Symbols. Note. Consistency: consistent. Words and deeds match. Driven by the gods and priests draw graphics or lines: mantra. Talisman. Auspicious signs of ancient said: Furui. Fu Ying (y Xiao g) (refer to heaven, "Furui", and personnel accordingly.) Name. Stroke: 11; radicals: bamboo; stroke order number: 31431432124
Symbol fú 【Name】 (Phonetic. From bamboo, to pay the sound. From the "bamboo", said with bamboo related. Original meaning: the ancient imperial court order or troop movements will be used to convey the evidence, each party holds half, to verify true or false) Fu Shun〗 〖tally Symbol, the letter also. Han system to divide and consistency of the bamboo six inches long. - "Said Wen." Press, copper Fifteen Strings of Coins, bamboo to break, or say five inches, the ancient with Guizhang subsequently are based on character instead. The door shut with a character section. - "Zhou palm festival." Note: "Today is also the official in the Zhu Guan Chao-Fu." If you comply with the section. - "Mencius" Emperor Fu Xi Feng Festival. - "Han Ji Gotti" Jin rustic comply with, suspected of, a show of hands, as the son. - "Records of Wei Gongzi Biography" Another example: Fu Xi (ancient imperial seal); character Po Lang (ancient Guan Ming. That is, "Fu Xi Lang", in charge of the emperor Eight and national character section); break Lease (break voucher contract for a class of instruments, collectively); Fu Chuan (Ancient one letter symbol. for the entry-off) 〗 〖Omen sign Shou Fu Seoul days. - "A guest show." Note: "Xiangming also." The wind breaks should be together in the world. - "Shi Ji Li Wu Ji" Tian Zhisuo and we must first give in order to Furui. - "Han Chuan Liu Fu" Another example: Fu Siu (signs); operator should (heaven auspicious signs and personnel accordingly); symbol table (a sign of exposure); Furui (auspicious sign) Talisman, formerly called Taoist exorcism to cure sickness of the mystery of God or instruments〗 〖incantations Also sent Fushui, but also recommended monk, and the total is not effective. - "Dream of Red Mansions" Another example: Fushui. Also known as Shen Shui. Priests for treatment; break shell (the Taoist symbol catalog. Also suggest that "King Kong"); character book (Talisman) Stamped with official seals, documents a downward〗 〖document. Such as: character book (official documents); character Chile (Chi Ming instrument) That the order or notice issued to the subordinate 〖order; notice〗. Such as: Rune (Chi Ming instruments documents); character head (the title character Chile signed such documents); operator posts (short posts) Ticket; documents〗 〖ticket. Such as: operator experience (credentials; documents) A mysterious instrument to predict the future〗 〖spell. Such as: character life (God's character indicates that the emperor ordered trillion); Fu Cheung (Siu Fu); Fu Yun (Utah meet life); Fu Li (recorded life of the calendar symbol) Contract〗 〖contract. Such as: character children (by deed; receipt) 〗 〖Symbol symbol. Eg: notes; rests Through "die of hunger." A die of hunger. Grass seed husk skin〗 〖 A person, made out of things is also a split character. - "Historical Records" Name Symbol fú 【Activity】 Compliance; same〗 〖accordwith Is this not the character Road; and experience the natural evil? - "Historical Records order" Another example: the same character (in line; same); Fu Association (meet; same); operator will (meet); correspondence (match); operator experience (real results, in line fulfilled) Symbol fúhào 〖Symbol; sign; mark〗: imprinting; label Element symbols 〗 〖Insignia: a feature used to distinguish the identity of Sign rank Meet fúhé 〖Conformto; fit; suit〗: The existence of the style, form or standard consistent with Standard 〗 〖Coincide: the nature, characteristics or functions for the same or the same He did the work in line with his hobbies 〖Accordwith; tallywith〗: In the comments, the same will or action Meet the requirements Amulet fúzhòu 〗 〖Taoistmagicfiguresorincantations symbol of Taoism in the paper to write to spell, for the practice
Operator <name "(phonetic. From bamboo, to pay the sound. From bamboo," said concerned with the bamboo. The original meaning of the ancient court order or troop movements will be used to convey the evidence, each party holds half to verify genuine) Fu Fu letter, the letter also 『six inches long made of bamboo divide and consistency. -," said Wen. "Press, Fifteen Strings of Coins of copper, bamboo to break, or say five inches, the ancient with Guizhang subsequently are based on character instead. the door shut with a character section. - "Zhou palm festival." Official Note is now also in Zhuguan Chao-Fu. "If you comply with the section. - "Mencius" sealed section of the emperor Fu Xi. - "Han Ji Gotti" Jin rustic comply with, suspected of, a show of hands, as the son. - "Records of Wei Gongzi Biography" Another example is the character Xi (ancient emperor's seal); character Po Lang (ancient Guan Ming. The Fu Xi Lang ", in charge of Eight and national character King Day); break lease (lease for a class of securities instruments Fu Fu fú ⒈ <Old> convey commands or summoned to court documents. with gold, jade, copper, wood, bamboo, etc. made of engraved text, divided into two halves, each party holds half of the soldiers together in order to verify the true and false ~. burglary ~ rescue Zhao. ⒉ mark, logo sound ~. punctuation ~ number. Security ~ No.. ⒊ consistency, consistent, complete ~ co. exactly ~. ⒋ priests, witches and other activities lie Gao Mixin drawn graphics or money lines, lie said, "to drive off ghosts and spirits" ~ Curse, and spirit ~ and so are the gimmick.
Fu fu Radical total bamboo radical strokes 06 strokes 11 Symbol accord with; symbol; Symbol fú <Name> (1) (Phonetic. From bamboo, to pay the sound. From bamboo, "said concerned with the bamboo. The original meaning of the ancient court order or troop movements will be used to convey the evidence, each party holds half, to verify true or false) (2) Fu Shun [tally] Symbol, the letter also 『six inches long made of bamboo divide and consistency. - "Said Wen." Press, copper Fifteen Strings of Coins, bamboo to break, or say five inches, the ancient with Guizhang subsequently are based on character instead. The door shut with a character section. - "Zhou palm festival." Note now also the official symbol of Zhuguan Chao. " If you comply with the section. - "Mencius" Emperor Fu Xi Feng Festival. - "Han Ji Gotti" Jin rustic comply with, suspected of, a show of hands, as the son. - "Records of Wei Gongzi Biography" (3) Another example is Fu Xi (ancient imperial seal); character Po Lang (ancient Guan Ming. The Fu Xi Lang ", in charge of the emperor Eight and national character section); break Lease (break voucher contract for a class of instruments, collectively); Fu Chuan (ancient break faith one. for the entry-off) (4) Sign [omen] Shou Fu Seoul days. - "A guest show." Note Xiangming also. " The wind breaks should be together in the world. - "Shi Ji Li Wu Ji" Tian Zhisuo and we must first give in order to Furui. - "Han Chuan Liu Fu" (5) Another example is the symbol MB (signs); operator should (heaven auspicious signs and personnel accordingly); symbol table (a sign of exposure); Furui (auspicious sign) (6) Talisman, formerly called Taoist exorcism to cure sickness of the mystery of God or instruments [incantations] Also sent Fushui, but also recommended monk, and the total is not effective. - "Dream of Red Mansions" (7) Another example is the Fushui. Also known as Shen Shui. Priests for treatment; break shell (the Taoist symbol catalog. Also suggest that "King Kong"); character book (Talisman) (8) Stamped with official seals, documents down a [document]. Such as the character book (official documents); character Chile (Chi Ming instrument) (9) That the order or notice issued to the subordinate [order; notice]. If Rune (Chi Ming instruments documents); character head (the title character Chile signed such documents); operator posts (short posts) (10) Ticket; document [ticket]. Such as character experience (credentials; documents) (11) A mystery to predict the future instrument [spell]. If they meet life (God's character indicates that the emperor ordered trillion); Fu Cheung (Siu Fu); Fu Yun (Utah meet life); Fu Li (recorded life of the calendar symbol) (12) Contract [contract]. If they meet children (by deed; receipt) (13) Symbol [symbol]. If the notes; rests (14) Through die of hunger. "Die of hunger A. Vegetated seed skin [husk] A person, made out of things is also a split character. - "Historical Records" (15) Name Symbol fú <Action> (1) Compliance; the same [accord with] Is this not the character Road; and experience the natural evil? - "Historical Records order" (2) Another example is the same character (found; same); Fu Association (meet; same); operator will (meet); correspondence (match); operator experience (real results, in line fulfilled) Symbol fúhào (1) [Symbol; sign; mark]: imprinting; label Element symbols (2) [Insignia]: used to distinguish the identity of certain features Sign rank Meet fúhé (1) [Conform to; fit; suit]: with the existing style, or standard form of agreement Standard (2) [Coincide]: the nature, characteristics or functions for the same or the same He did the work in line with his hobbies (3) [Accord with; tally with]: In the opinion, will or action consistent Meet the requirements Amulet fúzhòu [Taoist magic figures or incantations] Taoist symbol to write on paper to spell, for the practice Symbol fú ㄈ ㄨ (1) Ancient court order or requisition soldiers will communicate with the certificate Tiger ~. ~ Letter. ~ Festival. (2) Marks on behalf of things, signs ~ number. Sound ~. (3) Consistency ~ co. Words and actions relative to ~. (4) Driven by the gods and priests draw graphics or line ~ per cent. Body ~. (5) ~ Ancient sign of good fortune, said the Swiss. ~ Should be (yìng) (refer to heaven Furui, "and personnel accordingly.) (6) Name. Zheng code mnds, u7b26, gbkb7fb 11 number of strokes, radical bamboo, stroke number 31431432124
未集上 Not set on 【廣韻】防無切【集韻】馮無切【正韻】逢夫切,????音扶。【說文】符,信也。漢製以竹,長六寸,分而相合。【釋名】符,付也。書所敕命於上,付使傳行之也。【玉篇】符,符節也。分爲兩邊,各持一以爲信。【篇海】符者,輔也,所以輔信。又驗也,證也,合也。【六書音義】符之爲言扶也,兩相符合而不差也。【周禮·地官】門關用符節。【註】符節者,如今諸官詔符也。【史記·五帝紀】黃帝合符釜山。【註】合諸侯符契圭璋而朝於釜山。【高祖紀】六年,剖符行封。【孝文紀】初與郡國守相爲銅虎符、竹使符。【註】張晏曰:符以代古之圭璋,從????易也。師古曰:竹使符,與郡守各分其半,右留京師,左以與之。 又符瑞。【禮·記註】萬物之符長。【疏】符謂甘露、醴泉之屬。 又符籙。【帝王世紀】黃帝討蚩尤,西王母以符授之,乃立請祈之壇,親自受符。 又木膚也。【山海經】丹木赤符而黑理。 又書名。【黃帝泰階六符經】【隂符經】【春秋·感精符】。 又官名。【前漢·趙堯傳】堯爲符璽御史。 又姓。【廣韻】魯頃公之孫雅仕,秦爲符璽令,因而氏焉。 又地名。【前漢·地理志】沛郡有符離縣,犍爲郡有符縣,巴郡有符特山。【趙充國傳】匈奴發騎,旁塞至符奚盧山。【北史·隋本紀】開皇十五年,旅王符山。【山海經】符禺之山,符禺之水出焉,北流註於渭。 又獸名。【後漢·班超傳】月氏貢符拔。【註】符拔,形似麟而無角。 又竹名。【廣東新語】雙髻峰下百十步,劉仙壇側有符竹,竹不甚高大,止數尺,葉上有文如蝸涎,如古篆籀,其行或複或單,或疎或密,葉葉不同,若今巫覡所書符者。一竹中有一葉二葉,或數十竹中無一葉,葉雖枯而文色不改。文多白,與葉色不同。山人謂之竹葉符,每以餉客。 又敷無切。【史記·律書】萬物剖符甲而生。【註】符,音孚。 又葉房尤切。【陳琳·大荒賦】考律歷於鳳鳥兮,問民事於九鳩。傷典墳之圯墜兮,關大聖之顯符。
【Guangyun】 【_set_ of anti-free cut without cutting Feng Yun】 【】 every Fuqie Rhymes, ???? sound help. 【】 Fu Wen said, the letter also. Han made of bamboo, six inches long, divide and consistency. Release Name】 【character, pay also. The Chi Ming in the last book, pay to transfer the line of too. Jade articles】 【Fu, Fu section also. Divided into two sides, each holding one that letter. Fu Hai】 【chapter who assisted also, so auxiliary letter. And experience also, permits also, together also. Six】 【sound and meaning of the words Rotary also meet the two in line and not spreads. Official】 【Zhou to break the door off with the Festival. 【Note】 Fu section who is also now Zhuguan Chao Fu. Records of the Yellow Emperor Wudi Ji】 【comply with Busan. 【Note】 co-princes Lease Guizhang and North Korea meet in Busan. Ji】 【emperor six years, split the line break seal. Ji】 【Takafumi keep the early phase of copper and gun Fifteen Strings of Coins, bamboo to break. 【Note】 Zhang Yan said: operator in lieu of ancient Guizhang, from ???? easily too. Old Master said: bamboo to make characters, and the Mayor of the points of their half, the right to remain the capital, left to whom. And Furui. Book of Note】 【symbol of all things long. Fu Shu】 【that nectar, Liquan of the genus. And Talisman. Kings】 【discuss the Yellow Emperor Chi You, the Queen Mother granted to operators, constitute the entire Please pray for the altar, in person by the character. And wood skin also. Dan Wood】 【Chi Fu Shan Hai Jing and black management. And title. 【Six Fu Jing Huang Ditai Order】 【】 【Yin Fu Jing Fu】 Spring feeling fine. And Guan Ming. 【Fax】 before the Han and Zhao Yao-Yao Fu Xi as the censor. Another name. Lu Guang Yun】 【are the public of the Sun Yashi, Qin Fu Xi to order, so's Yan. And names. Geography】 【Former Han Pei Jun has Fuli County, the county has character Qianwei County, Berkshire Mountains with special characters. 【Fax】 Hun Chong Zhao made the country to ride, next to the plug to break Xi Lu Shan. 【North】 century history of Kai Huang Sui of the fifteen years, Wang Fu Shan Travel. 【】 Fu Shan Hai Jing Yu of the mountain, the water out of Yan Fu Yu, North streamer Yuwei. And animal names. 【Fax】 Rouzhi Later Han Ban Chao Gong Fu pull. 【Note】 character drawing, the shape of Lin and no angle. And bamboo name. 【Language】 Guangdong peak of hundred scalloped hammerhead step, Liu Xian Fu side of the altar of bamboo, bamboo not very tall, only several feet, such as the snail leaves a text saliva, such as ancient Zhuanzhou, the line or multiple or single, or Shu or dense leaf is different from the book if this character who Witchcraft. In a bamboo leaf two leaves, or the dozens of bamboo in the non-leaf, leaf litter, although the text does not change color. Text and more white, and the leaves are different. Hermit that the bamboo breaks, to rates per passenger. No cut and apply. 】 【Recorded a character profile of all things born. 【Note】 Fu, Fu sound. But also leaves room Youqie. Da Huang Fu】 【Examination Law Chen Lin Li Xi STUDIES IN Bird, and asked the civil dove of September. Classic Works of Wherever injury Come fall, off the Great Sage of significant character.
編號:2885 ID: 2885 信也。漢製以竹,長六寸,分而相合。從竹付聲。 防無切
Letter also. Han made of bamboo, six inches long, divide and consistency. Payment from the sound of bamboo. Anti-free cutting